Hello! This was the last chapter. Review it for me, come on you know you want to! Anyway only one person saw into my head and guesses what I was going to write. You know who you are. Enjoy!

. Hope you like it and tell me what you think I want at least 100 reviews once I am done writing this story!!!!

My Veela Blood

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I just bend the characters to do my own will and as I command them!! Sorry power went to my head.

Summary: Draco finds out he has Veela Blood and has to find his Mate. Just so you know Malfoy's dad is not evil and neither is his mom and Voldamort is dead. Hope you like it…Please review.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last time:

"Do you Draco Lucius Malfoy take—" He was cut off by Draco

"Yes." Draco said before he could finish Dumbledore smiled and turned to me. Before he could speak I blurted out.

"Yes." I smiled as everyone again laughed at us.

"Then you may kiss the bride." Draco grabbed my veil and throws it over my head claiming my lips in a passionate kiss that made my knees turn to jelly. Everyone cheered as we pulled a part and smiled at each other.

"We'll be together forever." He whispered to me. I felt the tears spill over my eyes.

"Forever." I said back smiling as he kissed me again.

And it sounded so damn good.


Chapter 19: Will They Always Be Like This? -Ginny's POV

Eight years later:

"Samuel Draco Malfoy and Rebecca Luna Blackwood! You two will stop fighting this instance or I put you both in your room until the next millennium!" I said with my hands on my hips glaring at the two small children who had gotten in another fight over who got the swing first.

They both turned to me and Rebecca was the first to speak in her small seven year old voice. "Yes God- mommy." She said with her blue eyes down cast. Samuel mumbled something not looking at me.

Unfortunately he inherited his father's stubbornness and I could tell he thought he wasn't in the wrong. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me with my eyes. "Yes mother." He said more clearly, pulling up to his eight year-old height. I nodded my head and turned around walking back onto the patio sitting next to Draco.

I felt him garb my hand and I turned giving him a small kiss on the cheek. I pulled back and looked at his face. Even after all these years the only sign of aging he showed was a few light wrinkles around his eyes but it was only if you were very close could you see them.

I think that it had to do with Samuel. Don't get me wrong he loves our son very much but those two are so much a like. He is always saying how Samuel has a horrid temper and stubbornness that could match a mull. I always have to hold back my laughter. If only he knew where Sam got those things.

His hair had also grown longer now to his shoulders. He usually had it pulled back into a ponytail, which I found to be very sexy. Also his facial structure turned to one that matched his father's to perfection. He turned back to me and put down the newspaper he was reading.

"What?" He asked in confusion. I laughed and gave him another kiss on the lips, which he returned full force. I pulled back and smiled.

"Nothing I was just thinking." I said with a small shrug of my shoulders. He looked at me a little longer but turned back and picked up his newspaper.

"You are the most annoying boy I have ever meet Samuel Malfoy! I don't understand how one person can be so, so, so… maddening!" I turned to look at Rebecca who had run up onto the patio making her blonde hair that was her father's fluttered behind her head in a stream of supple waves.

Her pale skin was flushed and her small hands were on her hips giving Luna a run for her money. She was a very beautiful girl and you could tell she was going to be a gorgeous woman. She had high cheekbones, which she got from Luna. She was glaring at my son whose face was indifferent, which seemed to make Rebecca angrier.

Samuel rolled his eyes at her. "Please Malfoy's are not annoying. It is the pompous girls who doesn't understand when to just shut-up." He said calmly. His silver hair fell around his face, which seemed to make his rose cheeks even more so. That was another thing he got from me. Unfortunately, both his grandmothers would grab them and pinch them.

Samuel would grumble about not being respected and would run to play with Harry's daughter Jamie who was eight also, and their son James who was six. Hermione and Ron's kids would be there as well their son Ron Jr. who was nine now, and their twin son's Eric and Kevin both five.

Sam glared at Rebecca as she glared at him back. Draco and I were frozen in place not sure what to do until suddenly Rebecca's face crumbled and tears ran down her cheeks.

A small sob escaped as she turned and ran into the house with her head in her tiny hands. I was in front of Samuel in two seconds flat.

"Young man! When I saw that you have never been in more trouble I mean it!" I said my breathing heavy.

"Mo—" I was about to cut him off when Draco did it for me. He voice was calm and low, the way it always was when he was angry. Sam's face paled somewhat as he turned to his angry father.

Draco's face was blank, his handsome features expressionless as he patted the seat next to him. He turned to me and nodded. I turned and walked into the house going to talk to a crying Rebecca.

I walked up the large staircase and down the hall to her room. Yes it was her room. Whenever Draco and I needed alone time we would send Samuel over to Luna and Leo's place. We actually thought we could make those two best friends.

I reached her door and I knocked I heard a shuffle but no answer. "Beck it is me." I said softly. I heard a light sob and then the door opened to a red-eyed little girl. I smiled at her but all I got was a grimace in return. She moved aside and I went in, walking over to her pink covered bed and sat down.

I patted the spot next to me and she walked over shuffling her tiny feet. She plopped down make me go up. She signed and looked up at me with her huge, sad eyes.

"Why are boys so stupid? I mean are they born that why?" She asked shaking her head. I laughed and put my arm around her slim shoulders.

"Pretty much. Draco is a grown man and he still throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way. You just learn to live with it." I said shrugging my shoulders.

She got up from the bed in a huff.

