Rukia nearly had to push the men out the door with the twins the first day of school. Toushiro had insisted on leaving a butterfly, and Rukia knew to expect as much. But really, she could handle herself and a well-mannered baby for a few hours.

Toushiro and Ichigo shunpo'd to the school. Rukia had been up with her husband the night before going over the lesson plan; all he had to do was find the classroom- a simple task.

Ichigo had a tougher time. He had to track down Renji while avoiding a certain crazed captain. Kenpachi went back and forth on hunting the orange-haired shinigami down, and Ichigo himself did his best to always have a baby or toddler with him when the other found him. While the girls had accompanied them both to school, he had to find Renji once he got there, praying if Kenpachi noticed he was out and about, he wasn't crazy enough to track him down at the school.

He finally found Renji out in the yard behind the school, alongside a row of targets. "Hey!" Ichigo greeted him.

"Aw, man; I was hoping Hitsugaya-taichou was joking."

"Please, you know Toushiro doesn't joke. At least not on purpose. Besides, now we have an excuse to beat on each other."

"...There is that."

Classes at the Shinigami Academy weren't normally very big. The biggest class Toushiro could remember, his own class, had been about thirty people. This one was about fifteen total; five were currently in his class. He liked that; among other things, he could pay extra attention to any questions.

He could also pick on people.


"Er.. Hitsugaya-taichou, my hand wasn't raised."

"You look like you have a question."

"Yeah... but I'm not sure if I should ask you or Unohana-taichou." First to third year kido.

"Ask. I'll tell you if it's a question for someone else, that would be answering, wouldn't it?"

He flushed and the class had a chuckle. Toushiro knew there were many people that didn't like asking questions, and he was not going to stand for it. Neither would Rukia.

"Yeah, I guess. Well, I was wondering; Kido can be made for specific reiatsu, right?"



Toushiro smiled a little; that was an excellent question; especially for a first year. "Believe it or not, Urahara-san would be your best bet." First to third year science.


An orange-haired head peeked into the classroom. A female orange-haired head. Toushiro crossed the room to talk to her. He was really hoping they didn't get much taller; the twins were almost his height already, it seemed. "What's wrong, Eijika?"

"Akina hurt herself in swordplay."

"Is she all right now?"

"Yeah. Ichigo made me come tell you anyway."

"Sounds like him. Go back to class now."

"Ok." He really liked that the girl didn't need him to be polite; being insulted at his tact (or lack of) would be the last thing on her mind. She was the same way, after all.

After the girl left, Toushiro was going to address the class again, but a student, beat him to it. "I've got to hand it to you, Hitsugaya-taichou, I don't think I could do what you're doing."

"And what, exactly, am I doing?" he asked in an unimpressed tone.

"Takin' care of that Kurosaki guy's kids." A hushed formed over the remaining four students. The male in the back of the class didn't seem to notice it. "And marrying that chick; all that stuff."

Toushiro stood, walked over to the table where the male sat, leaned down in front of him, stared the teen down hard, and let the room's temperature drop a few degrees for effect. "You would do well to not assume rumors to be fact," he stated. "I married Rukia because I love her; I will not tolerate nonsense in this class. And neither will she," he added. "Once she gets off maternity leave."

"Oh, that's right!" a female teen cooed. "A little boy, right?"

"Noriaki," he affirmed. This parent thing had its moments.

"Oh, I bet he's adorable!"

"I'm sure if you ask, Rukia would love to bring him to class with her some time. He's still a bit small at the moment. Now, back to what I was saying..."

Ichigo tried not to coddle Akina too much, and thought he pulled it off quite well. He just asked her if she was ok, if she could walk (it was her ankle that was hurt), and told her sister to take her to the nurse and tell Toushiro what was going on. He didn't take her himself, and he was totally not watching the door for at least Eijika to come back. Ok, so he was a little, and was very happy to see both girls return, Akina so well healed she wasn't even limping. Good old Hanataro.

"Welcome back, girls," Renji said. "We were just reviewing what we went over in class; you didn't miss much."

"Thank you, Abarai-sensei," Eijika said for them both.

