OK this is a new fanfiction that I wrote. I thought about it while I was reading a fan fic on the site and just had to sit down and write it!!

Unfortunately, i will not be updating my stories for a little bit, i shall be on vacation to my grandparents' house! but when I come back, i will be updating my stories like crazy!

I hope you like this one, i tried to make it as good as possible! As usual, I do not own GX or its characters! Enjoy everyone!! SPIRITSHIPPING FOREVER!!

Texting Love Chapter 1: New Kid

*Johan's POV*

Ring, ring, ring!

Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT! How could I let this happen?! The first day back from break and I'm late again! Yes, again. i'm always late for my classes some way or another. But today the teachers would be sooo mad at me! This was, what, my 10th time this month?

I sigh as i run into class finally. The teacher glares at me, and says,

"Nice of you to finally join us Mr. Andersen. Your seat if you will."

I nod, and sit down in the front. Since I've been late so many times this year, all of my teachers just think that its easier if I just sit up front so I don't "waste anymore of their time than necessary". Especially this one, Mrs. Ikeda. I swear, one more tardy and she'll come to my house and slit my throat!

As class began, I tried my best to pay attention, but suddenly my phone vibrates in my pocket. Thankfully, no one hears. I take it under my desk, and glance at it. Its from my friend Jim:

Whts the reesinthis time?

I quietly huff and glare next to me, but Jim just has a neutral face. I text back:

i dnt know! im takng som books from mi lockr & thn the bel rngs!!

I hear Jim's phone vibrate, and that's when the teacher looks.

"Mr. Cook, your phone!"

Jim sighs and hands her the phone. Doom crosses my mind. I just know she's gonna---

"Mr. Andersen, your phone please!" Mrs. Ikeda snaps. I sigh too and hand her my EnV2. Everytime one of my teachers catches Jim or one of my other friends texting, they always look at the contact that they are sending it too. Pretty much every time, its me. And now that I'm caught, I'm going to get---

"Detention for both of you! After school, my classroom!" Mrs. Ikeda announces. She puts our phones on her desk, and turns back to the board to continue the Math lesson that bores everyone to tears. Seriously, one girl actually whined before break that it was so dull she refused to come into class that day. Of course, she avoided getting caught, she just said at the beginning of class that she had to go to the bathroom. Mrs. Ikeda didn't even bother sending someone to get her, as Asuka was one of her prime students.

Finally, the bell rang for lunch. Everyone piled out, and Jim and I followed after getting our slips.

When we both finally got to lunch, we sat down at table 13. Its weird because no one else sits there but me, Jim, Asuka, Monjoume, Junko, Momoe, and O'Brien. But oh well.

"Let me guess: Detention for texting again?" O'Brien asked. I just nodded and sat down. i wasn't particularly hungry at the moment.

"Hey, don't look too down Johan! We're goin' in together!" Jim smiled like an idiot, but I whined,

"But Jim, this is like, my millionth detention this year! My parents are pissed already, what if they take away my technology for the rest of my life? Or worse, send me to another school?"

"Ah, they will be pissed," Asuka nodded, "But your parents aren't that cruel. Sure, they may take your phone away for a while, but that's probably all. They're too nice."

Junko nodded, "Totally! So no worries, kay?"

Momoe nodded too, "Yah, you're bringing me down!"

I just rolled my eyes, "Yeah, whatever."

Just when I finished talking, the guidance counselor/nurse Ms. Ayukawa came in. With her was a boy our age. He had not so neat chocolate brown hair and an orange overlay on top. He had on a black tee shirt that had the word ZONED on it in big white letters. He also wore white pants and had on red sneakers.

"Geez, if that shirt was blue, he would look like America's flag," Momoe giggled. Junko nodded in agreement and giggled with her.

Ms. Ayukawa went to the front of the room, and turned on the microphone.

"Students," She called. Everyone turned. "We have a new pupil today. His name is Yuki Judai. Please give him a warm welcome." She smiled at the guy, Judai, and ushered him forward, turning the mic off and exiting. Everyone stared for a moment or two before going back to their previous conversation.

*Normal POV*

Judai gulped. Wow. This school had more students then he thought! How was he going to find a seat in here?

Well, table 13 looks good... But before he could move, a voice said,

"Hi!" Judai turned. In front of him was a short boy with light blue hair and glasses. He was smiling. "I'm Marufuji! You must be Judai! Its nice to meet you!"

"Uh, hi," Judai smiled a little bit.

"Would you like to sit with me?" Sho asked. Judai nodded eagerly, and followed him over to a table. It was Table 8. No one sat there but a huge dude with tan skin and crazy braided hair wrapped up in a bandana, and had on ripped jeans and a tee shirt with combat boots. There was also a girl with a yellow shirt and denum jeans with white sneakers. She had long dark blue hair and brown eyes.

"Kenzan, Rei, this is Judai!" Sho smiled. The two waved, and Judai waved back. Both he and Sho sat down.

