Author's note: I actually started this a couple of months ago. It's almost finished but I had wanted to write something that went with the movie so here it is. I don't own The Covenant or any of its characters.
Chapter 1
Tess followed her brother across the top of the cliffs to where Caleb and Tyler stood waiting. It often came as a surprise to people that she was related to Pogue Parry. The two of them had very little in common except for the fact that they were fiercely loyal to one another.
Tess stumbled slightly and Pogue grabbed her arm to keep her from falling. "Watch it Tess, it would really suck for you to fall off," Pogue teased.
"Like one of you couldn't save me before I hit the ground," Tess said as they joined Caleb and Tyler. She was completely aware of the powers each of the boys had. Tess waved at Tyler and Caleb.
"Where the hell is Reid," Pogue asked in greeting.
"Not here yet," Caleb grumbled. He glanced briefly at Tyler and Tess laughing over some private joke. "What are you two laughing about now?"
"Why Reid is late, I'd put money on it being the waitress again," Tess replied sarcastically.
"What's up fellas," Reid called as he approached. "Tess, you're looking hot this evening."
"Where were you? I stopped by to give you a lift," Tyler said ignoring the comment.
"Had things to do," Reid said with heavy innuendo.
"Who was it this time Reid," Tess asked teasingly. "Wait let me guess, it was either that waitress at Nicky's or that girl in your sociology class."
"You need to keep your sister in line Pogue," Reid said as he ruffled Tess's hair. "It was the waitress. How's the party?"
"Don't know, just got here," Pogue said shooting a look at Tess. They would have been there sooner if she had not taken so long to get ready.
"Well hell boys and girl let's drop in," Reid said before stepping off the cliff's edge.
Tyler glanced briefly at Tess who nodded in excitement. "Oh shit yeah," he said as he scooped Tess up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed as he followed Reid off the cliff.
"Don't drop her baby boy," Pogue called.
"Tyler," Caleb shouted angrily.
Tess laughed until they hit the ground. Tyler placed her back on her feet and took her hand. "Come on," he said as Pogue and Caleb joined them. "We've got a party to crash."
The group made their way across the hills to the bonfires of the party. Tess could hear the music thumping and couldn't wait to dance. They topped the last hill and paused as people turned to look at the Sons of Ipswich. Tess immediately picked Pogue's girlfriend out of the crowd and led the way over.
"Hey Kate," Caleb said as he checked out her new friend.
"Caleb," Kate said before throwing herself into Pogue's arms. "Hi, you're late."
"I had a thing with the family," Pogue explained. Kate shot a look at Tess and sighed slightly. "Who's this?"
"My new roommate," Kate said happily. "Sara this is Pogue Parry, Tyler Simms, Tess Parry, Reid…"
"Garwin," Reid said cutting Kate's introduction short. "Reid Garwin. Good evening."
Tess snorted at Reid's greeting and pressed her face into Tyler's shoulder. "You know Sara is my grandmother's name. You kind of remind me of her," Reid said smoothly.
Tess and Tyler burst out laughing. They both knew that neither of Reid's grandmothers were named Sara.
"Caleb Danvers, and you don't bring my grandmother to mind in anyway," Caleb said quickly.
"Way to go Reid," Tess teased from behind Caleb. "She's going to be all over you man."
"Shut it Tess, the night isn't over yet," Reid snapped.
"Oh no, bitch alert," Tess muttered as Kyra joined their group.
"Hey Caleb," Kyra said flirtatiously. "How was your summer?"
"I think I just threw up in my mouth," Tess muttered. Tyler laughed and shook his head at her.
Caleb looked at Sara before answering. Kyra turned around, but Tess didn't need to see her face to know her smile was as fake as her hair and boobs. "I'm Kyra," she said.
Sara smiled and shook Kyra's hand as she introduced herself. 'I'm Sara," she said helpfully.
"Oh right, from the Boston public. Tell me how does one go about getting into Spencer from a public," Kyra asked smugly.
"Why don't you give it a rest Kyra," Caleb said quickly.
"Yeah shouldn't you be getting an STD from Abbott right now," Tess asked angrily. "Speak of the devil!"
"Why don't you give it a rest Caleb," Aaron snapped.
"I don't want any trouble Aaron," Caleb said tiredly.
"I'm sure you don't," Aaron replied challengingly.
"Well if you won't kick his ass I will," Tess offered.