"If you have any questions, come see one of us when you have some time. Otherwise, you're dismissed with the rest of the class." Both girls nodded, but left with the other students.

Two boys and a girl followed them. "Must be nice to have your Daddy as the teacher," one of the males geered as they walked.

"Our father is Toushiro Hitsugaya," Eijika told them. Akina walked behind her sister, hoping to not have to say anything. As much as she loved Toushiro as well, she wasn't sure she could deny Ichigo as her biological father.

"Yeah, but even if the rumors aren't true," the girl continued. "Kurosaki-sensei practically, if not completely, lives at your house. Even if he isn't your Dad, he may as well be."

"What these idiots are trying to say," the third member of the group said. "Is that he doesn't have to be blood to boost your grades if he knows ya that well anyway."

"Ichigo wouldn't do that," Eijika said dismissively. "And you're fools for thinking it."

Akina couldn't stop a giggle, and the mystery girl jumped on her. "Laughing at her jokes but can't say a word for herself? I can't imagine how such a coward has her zanpakuto already."

"I'm not a coward!" Akina retorted. "It was funny, so I laughed!"

Eijika smiled at her sister. Too many a person had mistaken Akina's silence for shyness. Sure, it had been when she was younger; now she merely didn't see the point wasting time with uneeded words- kinda reminded her of someone, actually. "This is our next class; we'll be going now."

"Bye," Akina chimed, following her sister in the room and away from the trio.

"Hey, did you think of a name yet?" Eijika asked her as they took their seats.

"Not exactly," the other girl replied. "I know it should be something simple, but I think it should be pretty too."

"That girl isn't going to wait forever."

"Believe me, I know. I just want it to be perfect."

"I don't know, Akina. I'm starting to think such a thing doesn't exist."

"Then I just have to look harder."

"Look as hard as you want; just don't take forever."

Akina stuck out her tongue at her sister; Eijika laughed.

Noriaki wasn't a fussy baby, but nothing matched how happy he was in Rukia's arms. Ichigo took notice of this one afternoon after he, Toushiro, and the girls got back from the academy. "Heh, a little Momma's Boy."

"Then he's right on par with you, Kurosaki."

"Oooh, don't go there, Toushiro."

The other just grinned cheekily.

"Daddy, will you help me talk to the creepy me again?" Akina asked Ichigo, successfully distracting him from making plans to kill the tensai.

"Sure. You think of a name?"

"Yup!" Come on!" she said impatiently, trying to pull the man along.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming," he laughed, going with the girl to the backyard. "You've been in school all day; don't you have homework?"

"I'll do it after! Come on!"

Akina's head whipped around, looking for the part of her soul she had conversed with. "Hello?" she called. "Hello?"

"What brings you by, Princess?" the inverted version of the girl asked, appearing beside her. "Rematch, perhaps?"

Akina smiled wide, pointing at her. "Hikaru!"

"What are you on about?"

"Hikaru! You're Hikaru."

"What in the hell would possess you to name me 'light?' I'm your dark half, Princess."

"No. Meeting you and talking to you and playing against you helps us work better together and become stronger. Going to the light, I guess you could say. So you're Hikaru."

"I am relieved to hear it," a new voice said, low and feminine; it reminded Akina a lot of her mother's voice, only softer and lighter- it was the voice she'd been hearing. She looked around more to see they were joined by a white fox, looking up at them with... was that pride?

"Who are you?"

"My name is Yongliang, Akina," the fox said, taking a knee on one of her front paws and standing straight again. "I am your zanpakuto."

"A pleasure," the girl replied with a curtosy.

"Seriously?" the hollow yelled suddenly. "That's what you were waiting for to come out of the woods? A name?"

"Yes, that would be it."

"Oh, I give! I don't understand either of ya!"

"I wanted to be certain you two could cooperate with each other before we took any steps forward, lest they become steps backward."

"Oh, what~ever. Just tell her the release, will you?"

Ichigo was watching his daughter carefully. She'd requested he not follow her into her inner world, saying she wanted her hollow not to feel threatened on any level; he was doing his best to respect that. But the longer she took, the edgier he got.

