This is the second draft of this story, which is why I haven't updated. I will try to update today, though. I will only update if I get five or more reviews. This chapter is a product of severe writers block, so be prepared. Regardless, you had better review!



Explaining to do. I had some explaining to do. I now had to explain to my boyfriend that I was a half vampire, my ex is a werewolf, and my family is made up of vampires. I knew that there was a perfectly good chance that Connor would not take well to the news. I was unsure of his reaction. I glanced at the piano against the wall, standing brave and confident. I tried to mimic the confidence, but I knew I was still lacking. I felt the warm salt tears slide down my cheekbones.

"Connor," I began, but he surprised me by interrupting. He wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumb, and began to talk.

"Ness, I don't care—it makes no difference—what you are…or what he is." He had stopped talking and looked around at the faces of my family. Disbelief was etched into everyone's eyes and mouth.

"Okay, good. Now, for the truth." I launched into the story of today's events. Then I jumped back to my birth, where my existence was explained, although I spared everyone the glory details. My family had been through it once, and that was plenty. I told him about drinking animal blood—he still hadn't flinched by this point—and sparkling in the sun. Connor took everything in with a blank face. "Connor, I don't know what to do…I mean…I shouldn't be in love with a human. Do you see what I mean?" I ended my speech on that note. Connor stared at me, and I saw a smile creep onto his lips.

"You're in love with me?" My face fell, slightly annoyed.

"Connor O'Brian! This is a real problem! And yes I love you!" He smiled wider, but it faded when Jacob growled. I looked up at Connor sheepishly from under my eyelashes.

"You love me!" He whispered to himself, though out whole family could hear.

"Yes, Connor! I love you! Would you like me to say it again? We have a real problem here!"

"Oh." I saw my family, their faces twisted with smiles of disbelief and humor.

"Yeah. Oh." My father spoke up then.

"Well, Nessie, I think it's fine for now. If the…Volturi get involved…well, we'll figure that out when the time comes." I couldn't believe my father had said that, but I was grateful of his acceptance.

"I'm just worried."

"Who are the Volturi?" Connor asked. I squinted, afraid to terrify him.

"They are a group of Italian Vampires." That was all I could manage.

"They are the Vamp Police," said Emmett. "But they turned evil. They don't like us because our Coven is so large."

"Oh," was all that Connor responded.

We talked for hours about what to do, and eventually my family left to go hunting.

"I kind of need to go, too, Connor." He looked at my eyes, coal black.

"Okay, then."

"You can wait here, if you want. Call your parents though. I'll be gone today and tomorrow. You can borrow any clothes you can find. I'll be back in two days." Jacob was still here, but Connor agreed. I kissed him on the cheek, and headed out the door to follow my family.


Okay, I'm sorry, because that was very short, but I have a big event coming up in the next few chapters, and I have a lot of stories to update. Please review!
