Zenon fanfiction by readbooks__172

I don't own them, Disney does.

Protozoa's Dilemma

Protozoa sat hunched on a sofa, idly strumming his guitar and watching his manager pace the floor. It was rather amusing, like watching a rubber ball bounce from one wall to another, but he wasn't in the mood to be amused. Actually he was rather grumpy. Had been for months, and it was starting to tick off the rest of the band. Hence his manager pacing like a mountain lion.

"'Zoa, baby, you're killin' me! You haven't written a new song in months, and the fans are getting restless! Super Nova Girl has fallen to three on the charts!"

"I just haven't been inspired, Mate." He said, shrugging.

"And why is that? When was the last time you were inspired? After that alien thing?" The manager snorted. "If little green men is all it takes, I'll hire a few dozen guys to walk around in costumes!"

"It wasn't the aliens, and they weren't little green men." Said Protozoa, rolling his eyes.

"Then what was it?!"

"I don't know."

"AUGH!" the plump little man pulled at his hair in frustration. Protozoa chuckled. His manager glared at him. "Every time you go up to that station thing, you have a new song or two! Why?"

"I don't know." He idly started to strum a song, not even noticing what song it was. Zoom zoom zoom.

"Maybe it has something to do with being in space, makes the thoughts light." said the manager, thinking deeply.

"That's crazy and you know it." Said protozoa. Stargazing mega fact.

"It's gotta be something! Something inspires you up there!" He started to pace again. You hit me like a cosmic blast. "Maybe it's the quiet. You know you hate fuss and noise when you're composing."

"Last time I was up there, we nearly crashed into the moon. The time before that, the station was about to crash. Does that sound quiet to you?" Giving me a technicolor world.

"No, it doesn't." he sighed. "Maybe it's the people. What was that girl's name? Neon? She always seems to hang around. And you used a few of her strange little words in the last couple of songs."

Protozoa's hands momentarily tightened around the neck of the guitar, then continued playing. "Her name was Zenon." Putting me in overdrive.

"Yeah her." He peered closely at his talent. "What do you think?"

Speed of light I'm so alive."I don't know.maybe. Last I heard she was dating that guy, O'brien."

"Ok, ok, getting a plan." said Manny. "She comes down to visit. You write some songs. Yeah. That's perfect." He bounced off, leaving Protozoa to process what he just said.

1 Won't you be my super nova girl.SCREEEEEEETTTT "WHAT!?"