He became very edgy when he saw her begin to stand and unsheathe her sword. He stood as well, wanting to be out of the way of the blade but also help, if he could, assuming she needed it.

"Freeze, Yongliang!" the girls called out, grinning ear to ear, and the blade began to glow a soft light blue color.

"Akina?" Ichigo asked.

"Thanks, Daddy," she continued to smile, looking up at him.

"You found her, then?"

"She found me. She wanted to make sure me an' Hikaru, that's hollow me, would get along before she taught me anything."

"Smart sword. Let's see what she showed you."

"The first release is pretty basic," the girls replied, holding up the sword. "This blade will freeze anything, and I mean anything. I bet it would even freeze your tenshou."

"Oh, those are big words, little lady. We are not going to find that out cus I am not attacking you, not for any reason."

"Maybe when my reflexes get better?"

"...I'll think about it." He wouldn't. "Go tell everyone else the good news. And dismiss that release when you're running in the house!" he called after her.


Ichigo laughed, sitting back down on the ground. "Never would've thought," he mumbled. "Never in a million years."

"Thought what?" Shiro asked, materializing beside him. "That your kid would be smarter than you?"

"With Rukia as her mother, that would be a given," he replied.

"My wager would be that he would ever be yelling at his child to dismiss her release," Zangetsu chimed, taking form as well.

"While running in the house," Ichigo chuckled. "Aren't I supposed to stop her from doing that too?"

"Eh, the kid's happy, let 'er enjoy it," Shiro stated.

"Your little girls must be having a field day too."

"Mine's good."

"Yongliang is... pleased."

"Hey, what's up with the Chinese name?" Ichigo asked. "Seems... counter-intuitive."

"I had nothing to do with her name; she chose it herself, as will the weapon within Eijika's soul, however, it will likely be similiar- they are twins, after all."

"Yeah. Twins. Look exactly alike, act completely different."

"That's about the gist of it, King."

"...I need a nap."

The other two had a laugh at their wielder's expense, then retreated back to his psyche, enjoying the sunshine.

Eijika was truly happy for her sister, but being human, couldn't help but be a bit jealous. Whatever that cranky woman in her own mind was up to, it had better be worth the wait. Though, rather than developing a fighting skill, she found herself very attached to taking care of her little brother for the being. She still loved learning at the academy and said cranky woman was getting another visit if she took much longer, but limited babysitting wasn't bad either. She'd once thought of herself as a solitary person, but... maybe... one day, far from now...

Noriaki giggled at her now, grabbing at the air. He did that a lot. "Do you see something we don't, little brother?" she asked him.

"Eiji," he gurgled happily.

"Did you... just say my name?"

"Eiji!" he said again, clapping.

"Mom!" the girl called to the only adult currently home. "Mom!"

"What's wrong?" Rukia asked, panicked, appearing from down the hall.

"It's nothing bad, we're fine, Mom. Nori said my name! Well, my nickname, but he said my name!"

"How wonderful!" the woman cooed, picking the giggling boy up. "I knew you'd start talking eventually- you wouldn't stand a chance in this house if you didn't."

"What's going on?" Toushiro asked, coming home from the seclusion of his office. Ichigo had gone with Akina to 'tell Grandpa the good news' about her zapakuto.

"Well, Eijika was the only one lucky enough to hear, but your son just said his first word," Rukia informed him.

"He said my name! I heard him!" the girl added. "Can you say it again, Nori?"

"Eiji," he giggled, clapping.

"Well now; Kurosaki definitely has to stop cussing in front of him now."

"He didn't when the girls started talking, I doubt he will now."

"Sad but true," the taichou agreed, taking the boy. "You're talking now. Good choice for a first word, too, your sister's name."

Noriaki smiled and let out a couple laughs.

"You are so happy," he continued quietly; the two females had gone into another room. "I'm glad. I'd hate it if you saw the world as I do."

"Dada laugh," Noriaki said, pulling at his father's cheeks. Toushiro did chuckle a bit, despite himself.

