Writers Note: Final Sunset, Waning Crescent, and Short Stories

First off, I just want to say THANK YOU to all my amazing readers! You all helped to fuel Waning Crescent and made me want to continue it with Final Sunset.

This post is to let all of my fellow readers know about my crazy and hectic schedule. As a new year starts, everybody has new things that come into there lives. For me, in 2010 my "new thing" is an even busier schedule than 2009.

I'm sorry that I have not updated Final Sunset, but the reason is that I have not yet finished the next few chapters. I currently have writer's block…….. no, I take that back, I don't think anyone gets "writer's block". I have hit a bump and my creativity juices just don't want to flow at the time.

But, I ask all of you to keep watching for updates. I would hate to lose all of you because of this stump. Also, if you have any suggestions for the story or a character you would like to see in Final Sunset, please inbox me rather than posting a review. I really would like to hear your ideas!

Now, on to Short Stories: Pranks, Parties, and Surprises! This is another story I would like your ideas on! Pranks are sometimes hard to come up with if you're only writing it and not actually doing it! I need ideas mostly on pranks that could happen at a party, on either Emmett or the girls.

Again, I want to thank all of you that are still reading, even though all this waiting can have a tendency to get boring. Hopefully after this spring, I will be able to write a lot more. But, if you will just stick with me a little while longer, I'm sure I will have something for you that you all will enjoy!!