Pure Morning

"A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend who'll tease is better ,
Our thoughts compress,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather,"

The woman sitting across from her was not what Camille had expected.

Washed out blue eyes surrounded by black liner. Faded blackened hair, disheveled, carelessly hanging in a ponytail at the back of her head. Her skin was too pale to be healthy, or at least natural. A long grey shirt with a black fitted tank top hung off her figure, as her black jeans hugged her hips. Her look was topped off by a pierced lip and a bored look that had its own ring glittering above it.

This doctor's look did not fit her credentials, or her recommendation letter.

"So, Ms Nigh," the superior paused, "what do you think you could bring to the Jeffersonian?"

"I'm good at my job." The woman sat up slightly straighter and looked the doctor over with a blunt disregard for discretion. "I'm not scared of a little flesh, like some of the other doctors you've interviewed."

Camille raised her own brow, before questioning, "What do you mean?"

"That last doctor," Dr Nigh made finger quotes and jerked her head toward the door, "got sick at seeing what humans remains at a varying state. I don't mind gore or blood or bones. I know how to keep things at arms length. I know how to keep work at work. I don't need anymore friends so if you get sick of me you won't get the tail end of it."

She leaned back and rested her head against the chair, "I've learned to separate my emotions, Dr Sayoren. I won't be a liability to you."

Cam wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but nodded anyway. "Alright, I'll give you a month's probation. How's that sound, Nova?"

The newly hired anthropologist winced at the name, "uh, most people call me by my middle name, Calvin."

"Oh, okay then. Whatever makes you comfortable."

Calvin gave her boss a tight, obviously forced smile before standing. Camille stood next to her and Calvin stared down at her.

"New rule," Cam said. "You're never to where heels to the office."

"I don't intend to." She quirked her pierced brow again, and looked at her flats.

"No one should be as tall as you are."

"I'm only 5'10."

"Really? Huh. You seem…taller."

Calvin nodded, "I get that a lot."

"Hmm." The women walked up the podium and Jack rolled his eyes.

"Oh great, another intern."

The eyebrow quirked again, "what makes you think I'm an intern?"

"Look at you, you're twelve."

"I'll be thirteen in two months." Calvin smirked and looked at Pathologist. "Is it the tank top?"

Camille nodded, smirking, "It might be."

Calvin blinked a moment, then shrugged, "Fuck it, I like my tank top."

Hodgins stared at the two of them, "So, you're not an intern?"

"I'm not an intern, but I am on probation."

The man's eyes widened and he looked at their superior, "oh god."

"What?" Calvin looked at the two of them as the woman address him.

"No, not like that."

Calvin rolled her eyes and looked over at the corpse on the steel table.

Scanning the report she glanced at Hodgins, "you found opium on him?"

"Yeah, we figure he's been carting it around town," he glanced at her eyebrow ring then maintained eye contact.

"Did he have any weapons on him?"

"Well, no."

"Then he's not a dealer, you don't cart unless you're packing. And even if they ripped it off him, he'd still have gun powder residue on him." She closed the file and looked at the two, "he might be a supplier though."

"Supplier?" Hodgins looked at the woman as a look of realization came over Cam's face.

"That would explain the chemical imbalance." She nodded approvingly at the young woman who wasn't paying her any mind.

"Or a pigeon, hard to tell. He got a rap sheet?"

Hodgins looked at Calvin, "you seem to know a lot about the drug world, Miss…"


He nodded, "Miss Nigh."

She smirked, and crossed her arms. "Detroit."

He let out an 'ah' of understanding before looking at Cam.

"Is she always this hostile?"

Camille shrugged, "I just met her too, Hodgp-" she paused mid sentence and looked at the floor, "I have to go."

Calvin didn't say anything until she was off the podium, "She lost someone then?"

"What?" The man turned to the woman, if he could call her that, and watched as she carefully picked up a bone.

"People don't pause like that unless something's wrong, and considering it was in the middle of a nickname, I'd say either; the two of you were knocking boots, or you were close to said person also."

Hodgins glared slightly, "It doesn't matter."

"You're right, it doesn't. At least not right now." She looked at the hand and then at Hodgins, "this guy was a pigeon."

He walked over, "how can you tell?"

