A/N:So, this is the last chapter. I can't begin to tell you all how wonderful it was to see so much interest in this pairing. It was a great reward for all the time spent writing and rewriting. Thank you so much ShaViva, I'm so glad that you agreed to beta this and helped me make it such a great finished story.

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG1 or it's wonderful characters.

Spoilers: Probably Everything SGA & SG1. If you are worried it may be better not to read – sorry.

On the timeline: SG1 Seasons Over, SGA Season 5 – Enemy at the Gate

18 – New Traditions

Jackson and Mitchell stood in the gateroom at the SGC in their BDU's waiting for the IOA contingency to finish a meeting they were in at the SGC. They'd been assigned babysitting duty for the IOA again, this time they were going to be taken to Atlantis and given the grand tour.

It had been a very stressful and long past five days for all. A hive ship had found its way from the Pegasus galaxy to Earth intent on making it their newest feeding ground. Although Sheppard and his team along with the city of Atlantis had taken out the hive ship, the clean up afterwards and the problems they were still working out were immense and had kept all the military teams and scientists busy.

First they had all of the Wraith Darts that weren't on the hive when it was destroyed to contend with as well as locating all the downed Darts and ensuring that the pilots were dead and that the cleanup was done quickly and discreetly. There was also the cleanup occurring at Area 51 due to a kamikaze run two Darts had made on the facility.

Probably the most worrisome though was the city, the size of Manhattan, floating near San Francisco. What they were going to do with Atlantis and how they were going to get it back to the Pegasus galaxy was of most concern and the endless meetings on all aspects were becoming monotonous.

With all ships with beaming technology out of commission due to their efforts to stop the Wraith hive ship from reaching Earth the only transportation to and from Atlantis had been the Stargate or Puddle Jumpers. It'd taken a little doing, but Dr. McKay had found a work around that enabled the two Stargates to work in close proximity without one superseding the other. It had something to do with the gates being different in style and some kind of crystal thing too, but Cameron had tuned out during the meeting when it had been explained.

"You'd think," Daniel began, already bored with waiting for the IOA members to join them, "that with what happened last time we were the IOA's escorts they would've wanted a different team to escort them to Atlantis."

"Boy, if you could've seen them on the alpha site," Mitchell laughed. "They went through that gate faster than a sneeze through a screen door once they heard the Wraith threat had been neutralized."

Daniel shook his head and rolled his eyes at the Colonel, "I'm not too keen on being on the alpha site either because of those carnivorous roaches we encountered when on the gamma site last time. With all we've been through who'd think that even off world, bugs are still the creepiest thing out there."

"We did save their asses and ours, maybe they feel safer with us," Mitchell pondered, "kind of a bonding experience for them."

"Still think Woolsey or Sheppard could've taken this mission," Daniel grumbled as the IOA members finally began to file into the gateroom.

Cameron had to hide his smile at the anxious looks the IOA members were giving the Stargate.

Cameron and Daniel had gotten the okay from Woolsey to remain on Atlantis as long as they liked. Woolsey had meetings and dinner plans with the IOA at the SGC and was returning with them. Neither man had to report for duty until late morning and with their team on hold until Mitchell could find someone to take Carter's place they were usually just loaned out to other teams, although lately Cameron had been given the task of training teams off world. It was proving to be a great motivator to keep actively looking to fill Sam's vacated position. He was happy for her and a little envious that she'd been given command of the new Daedalus-class ship, the General Hammond.

"Well," Daniel said once the gate closed down behind the IOA contingency, "I'm off to the labs." He slid a sideways look at Mitchell while he rocked back on his heels, hands in pockets, "Don't suppose you want to tag along?" he questioned with a knowing smirk.

Cam grinned at the man, "Nah, thought I'd just wander around, see what I stumble across."

Daniel gave him a nod, but the smirk never left his face as he quickly disappeared down the hall.

Cameron turned and made his way to the infirmary. He'd been kept pretty busy since Atlantis had arrived on Earth, but not so busy he wasn't constantly wondering what Jennifer was up to and when they'd find a moment to finally see each other again. He couldn't help but be glad that Atlantis was on Earth, now that the danger had passed. He hoped for his sake they didn't find a way to send Atlantis back to the Pegasus anytime soon.

He knew that was pretty selfish, but he was tired of seeing her leave all the time. He'd even considered asking for a transfer to Atlantis. He was pretty sure they wouldn't let him go, and he also had his folks to consider, he didn't think he wanted to be that far away from them. He already pushed his luck everyday with his occupation.

