Ch. 14

The knife plunged deep into his chest causing him to jerk out in excruciating pain. My own screams echoed into the clearing with his. I thrashed out as hard as I could, trying to free myself of Charity's prison. Mrs. Bethany yanked the knife out, leaving Lucas to bleed. He reached out to me and I let out a silent wail. My head fell back as uncontrollable tears fell down my face.

Lucas' breath became ragged and I let out everything I had been bottling up. My body shook violently. My heart couldn't bear it. Mrs. Bethany turned to look at me. She held my gaze and looked at me with fake sorrow. She would never feel sorry for me. Her heart wasn't capable of feeling anything.

With the last of his strength, Lucas grabbed the amulet from Bethany's throat and yanked on it. He smashed it into the ground, causing it to break into a gazillion pieces. Shattered green glass sparkled in the daylight as it floated to the ground. Mrs. Bethany bared her fangs and stopped.

"I have a better idea, Charity," Bethany started. "Let's leave the two, and let Bianca see him die...painfully and slowly. Besides, there is nothing else to do with them."

Charity grunted and let go of my arms. I landed the ground on all fours. More tears fell down my cheeks. I looked up to see the other half of my heart staring up at the sky. His chest rose so slow, his face now pale, even in the sun.

Charity and Mrs. Bethany stood a few steps back. I didn't care if they were watching me. I didn't give a damn about anyone right now except Lucas. I crawled over to him, ignoring the sharp pieces of glass slicing my skin. I reached my love and looked at the deep cut. Blood stained his shirt and was still pouring out.

I reached out my shaking hand and turned Lucas' head to face me. His eyes searched my face and he smiled a small smile. With a groan, he raised his hand and caressed my cheek. I laid mine on his and closed my eyes.

"Even wi-with yo-you-your te-tea-tears," he hesitated and took breaths. "you sti-stil-still look be-beau-beautiful..." I smiled and opened my eyes to see him give me another favourite smile of mine.

"I love you," I whispered. He didn't make any remarks like the last times cause he knew as well as I did, that this was our final goodbye.

Trees began to rustle and out ran Black Cross. They were cheering and running, hollering triumphant screams. The battle was over. Lucas had saved everyone. Everywhere I looked, my family and friends celebrated with high fives and were jumping up and down. I could vaguely see Mrs. Bethany and Charity backing away slowly, trying not to be seen by the crowd.

Mrs. Bethany met my gaze squarely and smiled wickedly. Raquel came up to me and grabbed my shoulders, "Bianca it's over! We did..." Her sentence was cut off by a deathly scream.

Rage filled through me as the remaining member of Black Cross ran over to find out what was wrong. My eyes stayed fixed on Charity and Bethany. My body surged with adrenaline, fired up with anger. I bolted from Lucas and picked up a stake lying on the ground. I knew I wouldn't be able to kill her, I would take my revenge.

It's not the right way to go. My conscience whispered. I didn't care what was moral or not. She killed my only love. I ran up to her with a shriek I've been holding. Mrs. Bethany just smirked and jumped into the air. What she didn't see was Balthazar. He leaped from a close tree and locked her in a vice-like grip. Her face turned into complete shock as they landed with a loud thud.

"Charity do SOMETHING!" Mrs. Bethany shrieked. Charity looked into her brother's eyes and pleaded for him to let her go.

Balthazar shook his head, "For years, I've been living in hell because of you. I searched for you, yearned for you to come. And when I finally found you what did you do?"

"I'm sorry, I..."

"I don't want your apologies, sister. I'm not going to kill you. I don't have a heart like you do. Just leave. Stay safe, I just want you to know, to never come back with harm leading you."

Charity looked from me to Balthazar and to Mrs. Bethany. Without anymore hesitation, she bolted from the forest without turning back. Mrs. Bethany flailed her limbs, trying to escape but Balthazar took her arms and pulled them behind her back.

A single tear fell from my face. "You killed him."

