Again, I'm sorry it's taken so long. Again, real life interfered. The job is still hell, and I started college this semester, which has REALLY eaten up my spare time. But, if one more person emailed me and threatened decapitation, well, that might affect my GPA more than sparing a few hours to write an update! LOL.
I don't own 'em. If I did, I'd be Disney, stinking rich, and not having to worry about college.

"NO! You can't make me go!" Said Zenon, clinging to the post at the foot of her bed with both arms and legs. She was tempted to try and hold on with her teeth.
"Zee! An hour, tops. We'll go, toss her a gift, have a piece of cake, spike the punch, and leave." Said Protozoa, pulling at her, his arms around her waist. "It won't kill you!"

"I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about MARGIE!" she said, looking back over her shoulder at him.
"And why is that?"
"Because if we're in a room together for more than a few minutes, we try and kill each other."

"She seemed perfectly nice on the Stay." Said Protozoa.

"She's like that….oh, what the HELL is that old earth saying…a coyote in sheeps clothing!"

"That's wolf Zee."

"Whatever, they're both dogs."

"Technically they're not." Protozoa stopped pulling on her and sighed, keeping his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her hair. "What will it take for you to go to the party?" he asked.

"Why do you wanna go so bad, anyway?" said Zenon, pouting.

"Well, her mom knows my mum." He said, grimacing.

"What?" said Zenon, turning to look at him.

"That's right. Nikki Valentine, that's Margie's mum, she knows my mum. They were old 'college roomies.'" He said. "She asked Ms. Valentine to 'keep an eye on me.' If I didn't go, she'd report it to my mum, who'd make my life miserable. She'd actually come and LECTURE me on manners!" he said, shivering.

"But why do *I* have to go?" whined Zenon.

"Because if I have to suffer, you do too!" said Protozoa, firmly. He finally managed to pry her fingers off the bedpost and pulled her to her feet, where she stood, sulking.

"If she gets obnoxious, can I drop the cake on her head?"

"Waste of perfectly good cake."


* * *

 By the time they got there, the party had gotten so large it was spilling out onto the extensive grounds. Loud, ground-shaking music erupted from speakers set strategically around the house and grounds. 'Zoa identified it as one of his own. People were dancing in a small, fenced in area to the left of the refreshment table, which had a melting ice sculpture of Margie on it as a centerpiece. They meandered slowly through the crowd, Protozoa greeting various people, and introducing Zenon to them. They spotted the birthday girl standing beside her mother, greeting the guests as they deposited their presents on the groaning table. Margie's eyes lit up as Zenon and Protozoa approached.

"ZENON! Oh Zenon, it's so good to see you!" squealed Margie. She grabbed Zenon in a hug. "Thanks for the present, Zenon. I love it." She whispered in Zenon's ear.

"You haven't opened it yet." She muttered back.

"I'm talking about Protozoa." She said smugly. She released Zenon and held her hand out to Protozoa. "So pleased to meet you again, Mr. Zoa." She said, smiling sweetly.

"Nice to see you again too." He said. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." She grabbed his arm. "Would you care to dance? I'm sure Zenon won't mind, will you Zenon?" she said. "Mother, you will keep Zenon occupied, won't you?"

"Of course dear. Toddle off and have fun." Said Vikki. She sipped at her champaign as Margie pulled a reluctant Protozoa towards the dance floor. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting before, miss…."

"Karr, Zenon Karr." Said Zenon, trying to spot Protozoa on the dance floor.

"Yes, Zenon. Was it just fascinating to meet the aliens, dear? I'm sure I would have been scared to death!" said Vikki, shivering theatrically.

"They weren't frightening. They were…magnificent." Said Zenon smiling, momentarily forgetting about Protozoa as she got lost in her memories.

"Ohhh, speaking of magnificent, look at Protozoa. He's a very good dancer. And so talented! Did you know he was singing by the age of four?" asked Vikki.

"No, I didn't know that." Said Zenon.

"Oh yes, he was quite musically inclined. But I have to say, I don't much care for that moniker he has chosen. I much prefer the name his mother gave him." Said Vikki.

"What's his real name? He's never told me." Said Zenon.

"She named him after her grandfather. His name is Alonzo Nathaniel." She said.

Zenon froze, then turned to look at Nikki with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. "Alonzo?" she asked.

"Oh yes, quite an elegant name, don't you agree dear?" She said, smiling pleasantly.
"Oh yes, very nice." Said Zenon. She tried her best not to burst out laughing. She finally spotted Protozoa, dancing energetically with Margie. He looked over and smiled, waving cheerfully. Zenon grinned evilly and mouthed 'Alonzo.' He turned pale and stopped dancing. She could see his gulp from there. He said something to Margie that made her fume, then walked semi calmly over to join Zenon.

"Hello love. Miss me?" he asked, slinging an arm around her.

"Of course ALONZO." She said.

He grimaced. "Auntie Vik, you've been spreading stories." He said.

"Oh, I don't see why you don't like your name!" said Vikki, hands on her hips. "You wrote it once in crayon all over your bedroom wall, and the living room wall, and the dining room…" she said, ticking each area off on her fingers.

Protozoa turned maroon. "Auntie Vik, witnesses." He muttered.

"Oh, thank your lucky stars I didn't pull out the baby pictures, dear." She said. "Your mother sent me some lovely ones. The one of you on the potty? Adorable!"