He wasn't sure what she would say if he asked her to stay. It was a thought that entered his mind regularly. It wasn't fair to ask her but he wasn't sure if he could keep himself from asking when it was time for her to leave again. As quickly as the thought entered his mind he let it go. Thinking about her answers made him either extremely hopeful or exceedingly sad and he'd learned over the few weeks she'd been gone that it was best to think on something else altogether.

As he entered the infirmary he noted that it was pretty quiet. He strolled a little further into the infirmary until he caught the eye of one of the nurses.

"Can I help you, Colonel?" she asked, looking at the insignias on his shoulders.

"I'm looking for Dr. Keller?" Mitchell supplied with a friendly smile.

"She isn't on duty, sir. Are you in need of medical assistance?" she asked as she looked about the infirmary, most likely looking for a doctor.

"No, nothing like that, she's a friend. Do you know where I could find Dr. Keller?" Cameron asked.

"Actually, sir, both she and Dr. Beckett had a couple of meetings at the SGC today. Sorry, but that's all I know. She's on duty first shift tomorrow. Do you want to leave a message?" she asked brightly.

Mitchell thanked her but declined. He decided to make his way toward the mess hall in hopes of seeing her if she returned. Just outside the mess hall he ran into Major Lorne and the two visited while they filled their trays. Lorne led him to a table where Sheppard, Ronon and Rodney already sat.

"I heard you were on Atlantis playing tour guide for the IOA," Sheppard quickly looked around the mess hall. "They're not still here?" he asked anxiously.

"No, nothing like that," Cam said as he began to eat. "We sent them back through the gate with Woolsey for dinner and more meetings," he said relaying the meetings part with a slight sound of disgust.

"Glad I was left off that invitation list," Sheppard said with relief.

"Maybe we should lose the control crystal for a while," Rodney threw out chuckling.

"Maybe you could have taken more time reconfiguring our gate so that it worked in close proximity to the SGC gate," Sheppard taunted McKay, his grin giving away his humor. "Making it work that quickly was just plain showing off."

"Well, I thank you," Mitchell chimed in, "I got stuck on the alpha site with the IOA and everyone evacuated when the hive arrived and let me tell you," he said with a roll of his eyes, "I was never more glad to be able to send them back through the gate."

"Well, don't mess with the gate until Carson and Jennifer return from their meetings," Lorne added. "They get back and find out they were stuck because of something we did we'll have to avoid the infirmary for months."

John laughed when he looked at Ronon, "They'd get to take it all out on the big guy. He's already injured two Marines and needed six stitches himself since we took up residence here on Earth."

Ronon glared at John, "It's boring here," he grumbled, not yet allowed to venture beyond the city.

"I've had a few Marines at the SGC wondering if they're going to get a chance at the infamous Ronon Dex," Mitchell said laughing.

Ronon gave him a challenging look.

"Dammit, not me," Cameron said quickly, "I'm not stupid enough to spar with you, especially when you're sittin and stewin. On the other hand…" Cam said grinning, "my Marines have no sense of self preservation whatsoever."

"Sam's suppose to be sending a box of movies over with the docs, so no disabling of the gate," John added. "How long you hanging out for, Mitchell? Ya want to join us for movie night?" John offered.

Mitchell looked at McKay, who was busy eating, then swung his gaze to Lorne and tried to hide his discomfort at finding the man watching him with a knowing look. Cam would've thought everyone at this table would've known he was hanging around hoping to see Jennifer. Cam began to open his mouth, not yet sure what he was going to say, but the Major spoke up first.

"Jennifer said she'd try to get some popcorn for tonight," Lorne offered, raising his eyebrows.

Cameron got the hint that Jennifer would be there and gave the Major a thankful smile before turning to the others. "Yeah, sure. I'll go find Jackson and see if he's game."

Rodney's head popped up, "What?" he said a touch of panic in his voice.

"Or… not…" Cameron said slowly. "Probably couldn't tear him away from whatever treasure he's found down in the labs anyway."

"Jackson is here on Atlantis?" Rodney asked, the panic in his voice rising. "Why wasn't I informed he was here? People shouldn't be allowed to go traipsing about the labs unattended," the physicist complained as he began to gather up his tray, the panic giving way to anger. "Just because he's a member of SG1 he thinks that gives him the right to invade my labs. Sure he had a small part in helping shut down the Attero Device, but that doesn't give him an all-access pass…" Rodney continued to rant as with tray in hand he stood and left the table still grumbling aloud.

"My room, one hour McKay," Sheppard called after the quickly departing scientist.

