A/N: Here's a new fic that suddenly came to

Chapter 1: Confessions

The day had been long, and grueling for most of the hosts who had stayed up the morning before. That included the twins, Tamaki, Mori and Honey and they'd managed to drag Haruhi into the mix as well. To which she'd been less then pleased with since she hadn't been able to get home until late. And that meant she'd woken up late, been late to class, and had a major headache by the time host duties were about to begin. And finally the end of the day had come and she was so close to getting out of the room when Tamaki's voice called her back. She almost kept doing what she was doing, she almost ignored everything he was about to say, but something turned her around to face him.

"I want to make an announcement before we all go home." Tamaki called out loudly swirling throughout the room until he had one arm around Haruhi's shoulders and pulled her back to the middle of the room. She held back her anger and annoyance as best she could.

"What is it Tamaki-Senpai? I want to go home." Haruhi whined, which was rare for her. She never whined. She highlighted lightly when all the members looked at her oddly, but she just looked away. Tamkai however did one of his "host" smiles and pulled her to him.

"I know it will only take a moment." Haruhi frowned at the boy and pushed away till she was out of arms reach of him she frowned and smoothed down her coat. He simply tossed his hair back and smiled at everyone now gathered around them.

"I've gathered you all here to announce something very important." He was being very dramatic again and now twirled and pointed a finger directly at Haruhi. She went cross eyed looking at then looked up at him again.

"Haruhi this is mainly about you, but I felt it would be more appropriate if I said this in front of everyone." Haruhi felt herself become suddenly nervous and she took a step back from his pointing finger. Did she do something wrong? She wondered but pushed the thought aside and waited for what he would say to her. But even as she waited she couldn't help but feel her middle tighten up at every second and her palms moisten slightly.

Tamaki now suddenly seemed nervous himself and cleared his throat as his face turned a shade of pink around his nose and cheeks. Haruhi frowned at him and placed her arms across her chest showing her annoyance as if she'd spoken out clearly she found it a great relief to her small fears.

"What is it My lord? We have a tennis game to attend and we want to take a nap beforehand." The twins chimed in together as they leaned side to side against one another.

"We want to go home and eat cake!" Honey chimed in and Mori just nodded once behind the small senor. Kyouya remained silent his hands tucked into his pockets his glasses reflecting light at them.

"I have ….." He broke off and looked at Haruhi nervously as she continued to look annoyed. "I have wanted to say this for a long time. And I feel that I can't waste anymore time in private. I wanted to tell you Haruhi." He took a deep breath and looked at her with the eyes of her friend, the eyes that came out once in a great while and told Haruhi he was being true. "I wanted to tell you I like you Haruhi. I like you very much and I want you to be mine." He stayed motionless in front of the now gawking crowd. Haruhi was staring at him, her eyes ten times larger than normal her face a shade of white.

"Now wait just a second here!" Hikaru and Kaoru instantly jumped Tamaki when they recovered from what he'd just said. Honey was cheering in the background and climbing all over Mori. Kyouya had a stunned look on his face, the first anyone had seen of him. He was truly surprised his best friend had spoken those words out loud let alone directly at Haruhi. He glanced at Haruhi and she returned the glance feeling her heart beat quicken in her chest. Had Tamaki-Senpai really said that?

Tamaki and the twins instantly went back and forth bickering about who had ownership over Haruhi in the form of "mine" and "ours". No one noticed Haruhi at all now; it was like she'd been swept under the carpet.

"Um hello? Excuse me but isn't it my chose who I "want"." Haruhi spoke out putting air quotes over her words. The room hushed in a heartbeat and all eyes turned to Haruhi.

"Tell him you can't be his, tell him Haruhi." Hikaru demanded almost harshly. Haruhi looked at him with saddened eyes but looked away just as quickly and placed them back on Tamaki.

"You can't just confess to me out of the blue and expect me to fall right into your arms like most of the girls at our school." Tamaki flinched as if she'd slapped him. She looked very serious with her hands on her hips; her brows drown and mouth thin. The twins jumped at her as if to embrace her but she stepped to the side and they fell into a pile at her side.

"Hey!" The complained loudly sitting on the carpet with frowns thick on their faces. Tamaki felt his face turn pink again as she walked towards him and though he felt the sting of her words against his heart she reached out gentle and placed her hand on his arm.

"I'm grateful for those feelings Tamaki-Senpai but I won't be won over so easily." She gave him a small smile and then walked away. Grabbed her bag and left the host club in a stunned silence.

A/N: any good? I have a lot of chapters to this that I wrote out in outlines so I hope this is interesting to you? Please comment and I'll be updating soon since I have a lot of free time lol :D