"Are you sure, you don't want to change your mind?" She replied with a smile.

I gave her one in disbelief. After all this, she still wouldn't give up. My heart ached and yearned, hoped that a miracle would happen. That Lucas would be saved.

"I'm sorry..." I started. Her eyes widened at my choice of words. But I knew better.

"...for going to do something right now that only you would do!"

I ran forward and drove the stake through her heart. She gasped and her eyes closed almost right after. Without hesitation, Balthazar handed me his sword unwillingly.

Is this the right thing to do? I froze and thought. She would never stop. Her only motive would be revenge. She would always kill and thirst for blood. I shook my head and screamed.

My arms came down as the sword slashed her neck. I turned away and dropped the weapon. It was over. There would be no more blood being shed. My hand shook as I strode over to Lucas.

The people parted when I reached them, creating something like an aisle. My knees buckled and I put my hands on Lucas' face. His eyes fluttered open. I took hold of his frail hand. He shouldn't have to die like this. No one should have to die like this. He squeezed my hand and I looked into his beautiful green eyes.

"I'm sorry...promise you forget me...Bianca." Lucas whispered.

"I would never..."

"I love..." His mouth made no more sound and his eyes started to close. His grip on my hand slipped and he went limp.

"Lucas...Lucas...LUCAS!" I screamed, wanting him to wake up, wanting this nightmare to end. As if that could happen. Tears washed down my face. I slammed the ground with a fist and let my head fall back. Lucas was dead.

I fell on top of him and sobbed silent, painful sobs. A warm breeze passed through the clearing and passed on, carrying Lucas' soul with it.

Two Years Later

Life goes on. Even when you think you can't live on.

I sat at a vacant table with the umbrella on top. The sun was shining brightly on a beautiful August day. Couples and families sat and talked around me oblivious to my past life.

After the war, I decided to put my fantasy life away. I didn't want anything to do with vampires anymore. Of course, I finished my education at a university and still needed blood. I had my ways of acquiring the two. The latter was a bit tricky since I moved into a more civilized place. But I still managed.

Black Cross had made a few more friends-Balthazar and Patrice. They probably did good work together in finding the evil vamps. Charity had apparently not returned since the war. My parents were probably somewhere, living an undercover life. I haven't had any contact with them at all. I missed them so much. But someday, I would find them. Just not right now. I still needed time.

A couple of kids ran by my table playing superheroes. I smiled at their cuteness. One of them accidentally bumped my table and caused the latte to spill all over my tank.

"Shoot," I muttered under my breath. I looked for napkins but obviously, when I needed something, they weren't there.

A guy, about my age, appeared like a saviour with loads of napkins in his hands. I took them and mumbled a relieved 'thanks', loud enough for only him to hear.

I cleaned off the latte as much as I could and looked up to see the mysterious guy. It took my eyes a while to adjust to the sun behind me. I gasped and tried to swallow the lump rising in my throat.

He had sandy blonde hair, that hung over his eyes. Coincidentally, they were moss green. My breathing started to get shallow as he held out his hand.

"I'm Lee, that's going to be hard to get out you know," he said with a chuckle. I made myself take his offered hand and shake it. Despite my speedy heart, I laughed.

"May I," He gestured to the chair opposite me.

I nodded and waved him by. He sat down and folded his hands atop the table.

He reminded me so much of Lucas. I promised him I wouldn't forget him. But would he want me to move on?

Of course.

I bit my lip at the mental voice and smiled. I will always love a way. Some may say that love is the best feeling while others say it stinks. But for me, it's something magical. How can you believe that something as complicated as a feeling, can have such a huge impact in life.

Love is complicated, yes. But people would go to the ends of the earth to find it. To ordinary humans, who have ordinary lives, it's the closest things that they'll ever get to magic.

Lee smiled at me and I couldn't help but smiling back. Maybe it wasn't too late to find my happily ever after.

The End.




