When Morning Comes

'…how can he still be so beautiful?' It was the first thought that ran through Shikamaru's mind as he followed Naruto into the kitchen and spotted the older blonde, leaning against the counter, arms crossed as he listened to another man standing beside him. The stranger had long, white shaggy hair, which was tied back in a futile attempt to tame it. He was a bit taller than the focus of the Nara's affection, eyes dark with red marks that ran down the sides of his face.

As Naruto gently greeted them, dark blue eyes immediately rose from their gaze at the floor to instantly lock onto Shikamaru. The sorrow flowing freely within them made him want to wrap his arms tightly around the older blonde's broad shoulders and comfort him. Dark circles accompanied the eyes and made him look even worse, in turn making the urge within the Nara to increase as well; he never wanted to see the man he loved so deeply like this.

'It's because of me.' The small notion made Shikamaru's heart pulse painfully. 'He looks like that… because I….' Now he wanted to apologize, try and set things right, and if that meant never seeing the love of his life ever again, well….

"Shikamaru!" came a harsh whisper along with a not-so-gentle poke to his arm.

The Nara finally released the gaze he had still been locked in with the older blonde to look at Naruto. His friend's blue eyes held a little concern as he indicated the white-haired man. "That's Jiraiya; my godfather."

Shikamaru merely nodded to him, not even able to pull off a small smile as his eyes darted once again to his heart's desire. Those saddened blue eyes never seemed to have left him.

A heavy silence fell around them as the Nara and Namikaze continued to stare at each other, as if being able to read exactly what they had felt and experienced over the past four weeks. The smell of alcohol was thinly drifting around them, and Shikamaru could see a few empty glass bottles sitting beside the sink, right behind the older blonde. The labels had been taken off, but it didn't take a big genius to figure out what they once contained.

Shikamaru actually saw a glass, still half full of lemonade sitting on the island counter separating them. He was fairly certain that there was more in that glass than mere lemonade.

Jiraiya clapping his hands made the Nara slightly jump.

"All right," the white-haired man said, voice almost too loud and cheerful, "we'll just leave you two alone to sort this out. Let's go, Naruto." He walked to his godson and grabbed his arm, almost dragging him from the house, his words being heard even down the hall. "I'll take you to that new stripper's joint in town. I know you'll love it!"

Even Naruto's protests didn't bring the usual roll of the eyes or exasperated sigh from the Nara. He just continued to stare as the silence started beating unpleasantly against his ears. He found himself feeling grateful for the small rolls of thunder from outside as the minutes slowly dragged on. For a moment, he thought of bailing. Shikamaru really didn't owe anybody anything; Minato broke up with him after all.

However, he had promised Naruto to try, but what to say? "I'm sorry" didn't seem appropriate and neither did "you want to get back together?" Shikamaru struggled for a long while, trying to find the right words to use without being too forward or too neutral. But something needed to be said! Damn, was it this hard when he had been learning how to talk as an infant? Knowing dozens of words and phrases, but never sure on which would be the best to say first? Gah! Shikamaru felt as though he was going to go insane! Why was this so fucking hard?!

His dark eyes finally dropped to the floor a moment as he shifted his feet. Something had to be said. Sighing, he decided to just keep it simple and looked back up into blue orbs still drowning in sorrow and licked his suddenly dry lips, noting that his tongue was pretty dry as well, and hoped his voice wouldn't be as small as it felt.


Minato blinked a moment before he whispered, "…hello."

A bit of the uncomfortable atmosphere lifted and Shikamaru suppressed a sigh of relief. Carefully, not sure if he'd be allowed the distance, he walked around the island separating them, leaning against it before the older man. From that length, he could smell alcohol heavier with a hint of lemons. He had a small feeling that the blonde was drinking a bit more than the last time.

"So," Shikamaru said softly, hoping he wouldn't be crossing his boundaries by saying such a thing, "Naruto tells me you've been acting like you did when you lost your wife."

Those despairing blue eyes locked onto his dark ones. "I feel like I lost her," Minato whispered, "…all over again."

Shikamaru nodded, dropping his gaze to the floor once more. Naruto told him his dad had been devastated by the loss of his mother. It would make sense; Minato was probably very much in love with the woman who bared his child. However, that would mean… that the older man, in doing the same thing as when his wife died, had… very strong feelings for the one he was trying to forget with drinking.

'He couldn't,' the Nara thought, a small scowl touching his face. 'It's not like we had ever been close. How could he have possibly—?'

