Post 1
Soren slapped a sheet of paper down on the table in front of Ike before storming off to his room. Titania picked up the sheet and examined it while Ike looked over his shoulder at his friend. The library door unceremoniously slammed shut.
"Ike... I believe this is for you," the red head informed, handing the bluenette the invitation.
"Thanks Titania", Ike said, reading the letter.
The letter that Ike had received, cordially invited him to the Smash Brothers Mansion, where he would be paid to fight against others of his skill.
Ike put the letter in his pocket, and looked to Titania.
"I've been invited to fight. They want to me to leave as soon as possible. Soren's not happy is he? Ike shook his head in frustration. "I need to go talk to him." Ike turned and disappeared into the library.
The commander found the tactician curled up in a small ball in his cot at the back of the library. The archsage clutched a pillow to his chest as if it were something sacred; the other hand held his face as he sobbed softly.
"Soren," Ike said worried sitting down beside the archsage. "I know you're upset, but you don't have to be...I'm taking you with me."
"Don't be stupid, Ike," the spell caster replied into his pillow. "The invitation was very specific that you, and only you, would be allowed to travel into the Brawl realm. You'll be going alone, Ike."
"I made a promise to you Soren," Ike says while pulling his friend closer. "And I fully intend to follow it through. You can't persuade me otherwise."
Soren grumbled at the contact, but he didn't resist. Ike was the only person allowed to touch him. "Alright, pretend for one second that I can't come with you, Ike. What then? Will you throw away this opportunity to better your life for me? I'm not worth the effort."
Ike lifted up Soren's face, so they were eye to eye. "You're worth it to me, or I would have never made that promise. If you can't go, then I don't go. You've been with me this far, I couldn't have it any other way", he tried reasoning with Soren.
Soren looked his commander in the eyes, seeing only comfort and love in them. He dried his eyes and smiled. "You're so stubborn sometimes, you know that? Even with my best advice," he chuckled and patted his lifelong friend on the back.
Ike chuckled too. "I suppose I wouldn't be me, if I wasn't. So what do you say, will you come with me?"
"Well, under those conditions, yes. I would gladly stay by your side."
"No! No no no! Absolutely not. No way. NO! Wasn't the invitation clear enough?" Katt, director of Smash Bros. admissions, demanded.
"Yeah I understand what the damn letter says, but either HE stays or I go! Tell Master Hand those are his options," the angered mercenary yelled.
"There ARE no negotiations... Honestly, you could gain so much from attending. Are you really going to let all of that go, just for some... person? One you call a friend? What friend holds others back in life, huh?
"He'll understand," she assured, looking at Soren.
"It's none of your business what he is to me," Ike stated. "Clearly I WILL have to leave. Tell your Master Hand he can shove my invitation up his ass. Soren let's go."
Soren followed Ike without another word, that always stone look plastered on his face, but on the inside his heart melted into happiness that he would yet again, be by the side of his favorite mercenary.
With that, Ike and Soren left the Brawl Realm to return to Crimea.
Early the next morning after their return to their homeland, Soren noticed Ike's restlessness, and asked, "Is something the matter? You seem... tense. Are you regretting yesterday?" He moved closer to the commander in the dining hall, where the bluenette packed away his breakfast as though it were his last meal.
"No, I'm fine. I don't regret the promise I made to you, whatever the consequences. The mercenary life is just boring into my soul, the bad way...I'm anxious to see what's beyond the fort's chipped stone walls," Ike told his loyal tactician. "What would you say if I asked you if you wanted to a new life for awhile?"
The spell caster pondered the question, taking a seat at his noble commander's side. "I would say 'how soon do we leave?'... When you promised not to leave me alone, I promised to always do what made you happy. And if leaving this life behind is what it takes, then I'm not even sad to see it go," he assured, patting his friend lightly on the back.
Ike laughed. "Well, if you're ready, then I see no need to delay any longer. Take only what you need, that way our travel can be quick. I will inform the rest of the mercenaries of our decision."
The blue-haired mercenary put his plate in the sink, and headed off to pack.
(After Ike and Soren's bags are packed)
"Titania? Mist?" Ike called.
Mist rushed forward to her brother, he face just as bright as ever until she noticed the small bags that Soren and Ike had with them. "Um, are you taking a day-trip into town?" the girl questioned, her eyes large with concern.
Soren was the first to shake his head. "I'm afraid it's a bit more permanent than that."
Before the brunette could question them further, Titania appeared. "Ike? You called?"
"Yeah, I will have to report that Soren and I are leaving. It's nothing personal. I just feel restless, and I figured I would take a break, see what there is to see. Soren has agreed to go with me, I hope you won't mind being an archsage short," he replied.
Ike turned his attention quickly to Mist. " know I love you right?"
"Of course. I don't mind, Ike, but... Boyd and I just got married. Don't you want to stay for our first child?"
"Really, Mist, we must be going," Soren sighed, picking up his bag.
Mist directed her attention to Ike and gave him a tight hug. "Be safe, Brother. You're still my only family left... Promise you'll visit?"
"I promise", Ike said returning the hug. "You be safe, and don't pop out too many little one's okay? I love you Mist." Ike turned his attention to Boyd, Mist's husband. "Take good care of her, or I'll tear your sac off."
Boyd's eyes widened at Ike's serious tone. "Yessir!" he replied, holding Mist close.
Titania hugged Ike. "You always were like a son to me," she whispered. "Be safe, look after each other."
"We will," Soren replied and looked over at Ike.
Ike nodded to Soren gathered his bag. "Let's go then."
Shinon, the professional archer of the group entered the room. "Soren's leaving?" He asked astonished. "Heck yes! No more creepy black things! Break out the wine!"
Soren sighed and exited the building without looking back. He felt no ties to the people in the base, the only person he ever felt anything for was at his side as the fort grew smaller and smaller. Their journey together had begun.