Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the real show Lost.

Jack is lying unconscious in the forest when Vincent wakes him up by licking his face.

Jack: "Yuck! Get away from here, you … what happened?"

Vincent runs away.

Jack struggles up, realizing his back hurts. He hears shouting, and runs the best he can toward the noise. He sees the plane wreck, and many confused and wounded passengers. Time to be a hero.

The Book Club is meeting at Juliet's house in Othersville. Juliet, Bea, Tom, Ethan, and Goodwin are seated as Ben enters.

Ben: "So what book are we reading today?"

Juliet: "Green Eggs and Ham."

Ben: "Oooh, I've heard good things about that book."

Bea: "Yes, the intricate use of vocabulary and rhyming structure have made this Dr. Seuss tale a classic."

They take turns reading out loud one page at a time, when they hear a large rumble outside. They go out.

Ben: "Oh look, a plane is breaking apart and crashing on our island. You know what this means?"

Goodwin: "New people for our book club?"

Bea: "New company for tea?"

Tom: "A chance to scare people for our entertainment?"

Ethan: "Ooh, let's kidnap people! Like children and pregnant women."

Juliet: "Or how about some good-looking men?"

Ben: "All great ideas. But we need to infiltrate them first. Ethan, go to where that large part, the fuselage crashed, and pretend you're a survivor. Find out everything you can. Take a radio, but stash it where no one will find it."

Ethan: "Thank you, sounds like fun!"

Goodwin: "Should I go over to that other crash site, the tail section, and infiltrate those guys?"

Ben: "Eh, let's just start with the main group. If things slow down or if there's any interest we can always throw in a flashback."

Ethan gets his stuff and runs toward the beach camp. The rest return to Juliet's house to finish reading the book of the day.

Claire is lying on the beach, screaming. "My baby! I'm going to have my baby!"

Jack rushes over. "Hi, I'm a doctor. And you are?"

Claire: "In agony! Oh, you mean my name. I'm Claire."

Jack: "Are you experiencing contractions?"

Claire: "I don't know. It just hurts."

Jack: "Calm down. How pregnant are you?"

Claire: "Eight months."

Jack: "Eight months? How on earth did you even get on that plane? There's a reason pregnant women so far along aren't supposed to fly."

Claire: "It's personal. I had to."

Jack, looking over his shoulder to anyone close by who could help. "Hey you, help me move Claire away from the wreckage."

Hurley gets there first. Jack picks Claire up under her arms, and Hurley by her legs. They move her a few yards, and Hurley gets woozy. "Hey, you're not having your baby now are you? Because if you do …." Hurley faints at the thought.

Charlie is next closest, and takes over. "You're Claire? I'm Charlie. You're beautiful."

Claire is flattered by the compliment. "Thank you, you're sweet. I'm afraid I don't have much of a figure now."

Jack and Charlie carry Claire to safety. Jack takes off his suit jacket and folds it to form a pillow for Claire, who calms down after Charlie's nice words.

Claire: "The contractions seemed to have stopped for now."

Jack: "Good. Just take it easy, and rest here. We'll get you some food and water in a few minutes."

Jack looks at Charlie, whose eyes aren't quite focused. Jack recognizes certain subtleties and is concerned. "Charlie, are you all right? You look a little out of sorts. Can you see clearly?"

Charlie, worried about his drug addiction becoming known. "I'm sure it's just the shock of the crash."

Jack: "Okay then. Your mannerisms could be interpreted as someone under the influence of narcotics."

Charlie: "Thanks for your concern, but no cause for alarm. Just make sure Claire here is all right."

Boone finds Rose unconscious, and gives her mouth to mouth resuscitation. Amazingly it works, and she coughs up water in his face.

Rose: "Where am I?"

Boone: "The plane crashed on an island, but you're going to be all right."

Rose: "Is Bernard here? He was back in the tail section washroom when the plane got into trouble."

Boone: "Sorry, I haven't heard anyone by that name."

They look around, but there is no Bernard.

Rose: "In that case, I'm going to tune out, except for premieres and finales. And maybe once a season if something very important happens, like Bernard showing up."

Locke is lying on the beach. He finds he can wiggle his toes, sits up, and the stands. "I can walk! No, quiet, nobody heard that." I've got to keep that a secret. Locke walks around, assisting as he can.

Boone comes up with a brilliant idea.

Boone: "I'll just call for help on my cell phone."

Boone whips out his phone, but there are no bars in the display.