"Is something wrong?"

Shikamaru was jolted from his thoughts at Minato's voice. Blue eyes were gazing at him curiously as he slightly shifted his feet.

The Nara looked at the older man for a brief moment before glancing at the bottles behind him. "…not really," he finally replied. "Will you stop drinking?" The question slipped passed his lips quickly, as if something else inside him knew it was time to start getting blunt. In all reality, the blonde knew why the younger man was there. Naruto wanted them to get back together, and Shikamaru had just laid down a ground rule.

Ocean blue eyes widened just the slightest bit, before the hint of a smirk touched frowning lips. "Will you stop smoking?" Minato asked, laying down a rule of his own.

Shikamaru barely noticed the small smile on his face as he reached for his cigarettes, pulling them free of his coat pocket.

Minato reached around him, their bodies almost making contact as he grabbed the glass of lemonade and vodka.

The Nara placed the lighter back into his pocket; he could always give it away, as he flipped open the pack and butt-side down, dropped the tobacco into the mixed drink. He kept his hand over the top of the glass to be sure the cigarettes soaked up all they could while contaminating what was left. A slight tremor rippled down his spine as a warm, sun-kissed hand was placed over his.

Shikamaru looked up and saw the sorrow start to fade away from those perfect blue orbs, a brilliant smile slowly spreading onto that gorgeous face. The more he stared into the older man, the easier it was to read him. Without saying a single word, he could tell Minato was telling him that he would no longer drink in excess, unless it was a special occasion. It was a vow of the heart, and it almost made the Nara want to cry at how happy it made him.

In turn, Shikamaru silently conveyed that he would never smoke again, and if he did, the older man had permission to smack or punish him in any way he would see fit. It was his forever vow that he intended to keep.

Minato's lower lip trembled a bit as he took the glass filled with soggy cigarettes and ruined lemonade, placing it on the counter behind him. Turning back to the younger man, Shikamaru couldn't help but sigh heavily as two arms were wrapped around him. He had almost forgotten how warm the older man was.

Hot breath tickled his cheek, and he realized his eyes were closed. Opening his dark orbs, Shikamaru was immediately sucked in by the older man's gaze. The blue flickered happily at him, sending wave after wave of tenderness toward him, filling his heart with joy.

'I'm such a fucking schoolgirl,' his mind whispered before soft, warm lips gently, tentatively, touched his own.

A quiet moan left him as Minato put more into the kiss, moving his mouth carefully along the younger man's before asking for permission to enter with the tip of his tongue.

Shikamaru gasped at the feeling; it had been too damn long! He eagerly sucked the muscle into his mouth, his arms tightening around the older man's waist as one of Minato's hands wandered to the back of his neck, gently pulling him closer and kissing harder. Another moan rumbled in his chest at the feel of it. The Nara knew he'd never be able to fully describe the way this man turned him on by merely touching and kissing him.

He made a small sound as he was gently pushed against the counter behind him; the blonde's other hand slowly creeping down to rest on his ass, softly squeezing the clothed flesh. It caused Shikamaru to thrust his hips against the older man's, sending another ripple of excitement up his spine at feeling the hardness within Minato's pants. The Nara also trailed his hands down to cup the blonde's buttocks, their tongues still rubbing suggestively against each other.

Minato was the one to break away, panting softly against the younger man's lips as they stared into each other's eyes. His hand gently trailed up into the Nara's hair and pulled the tie away, not breaking eye contact as he whispered, "Bedroom… now."

The words made Shikamaru shiver. It was as if the past four weeks had never happened. He eagerly followed the older man to the stairs and ascended to the master bedroom. Once inside, Minato closed the door behind the younger man and proceeded to close the curtains on the windows, blocking the view of the thunderstorm outside.

Shikamaru found himself unable to move for a moment. It was really happening…. He couldn't believe that he was actually going to be with this man he had admired for so long. He watched as the older man quickly strode over to the nightstand in the artificially lit room, opening a drawer and pulling out a few long stick candles. Carefully, he placed them onto the small table and lit them with a tiny lighter before turning back to the younger man.

Minato gazed into the Nara's dark eyes with a strong look of lust that made him tremble again. The older man walked toward him, never breaking eye contact as he slowly came to stand before the younger man. The blonde reached over the other's shoulder, effectively turning off the lights and encasing them in darkness.

"Take off your coat," Minato whispered. "Stay a while."