"I didn't mean I see the world as bad," he explained. "Only that I don't normally see the everyday things that make many people, well, like you. Happy all the time. However you decide to be, though, be that way because you want to be, not because you feel you have to be."

"Kay, Dada."

"Well, you've just a whole bunch of words you were just waiting to use, weren't you?"

The baby giggled, reaching into the air.

"Why do you do that?" Toushiro asked his son. The boys vocabulary was obviously still far from perfect, but he had been curious awhile, and perhaps now Noriaki could at least give him an idea of what was going on in his head.

"Zemin breathe," was the child's only reply.

"Zemin? Who or what is that?"

The boy's face scrunched a moment, then tugged on the sash that held Hyorinmaru to the taichou. "Zemin," he said again.

"Zemin... is your zanpakuto?"


"You've talked to him- or her- already?"

"Zemin need breathe!"

"Of course, of course," the taichou said. "I wasn't discouraging, just wanted to know the logic behind the action."

"Well, look who's talking. And as touchy as you are," Ichigo said, startling the taichou with his entry.

"He's also putting me to shame," Toushiro smiled. "You think the girls are growing up quick? Wait till you see this one shoot up."

"It'll be fun, that's for sure."

Noriaki laughed.

Weeks later, Rukia was getting ready to (finally) teach her class again, she heard laughter coming from the kid's room. As they grew, the three adults knew the children would want their own rooms, and there was space enough for it, but they were trying to hold off at least until Noriaki was a bit bigger. No one was complaining, yet anyway, but it was bound to come. Now, she traveled back to the room from the bathroom to see what the little ones found so humorous.

Her jaw dropped.

Toushiro had mentioned why Noriaki twirled his hands, something about communicating with his zapakuto. But so far, the child (already about the size of a one year old) had just flicked a light breeze now and then. But this moment, there was a wind current originating from Noriaki's crib blowing back Akina's hair, who was looking in at the boy and was the source of the laughter.

"Mama, look!" she said.

"So I see," the woman smiled. "Can you reel it in for me, Noriaki?"

The baby stopped spinning his hand, and from the receding wind formed a sheathed dagger.

"Normally, sharp things shouldn't be around babies, but I think we can make an exception, don't you?" she asked him, picking him up with the weapon.

Eijika came out of the kitchen back to the room them, sighing. "You too, Nori? I'm surrounded by show-offs."

"Now, now; don't get impatient," her mother told her.

"Yes, yes," the orange-haired girl replied. "Am I the only one ready to go?"

"I'll be ready in a moment, Akina's barely started, and... oh, I don't even want to think about the other two. Akina, hurry now; we'll be late."

"Yes, Mama!"

Rukia smiled, carrying the baby back into her and the two adult male's room. "Oh boys!" she called, gaining their attention. "Guess who jut materialized their zanpkuto?"

"Seriously?" Ichigo asked as Toushiro walked over to them. "Yeah, that's your kid, Toushiro."

The tensai took the boy from Rukia. "Zemin can breathe now?" he asked him.

"Yeths, Dada."

"Good," he said, giving the child's forehead a kiss. "Are you still taking him to class with you?" he asked Rukia.

"As long as you're still picking him up at lunch."

"See you then," he said, giving her a kiss as well.

"Wait up!" Eijika called, catching up with him.

"Later!" Ichigo called- the tensai didn't look back, but did spare him a wave.

"Shouldn't you be going with him?" Rukia asked.

Realization settled over the young man. "Shit, I have a job!" he yelped, and ran out, pausing only to kiss the woman and baby.

Rukia had a chuckled at his expense, then went to hurry along Akina.

"Oh, Hitsugaya-sensei! He's so cute!"


"He's gonna so such a heartbreaker!"

Rukia smiled as the two girls in the class cooed over her baby boy. There were also two boys seated near the front, smiling at laughing at the scene, and then there was another boy seated in back. 'He must be the one that gave Toushiro a hard time,' she surmised.

"All right, all right. Noriaki will be here all morning; I have to teach you something today, don't I?"

"Not necessarily," a girl grinned. "We could have a study period."

"Nice try; I will go easy on you, but first, I'm going to see how well my husband"-the boy in back snorted- "teaches. Something wrong?" she asked the male.