"Shut up Tess," Pogue and Tyler said from beside her. They both grabbed one of her arms to keep her from jumping Aaron.
"You posers make me want to puke," one of Aaron's friends said.
"So much so that you tried to grope me last night at Caleb's party," Tess said angrily.
"Is that so," Reid said as he stepped forward to kick the guy's ass.
"Hey, let it go," Caleb ordered pushing Reid back.
"I think you owe Kyra an apology," Aaron said cockily.
"Oh please," Tess snorted.
Pogue shot Tess an angry look. "Will you shut up before you start a fight," he asked in irritation. Tess smiled at him brightly and pretended to zip her mouth shut and throw away the key.
"Actually I think Kyra owes Sara the apology," Caleb explained. Tess stiffened when she saw the look Kyra gave Sara. Aaron shoved Caleb back angrily. Tess yanked her arm away from Pogue and prepared to jump Aaron.
The new guy beat her to it though as he stepped between Caleb and Aaron. He chuckled softly and shot Kyra an angry look. "You were being kind of bitchy," the new guy pointed out.
Tess smirked when she saw Reid's eyes blaze with power. Before anyone else could notice, Aaron's friend was puking everywhere. Tess and Tyler burst out laughing as Caleb shot Reid a look of annoyance.
"Guys, guys Dylan just called he said he saw three cop cars headed this way on Old Dell road," the DJ announced.
"So much for the party," Tyler mumbled as they headed back to the hummer.
"You need a ride," Caleb asked Kate and Sara.
"No Sara drove us out here," Kate said quickly.
"I'll see you back at the dorms," Pogue asked.
"It's getting late I'm just going to crash," Kate said before kissing Pogue goodbye. She shot Tess another angry look as she walked away.
"What the hell did I do to her," Tess asked Reid and Tyler.
"Come on, you can worry about that later," Tyler said pulling her throw the trees.
"His friends puking sure came at an opportune time," the new guy said to Caleb. Tess pursed her lips and stared at the guy suspiciously. There was something off about him.
"Didn't it though," Reid asked as he threw an arm around Tyler.
Tess slid into the backseat of the hummer between Pogue and Caleb. She chuckled when she saw Sara wave at Caleb before climbing into her own car. "Sara wants you man," Pogue said happily.
"That's bull shit," Reid said angrily.
"Whoa now, don't be jealous Reid," Pogue replied quickly.
"Caleb is just better with the ladies," Tess supplied quickly. "Besides you don't have a grandmother named Sara you liar."
Sara leaned out of her car door and shouted to the sons, "My car won't start!"
"Hop in with us," Tyler offered helpfully.
"And the three of them are going to sit where exactly," Tess asked. "In my lap?"
"I can fix it for you," Reid said brightly.
"Reid don't," Caleb warned.
"It's not over yet boys," Reid said smugly as he slid out of the car.
"Make sure you touch something this time," Tess called before he shut the door.
"Let it go it's his life man," Pogue said to Caleb. Tyler shook his head and watched Reid start Sara's car.
"Let's go Reid," Tess yelled out the open window. "Cops are coming!"
"We gotta bolt, move over," Reid ordered as he opened the driver's door.
"It's my car," Tyler snapped.
"Move over baby boy now," Caleb said. Reid raced through the trees throwing Pogue, Caleb, and Tess around the backseat.
"Ah, you gotta pull over," Caleb groaned.
"Oh, you want to stop? That will impress Harvard," Reid said over his shoulder.
"All right what the hell, let's lose them. Hey cut across Marblehead, we might as well have some fun while we're at it," Caleb said. Tess cheered in excitement as Reid tore out of the woods and onto Marblehead.
Pogue and Tess bumped heads as Reid took the first jump. "Jesus Reid," Tess shouted as she rubbed her head.
"That's why you should bee wearing a seat belt," Pogue snapped.
"All right guys, you ready," Reid asked.
"Come on Caleb, it's going to take all of us," Pogue said before putting his hand on Tess' shoulder.
Reid pushed the gas all the way down as the policemen laid on their horn. The guys all shifted their eyes to black as they prepared to take the hummer off the cliff.
"Harry Potter can kiss my ass," Reid shouted as the hummer went over the cliff. Tyler, Caleb, and Pogue shouted in excitement as Tess hid her face against Pogue's shoulder. She didn't enjoy things like this as much as the guys did.
The hummer landed a couple of feet behind the cop car. They all laughed and cheered in excitement as Reid threw the car in reverse and headed back to the school.
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