Rodney waved his hand in the air dismissively as he continued on his way.

Sheppard turned to Mitchell with a smirk, "That was fun. So… is Jackson really here?"

Mitchell laughed, "Sure is."

"Even better," John chuckled. "We'll meet in my quarters in an hour then," he said as he stood with Ronon and they made to leave. "Hope Keller remembers the popcorn," he mumbled as he and the big guy wandered away leaving Mitchell and Lorne together.

Cameron turned to Lorne, "So… um… I take it they don't know about Jenn and I but you do. How is that possible, isn't the rumor mill around here rampant? I know it is at the SGC."

"Well I know because… well, Jenn and Laura and I are pretty close. Close enough that you know the whole drill about if you hurt her?" At Mitchell's nod Lorne continued, "Well consider it times two for Laura and I and I'd bet that holds true for Sheppard and his team."

"I'm not going to hurt her, Major" Cameron said, trying not to be offended, but grateful that Jennifer had friends looking out for her.

"I know, but it had to be said aloud. Anyway, being Jenn's friend means keeping her private life private," Evan stated.

Cameron could almost hear the duh at the end of his words.

"I just kind of assumed that after Rodney saw us kiss that…" Cameron began only to be cut off.

"Rodney knows? Huh," Lorne mused, "good for him. I would've assumed he would've told Sheppard at least."

"So what about you and Lt. Cadman? You two together yet?" Mitchell asked with a smirk at the Major's discomfort.

Lorne laughed, shaking his head, "You're right… that is some rumor mill you got going inside that mountain. "

"Actually, I guessed that one as soon as I learned you and Jennifer weren't an item," Cameron said with a knowing smile at the confused look on Lorne's face. "Like I told Cadman, no man hangs out with two beautiful women on a regular basis unless he's interested in one of them. It makes him look unavailable," Cam finished, lifting his eyebrows for emphasis.

Lorne nodded his head. "She's on the Daedalus, they should be here in two more weeks." He paused for a moment. "Miss her like hell," Lorne acknowledged ducking his head.

"I hear ya," Cameron agreed as they made their way out of the mess hall.

Within the hour Mitchell found himself in Sheppard's quarters with Lorne, Teyla, Ronon and Sheppard. Mitchell felt the anxiousness in his body he usually associated with his anticipation of seeing Jennifer. He couldn't help but check the door often and was chagrined to find Lorne smirking at him when he caught his eye. He gave the Major a glare before looking away and trying to pay attention to the conversations around him.

A few moments later he heard the door to Sheppard's quarters open. Cam turned hopeful eyes toward the door and watched Dr. Beckett enter holding a box. Mitchell smelt the popcorn from where he was sitting, but as he watched the door slide shut behind the doctor with no one else entering the disappointment was great.

"No Keller?" John asked, expressing the very question floating through Cameron's mind as Carson deposited the movies on an end table near John.

"I'm afraid not, she had a bit of a long day. I think the meetings were a little stressful on the lass. She said to start without her and she'd join us later," Carson spoke to the room in general as he looked around for a seat. His eyes landed on Mitchell as he was beginning to sit down, only to stand up again.

Carson made his way over to Mitchell. "We have not been formally introduced but I'm…"

"Dr. Carson Beckett," Mitchell finished for him, standing and shaking the man's hand.

"Aye, and you would be Colonel Cameron Mitchell." Carson looked around the room before continuing. "After the meetings ended, lad, we looked for you. Jennifer wanted to tell you of the outcome of the meetings, but we couldn't find you. It didn't occur to us that you would be here."

"Yeah… Dr. Jackson and I gave the IOA a tour of Atlantis and then we got permission to play hooky here," Mitchell said by way of explanation. Now that they had paused he realized that everyone was listening to their conversation.

"Well," Carson said into the silent room hesitantly, "if I understand the situation correctly…"

"You do'" Mitchell agreed readily, his heart rate increasing.

"Well, don't be standing there then, I'm sure the Major here will show you the way to her quarters," Carson said, nodding at Lorne who was already beginning to stand. "Off with ya."

Carson watched Lorne and Mitchell make a quick exit before turning around to sit back down. "So… have ya settled on a movie then?" He looked up to find Ronon, Teyla and Sheppard all staring at him. "What?"

"What the hell was that all about?" Sheppard asked, frustration showing in his voice. When Carson hesitated, John spoke again, "Doc…" he prodded in a deep voice.

