Disclaimer: Jacky and her dancing ass are not mine, nor are any of her lusting men. Damn.


I think I love her.

No, it is not love. I do not love that good-for-nothing girl. Maybe I lust for her, but that is all.

Jacky is devilish perfection; her charm is beaten only by my own. Like she has fire in her soul and she is not afraid to burn my heart out. When she laughs, I just wanna kick open the nearest door and take a roll in one of the many beds at Dovecote.

I give her a few minutes; then she will beg me for more.


I knew it! I knew it all 'long.

Jacky's a bleedin' little fairy an' she ain't got no argument against that. Oh, I know she'll try and get into my face, pointin' her scrawny little finger in my nose, glarin' at me with her brown eyes. And 'course I'll tell her to sod off. But I won this argument.

Jacky is a lady, right? Not really; once a boy, always a boy, that's what I say. An' she ain't even that pretty. Well. . .

Good thing 'bout Jacky is now she can't hit me without it bein' 'unladylike.'


All 'long, my Mary would amount to somethin'. She was special, ye see.

That first day when we met, and she was snivelin' like a baby and we ain't takin' none of that, she toughened up. But she ain't like a normal street girl either. She's got ideas and she can read! My Little Mary was somethin' I could be proud of.

And, in that moment before the tire squashed my poor head, I only thought one thing. One small thing.

I never told Mary I loved her.

This is a little thing I started writing for another site and I just decided to put it on here. Enjoiii!

