Summer's Kiss

Chapter 4

They settled with wine instead of margaritas, but only because of the lack of tequila. Kagome was settled into one corner of her couch while Sesshomaru was in the adjacent corner. He slowly worked his knuckles into the arch of her feet while they laughed about memories.

"Do you remember the first time we spoke?" Sesshomaru said; his voice was filled with humor.

Kagome let out a belting laugh. "Yes! I sat down right in front of you and informed you that we would be friends." She laughed once more.

Sesshomaru nodded and sipped wine. "Yes, that was highly irritating I'll have you know." He chuckled. "This little 6th grader sat down at my lunch table telling me that she would be friends with me- a 12th grader. The gull."

Kagome winked. "It worked. You stayed and you're still here for some odd reason."

Sesshomaru slid his eyes toward her. "I've yet to come to a conclusion as to why." They joined each other in a laugh.

Kagome sighed. "I need more wine." She moved to get up but the swift sweep of his thumb against his instep made her docile. "Or, I need more of that."

"I'll get your wine, Kagome." Sesshomaru chuckled.

"Nope, nope, I'm good with this. It's almost as good as wine." Kagome grinned when she heard him chuckle again. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the tension melting from her feet.

"Kagome, you must lay off the heels." Sesshomaru warned.

Kagome made a non-committal sound in the back of her throat. "Whys that?" She said lazily.

"You're killing your feet." He informed her.

"Oh okay." Kagome replied peacefully and heard the liquid grape liquor splashing into her glass. Her eyebrows quirked as the stemless wineglass found its way into her hand. "Are you trying to get me toasted, Sesshomaru?"

"No," she could hear his smirk. "If I wanted to do that I would go out and buy Tequila." He enjoyed her laugh at his semi serious joke. "I'm trying to get you to relax, Kagome. You've been too wound up for too long."

She stretched like a content cat while she sipped wine. "You're doing a good job."

"Good thing." Sesshomaru murmured. He looked up when he heard her giggle. "Surely you aren't drunk yet, Kagome?"

She grinned widely. "Maybe? Just a little?" She peeked at him while he continued to work. Sesshomaru's tie and crisp white shirt hung loosely and un-tucked. His hair had been freed of its confines and she was once again reminded of his wild, artist side. She sobered up a tad. "Do you still do art work, Sessho?"

"No." He went back to massaging her feet, not making eye contact with her again. "No, I do not."

Her mouth was agape. "Are you fucking serious?!" she winced. "Sorry, didn't mean it that time."

He waved it off. "I just… don't."

A flint was struck inside of her. She couldn't put her finger on it but something had definitely been set off inside her. She pulled her feet away from him and he looked at her inquisitively. "Sessho… you can't call me your best friend and push me away at the same time. It doesn't work."

"You did it." His comeback was quick and he didn't realize what he had said before it was too late. It was like he had struck her across the face. "Kagome."

"No. You're right, I did." Kagome pushed herself up off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

He winced as he heard pots and pans clanging around and a few colorful slews of sayings. He sighed and flowed suit. "Kagome, don't be angry with me."

"I'm not."

"Don't lie to me." He said sternly.

She whirled on him. "Okay, I am."

"Kagome, I didn't mean that in a hurtful way."

"I know that." Kagome said it with a bite. "The fact that it hurt and that you were right pisses me off."

"Kagome, I think we've both forgiven each other for the lapses of friendship- are you crying?"

"No." Kagome sniffed.

Sesshomaru sighed and reached for her. She turned into him on her own as he wrapped his arms around her. Her shoulders shook lightly as tears streamed down her cheeks and small sobs shook her.

"Surely the toughest realtor in the state of Florida isn't breaking down in front of me right now." He murmured in her hair, hoping for a laugh. She didn't laugh, just continued to silently cry. "Kagome, why are you crying?"

"It hurts." She whimpered and followed him when he took her hand to lead her to her bedroom.

He sat on the edge of the bed while she slumbered. His brows knit in frustration. He wanted to kill Inuyasha for what he had done to Kagome. This urgent need to protect Kagome always confused him. She wasn't his to protect, so he didn't understand this unnatural need to defend her.

With this on his mind he took his leave from her town home and found the city to return to his own home; all the while hoping some sort of logical conclusion would occur to him.

A month later…

Kagome awoke to the sun filtering in through the shades of her bedroom and blinked in confusion. Sitting up slowly she tussled her hair and looked around her room. Everything seemed so foreign. She rolled the sheets back and slid off her bed. The carpet beneath her feet felt foreign as well; even though she knew she'd felt the same carpet for the past few years. She padded through her entire townhouse and felt like a stranger in her own home.

She looked at photographs on her walls, random trinkets from travels abroad and her once beloved imported furniture. Nothing could connect her to this place she once called home. And when she landed in front of her work calendar, she stared at it as if it were a fungus on her wall; she knew something had to change.

Two days later…

She heard the wail of tires skidding into her driveway and the slamming of doors. Hushed voices followed- no doubt trying to devise a strategy to talk "sanity" in to her.

There was knocking. A lot of knocking. Incessantknocking. Didn't they realize she'd made up her mind? That there was nothing to be done? Soon they'd leave and she would be alone to finish planning her vacation.

Suddenly, there was a turning of the deadbolt and opening of her front her door. Footsteps filled the hallway along with her friends calling her name. She had forgotten about giving Sango a spare key. All be damned.

"Kagome?" Sango's voiced called to her. "Kagome… are you okay?" The dark haired woman asked upon finding Kagome in her pajamas, seated upon her couch.

Kagome looked up from her computer screen. "Yes, I'm fine. Booking my trip to Europe. What's up?"

"What's up?" Sesshomaru echoed. "Seriously? You quit your job-"


"And we arrive to your home to see a For Sale sign outside. It seems you have more answers to offer, friend." Sesshomaru finished, mildly annoyed that she interrupted.

He expected the worst upon entering her home. He was beyond baffled when she seemed just fine. A little scattered, a bit unkempt herself but her apartment was clean and she wasn't sobbing with mounds of tissues and candy bar wrappers strewn about. Sesshomaru wasn't quite sure whether to be thankful or more concerned.

They waited on baited breath.

And it would seem Kagome would keep them waiting. She clicked away on her laptop computer while her friends stared at her. It was then that Miroku decided to speak.

"Kagome," he tried soothingly "why don't you try and explain what's going on to us?"

"I need a change." She mumbled.

Sesshomaru felt his temper start to burn. "Change? You need change? Then go buy a bloody new wardrobe." When everyone in the room just stared at him with a bland expression he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Isn't that what females do, anyhow?"

Sango did her best to keep her expression neutral. She approached Kagome slowly and took the seat next to her. "Kagome… sweets, don't you want to talk about some of the decisions you're making right now?"

For quite a many seconds Kagome didn't look at her. But when she finally turned to her best friend she had tears in her eyes. "I just need a change."

Sesshomaru and Miroku exchanged glances. It would seem the men had a silent, but heated debate. You stay, Nooo YOU stay, uh uh man you!And so on and so forth. Both of the men begun to shift uncomfortably. Sango took note of this and while she wrapped her arms around Kagome she motioned for them to both leave.

It would be a long day of soul searching and decision making. She knew it was a long time coming and she was still surprised her best friend lasted this long.

Thank you to all who have stayed by this fanfic! It's been a road, lemme tell ya. Writers are known for our insecurities. But! I am trying to get back into the swing of things. Eight years, three aliases and I'm still a chicken shit. Ah well. Thanks for dealing with my chicken shit!