This takes place in New Moon, when Bella finds Edward's meadow, and starts crying. Laurent walks into the meadow and this is what happens.

"Laurent?" The vampire turned around and smiled at me. But it wasn't a friendly smile. I couldn't place it though… "Bella? Is that you? Well look at that, it is. Where are the Cullens? I would think that they wouldn't want you out here alone where you could get hurt." The Cullens. Again the simple mention of them had me struggling not to just fall over crying. It felt as if I was being sucked into a black hole…again. There's only so much I can take today before I brake. Laurent looked at me expectantly. Oh right he asked me a question. "They're here somewhere." I knew not to say I was here alone. "They decided to give me a brake from all their supervision so they should be little whiles off from here." I was depressed but not suicidal. There was something off about Laurent that I couldn't place.

"Are they?" He took a step towards me and I automatically stepped back. In the back of my mind I heard my imaginary Edward growl. But I was too focused on trying to figure out what was wrong here. "I don't hear them. It seems you're alone." Darn his vampire senses! I forgot about those. He took another step forward but I was frozen. I knew what was wrong now. His eyes.

His eyes were black with just the hint of red. He's hungry. And that smile. It's an evil smile. He was going to eat me! "Well maybe they were a little more off then I thought. I should get going; they're probably worried about me by now if they went that far off." I said all of this in a hurried voice while I was turning around. But he was faster.

"What, leaving already? That won't do. I say we continue our little reunion with a snack." He was looking pointedly at a big vain in my neck while he said this. I couldn't help but cringe. He just smiled. This was now a predator and prey scenario. One that ended with my beautiful meadow becoming my deathbed. I guess it would be a good place to die. I just realized something; everything big happens to me in the woods. When he and I admitted our feelings for each other, our first kiss, the James incident, when he left me, and now my death. I'm sure more happened; I just can't think straight with Laurent walking towards me, murder evident in his eyes.

"Now don't worry. This will be quick and hardly painful. Especially compared to what Victoria had in mind. Hmmm she'll be very disappointed that I'll kill you before she can get her hands on you." The Edward in my mind screamed at me to stall in any way possible. "Yes she will. Think about her. She'll be very mad at you for taking the only thing she wants away from her." "Yes. But I haven't hunted in weeks. It's a very surprising coincidence finding you here, and your blood just smells divine. If I had been well fed it may have turned out different. But I'm afraid we'll have to continue with snack time."

He stalked forward and took me in his arms. His cold touched reminded me of him. I wanted to cry again but couldn't bring myself to. I was in the arms of death and surprisingly I felt content. Like I wanted this to happen. How can it be? Maybe all the depression has finally gotten to me. Maybe I've become suicidal? It's possible. With all I've been through I'm surprised I haven't followed in Esme's footsteps and jumped off a cliff. But right now, awaiting death in the arms of a vampire so much like my love, I feel only relief and contentment. Relief that my sorry excuse for a life is finally over, and contentment being the fact that I'm dyeing in the arms of a vampire.

I closed my eyes and waited for it all to be over. I felt the touch of his icy lips on my neck as I lye waiting in his arms. They reminded me so much of Edward. The name broke through the walls I've built. I decided I could handle the pain of remembering once more before my time was up. Edward, Edward, Edward, my love. My one and only true love. How I miss him so! If only he loved me like I did him. Then I could be in his arms now, having him kiss me, and hold me, not in the arms of a killer vampire, who is going to suck the blood out of my helpless body.

But he doesn't love me. Only in my imagination. And that will never be enough for such a selfish creature as me. I felt Laurent's teeth sink into my skin and instantly felt fire running through my body. As he began sucking the life out of me I could hear the faint rustle of the bushes behind me. I fell to ground as Laurent backed away. What is he dong?

I turned my head just enough to see large wolves coming into the clearing. The russet colored one looked familiar but I didn't have time to think of him anymore as he rocketed through the trees after a retreating Laurent. I barley saw the other wolves leave when I surrendered to the darkness.