Boone: "Darn, there's no signal out here."

Shannon: "I told you you should have used [insert product placement here]."

Michael is running around like a lunatic.


Sawyer: "Man, that is annoying."

Michael: "Sorry, I wish I had better lines. But I don't have anything else to say until I find my son."

Walt pops up from behind. "Cool it, I'm here. I don't want to hear that line any more either."

Michael: "Walt! You're here! You made it! Are you okay?"

Walt: "I'm okay. Not a scratch on me."

Sawyer: "That's strange. Everyone seems to have been banged up some."

Locke shows up all of a sudden. "The boy could be special."

Walt: "Special? My stepdad Brian thought I was strange, but he never called me that. That's a cool cut you got over your eye, Mr. …"

Locke: "Locke. John Locke."

Walt: "Okay then, John. Maybe you're special too."

Michael: "Walt! This man is a lot older than you. You should address him by his last name."

Walt: "I called Brian by his first name."

Michael: "I am not Brian. You will do as I say."

Walt: "Or what? Are you going to ground me?"

Michael gets exasperated. "What kind of a greeting is this? You should be glad that I survived that crash with you."

Walt: "Who cares about you? If you really are my father, you'll help me find Vincent."

Michael: "Walt, we have to help the injured people first. If Vincent is around, I'm sure he'll come to you. Now since you're just a little kid, why don't you stay out of the way? Keep away from the burning plane, and the ocean, and the woods."

Walt growls and stalks off.

Sawyer: "Charming kid you got there, Ward."

Michael: "Ward? The name's Michael."

Sawyer sighs: " 'Ward is a nickname, as in that TV father Ward Cleaver. And you can just call me Sawyer. No 'Mister'."

Locke: "Being a father is tough. Mine was pretty bad."

Sawyer: "Mine wasn't so hot either."

Michael: "Thanks guys."

Locke: "Good luck. Now we should see if we can help anyone else."

Locke and Michael walk up the beach, toward most of the commotion. However, when the flames in the fuselage go out, Sawyer climbs in, and grabs all the carry-on luggage he can hold. He makes a few trips, sets up a tent, and quickly has an impressive stash.

Hurley recovers, and joins people looking at the crashed plane.

Hurley: "What are we going to do about the …" (sees Walt returning from looking unsuccessfully for Vincent) "b-o-d-y-s?"

Michael: "What are you trying to spell, 'bodies'?"

Walt: "That's b-o-d-i-e-s. I suggest you don't try out for 'Are you smarter than a fifth grader?' "

Michael: "Walt! Nobody likes a smart aleck."

Walt: "So what? Is anybody going to go look for Vincent?"

Michael: "I told you before, there are more important things to do right now."

Jack: "Is Vincent a yellow Lab? His slobbering on me woke me up. He ran off into the woods, but he's bound to come back soon."

Walt: "I knew it! He's alive! Why didn't you bring him with you?"

Michael: "That's unreasonable. The doctor had much more important things to do, like take care of all of us who got hurt, which seems to exclude you for some reason."

Jack looks at Walt. "That's odd not to have even a scratch after a crash like that. You're very lucky."

Walt: "If I was lucky, I'd have my dog!"

Sayid: "Getting back to what we were discussing, spelling is not perfectly correlated with intelligence. But to answer Hurley's question, notice the high tide line well beyond the fuselage. In a few hours, the high tide will come and carry the wreckage out to sea, and we won't have to worry about that."

Hurley: "That means we better get all the food that's still on there, now!"

Jack: "And all the medical supplies. We could use some help."

Boone: "I want to be helpful."

Hurley, Jack, Boone, and Sayid go to the plane. Hurley instinctively knows where the food storage area is, and with Boone and Sayid brings back armloads of airplane meals, drinks, and peanuts. Jack finds a few Oceanic first aid kits , but is puzzled by the lack of carry-on bags.

A few minutes later, a vital question is asked.

Charlie: "Where are we?"

Sayid: "It's not a difficult calculation given that we're very near the autumnal equinox. Seeing as the sun is almost directly overhead, we may conclude that we are very near the equator. Longitude can be approximated by the time showing on a watch. Since it's near noon local time, and my watch says it's shortly before ten am Sydney time, we can conclude that we are just over two time zones, or approximately 32 degrees east of Sydney. So we are close to zero degrees latitude, 175 degrees east longitude. I'd say within five degrees either direction. I'll be able to make a more accurate determination at night when the stars are visible."

