Disclaimer: Do i even need to say what belongs to Ally Carter?

Chapter 1: New Year

I was sitting in my favorite secret passageway in Gallagher Academy, just thinking. I had done a lot of that lately. Most of the time I was thinking about… Zach. I mean, what kind of guy shows up at your school, shows you three sides to him (I'm still not sure which ones were true or false), disappears during Code Blacks, then kisses you right before he leaves?! I was falling for him; hard.

Nobody was back at Gallagher yet, because school starts in two days. I haven't told any of my friends about me liking Zach yet, because Macey was too busy with political stuff, Liz was visiting her relatives somewhere where I couldn't contact her, and Bex was… well, Bex wasn't busy; I just didn't have the guts to tell her. Yet.

To my knowledge, none of us had made contact with the Blackthorne Boys since they stayed with us. Liz didn't talk to Jonas (even though she talked ABOUT him a lot) or make contact with him, and the same thing with Bex and Grant, and me and Zach.

"Cammie!" my mom called. Well, so much for my thinking time. I slipped out of the passageway, and trudged unwillingly to my mother's office. "You called," I said.

"Yes. Bex's parents just called. They were just notified to go on a mission immediately. This means Bex will be here early." Bex? Here early? Bex is NEVER early. Out of all the time we've been here, she is always late. As much as I love her, I have to admit she isn't the 'early' type of girl.

"Really?" I asked. I was actually very happy she was going to be here, I just had a lot on my mind.

"Really. She'll be here around 9:00 pm." It seemed like that wasn't the only thing my mom wanted to tell me. Hmmmm.....

"Awesome!" I said, maybe a little too enthusiastically…..With that, I turned and left the room. What is my mom hiding from me?

At three minutes to nine, I walked down a corridor that looked like it hadn't been used in ages, and then bounced down the spiral staircase. There was a bench by the door, so I sat and waited. At exactly nine o' clock, Bex walked in.

"Cammie!" she screamed. I was so happy to see her.

"Bex!" I shouted back. In the middle of the entry way, she dropped her bags and ran over to me. She grabbed me in a tight hug and said,

"I missed you." She pulled back to look at me. "You look great Cam! Even more beautiful than the last time I saw you. So… what did you do over summer break?"

I knew what she was implying, so I said, "Bex, you know I have had no contact with Zachary Goode. Why do you want to know anyway? Wait! Let me guess, you have found out a way to talk to Grant?" I was slowly trying to turn the subject on her.

"Okay, okay! We can talk about the Blackthorne Boys later. Right now, we have to catch up." So we both grabbed her bags and left up to our room.

We sure got a surprise when we entered our room.

"Macey!" Bex and I yelled. Once again, we dropped Bex's bags in the entryway of our room and ran to give our roommate a hug.

"…Crushing…me…owww!" Woops. Well, Bex and I were pretty strong. Do I need to remind you of the time I flipped Josh over me?

"Well, you guys look like you are doing fine without little 'ol me," a voice said from behind us.

"Liz!" We all yelled. She put her hands up.

"Please don't crush me in a hug!" she begged jokingly. We laughed and one by one gave her a small hug. The rest of the night we caught up, and not once did we mention the Blackthorne Boys.

A/N hey guys here is my second story and i really hope you like it. you can probably guess what this is about from the title. this chapter is a little short, but most of them are going to be short i think. i dont have that much time to write... i already have the first ten chapters done in this story, but i am only going to post a few. the charascters are probably OOC but thats the only way i could make this story work. R&R plz! just to let you know, my story The Perfect Little Spy Couple, is going to be turned into a story, not a two shot. i got some awsome comments from you guys on that story so i am inspired to continue it.