Naruto Birthday's

Kumi: Ok so this is my first naruto fanfic.....basicly I'm holding a birthday party for each and every Naruto Character. I'm going to be in all of these stories so you don't get confused I DON'T OWN NARUTO!!!!


Kisame's Birthday

Kumi's POV

I woke up to the horrid sound of my alarm clock going offf,I banged down on the button hard and sat up. I took a look at my calander and smiled evily today was the day the Kisame Hoshigake hated out of all the days......his birthday. "Wake up! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! DEIDARA-KUN!" I shouted while jumping on his back "MMMMMMM Kumi, what are you doing up this early un?" he asked still half asleep "Get up you big idiot, today is Kisame-san's Birthday!!!" I cheered. This woke Deidara up and in a flash we were both bounching up and down "Today is kisame's birthday! Today is kisame's birthday!" we both sang. Then Sasori-danna woke up, "Ugh, what are you two morons doing up at five o'clock in the morning?" he asked while sitting up slightly dazed. I did a backflip from me and Deidara's bed to his "Sasori-danna today is Kisame-san's birthday!" I sang. He shot up fast enough to send me flying off his bed and back into Dei-kun's arms. He kissed my forehead and all three of us stood in the center of the room, "Ok so whats the plan then Kumi-chan?" Deidara asked, "Ok, here's what we're gonna do, Sasori you get the others up except for Kisame, Deidara you and tobi get Kisame out of the house before he wakes up......I'll stall Itahci as well, knowing that moron he'll spill the whole plan to Kisame before it happens." I said, "Ok, but how do we sneak him out of the base without him waking him up un?" Deidara asked, "I've gotta a body bag in the closet, sneak him out with that."I said, "Ok, so I'll get Tobi up and we'll get started un." he said. Deidara walked out the door with Sasori and they started on their mission, I walked over to Pein and Konan's room and knocked on the door, "What is it Kumi-san?" Konan asked, "It's Kisame's birthday get Pein up and meet Sasori in the den, Konan you help me with Itachi." I said, she nodded and closed the door, I could hear her trying to get Pein up, then there was a crash "Great he kicked the wall again." She mumbled, Konan and Pein both walked out the door and Konana followed me to Itachi's room, I looked out the window and saw Tobi and Dei-kun running down the hill with Kisame in the body bag, "OK, Deidara and Tobi got rid of Kisame and now we gotta get rid of in here." I said, she nodded and we put our hands together "Transform." we said, I turned into Itachi's mom and Konana turned into his dad. We both quickly and quietly entered his room, we both went to work on him the second we got to his bed, we put him in a Sailor Moon costume that was made to look like his Akatsuki outfit, we put his hair into two ponytails on the side of his head, and lipstick. We picked him up and carried him into the den where the gigantic cake that we're going to put him in waited, "Wow, Itachi won't be happy when he wakes up, are you sure you want to do thus Kumi-san?" Sasori asked while we put him in the cake, "yup ok me and konan are gonna go change." I said. We hurried into her room and put on our special outfits for Kisame's Birthday, I wore a short tank-top stopping only a little bit below my chest and a midnight-blue mini skirt, Konan wore a bright red bikin-top and a blood red mini-skirt, "Wow, Kumi are you sure that you're wearing that outfit just for Kisame's big day?" Konan asked. I blushed "Nope, this outfit is only for today." I said, "Hey you two Kisame's back!" Sasori called. We opened the door and walked out and into the den, we were met by the staring eyes of the guys. "What the heck are you two doing in those outfits?" Kisame asked from the chair in which he was tied to "And now ladies and freaks we present to Kisame Hoshigake the greatest birthday cake in the whole wide world!" we announced. I could hear Kisame mummble "oh no." "Tobi bring in the cake!" I said, he came in wheeling the gigantic cake that said "HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY FISH STICK!" Kisame looked like he was ready to die, "And now for the main event SAILOR ITACHI!!!!!" we said. Right on que itachi woke up and popped out of the top of the cake, Kisame looked like this O.O when he saw his partner "What the- wait why am I in this silly costume?!" Itachi asked, everyone except for Itachi and Kisame broke out into a hysterical laughter and started taking pictures for their Myspace pages,Facebook pages and Ebay. Then we started the party......too make a long story short Tobi got high off of cake and started running around screaming, Hidan tried to kill me, Itachi sat on the floor and cried (he got high as well). So Kisame won't want anymore birthdays at least while I'm still living.


Kumi&Konan: That party was soooooo wicked! this is the link for the pic of Sailor Itachi! .com/images?hl=en&q=Sailor+Itachi&gbv=2&aq=f&oq=. R&R!!!!!