Shikamaru released a shaky breath, eyes slowly adjusting to the flickering light on the opposite side of the room as he slowly obeyed. The garment slipped from his shoulders and he tossed it to the side, hearing the small noise it made as it fell to the ground.

His dark orbs focused on the man before him, merely a silhouette against the candles from behind him. Still, the younger man could see the body move, arms reach above his head and another soft sound reached his ears. The Nara swallowed thickly and raised a shaky hand to tentatively touch soft skin. His other appendage was soon to follow as he ran his fingers over the delicate flesh of the bare chest, greatly enjoying the feel of muscles just beneath twitching. A gentle moan resounded from above him and caused Shikamaru to sigh again, eyes closing as the older man placed his own hands at the younger's waist.

Slowly, as if he was certain Shikamaru would run away if he moved too quickly, Minato grabbed the hem of the Nara's shirt and gently pulled it up and off, making it disappear into the darkness. His hands began to run along Shikamaru's skin in a way that had him taking in shaky breaths and causing his hands to start trembling against the older man's chest for a reason he couldn't pin point. He surely wasn't a novice when it came to this kind of thing, but… why was he shaking like a little virgin?

The blonde chuckled lightly in his ear, a shiver racing down his spine at the sound. Minato grabbed his hand and pulled the trembling Nara to the bed, gently ordering him to sit on the sheets. Dark eyes gazed up into beautiful blue, which sparkled in the candlelight beside them. A loving smile was upon those delicious lips as the older man leaned down to tenderly kiss Shikamaru, their tongues meeting only momentarily before Minato left the Nara's lips to trail kisses along his cheek to breathe gently into his ear.

Shikamaru's trembling increased, a small moan escaping his throat at the sensation as his hands immediately went to the blonde's flesh once more. He couldn't seem to get enough of the warm skin, trailing his fingers over well defined pecks and lightly tracing nipples. One appendage seemed more adventurous than the other and gently ran down the older man's side to reach soft buttocks covered by rough fabric.

Minato chuckled again, slowly pulling away and standing before the younger man. His tanned hands reached for the button on his pants and leisurely undid it before grabbing the zipper. Shikamaru's eyes were mesmerized; locked onto those nimble fingers as they pulled it all the way down. Sun kissed hands slowly trailed back up to the waist of his pants and carefully removed the fabric from his flesh, the Nara releasing another shaky breath as he gazed at the older man standing bare before him.

The candlelight flickered in an unsteady rhythm, casting beautiful shadows on the tanned skin of the Namikaze, making the rest of his body shimmer and remind Shikamaru of the finest honey he'd ever seen.

Tentatively, Shikamaru raised his trembling hands to gently grasp the older man's hips, his face moving forward until his mouth touched the soft flesh of Minato's abdomen. He exhaled sharply, kissing the skin beneath his lips, a low moan rumbling in his throat at feeling hardened flesh press against his neck. He trailed kisses up to the blonde's navel, where he began licking the delicious skin, darting the tip of his tongue in and out of the small indention in a very suggestive manner.

Minato moaned above him, a hand combing through his hair as he teased for a few more moments before reluctantly parting his lips from the warm flesh. Dark eyes gazed at the blonde's erection, watching in silent wonder as a clear drop of liquid slowly fell from the tiny opening and the member twitched.

Could it be that the penis in front of him was begging to be sucked? Shikamaru's trembling increased a bit at the thought, another shaky breath leaving him as he licked up the heavenly fluid flowing from this… god.

He slowly wrapped his lips around the pulsating member and began sucking, his heart pounding within his ears, hands clutching tanned hips almost too tightly as he tried to stop their shaking, and dark eyes slipping closed. Shikamaru had almost forgotten how he loved the feel of the blonde's manhood in his mouth, against his tongue, pushing into his throat. It felt so good to have the feeling returned to him that a small moan reverberated in his vocal chords, causing a loud hiss above him and the hand in his hair to pull a little too roughly, making the younger man pull away from his treat.

The Nara looked up to a slightly panting Minato. His cheeks were flushed and blue eyes lightened with desire.

Shikamaru swallowed thickly as the blonde lowered himself to kneel before the younger man. He trailed the hand tangled within the Nara's dark locks down his neck to rest in the middle of his chest, where he gently pushed him back. Shikamaru obeyed, leaning back on his elbows upon the bed and watched with a half-lidded gaze as Minato undid the younger man's pants and gently pulled them off. The Nara raised his hips to help, silently grateful when his boxers were quickly removed as well, even as a blush crept onto his cheeks at being so exposed.