"It's not really my story to tell," the doc replied tentatively. "Not like it's going to be a secret long I suppose," Carson consented at the continuous stares of those in the room. "It seems that our Jennifer is dating the Colonel there," he announced nodding at the closed door.

"Our Dr. Keller," Sheppard repeated, trying to clarify what he was hearing, "is dating Colonel Mitchell?"

"Aye, for a while now I suspect," Carson agreed.

"I thought she was interested in a guy named Ron," Sheppard said perplexed.

"Aye, Cameron, that's what I said. Are ya deaf, son?" Carson asked

"Wow, didn't see that one coming," Sheppard said rubbing his neck.

"Are we going to watch a bloody movie or what?" Carson asked, rolling his eyes and gesturing toward the television. "If we don't get a move on Teyla here will have finished all the popcorn," he said, teasing the Athosian who'd been eating the popcorn while avidly listening to all that was going on around her.

Cameron stood before the door Lorne had pointed out as belonging to Jennifer and rang the chime. He felt bad she'd looked for him at the SGC and not found him. He'd been frustrated these last five days. They'd not had a chance to see each other yet and he knew it was probably driving her insane too.

Her door slid open and there she stood. She stared at him and he was sure her reaction was the same as his. Finally.

Mitchell took a step forward and pulled her in for a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're here and safe. That was a hell of an entrance."

She could hear the relief in his voice and knew that the events leading up to Atlantis floating in the Pacific had probably been hard to live through. "Sorry about that."

"I just can't believe you're here," he said pulling back slightly, "and for a while it seems."

"Missed you," she said smiling into his eyes.

He lowered his lips to within a breath of hers. "Me too."

She rocked forward onto her toes, her lips converging with his. Missing him didn't seem to cover how she'd felt being away from this man. She loved him, absolutely adored him, and hoped he'd feel the same for her, either now or in the near future. She was banking on it. She moved her hands from his back to his face in a gesture filled with tenderness.

Cameron felt her hands upon his face and couldn't help the joy he felt. He slipped a hand to each side of her waist and lifted her off her feet. He felt her grip his shoulders for balance and tipped his head back trying to hold onto her lips until the last moment when he'd lifted her too high to kiss anymore. He grinned up at her, "We are probably putting on quite a show out here," he laughed up at her. He let her slide down him until they were nose to nose. "Shall we get out of here?"

"Where did you have in mind?" she asked not really wanting to leave his arms.

"How about we take a walk to that balcony we spent so much time on during my first visit here? Do you know how to get there again?" He set her upon her own feet.

"Let me grab a jacket," she said hurrying into her quarters.

Curiosity had Cameron sneaking a quick peek about her room, but she was ready in nothing flat.

They made their way to the transporter and toward the outskirts of the city. The trip out was quiet, each enjoying the knowledge that they were in close proximity to the other. Shortly after leaving the transporter Cameron reached for her hand and they walked hand in hand out to the balcony.

Jennifer walked to the railing and looked out at the view of not only the city of Atlantis, but to San Francisco sparkling across the water.

Cameron joined her at the railing sensing that the mood had changed drastically between her room and the balcony. He wondered if it'd been a bad idea to come out here.

"Definitely a different view than the one off this balcony the last time I stood here." When Jenn remained silent he continued, hoping to pull her out of her funk. "I thought I'd ruined the evening trying to find out if you and Lorne were an item."

She turned to him and smiled. "Instead it made the evening much more interesting."

Cameron didn't like the quietness that had descended on them. As he watched her turn back toward the railing he moved to stand behind her and slid his arms around her waist, cradling her body with his. "What is it?" he asked, hoping it was something that could be fixed.

"I'm just tired and it makes my thoughts seem heavier. I'll have a better perspective tomorrow." Jennifer let her vision roam over Atlantis, she loved this city.

The silence eventually gave way to her words. "We just up and left, taking the city with us. I know we had to stop the Wraith from reaching Earth. We had to act fast, there were no other options. I just can't help but think of all those we left behind. We just vanished on them with no warning, left them to fight the Wraith on their own."

Cameron could hear the anguish in her voice. He remained quiet, allowing her the time to get this out where she could deal with it.

"Teyla's people will think the worst, because in their galaxy, that is the norm. Carson was working on so many things, those people need someone like him helping them with their illnesses and teaching them basic medicine and how to help their sick and wounded." She felt his arms tighten around her and she let her head lean back against his shoulder. "I just can't believe we're stuck here with no foreseeable way of returning to the Pegasus galaxy."