"Markings, here," she indicated, "and here. Some upper people like to mark their property. Usually with scarring, and it involves digging the knife into the bone. This gang," Calvin turned it over, "made three markings, one centimeter apart, on both sides of the arm."

"Does that mean something?"

"Won't know 'til we find the gang."
Mentally, Hodgins screamed Queen of the Lab, as he nodded at her, thoroughly impressed. "You should tell Dr. Brennan."

"Great." There was a small pause before Calvin asked, "Who is she?"

"You-you don't know who Dr Brennan is?"

"Should I?"

He nodded mutely.

"Huh. Why?"

"She's a writer and a movie's getting made…"

"So?" she put a hand on her hip, "do I look like the reading type?"

He looked at her hips, then at her, "No."

"Thank you." She turned back to the bones, and Hodgins went on.

"But you must be, you're pretty young to be a doctor."

"What part of Detroit, did you not follow?"

"Kinda mean to be a doctor, too."

Calvin smirked and said nothing as Hodgins sighed.

"How old are you anyway?"

"Twenty two."

"You're younger then Sweets?"

"Who?" She cocked her brow again.

Hodgins sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Psychologist."

"Shit." Hodgins glanced up at her as she glared at the bone, "I fuckin' hate therapy."


She glanced up at him, then back at the bone. "Because its invading, have you seen the-"

"Hey." A new voice joined the conversation, and Hodgins rolled his eyes.

"I take it the psych guy is behind me."

"That I am," the man entered the podium and gave the woman a smile. "I'm Doctor Lance Sweets, you must be Calvin."

She glared slightly then looked back at the bone, "must be, or my name tag down right dishonest."

She tilted her head to the side, and looked at Hodgins, "Where'd you say this Brandon chick was?"

"Brennan, and she's on the third office to the left." Calvin nodded her thanks and walked away from the men, or at least tried to.

Lance followed behind, much to her dismay, and of course, Hodgins' glee.

"Not a fan of psychology either, I take it?"

"Hell no, now, unless you have something that can help me with this case," she stopped and Sweets stopped too, "I want you to do me a big favor."

"Anything," he smiled.

She gave him a false smile, "why don't you step back, and literally fuck yer own face!"

His jaw dropped, as did Cam's, and Angela's who had been watching from across the room.

Not putting much thought into it, the young doctor turned on her heel and walked into Brennan's office.

"Oh, I like her."

Cam smirked, "you would."

"You should," Angela beamed, "look at him. He's awestruck."

Cam looked at her.

"I said him." The two women turned just in time to see the man-child snap out of it and follow Calvin into the office.

"Why do I get the feeling that's a bad idea?"

"Because it probably is." Camille smiled and Angela shook her head.

"This is gonna be a screwed up month."

Cam nodded and pointed when she saw Calvin leave the office, without Sweets trailing her.

"Should we-"

"Oh, yeah."

The women practically ran into the office to find the psychologist hand-cuffed to a filing cabinet, blushing heavily.

"What-how'd she do that so fast?"

He shook his head, "just get the key."

"Not until I get pictures." Angela raced out of the room leaving Cam and Sweets alone.


"She said if I didn't leave her alone I'd face the consequences...I think she might be a bit bipolar."

"Calvin!" Turning on her heel, the woman in question came face to face with a Miss Angela Montenegro.

"Hi." The woman beamed at her and Calvin nodded, slightly weary.

"Hello…Are you Dr Brennan?"

"What? Oh no, it's just, I saw what you did to Sweets and well…" Angela continued to beam and Calvin took a subtle step back, "it was great. How'd you do it?"

"He's a man, how do you think I did it." It wasn't as much a question as it was a statement, and Angela's mouth dropped slightly.

"Oh. I mean, wow." She nodded approvingly, "you are good."

Calvin smirked, "I try. Can you show me to Brennan's office? The directions I got were kinda worthless."

"Sure." The women went in step as they went to the doctor's office.

"So, you do have a key for him right?"

"Of course, I always keep spares." She reached in her pocket and pulled out a key.

Taking it from her, Angela couldn't help but ask, "What's with the handcuffs anyway?"

"I like a little bondage in my day." They entered the office and Angela shook her head.

"I'm all for role-play, but you brought it to an interview, what's up with that?"