Minato's smile widened as he gazed down at the younger man for a few moments. Without saying a word, the blonde gently told Shikamaru to lay with his head on the pillows, to which the younger of them was eager to follow. Once situated, the Nara watched Minato crawl onto the bed. Shikamaru spread his legs as the older man slowly crept over him, gently pressing their naked bodies together.

Shikamaru gasped, shaking hands grabbing onto the blonde's back as he arched into the body atop him. His hips began moving in a rhythm all their own, rubbing his straining erection against the blonde's as his legs started trembling as well.

'Wh-why am I shaking so much?' the Nara wondered, his breathing uneven.

Minato kissed along his neck tenderly, hands running along the younger man's sides and down shaky thighs. "Relax," he whispered against sensitive flesh.

Shikamaru whimpered at the blonde's voice, a shiver rippling down his spine, causing his whole body to tremble for a moment.

Minato moved to gently nip at the younger man's earlobe. "Or are you merely excited?"

The Nara couldn't speak, only managing a guttural whine to escape his throat at the question and a harder thrust of his hips. It was simply inconceivable for the younger man; every word the blonde spoke was like a physical touch to his body. How could that be?

The older man licked up to the top of Shikamaru's ear, lightly nibbling the flesh before whispering, "Do you want me inside you, babe?"

Shikamaru cried out, his body shuddering as his muscles clenched tightly and his seed shot out between them.

Minato chuckled as the younger man caught his breath. "I'll take that as a yes."

The Nara looked away, his face feeling as though it were on fire. "…s-sorry," he whispered. How embarrassing! He'd never had a problem with premature ejaculation before. What a time to get it, too; when he's about to have sex with the man he'd been imagining for so damn long, only to shoot off too soon.

A warm hand cupped his cheek and Shikamaru turned to look into sparkling blue orbs shining brilliantly into his own. "Never be sorry for that," Minato replied warmly. "It's encouraging and… I can help you out with it, Shikamaru." The blonde's plump lips descended onto the younger man's, sharing with him a delectable kiss before moving down his body.

Shikamaru's eyes fell closed as he felt a warm, wet tongue begin licking up his spilled cum. He gasped softly as a large hand wrapped around his flaccid member and gently began stroking the sensitive flesh. His back arched as what felt like lightning shot from his groin. The blonde spent several minutes teasing him until his length was standing erect once more and the Nara was gasping against the pillows, almost begging for his release.

It was there that Minato sat up, making the younger man whimper at the loss of contact. "Turn over," he gently commanded, reaching for the nightstand.

Shikamaru did as was asked, rolling onto his stomach and rising onto his hands and knees to peer over his shoulder and watch the older man. The blonde grabbed a small bottle of lubrication and quickly wetted his fingers, grinning at the Nara as he circled his entrance with a slick digit.

The younger man moaned, spreading his legs a bit more and pressing back as the finger slowly slid into his body. It felt so good! How could the blonde's fingers alone feel so breathtaking gliding within him?

Shikamaru moaned again as a second digit was added and started moving his body to impale himself upon those glorious fingers. His head dropped to the pillows as he leisurely enjoyed the feeling of being penetrated by the older man.

A loud ringing startled the Nara and he thrust his hips back a little too hard, the fingers within his ass brushing the spot inside him and causing him to cry out, moving frantically a moment to try and get that sensation again.

Minato raised a curious eyebrow as he gazed over the bed, the direction of the ringing, before reaching over the edge, his hand never leaving the younger man's entrance as he grabbed the source of the noise. Shikamaru's eyes widened as the blonde flipped open the Nara's cell phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" Minato said, halting his movements for a moment. "Hey, Shikaku." He smirked at the younger man and started thrusting his fingers a little too roughly within him.

Shikamaru bit his lip and buried his face into the pillow to silence the noises that wanted to escape his throat. No way would he let his father hear such sounds.

"Yeah, he's here…. Well, he's a little… occupied right now." Minato shoved his fingers in deep, curling them and purposely pressing onto the younger man's prostate. Shikamaru cried out into the fabric, hands gripping the sheets tightly as the blonde continued to tease him.

"He's um…." Minato sighed. "The truth is, Shikaku, that Shikamaru is naked on my bed with two of my fingers up his ass."

The Nara's eyes whipped open and he quickly turned his head to give the older man an embarrassed look. "Minato!" Another cry of pleasure slipped passed his lips as another digit joined the other two, Shikamaru not being able to help but push back against them. He dropped his head back onto the pillow, whimpering in defeat.

