AN: This totally just popped into my head fifteen minutes ago. So, what better to do than sit down and write it? :P

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the storyline. =[

I know, it's probably been done, but here it is anyway.

Hermione stared at the last few words on the screen before her, sitting back in her chair with a sigh. This, she decided, was pathetic was to spend her summer. Absolutely pathetic.

After a moment, she reached up and grabbed the computer mouse, clicking the close button to exit her favorite fan fiction website. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to cover the last few sentences of the story she'd just read.

"I love you," Hermione whispered to the redhead that was pulling her into a warm embrace.

The redhead stole a tender kiss before responding. "I love you, too, 'Mione," Ginny replied with a grin.

Most people thought all Hermione did was homework over the summer. Most people were only partially right. Hermione did, in fact, do some of her homework for the next term to keep her brain active. But the rest of the time, she booted up her bedroom computer and logged on to the internet, navigating directly to her desired fan fiction website. Once there, she merely clicked a few times and selected a few characters to read about, then delved into the wonderful world of Hermione/Ginny stories.

Hermione had secretly been in love with Ginny ever since she first spoke to the redhead. Ginny had been everything Hermione was not, but somehow, they were similar enough to become best friends. They shared everything, from their deepest secrets to childhood stories. Well, Hermione mused wryly, almost everything.

Hermione was too afraid to actually confront Ginny and tell her how she felt. There were so many things that would most likely go wrong: Ginny would never return her feelings, of that Hermione was virtually positive; Hermione might ruin their friendship, and that was something she wasn't willing to do; and Ginny might be disgusted with her and stop talking to her.

Hermione shook herself out of her thoughts, opening her eyes and staring at the computer screen. She averted her thoughts, instead letting her mind drift to the many stories she'd just read. I'm not really that much of a know-it-all, nor am I that persnickety, she told herself. But they all certainly did Ginny justice; she's just as wonderful as they've all written…

The brainy brunette groaned and buried her face in her hands. After a long moment, she looked up and stared at her computer screen. She knew she'd never risk her friendship with Ginny; she loved the redhead's company too much. So, this was how she'd spend the rest of her life. Pining after someone she could never have, and reading stories written that, for a little while, made her dreams come true.

With a sigh, Hermione got up out of her chair and sat on her bed, leaning back against the headboard as she grabbed her Arithmancy book and began studying.

Somewhere not so far away in a house called the Burrow, the youngest Weasley sighed and set down the weekly paper she'd received not long ago via owl post. This, she decided, was an absolutely pathetic way to spend her summer: pining over the person she could never have. But, she decided, this was the next best thing. She'd never work up the courage to tell them, anyway, so why not lose herself in the paper and pretend for a while that it was real? With another sigh, Ginny picked up the paper and began to reread it, relishing every word.

The title of the paper? Weekly Wizard Tales: H&G edition. The content? Hermione/Ginny stories.