What's up guys? Jiyu here, once again bringing you crack in the form of a story from the deepest pits of her imagination.

After a long absence from writing fics, I've recently decided to write this new one to show my ever-lasting love for that blue-haired kitty from Bleach. Due to extreme laziness, I have no idea if I'm ever going to finish my other story, Survivors: Melee in Raccoon City. In fact, I might just discontinue it. I'll leave it up for now, though, so just tell me if I if you want me to finish it or not and we'll see.

Here's a question: Have you ever wondered what happened to Grimmjow after his battle with Ichigo? I have, so I decided to make a fic on it. In truth, I got the idea for this fic while I was bored one day and began to imagine what would happen if my character and Grimmjow got into a fight because he was beating the shit out of a guy who bumped into me on the street. Needless to say, I had to make it into a story. POOF! This fic was born.

Yes people, you heard me right. Just as the summary suggests, this is going to be a fic in which Grimmjow is paired with my OC Cici. Now, I know some of you are gonna be all like, "OMG! Grimmjow is leik mine, batch!1111!" and frankly my dears, I don't give a damn. If you can't handle an OC paired with already existing cannon characters, especially OTHER peoples OCs, then DON'T READ THIS FIC. Plain and simple. I'm not gonna say it again.

Seeing as everyone refers to Grimmjow as a Jaguar, I chose the title Panthera Onca because it's the scientific name for the Jaguar.

Ready now? On with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or any of its characters. That is the joy of Tite Kubo.

"Shit…!" He mumbled, gripping the wound over his chest. It wouldn't stop bleeding and it hurt like a bitch. Just his luck.

He had been wandering around this god forsaken desert for what seemed like fucking hours. Blood was seeping slowly from his wounds, he was covered in dirt and sweat, and he felt decidedly like shit. And though he didn't care to admit it, he was really fucking weak at the moment and his body was screaming at him to just lay the fuck down and take a rest.

Especially his legs.

Walking was a bitch.

Dragging yourself off of the ground after having your ass handed to you by an orange-haired shinigami bastard was a bitch.

Having your ass handed to you in general was a bitch.

Being saved by the same Shinigami bastard who handed your ass to you because you couldn't move from were you were laying was an even bigger bitch. Talk about adding insult to injury. Especially when you were the fucking king. Now that was a bitch. He didn't even know how he got his ass handed to him in the first place. He was the strongest Espada ever created.

In his own mind, that is.

But he guessed that didn't matter when you had just gotten beat down, stabbed in the fucking neck by one of your own, saved by the one who beat you down in the first place, and left there to die. Nope. Didn't matter at all.

And speaking of the bastard who stabbed him, he had deserved to die. In fact, he was happy that Nnoitra was killed by that other Shinigami with the ridiculous hair. Hell, if he had felt like getting up, he would have helped that guy beat him up! Teach him to stab Grimmjow fucking Jaegerjaques in the neck and get away with it! But he didn't feel like getting up. He was injured after all. And his vision was swimming. Come to think of it, it still was.

Did he mention that blood loss was a bitch? No? Well he just did.

It was starting to get old quickly, feeling like shit. Where was that woman and her retarded little fairies when you needed her? Probably out dancing with Ulquiorra and the Shinigami. Bitch. He needed healing. Wasn't it her that said she didn't want to see him hurt anymore? Hypocrite. Didn't even heal him afterward.

And what was with not being able to gather enough reishi in his fucking feet to walk in the air! If a hollow came along while he was in this state and on the ground, it would probably attack, thinking it could get a quick meal just 'cause he was a bit tired.

"Fuck that..." he mumbled. He could take down any fucking hollow that tried to bother him with a creo blast, even if he did feel like shit. He was still an Espada, after all. The Sexta Espada. A fact that he was very proud of.


...But still, he should probably get his ass out of Hueco Mundo while he still felt like moving. He was, after all, quite fortunate that a hollow hadn't come and that Aizen hadn't sent any of his other cronies (like Tosen) to come and chop his arms off. Again. So, why stay and wait for one or the other?

Sighing, he looked up and willed a tear to open in the space above of him. At least he could still open a fucking pathway. There was a plus. He dimly rolled his eyes and let the beam of light surround him and carry him up into the opening, his limbs hanging tiredly, blood still coming out.

You'd think that they would have healed somewhat by now, him being an Arrancar and all, but they were still bleeding and they still hurt like a bitch.

"Fucking great," he hissed, "just fucking great." Why did that bastard Shinigami have to go and give him so many wounds? Why? What had he ever done to him?

...Besides hold his girlfriend prisoner.

It wasn't even his fault anyway! It was Aizen's and Ulquiorra's. He had even saved that damn woman from Menoly and Loly! Where were his thanks? Figures. You try to be a good Samaritan, and all you get in return is cuts and bruises. God he was gonna be sore in the morning.

If Aizen didn't find him that is.

Speaking of which, he didn't even know where in the fuck this goddamn pathway would take him. That was the thing about these dimensional pathways. You could control the area that they would take you, but not the place in the area. Sure, he was going to Karakura Town, but if he ended up in front of a Shinigami there or not was entirely random. Stupid fucking pathways.

He turned around slowly to look back at Hueco Mundo. Perpetual day or night, white trees that popped up in the landscape every so often, Las Noches, and desert for as far as the eye could see.

He wasn't going to miss it.

"Goodbye ya bitch of a dimension," he hissed, a frown on his lips, "see ya never."

With that said, he spit out into the desert that he just left, and watched it disappear as the pathway knitted itself back together, looking as if nothing had ever happened.

So, what did you guys think so far? I hope I managed to keep Grimmjow in character...though I don't think he would curse so much...

Reviews are always loved!