Cameron slowly felt his heart plummeting as he listened to Jennifer talk. He tightened his hold on her as he realized he would lose her again one day to the Pegasus galaxy. There was no way he could ask her to stay, but he could cherish all the days she had here before she left. He could also help reassure her.

"Jenn," he spoke quietly near her ear, "you will make it back, we'll find a way to get the city back to the Pegasus. You've seen how resourceful and lucky we've been in the past. There is no way that Atlantis and the expedition won't find a way home… over time."

He felt her body tense within his arms, but he didn't relinquish his hold until she took a step away.

Jennifer hadn't given much thought to Cameron's reaction to her being back on Earth beyond what echoed in her own thoughts. Happiness, relief, love even, a chance to put themselves in the same galaxy and the possibility that it could be permanent. Now she realized that might not be the case.

"Cam, I need to tell you something. I thought that it was the right thing at the time, it just seemed to feel… perfect." Jennifer hesitated, unsure how to spit it out.

She paced in front of him and for the first time that evening he began to really worry.

"Today… um, Carson and I met with Dr. Lam, General Landry and Dr. Lee," she began quietly, not daring to look at him. She couldn't stand it if his look was anything short of happiness so she didn't dare look.

"In two months I will no longer be the CMO of Atlantis. They'll be appointing Dr. Beckett as the CMO."

"What? Why would they do that to you?" Cam was enraged for her. No wonder she was so sad and contemplative.

"It was my idea," she rushed to explain, turning to look at Cam. "Dr. Beckett is a talented and wonderful doctor who has such a love for the people in the Pegasus galaxy. If we do stay here on Earth he'll never be allowed off Atlantis. He can't be seen, he's supposed to be dead and they can't take the risk of him being scrutinized."

"He could remain on Atlantis and be a doctor, they don't need to make him CMO," Cam challenged.

Jennifer looked back down at her feet. "I asked them to make him CMO because I won't be there any longer. I put in a transfer request with General Landry for the SGC. In two months I'll be working with Dr. Lam in the infirmary and Dr. Lee on research of both Pegasus and Milky Way viruses, antibodies, therapies and things."

She finished this revelation in a hushed voice with her eyes squeezed shut. When he didn't say anything after a lengthy pause she looked up to see if he was still there.

Cameron couldn't believe what he was hearing, but the goofy grin he could feel on his face said that his heart did. This amazing woman in front of him was going to stay, permanently, and he wasn't even going to have to ask.

When Jenn looked up and saw his joy she was stunned. She hadn't dared hope this would be his reaction.

"Thank god," Cameron exclaimed as he stepped forward and pulled her against his body. "Darlin', you scared the hell out of me."

She felt him take a deep breath in and let it out. She did the same smiling when she felt him begin to laugh, feeling each chuckle vibrate through her body. He lifted her up off her feet and spun around once before setting her down.

Jenn understood his happiness – she felt it too. It was something that couldn't be contained.

"Your dad's going to think this is my doing," Cam stated with a smug look on his face.

"Don't go all cocky on me," she laughed pushing at his chest.

Cameron winked down at her and she had to laugh, "Ok… so maybe it was a little because of you," she conceded.

"Should make getting his blessing later pretty easy," he said, grinning at her.

Jennifer was surprised at his statement, not expecting such a declaration so soon, but his confident look quickly warmed her and she had to laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's a good thing I'm in love with you or that confidence wouldn't be so endearing."

She felt his body still and she realized that despite his confident statements, he'd been just as unsure of her feelings as she had been of his. She smiled up at him. "So are you going to kiss me or what? I'm sure you could make up another tradition if you need a reason beyond loving me."

Cam laughed at her. He could not recall ever being happier than he was at that very moment. He leaned down 'til their foreheads touched and his eyes met hers. "I do love you," he said intently before kissing her. As the kiss deepened he tightened his hold on her, needing to feel her closer.

Jennifer pulled back as their kiss ended, needing to see his face. The smile showing plainly on his face and the love in his eyes made her knees weak.

"Come on," he said, removing his arms from around her and reaching for her hand.

"Where are we going?" Jenn laughed as he led her off the balcony and turned back the way they'd come.

"We're gonna need privacy if we're going to be making up new traditions," he stated in a serious tone, before turning and wagging his eyebrows at her suggestively.

Jennifer laughed as she let Cameron lead the way. She couldn't think of a better way to spend the night than creating new traditions with Cam. She never wanted to be far from his side again. She slipped her arm around his waist as they entered the transporter and held on tight.

AN2:So... what'd you think?

AN3: I have written a sequel to this story now. It's called Protective Instincts and picks up about 6 months after this story.