
I was bored one day and decide, hey, how's fanfiction? Looking over my reviews, I decided, let's go ahead and do this request! So I'm starting a story called, "How to Hook Up," in continuation to this story. Here's a preview!

Thanks for the idea! Stacey will come into the story for your entertainment as well. :)

"Dude." Eriol started, slamming one of his hands next to Syaoran's head. "It's been three months. Why won't you ask Sakura out? Tomoyo's getting uneasy with the lack of occasions to make dresses!"

"Huh?" Syaoran blinked, confused. "Ask…her out? But don't you do that to get to know someone? Me and Sakura already know that we love each other."

"But don't you want to show her that you still like her? No one can tell that you guys are going out. Oh well, I suppose you're not going out, seeing that you haven't asked her out yet." Eriol sighed dramatically, looking up into the distance.

"Ah-ah-ah…But-ah…" Syaoran stumbled over his words, obviously never having thought of that before.

"Of course, if you rather not, I could always find someone else to show her a good time." Eriol tossed the comment carelessly.

"What? No! I'll do it!" Syaoran rushed out. "Uhm…But uh, how exactly do you ask a girl out?"