Chapter 21

No, no….it was….all a lie…..



Kyouya searched for what seemed like hours for Haruhi. Her frightened eyes, pale face and trembling body was burned into his mind. How could Tamaki do this to them? To him. But then again….why was Kyouya so angry, he'd stolen Haruhi away from Tamaki.

"Haruhi where are you?" Kyouya slumped against the wall of the library finally giving up his search for the small girl. He crumbled to the ground and felt every fiber of his Ootori blood scream and raged at him to stand up, forget this foolish girl and Tamaki and find something useful to do with his time. But Kyouya for once was able to resist his nature and stay where he was. He sat there eyes hollow and dark. His heart was beating furiously, and he knew it wasn't from the search. It was from the pain and the fear. He feared losing Haruhi. Would she come to her senses? Could he prove to her how much he cared for her? Or would he actually lose her? To Tamaki? Would he get to see her beautiful smile again? He slumped even further and find his breath coming painfully.



Tamaki stood in the door way for a long time. She didn't notice him curled together against a soft chair her body was doubled over and her tears swam around her feet. Tamaki stood there….just stood there and watched. It wanted to go to her at first, but thought better of it. Let her feel at least some small part of his pain.

"Haruhi…my dear." She jumped startled when he finally did move. His hand stroked the short brown hair. She moved out from under his hand quickly wiping her eyes quickly.

"How long have you been there Senpai?" Haruhi asked. Her voice shook and her legs wobbled. Tamaki could see it all clearly even though the room was dim.

"Long enough." Was the short reply. Haruhi winced and took another step back.

"What did you mean, before? About Kyouya's plan?" Haruhi asked. Tamaki saw the tears rising in her eyes again and they stabbed at his heart. How can you be so cruel? Can't you see how much she cared for Kyouya?

"Do you care for Kyouya? Really care for him?" Haruhi looked startled by the question and stared hard at Tamaki. He could see her brain working furiously for the right answer and finally it came. Her chocolate eyes lowered and she whispered.

"Yes, I care for Kyouya very much."



Kyouya felt like a ghost wondering the halls. He didn't even bother to go looking into the rooms anymore. His glasses had been abandoned somewhere in the house and his eyes were red and strained for sight in the dark halls.

"Haruhi?" He called out once when a whispering was heard. His heart beat a little faster and he picked up his feet and began to run. He could hear her voice, soft and light but he could still hear it. Her steps barely echoing through the silent halls.

"Haruhi?!" He called again and nearly knocked her down as he rounded a corner at full speed. She laughed a little pressing her palms to his chest and pushed back to keep from falling over.

"Kyouya!" Her face began to glow with happiness and Kyouya gathered her close ignoring his own confusion to her happy carefree mood.

"Hello Kyouya." The teen stiffened in Haruhi's embrace when he saw Tamaki standing behind her. He pulled back, but kept Haruhi in his arms. He wouldn't let her go again. Her hands pressed into his arms but when he looked down her eyes were somber and pleading.

"Hello Kyouya." Tamaki said again blinking at his friends desperate eye lock with Haruhi. Kyouya glanced up and saw Tamaki again, his big sapphire eyes seemed duller in this dim light.

"Haruhi." Kyouya turned to face her again. He grabbed her shoulders and stared deep into her eyes.

"What he said…before, it wasn't true. I'd never use you." He said desperately searching her eyes. She smiled slowly and reached up to touch his cheek. The touch was warm, feather light and wonderful.

"I know that Kyouya, I'm sorry I ran away from you. Sorry I didn't stand with you and believe in what I know is you. Tamaki found me a little while ago. He talked with me and he …." She paused looking back at the teen for the finishing words.

"I'm sorry my friend." Tamaki stepped forward and placed a cold hand on Kyouya's shoulder. The other teen stared at him shocked.

"I'm sorry for causing grief and secrets to form between friends. I fully accept your feelings for Haruhi , and hers for you." Kyouya saw the light in Tamaki's eyes dying with each word but was powerless to stop it.

"I give her away freely. She's yours of her own will, there's nothing I can do about it, despite my wish for things to be different." Tamaki moved his hand to Haruhi and stroked her cheek for a second before withdrawing the cold hand.

"Tamaki…." Kyouya started but the blonde teen waved his hand dismissively and smiled weakly.

"No, don't worry about me. I care too much for you two to cause pain for either of you now. I understand my faults and I know what is and what can't be changed." He walked forward and took Haruhi's hand and Kyouya's he pressed the two palms together and the two entwined their fingers and looked at the other. Love burst from both their hearts and flooded their eyes.

"Haruhi…" Kyouya whispered lightly and she smiled showing her full beauty.

"Goodnight my friends." Tamaki whispered quietly and backed away from the happy couple. His heart broke with each step he took away from them but he knew each step was necessary.

Broken hearts and formed when new love emerges, wither we know it or not.

A/N: Prob a bad ending but I think I will end it here. Hope you enjoyed my story and thanks so much for all the updates and my faithful readers. Love you all :D