Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in Gone with the Wind. I am simply someone writing around the wonderful novel written by Margaret Mitchell.
Sorry if this isn't any good. This is my first story on FanFiction. I've always wanted to write something like this but had never fully gotten enough of an idea to write it. I'll try for now. Oh and some things are slightly changed and added in. I tried to pull as much as I could from the novel. (Reviews welcome.)
Chapter 1
Wild at Heart
Ellen Robillard, the loveliest of all the Robillard daughters, sat on her bed and stared at the ticking clock on the wall. Her beautiful, slightly tilted, dark eyes chased the hands on the clock, willing them to go faster. She knew that in just minutes, Philippe, her simply dashing cousin that had swept her heart up and held it firmly in his perfect hand, would arrive at her door. Ellen was quite taken with his rebellious ways and brooding good looks, despite the disapproval of everyone around the two. He transformed her. Ellen, found herself letting walls down that her mother and Mammy had built in her mind since birth when she was in his presence. But of course, she never once strayed from being a proper lady.
It was a difficult situation to describe. She had tried to explain her love and near infatuation with Philippe to her friends as they confessed their lives to one another, but she could never make them understand. She was completely and irrevocably in love with him; however she could never be sure if he felt equally about her. She knew that she was no less than beautiful and charming in her own elegant way, but she never felt the need to flit her charm about to impress other men, only Philippe. He was her world, completely.
She sighed and stood to see out the window. There was still no sign of him. He had promised her twelve o'clock. She stole a glance at the clock and noticed that he was close to an hour late. She would not let herself be disappointed. No, he always showed up late. Of course he would be there. He loved her dearly. There was no way that he could feel any other way about her.
She knew how she felt whenever he walked in the same room as her. Her heart quickened it's pace and beat heavily. Her breath became irregular and labored. Her palms itched for his soft, warm touch. Ellen just knew in her heart of hearts that he felt the same. The passion they shared for one another was unmistakable.
"No one can be punctual all the time." Ellen thought to herself. She was never-endingly excusing his tardiness or sometimes absence. Nevertheless, she waited patiently with a burning heart, yearning for his affection. Sometimes she felt as if the love they shared was a grand game of cat and mouse, forever tugging at one another's heartstrings, pulling away then following with random bursts of affection. It only made Ellen love him all the more. Their love was just unique, and it made it even more beautiful and enjoyable.
She moved a chair to the window and stared out into the wonderful Savannah sunshine that made the land sparkle. A soft rain had fallen and everything lay covered in a fine layer of mist. Everything seemed to show such promise. She felt as if the universe was telling her that he would show up today. She watched as a bird flew overhead and met with another bird of it's likeness on a branch. Oh, how her heart wished to be that bird. To be free to do as she pleased, flying this way and that, never any occasions to attend, no worries at all. And if she were truly lucky, Philippe would be the other bird. Then they could start life together, side by side. No annoying siblings or parents to discourage her from him, just the two of them with the world at their wings. Freedom, it was the only thing that she wanted more than Philippe. For the simple fact that with freedom, came Philippe. Nothing in the world was sweeter than those moments of dreaming to Ellen.
Ellen's thoughts were gently interrupted by the rolling Southern accent of her Mammy. "Miss Ellen, iss supper time chile." Ellen stood from her strategically placed chair next to the large picture window in her room and shook her head silently. She mechanically did as she was told and began to walk to the staircase. Mammy grabbed her arm gently and looked straight into her eyes without hesitation. "Miss Ellen you know wass gonna happen in deh tonight, juss try to stay calm." Ellen calmly shook her head and started down the stairs, knowing that she would be far from calm. Dinner would be miserable. She just knew that her Pa was going to spend all of mealtime trying ineffectively to convince her of Philippe's worthlessness and his inability to care for anyone but himself. Ellen held her head proudly and prepared to defend the love of her life and brave the hatred of her father as she took the first step towards the step. "This wouldn't be the first time I've defended him." Ellen let her thoughts slip away as she caught the pleased face of her father at the table. A spark lit in her heart. "Here we go."
(Next chapter coming very soon. I wanted this to express Ellen's personality before Gerald. I always felt like she was a toned down version of Scarlett before her heart was ripped in two and that's how Scarlett became who she was. And of course the combination of Gerald's boisterous personality. Tell how you like it. Thanks for reading.)