Author's Note: Merry Christmas! So sorry for being so long, but I forced myself to sit down and write a christmas drabble just for you guys. Special thanks to all of my silent stalkers and reviewers, ya'll are the bomb!

Disclaimer: If I owned FMA, then my christmas list would be complete.

The snow was stained with blood.

And yet the soldiers marched on and on, their endless pounding flattening the white flakes, crushing the life out of them after they had softly floated to the ground. Gunshots echoed throughout the air; if one listened closely, they could make out a dreary holiday tune from the sounds. High-ranked officials barked out orders, and the military dogs listened without a second thought, slaughtering everything and everyone in their reach.

Lieutenant Colonel Mustang sat off to the side of the mayhem, in a small bunker that had been hastily erected once the soldiers had taken over the area and claimed it relatively safe. Inside were himself and his team; Havoc, Hawkeye, Breda, Falman, Fuery, and Hughes. They sat in a semi-circle around him, a battle plan laid out in front of them. Mustang had been put in charge of a small raid directed toward the center of the city. If they were successful, the resistance would soon crumble.

Everyone had on serious faces, all dressed in white as a camouflage to the snow. They were all moving, either cleaning their weapons or just fidgeting, none of them were happy about what they were about to do, but none of them backing down. It was for their country, the one thing they would fight for to the death.

"That's the plan," Mustang finished up, his cold, numb fingers rolling up the pile of maps. "no hostages, kill shots only, don't want any suffering."

He stood up and pulled on his gloves with a snap. The rest of his task force followed in form. The Lieutenant Colonel paused as he went to exit the flap of the tent, turning his head sideways to address his men.

"Oh, and Merry Christmas."

Just 'cause it was a christmas special didn't mean all happy and fluffy. :-P

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