"Hey guys look! They're looking at us!" The girl, Rei, nudged her head to Table 13. Judai looked along with the others to see the people all laughing at them. He read one of their lips. They said:

"Ha ha, that new kid is sitting with the dorks! I pity him!"

The girl had black hair up in a ponytail, and was wearing also jeans and a tee shirt.

"Who are they?" Judai asked when the groups turned back to each other.

"The popular kids. Majorly popular. They pretty much rule the juniors. A word of advice: Don't mess with them." The huge guy Kenzan sighed sadly, "We are known as the most unpopular, the polar opposites of those jerks. Everyone looks down on us and looks up to them."

"Wow. I had no idea this school was so biased," Judai blinked. His old school was nothing like this at all. Everyone was equal, and no one was popular or unpopular. It was the same level, no matter what grade you were in.

"Yeah well," Rei cut into his thoughts, "Johan isn't like that!"

"Johan?" Judai asked. Rei nodded and gestured to a teal haired kid who was talking to the guy with a cowboy hat next to him and said, "He is so kind! Yesterday, he actually came and helped me with my books!"

Judai couldn't answer. His mouth was open slightly, but it wouldn't say anything. Why?

Because he was staring at what he thought was the most gorgeus person he'd ever seen. Johan was tall, muscular, but not too much, and his dark gray band shirt and jeans fit him smugly, and his sneakers were black and cool looking. His eyes looked like beautiful emeralds, and his skin looked smooth and creamy and---

"Juuuuudddaaaiiii!!" Judai jumped and turned back to Sho. Thankfully, no one but his new friends noticed him staring at Johan.

"Sorry Sho. So, that's Johan?" Judai stole one last glance before turning back.

"Yeah, but he is impossible to talk to, all of his other friends are like steel walls," Kenzan shrugged, "Oh well, you can't always get what you want."

Judai blushed as Rei asked, "Wait, you're gay? That is so cool!!"

"Uh, yeah, sure...." The new student just cleared his throat nervously and went back to his lunch, unaware of a pair of eyes were watching him.

*Over at the popular table*

Johan could not stop staring at the brunette, Judai. He looked so cute, and his brown eyes made him all the more adorable. He subconsciously let out a dreamy sigh, his eyes far away in dreamland.

"Johan? Are you alright?" Jim asked. Johan didn't stir from his reverie. He just continued checking Judai out. Oh how he wished he could just take that new kid and----

"JOHAN!" Junko, Momoe, and Asuka all shouted in his ears. Johan blinked multiple times, and sat upright saying,

"What? Huh?"

"Do you have a little crush on the new kid?" Manjoume asked.

"Who, me? Pfft! Nooooooo!!!" Johan laughed nervously. The small laughter died away into a scared look. His friends were all staring at him with looks that bored into him, as if they were looking for the answer in his soul. "Ok fine! Maybe! Geez, would you just stop looking at me like that?!"

"Johan's got a crush! Johan's got a crush! And its on the new kid!" The girls sang. O'Brien and Monjoume laughed. Jim tried to hold it in, but a few chuckles escaped.

"I said maybe, not yes!" Johan pouted. But they continued, and finally he just groaned, "Ugggghh! I'm going to the bathroom!" He shot up and just strode out without telling the teacher. (He glared at him when he got back)

Meanwhile, Judai was getting up to go as well. He didn't know that Johan was going to.

When Judai came in, Johan was banging his head against the wall. BANG! BANG! BANG!

"Hey, you'll hurt your head!" Judai pulled him away, standing between Johan and the wall. When both realized who was in front of them, they blushed and turned away from each other, thinking,

Oh my gosh its him!!

When Johan and Judai finally regained composure, they turned back around and smiled nervously at each other.

"Uh, hi, I'm--" Judai started, but Johan finished.

"Y-yeah, you're Judai. Everyone in the whole grade knows now."

"Oh, that's just great...." Judai huffed, but shrugged, "whatever."

"I'm---" Johan started, but Judai finished this time,

"Johan Andersen. Yeah, my new friends talk about you all the time."

"They do?" Johan tilted his head to the side. Judai did it with him and giggled adorably. Johan blushed at the cuteness.

"Yeah, they do," The brunette smiled. Johan was about to say something when the bell rang, signaling lunch was over. "Oh, I'd better go." Judai started to leave, but Johan asked,

"Uh, what do you have n-next?"

"History. Not really looking forward to it. The teacher's name I think is Dr. Chronos."

"S-so do I! Why don't we um, go t-together?" Johan offered.

"R-really? Thanks, that would be great!" Immediatley after he was finished saying that he thought of how stupid he sounded. Oh yeah, that would be great if an extremely hot guy like Johan went with you to class and have everyone staring at you!!!!

But he and Johan went anyway.

And for once, Johan Andersen was not late for class.

Woohoo! First chapter is DONE! Now, i will be on vacation starting July 2nd! But I have to pack, so I will probably take the chance to update my Help! story. I hope you all liked this one! If I get somefeedback, I'll add on a new chapter, so please review!!!