"Ah make that three fingers," the blonde said, chuckling into the phone.

Shikamaru could hear his father's laughter over his cell. Damn, he'd never be able to face him again without blushing!

"Yeah, that'd be all right," Minato continued. "Sure, Shikaku…. I'll try, but I think your son likes it rough." He emphasized his point by thrusting his fingers harder. The Nara cried out again, back arching and moving his hips faster. "All right, Shikaku, we'll talk to you later. Bye." He closed the phone and placed it carefully onto the nightstand. "You have a very caring father, babe," he whispered to the younger man. "You are very lucky to have him."

"I-ah!-I know… Minato," Shikamaru moaned.

"Good." The blonde removed his fingers from the Nara, a small sound escaping his lips at the loss. Minato gently grabbed the younger man's hips and sighed with a slight shiver. "I'm going to enter you, babe."

Shikamaru gasped and arched as the blonde's hard length began penetrating his body. It stung a little, but just having the older man inside him was enough to double the pleasure as he slowly sheathed himself completely. The Nara panted heavily, fists white knuckled as he griped the sheets tightly, a bit frustrated at not being able to move.

"Ah Shikamaru," Minato moaned, once his member was fully encased within the younger man. "You're tighter and hotter than I remember." He carefully pulled out just a fraction and pushed back in.

"Oh god!" Shikamaru almost screamed, his head falling into the pillow again as he tried to thrust his hips back against the blonde's length. He needed more damn it! The fullness he felt was fucking heavenly, as if Minato's dick had been made specifically to fill his ass. It rubbed along his prostate perfectly, sending several ripples of pleasure coursing through his body continually and making moans and whimpers fall from his parted lips as he struggled to breathe.

Minato bent down, bracing his weight by placing his hands upon the bed on either side of his younger lover and began placing tender kisses on the Nara's back. "Babe, you feel so good." He began moving his hips a little faster, softly panting against Shikamaru's sweaty flesh.

"Fuck Minato!" The younger man felt he was going insane. The pleasure kept increasing, making his mind nothing more than a heavy, three pound paper weight and his limbs wet noodles. A coil of heat simmered within his abdomen, tightening with every thrust of the older man's hips and causing his vision to cross. The blonde increased his speed, Shikamaru moaning louder and raising his face from the pillow as his body suddenly tensed, all noise being blocked from his ears as colors danced before his pinched shut eyes as his essence spilled from him again, staining the sheets beneath them.

Shikamaru panted heavily, his world spinning around him. This also was a new experience; he'd never had an orgasm without knowing it was coming before. He slowly opened his eyes to find himself looking up at the blonde still between his legs. When had he been turned onto his back? The question was left unanswered as Minato roughly shoved his still hard penis back into the Nara's heat, making him arch almost painfully and cry out.

The older man quickly leaned down to cover Shikamaru's lips with his own, giving him a breathtaking kiss… literally. Shikamaru couldn't breathe, his lungs starting to burn with protest for some oxygen. However, he wrapped his arms around Minato's shoulders to hold him close as long as possible. His lungs could wait; as long as the man atop him was breathing, Shikamaru felt as if his breathing wasn't necessary.

He gasped loudly when Minato eventually pulled away, panting heavily as he felt the dark realm of unconsciousness touch his pleasure-filled mind. If there was one thing he refused to have happen, it was to pass out on his blonde lover. He moved his hips a bit and groaned, finding his manhood already erect for the third time that evening and wanting more of what Minato could give him.

"I want to hear you," the blonde whispered, gently grabbing Shikamaru's legs under the knees and spreading him wider. "Scream for me, babe."

Shikamaru did just as was asked as Minato started thrusting ruthlessly within him, slamming against his prostate, their flesh slapping against each other as sweat glistened on their bodies. He cried out and shouted relentlessly to his lover, eyes closed as he focused on the feel of the older man gliding so easily within his tight entrance.

Minato leaned over him a bit and started thrusting at a different angle, sending wave after wave of constant bliss pouring along the Nara's every nerve. His head thrashed against the pillow, sweat running constantly down his face as he struggled to hang onto what very little control he had left. At the very least he wanted to wait until his lover was ready to cum too, this time.

"Oooh babe," Minato groaned, his pace quickening to a speed the Nara knew he'd never match. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

Shikamaru screamed his lover's name, long streams of white spurting from his erection and splattering on his chest, most of it pooling around his navel. His seed kept erupting from his penis as the older man filled him with his hot cum, moaning low in his throat and rubbing the Nara's thighs.

