It was almost night and despite the warm-ish spring air, Gwen was shaking. It was not the cold that was causing her to shake but the horrible feeling that she'll never see Jack Harkness again. That he had disappeared for good.

She couldn't understand how. How could he be in the next room one second and then after a strange grinding sound from some sort of engine, vanish completely?

The team had been searching all day, Tosh trying to track him down via the tracking device all of them had implanted not only through their comms but in their filling, but the signal had gone out. Owen was muttering curse words under his breath along with very descriptive threats of what he would like to do to Jack Harkness when he found the bastard. Ianto was silent, like Gwen.

"Let's go home" Owen said. "The bastard's not gonna show up tonight, let him sulk and come back in his own time"

"He's not sulking!" Gwen snapped. "He would be on the roof if that was the case, he must have been kidnapped or something"

"Gwen, the bastard ran off, he must have because that creepy hand is also missing. You know the one he prized more than anything?"

"We mustn't give up Owen" Gwen said firmly.

"Look just because you wanted to shag him doesn't mean we have to trek through the whole city looking in every hole and ditch for Jack Bloody Harkness" Owen shouted. "I know you're not satisfied with just fatty Rhys but this is a little too desperate"

Gwen slapped him. "Don't insult Rhys or Jack" she hissed. "Both are caring men, Jack is our leader, we should search for him and make sure he is safe" Owen avoided eye contact with her when he realised her eyes were shining with tears. "We only just got Jack back, we can't lose him again"

"Whatever" Owen grumbled. "I'll get some pizza for me and Tosh and we'll search CCTV. You and Ianto can do whatever you like"

As she watched Owen storm off, Gwen felt tears fall down her cheeks when suddenly a soft piece of material was pushed into her hand.

"Here, you look nicer when you're smiling" Ianto mumbled shyly as she looked down at the handkerchief. "Use it, don't worry, I have tons of them"

"Thank you" she whispered as she began to wipe her tears away. "Come on, let's find Jack"


The four of them were out of breath leaning against a wall, panting. It's been two very long days since Jack has gone missing, both Gwen and Ianto were exhausted since they had spent every night searching for Jack and failing each time. Not going to bed until the early hours of the morning only to wake two, three hours later for work. A weevil was now running amok the streets and it was up to the four of them to catch it before it killed someone.

"This was a hell lot simpler when Jack was around" Owen complained. "How the fuck are we going to catch that weevil?"

Gwen didn't answer, she watched as the weevil scavenged in the large box shaped dumpster, a plan formulating in her mind.

"Right what we do is Owen you go and slam that lid shut; I'll help keep the lid shut while Tosh and Ianto arrange to take the dumpster with us. We'll then-"

"Hold it, hold it!" Owen said waving a hand up. "When did we agree you can be leader Skipper?"


"You know, Barbie's flat chested sister?"

"Tosh slap him" Gwen ordered, her lips twitching when Tosh obeyed and Owen complained yet again. "Since you did a crap job as leader last time Jack was out of commission-"

"I did not!" Owen interrupted crossly.

"You opened the rift and destroyed Cardiff and almost the whole world" Ianto said flatly.

"Shut it, no one asked you Tea-Boy" Owen snapped.

"Owen no insulting Ianto, just do what I say or I'll throw your Gameboy into Janet's cell" Gwen threatened.

"All right, all right, whatever you say Ma'am" Owen groused in mocking respect.

To Gwen's happiness and Owen's humiliation not only did the plan work but Gwen was considered leader from now on by Tosh and Ianto. To appease Owen they promised he was second in command.


They were eating pizza to celebrate another successful weevil catch without Jack. Lucky for them nothing completely disastrous has happened yet but considering the fact it's only been a week it wasn't saying much. The elections had been and gone, all of them had voted for Harry Saxon who will change things for the better.

"It's better to have a man in charge than a woman, I mean look at the mess Harriet Jones left" Owen said.

Gwen threw a pepperoni at him. "Says you, the man who can't change a light bulb without causing a power-down. Harriet Jones did a lot for us"

"Especially for the Torchwood side of things" Ianto said siding with Gwen. "She gave us a higher budget meaning a higher pay"

"Which Jack probably used for hookers" Owen muttered under his breath.

"No that's just you" Gwen said snippily, sick of Owen making sly comments about Jack.

"All right, all right, no need to get your panties in a twist" Owen said slightly taken back.

Before another argument could break out between Owen and Gwen the phone started to ring in Jack's office. The four of them froze and starred at one another, all thinking the same thing, could this be Jack calling for help? They all ran up the stairs, Gwen leaped towards the desk and got to the phone first.

"H-Hello?" she choked out, out of breath from running and crushed by the fact both Owen and Ianto landed on top of her in their mad attempts to get to the phone first.

"Good evening is this Gwyneth?" a polite voice drawled. "Gwyneth Cooper, Head of Torchwood Three?"

"Only temporarily, until the actual leader comes home" Gwen babbled nervously, struggling to get out from beneath Owen and Ianto.

"Well Gwen, I can call you Gwen right?"


"well as I was about to say Gwen, I'm Harry Saxon, your new Prime Minister though it hasn't been announced to the public yet, so hush, hush keep it a secret" she couldn't help but giggle. He sighed. "We have a problem Gwen, an alien one and since Torchwood One is out of commission and I can't get through to those strange blokes up in Scotland-"

"You thought of us?" Gwen interrupted excited and pleased with the fact THE Prime Minster had called her for help. "Sir, we would be delighted-"

"Good, good, now arrangements have already been made. You leave tomorrow"

"But sir where are we going exactly?"

"The Himalayas, I know it's so far and remote but we are desperate Gwen"

"It's no problem sir, we would do our best for our country and government" Gwen said quickly wondering when she had become such a suck up but then again she had never spoken to the Prime Minister before...

"good, good, the arrangements will be faxed in a moment's time and I'll try and get your budget higher, good girls like you deserve more than you're getting, well ta, ta for now Gwen"

He then hung up before she could say goodbye.

"Well?" Owen asked.

"We got work to do" Gwen said professionally, she then took a deep breath. "NOW GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!"