"Well it isn't fair! Why must he be so mean to me? I have never done anything to him except for defending myself when he feels the need to insult me! Your son is the most annoying, bratty, prick in the world! You know what else!" She yelled throwing her arms in the air not bothering to stop.

"The way he says those stupid little comments. 'A girl can't be seeker.' Or 'why don't you go play with your dolls, you wouldn't be interested anyway.'" She said, doing a surprising good imitation of my son.

I chucked at her as she flopped on the bed. "I swear he makes me so… so… so… angry!" She through her arm over her face covering her eyes.'

I lay down next to her. " Believe me all boys are like that when they are his age… and up until about twenty-five. Some don't ever grow out of it. You just have to be strong and show them that you aren't some little doll that they can walk all over." I brought my hand up and patted her cheek.

"Trust me… You're too young to understand now but you will." He looked up at me with doubt on her face. She opened her mouth but was cut off by two sharp knocks. I knew who it was immediately.

We both stood up and walked over to the large door pulling to open to see Sam with Draco standing behind him. He ran his hand through his hair and scowled.

Sam opened and closed his mouth a few times until Draco come up behind him giving me a hard pat on the back. "I'm Sorry!" He spat out. He said not looking at Beck. She crossed her arms over her chest and cleared her throat. He looked up and sighed.

"I'm sorry I was so rude too you. My mother raised me better then that. Please forgive my impoliteness." He huffed. Beck shrugged her shoulders, both of us knowing that was the best it was going to get. He turned around and looked at his father who nodded his head.

"Both of you go back outside and play. It is going to rain soon and you will be stuck inside for hours." Draco said. Both the kids nodded and turned to walk away. As their backs were turned I saw Samuel say something to Beck, which caused her to punch him in the arm and take off running.

Samuel screamed in outrage and took off after her. Both Draco and I signed. "Will they always be like this?" I asked. Draco chuckled and walked over to me pinning me up against the wall.

"Perhaps… It is a good source of entertainment." He said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to replay when Draco's tongue invaded my mouth. My knees buckled so I had to wrap my arms around his neck holding myself up.

He brought his hands down and wrapped them around my waist kissing me harder. "Let's go to our room." He said with lust laced on his words. I pulled back and looked at his dark eyes.

"Are you joking the kids are outside…" I said rolling my eyes. He sighed and put his head against mine.

"Please…" He whined, jolting out his lower lip in a pout. I laughed and kissed him again.

"Later." I said smiling. He sighed and pulled back grabbing my hand.

"I am holding you to that." He said with mock-seriousness. I laughed and was about to replay when I heard a loud crash. Then the voices floated up to us.

"You are going to be in so much trouble Samuel!" Rebecca's voice said with amusement. "You're the one who pushed me!" Sam screamed. I turned to Draco and we both sighed.

"You get Beck, I'll get Sam." I said to Draco. He nodded his head and we both walked down the steps to the war zone that was the kids.

Ten Years Later:

I looked at my son who was moaning in pain as he tossed and turned though the transformation to a veela. I grabbed his hand as he let out a scream that set my heart on fire.

It was his eighteenth birthday and the veela blood began to course through his veins like it did his father's so many years ago. I looked across the bed to the other side to see Draco looking at our son with pain in his eyes.

"How much longer!" Samuel screamed with hot tears rolling down his smooth cheeks. I turned back to look at him but it was Draco who answered him.

"Don't worry my son it will be over in a few minutes." Draco said with softness. Samuel began to cry harder as the pain became worse making the thrashing harder. It felt like a million years later but finally he stopped moving, and his breathing became normal.

He sat up and looked at us. "Are you ok?" I asked. I put my hand on his now more defined shoulder and he turned to look at me. Without saying a word he got up and walked over to the mirror and touched his handsome face.

His hair was now the famous Malfoy sliver, instead of the lighter blonde. His eyes were still my color but richer, and with tiny green speaks that came from Draco.

He was taller too making his 6'1'' now a 6'3'', one inch shorter then Draco's 6'4''. His muscles were bigger, and now he had a more animalistic sense to him, like Draco.

He turned to look at us and opened his mouth but soon closed it. I turned to look at Draco who was staring at Sam like he knew what was coming. Before I could tell what was happening Samuel took off running and out the door.

I felt Draco grab my hand and take off running after him dragging me along with him. My breathing was coming in sharp breaths and I tried to go faster to keep up with Sam and Draco's long strides down the hallway.

Sam turned into the study and ran into the floo taking the green powder and throwing it down. "Blackwood Manor!" He screamed in a deep voice. My mouth fell open as the green flames took my son. I turned to Draco to see him smirking.

I raised my eyebrow and he turned to me, giving me a kiss as he pulled me into the floo. He grabbed the powder and throws it down yelling the same thing as he put his strong arms around me.

"Let the games begin." Was the last thing I heard my love say before the green flames came over us.

This was going to be a very interesting ride indeed.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read This!!!!:

A/N Hope you liked this chapter! The story is done. You don't understand I was whooping when I was clicking the complete button.

Anyway just wanted to tell you that I am sorry this one took so long but I have huge project that I needed to work on for intensified English and A LOT of work for A.P. Human Geography.

Enough of my sob story these are the stories that are lodged in my head at the moment that I am planning on starting to write.

Leo. And Luna fic.

Amado and Isabelle fic.

I was thinking of trying to write a Jared and Kim imprint story for twilight because I have not been able to stop reading those fics. lately