"I'm pretty sure I've developed some kind of dominatrix complex."


"Hello," the two looked at the woman.

"You're Doctor Brennan, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Hodgins told me to tell you that, sweetheart on the slab is a pigeon."

The woman quirked an eyebrow, "I don't know what that means."

Calvin nodded, "okay, basically the victim was a drug supplier, but not a very high up one. He was disposable to the gang. They probably killed him, or a rival gang."

She nodded, and Angela smirked, "you forgot the best part."

"Oh right," Calvin nodded, "and apparently I'm a temporary hero for hand cuffing that boy to a filing cabinet."

"What boy?" the red head's eye brows shot up as Angela grinned.

"Sweets. He's still there, wanna see?"

"Yeah," Brennan grinned and the women quickly rushed out of the room, pausing only when they realized Calvin wasn't with them.

"Aren't you coming?" Angela used a softer tone and the girl shook her head.

"Why would I come? You have the key and I already seen it."

"Because," Brennan shrugged, "it'll be a bonding experience."

"I don't need to bond. I have hand cuffs for that," Calvin pulled out another pair.

"Why do you have so many of those?"

"One for each hand, doll." The shrug made Brennan look at her.

"What's she talking about?"

Calvin absent-mindedly spun the cuffs around her finger. "Means I like rough sex."

"Oh." Brennan nodded. "What did you say your name was?"

"Calvin. Well, Dr. Nigh, formally."

"Doctor?" the girl nodded and Brenan looked at Angela, "shall we?"

Angela nodded, "nice meeting you."

Giving a half wave, Calvin went back to her podium.


The photo was taken quickly and Lance quickly jerked himself away from the filing cabinet.

He looked at Camille, "Aren't you going to scold her?"

"No, I never said it was against the rules to bring handcuffs into the work place, nor did I say she couldn't use it against people."

He stared at her, "you're really going to let your bias against me interfere with your place of dominant female?"

"How come she gets to be the dominant female?" Brennan piped in.

"Well, she's only known you, for maybe a minute and Dr. Sayoren is in a level of power with her." The young doctor looked between the women. "She's gonna get off Scott free isn't she?"

"Yep." Angela nodded, and she and the 'dominant female' left.

"I still don't get why you let her cuff you to it in the first place." Brennan looked at him.

"She's very…aggressive." Sweets blushed as Brennan nodded.

"She did say she liked to have a bit of bondage in her day."

"Really?" the sudden look of intrigue made her weary to reply.

"Yes…at least that's what Angela said that she said, why?"

"Well," he stood a little straighter, liking the attention, "sexual dominance could be a sign of low self-esteem, depending on which position she prefers…did she specify?"

Temperance stared at him. He had to be kidding. "I have to go."

The pace wasn't so much as a walk as it was a sprint to the podium, and Lance was left alone again.

He made a round trip to his office and locked his door.

This new doctor was quite the puzzle. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He could still smell her, feel her pressed up against him. He sighed as he thought about their encounter in the secluded office.

Calvin spun on her heel as he followed her into the office. The glare was gone from her eye and was replaced with a note of mischief, but mostly questioning.

"How do you like being Zack's replacement?"

Calvin chuckled as she approached him, causing him to take an involuntary step back.

"Sweets, right?" he nodded and his eyes were drawn to the ring on her lip as she licked them.

"Yes, I'm doctor Lance Sweets. What ma-ma-" Sweets shuddered as she pressed herself carefully up against him, her soft scent reminding him of vanilla or brown sugar as she traced her finger along the zipper of his pants.

"Well, doc, I'm gonna have to asked you a big favor," Calvin gently pushed him up against the cabinet and he nodded, wordlessly.

"Can you please-" he heard a sharp *Clink!* and the woman took a large step away from him, smirking yet again. "Stay the fuck away from me when I'm working?"

Lance opened and closed his mouth a few times as she raked her eyes up and down him.

"Too bad you're such a bitch…I'm sure we could've had lots of fun together." She winked at him, and went to the door way, "Keep the cuffs, tiger."

He looked at the cuffs in quiet shock a moment before sitting in the office chair.

That was when Angela and Cam rushed in.

"I am not a bitch." He assured himself, then tried not to focus on how restraining his pants had become.