Blue orbs watched in amazement as he gave a few final thrusts, Shikamaru's softening member still pouring globs of white onto his abdomen, only stopping when the blonde finally removed himself from the younger man's slick hole. Minato sighed shakily as he looked at the mess upon Shikamaru, nearly hardening again as the pool of cum started running down his sides there was so much f it.

"Fuck Shikamaru," the blonde whispered in a hoarse tone, "I've never seen anybody cum so much."

Shikamaru merely whimpered pathetically. He panted heavily to try and calm his still racing heart, his vision seemed to be permanently crossed and his body felt like boiled noodles made of steel. He began to wonder what exactly it was he'd gotten himself into by being with this man sexually. The Nara would be quick to admit it was the best sex he'd ever had, but he also hoped that all future sex with Minato wouldn't be this mind blowing. He'd wind up with permanent brain damage, Shikamaru was sure.

Warm arms wrapped around his spent body as he started drifting off to sleep. Words came to his ears as he fell into darkness.

"I love you."

Shikamaru was… sore. It seemed as if his whole body ached as he stretched under the covers. He smiled softly to himself, though; the soreness was very welcome. He opened his sleepy eyes to a dimly lit room. The curtains on the windows had been parted and sunlight streamed into the room, catching golden locks of the man lying next to him and causing his smile to widen.

The sleeping blonde shifted on the bed, arm reaching out slightly and grasping at the small distance separating the men. A scowl touched Minato's beautiful face and his arm reached out further to grasp the Nara's waist. Minato mumbled incoherently and pulled the younger man to him, pressing their sticky bodies together and sighing contently.

Shikamaru chuckled, making sleepy blue orbs open to gaze at him. "Good morning, Minato."

Minato smiled. "Morning babe."

The Nara blushed at the nickname. He cleared his throat a little and ran a hand through the older man's mussed up mane. "Sleep okay?"

The blonde slowly nodded. "I had a dream, Shikamaru."

"What kind of dream?"

"Kushina visited me," Minato whispered, fingers reaching up to gently stroke the younger man's cheek as he raised a curious eyebrow.

"How did that go?" Shikamaru asked tentatively, not exactly sure if he wanted to know.

The blonde's smile widened. "She said she was very happy for me. Kushina felt that eleven years had been long enough for me to be alone and… she's glad that I found you."

Shikamaru smiled again. "Good to know she's happy." He moved closer to nuzzle into the older man's neck and sighed happily. "I'm glad you meant what you said last night, too," he whispered.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it," Minato replied, holding the other close. "I love you, babe."

"I love you, too."

A flash of light surrounded them for a short moment and Shikamaru's eyes widened. He pulled away from his lover and looked at the door of the room to find it open and his father standing within the doorway, camera in hand, and his stupid grin on his face.

"That one's going in the scrapbook!" Shikaku declared.

"Damn it dad!" Shikamaru shouted, sitting up quickly. He flinched at the sharp pain that shot up his spine at the action, his lover chuckling softly beside him. Another flash of light had him seeing spots and a growl rumbled low in his throat. "Stop with the fucking pictures already!"

"Come on, Shikamaru! It's the first time waking up with your new boyfriend; I wouldn't be a caring parent if I didn't—"

"Give me that damn camera!" Shikamaru interrupted, standing from the bed, worrying more about maintaining his balance than the fact that he was nude.

Shikaku merely smiled wider and took another picture.

The younger Nara flinched at the flash. "God damn it! Hand over the fucking camera!" he almost shouted, walking toward his parent.

Shikaku chuckled and managed to shoot off another photo before bolting from the room, his son following him with shaky legs. They jogged down the stairs and passed a shocked Naruto in the kitchen.

The blonde blushed before he started laughing his ass off as Shikamaru chased his father around the table in the buff. "Dad! Give me the camera!" Shikaku laughed again, flash going off once more and darted outside.

Shikamaru stopped at the door, suddenly reminded of his nudity and merely glared hotly as his father took another picture before falling to the grass in a fit of laughter.

Feeling completely humiliated, the younger Nara walked back to the stairs, the sound of Naruto's uncontrolled hilarity ringing loudly around him. Maybe this hadn't been the best idea. Not only did he have to deal with his picture-crazy father, but the practical joker, loud mouthed Naruto Uzumaki as well. This relationship with the man he loved looked to be a future joke at his expense to his friends but… as long as Shikamaru had Minato's heart, it was well worth it.


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