Protozoa clapped his hands over Zenon's ears. "And that's quite enough of THAT." He said, guiding her away. "Excuse us Auntie Vik, I have to pay off the help here."

"Mother, could you do me a teensy favor?" said Margie, watching them with jealousy in her eyes, which she quickly masked as her mother turned to face her.

"What can I do for my little birthday Angel?" asked Vikki, putting her arm around her daughters' shoulders.

"I really like Protozoa, he's just the sweetest guy EVER, and I think he likes me a little," she said, looking down and blushing. "But I think Zenon likes him too. I'd appreciate it EVER so much if you'd keep her busy during the party, so I could tell him. That way I don't hurt Zenon."

"Oh, that's my little girl! Always so sweet, thinking of your friends like that!" said Vikki. "But I really don't think you need my help. Just be your usual charming, lovely self, and I'm sure he'll fall right in your hands." She said.

"I know, but like I said, Zenon really likes him. I don't want to hurt her, so could you at least talk to her while I tell 'Zoa how much I like him?" Said Margie, looking up at her mother through her eyelashes.

"I suppose dear. But don't approach him right away. If he likes you too, this will make the relationship exciting."

"So you don't think I should go after him?" said Margie, filling her eyes with tears.

"Oh no dear, I didn't mean that at all. I simply meant that you shouldn't chase after him RIGHT NOW. Wait until later. I'm sure he'll at least come say goodbye to us, I will talk to Zenon while you take Protozoa to the arboretum and talk to him." She smiled and winked at her daughter. "That's a suitably romantic place I think."

Margie giggled and forced another blush. "Oh thank you Mommy!" She said, hugging her mother.

"You're welcome dear." She said, smiling. Oh, she had such a wonderful child! And she and Protozoa would make such lovely children together!

* * *

"If I have to deal with one more screaming fan, I'm gonna go insane." Grumbled Protozoa.

"Ah, the prices of fame are many and varied." Said Zenon, patting his shoulder. He glared at her. "Besides, those screaming fans are the ones that pay your salary."

"And I pay yours, don't be a smart aleck."
"Be careful, or next concert the laser light is gonna spell out, 'Protozoa sleeps in his underwear.' Then you'd NEVER get any peace."

He put his hand over her mouth. "SHHHHH! Are you never gonna let me forget about that, are you?"
"How about that you're really a natural blond?"


"Or how about…" he put his hand over her mouth. "Zenon, don't forget, you live in my house. I CAN change all the security codes and just forget to tell you." HE growled. "Are you ready to go yet? I have to beat those memories out of you."

"Sure, I'm ready."
"Then let's go say bye to the birthday girl and Auntie Vik, then we'll leave." He grimaced. "I'll be glad to get the heck out of here." He picked up a dainty finger sandwich. "These little finger foods ain't doin' it for me."

"Oh sure, you're a manly man. You need real food."

"Of course! So glad you noticed." He said, puffing his chest out slightly.
"Oh, I noticed. All manly men eat cold spagettios for breakfast, while watching Saturday morning cartoons. How could I miss it?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

"Revenge, Zenon. Revenge." He grumbled, grabbing her head and noogieing her. They strolled idly towards the gift table again, ready to say goodbye and get. The heck. Out of there.

"Here they come, mommy." Said Margie, tugging at her arm slightly. "Talk to Zenon for me, I really don't want to hurt her."

"Of course dear." She hugged her daughter around the shoulders. "Now go catch your man." She said, winking. "Oh Zenon, I noticed how interested you were in the pictures of little Alonzo, would you like to come see them?"

Protozoa paled. "But auntie Vik, we were just about to go, we just came to say 'bye." He said desperately. "I'm sure Zenon wouldn't be interested in seeing those old things anyway…" He pleaded with her with his eyes.

She shook her finger at him. "Now don't look at me like that, Alonzo! Those pictures are perfectly sweet!" she said, patting his cheek. "Margie, why don't you take Alonzo to the arboretum and show him around, while I show Zenon the pictures."

"Of course mommy." She said as she tucked her arm into his and prepared to lead him off.

"I really think we should be going…" said Zenon, torn. She didn't want to leave Protozoa in Margie's clutches, but she REALLY wanted to see those pictures, it would make for some prime teasing and blackmail material…she might even be able to get a few doubles… "Why not?" she said, shrugging. "We can stay a few more minutes." She strolled off with Vikki towards the house while Protozoa almost sobbed in the background.

"I'll never hear the end of this!" he moaned, hiding his face in his hands.

"Don't worry 'Zoa, I'm sure it can't be that bad." She said sweetly. "Lets go, I'll show you our roses. They win prizes." She tugged him off to the arboretum and privacy.

* * *

Zenon bounced happily out of the house, talking energetically to Vikki. She clutched a pic cube in her hand. *He's gonna kill me in my sleep for these.* she thought to herself. "Well, Vikki, it's been fun, but Protozoa and I have to go. We have a big concert next week." She said, shaking her hand.

"Oh it was my pleasure dear. Now you be sure and keep those pictures in a safe place." She said, trying to stall. Her daughter still wasn't back? It shouldn't take this long for any child of hers to hook her man…"Are you sure I can't persuade you to try these sandwiches? They're quite nice."

"No, I'm afraid not. I must go find…Alonzo." she said, smiling to herself. She strolled off in the direction of the large arboretum.

"This isn't going to turn out well." Said Vikki, a frown creasing her unlined forehead.