Charlie: "Wooooooah."

Jin and Sun are off by themselves, getting over the shock. They speak in Korean.

Sun: "What are we going to do?"

Jin: "Just stay away from everyone else, and listen to me. We don't need them. We should be rescued within a day."

Sun: "Shouldn't we try to figure out what is going on?"

Jin: "We don't need to. They can't understand us, and we can't understand them, so let's not cause any trouble."

Sun sighs, and undoes the top button of her blouse.

Jin: "What are you doing? Cover yourself immediately!"

Sun: "It's hot here. Look how all the other women are dressed."

Jin: "You are my wife, and I will not have other men gawking at your indecency."

Sun frowns, and fastens her top button.

Shannon steps behind some bushes, changes into a bikini, and lies down on her back on an airplane blanket on the beach. Sayid notices and approaches.

Sayid: "Careful you don't burn up. We're very near the equator."

Shannon: "I'll have you know I'm a very experienced tanner and know what I'm doing. I use plenty of sunscreen."

Boone sees Sayid with Shannon and has to investigate.

Boone: "Shannon, is this guy giving you a hard time?"

Shannon: "Not really. Why, are you jealous?"

Sayid: "The name is Sayid, and if your boyfriend …"

Shannon: "He's not my boyfriend, he's my stupid brother."

Boone: "Hey, you're the stupid one. You're just lying around while people are hurting."

Shannon: "There're already enough people helping, like a real doctor. We're bound to be rescued soon, and I want to look good when we do. If you think you can be a help, why don't you be a hero and leave me alone?"

Boone and Sayid give Shannon some space.

Sayid: "Your sister is hot."

Boone: "You got that right. Does have a temper though."

With all the other survivors tended to, the noble doctor can finally pay attention to his own wounds. Jack is in agony as he removes his white dress shirt to try to look at the wound in his back. He sees Kate, and calls out,

"Can you come here?"

Kate comes over.

"Can I do something for you?"

Jack: "You … have you ever done any sewing?"

Kate: "I'm Kate. I guess I sewed a sampler for a third grade class project, but that's about it. There's probably someone better."

Jack: "That will be good enough. The other women don't look like they're in condition to do this."

Kate: "You know, some men can sew. It's not just a girl thing these days."

Jack: Oops. "Sorry, of course you're right. The men don't look like they can hold a needle and thread steadily enough for this, and you look like the most dependable and level-headed person around."

Kate: "That's better. Now what do you need done, … ?"

Jack: "I'm Jack, and I'm a doctor. Please sew up the wound on my back. First pour this alcohol on it, and do the best you can with this needle and thread." Jack lies down on his stomach to hold still.

Kate: "Okay, you asked for it." Kate daubs the alcohol on the wound, and wipes off the blood with Jack's shirt. She stitches up the wound quite well, and blots up more blood with the shirt. "All finished."

Jack: "Thanks, you did a great job. Now help me on with my shirt."

Kate hands Jack the blood-soaked shirt.

Kate: "This is pretty gross."

Jack: "What happened? You weren't supposed to wipe blood off with that. Couldn't you have used leaves? Now what I am supposed to wear?"

Kate: "Oopsy. Maybe there's some extra clothes in some suitcases that were saved." But I hope not. She runs her fingers through Jack's chest hair. "Maybe we better wait here a few minutes, you know, like to make sure the stitches hold."

Jack gets distracted. "Umm, yes, you could be right. There's no hurry now. I'm sure we'll be rescued soon." Jack carefully puts his arms on Kate's shoulders, and they hold each other for a long time. Then it grows dark. They return to the rest of the survivors, where Sayid and Michael have been building shelters out of airplane pieces and blankets. Shannon has changed into a miniskirt.

Jack: "Anyone got an extra shirt?"

No answer. Shannon and Walt giggle.

Hurley: "We need to eat. Should we ration the food?"

Sayid: "That will spoil in a day in this heat. We should eat it before it does. Say half today, and half tomorrow."

Everyone eats airplane meals. Sun and Jin figure out what is going on by the motions everyone else makes. Then there is a loud roar in the jungle.

Charlie: "What was that?"

Michael: "Walt's dog?"

Sawyer: "Lardo's stomach growling?"

Locke: "No, I'm sure it's some entity of this Island. We must respect it, and if we don't bother it, it will leave us alone."

Jack: "All right then, let's all try to get some sleep. The rescuers have got to be here in the morning."