"Yeah. Calling Hitsugaya-taichou your husband."

"And what is wrong with that? We are married, after all."

The boy held his silence, and Rukia let it drop, continuing with the class. Neither of them noticed the look Noriaki was giving the student.

"Eiji! 'Kinaaa!" the baby called to the sleeping girls. "Eiiijiii!'Kinnaaaaa!"

Drowsily, the girls hoisted herself up. "What's wrong, Nori?" the orange haired version asked.

"Jahmes meeean."

Akina yawned. "Who's James?"

"En class."

"Class? Mom's class?"


"What'd he do?" Eijika asked.

"Mean ta Momma."

The twin's attention perked. "What did he say?"

"Said Momma and Dada not mahried. Why he say dat?"

Both girls sat back, glancing at one another. "Noriaki, we found something out a few years ago," the orange-haired girl explained. "Mom is, in fact, our mom. All three of us. But Ichigo is our Dad, and Toushiro is your dad."

The boy sat quiet, processing the information. "Dada not... your dada."


"Dada love Momma?"


"Momma love Dada?"


"Buh Momma love Ichigo too?"


"An' Ichigo love Momma?"


"An' Ichigo love Dada?"


The baby smiled. "Good."

"The only problem is, Mom married Toushiro cus of society's social limitations."


Akina laughed. "It's only 'acceptable' for two people to be together. And Momma and Daddy and Dad all really love each other; it was the only way they could all be together."

"You pre'end my dada your dada?"

"We have to. In public, anyway. We haven't privately since we figured them out. Well, I call your dada 'Dad, and our dad 'Daddy.' Eijika...'"

"Anyway," her sister took over. "James likely said that, well, because of my beastly hair, a lot of other people have figured this out too, and are trying to get them to admit to it."

"Buh why?"

"People suck."

"Eijika!" Akina scolded. "People do not suck. Situations suck."

"But the situaton wouldn't suck if sucky people hadn't created it."

"...I'll give you that. But people, as a whole, do not suck."


"Eiji!" Her brother still had a question. "You no like you hair?"

"There are better colors."

"Why long den?"

"Oh. That." Absentmindedly, her hands went to the strands. "Mom used to like play with our hair. I thought it was annoying though; all that did was remind me it was there, and after we knew the truth, I... I saw it as a hindrance even more. Ichigo caught me in the bathroom with a pair of scissors, ready to cut it all off. I don't think I'd ever seen him so angry as when he snatched those scissors from me. But I was still angry, too."

"You didn't yell at Daddy, did you?" Akina asked.

"With a vengeance."


"Yeah. I thought he just wanted to me to keep it as some kind of weird 'you are my kid' thing. He rolled his eyes and told me, with perfect calm mind you, if I wanted to cut my hair, someone that knew what they were doing was gonna do it."

"Issat when you started being nice to him?"

"Sort of. He told me to let him know if I still wanted to cut it, and Mom or Toushiro would do it. It didn't slip by me that didn't include himself," she giggled. "I guess... I just never got back to him. I felt a little prouder of it, somehow."

"Maybe you were just finally ok with Daddy being your Daddy."

"Likely," the other girl smiled.

Noriaki smiled. "We happy?"

The girls stopped their argument to look at their brother. And laughed. "Yeah, Nori. We very happy."

"Good. Wan' out," he said, holding out his arms between the bars of the crib.

"Nori, it's the middle of the night."

"I be'ave. Ichee sai' Daddy funny when he sweepin'. I wanna see."

"Oh, it's so funny!" Akina giggled.

"What are you two talking about?" Eijika asked.

"You've never tried carrying on a conversation with Dad when he's sleeping?"

"No. Why would I do that?"

Still giggling, the other girl picked up her brother and beckoned her sister along. Wordlessly and now very curious, Eijika followed.

As usual, the adults were sound asleep on their futon; barely big enough for the three of them, but they managed. Ichigo was in the middle on his back, loudly snoring, Toushiro to his left on his side facing away, and Rukia on her stomach- making the taller male's her pillow. She also had the majority of the blanket pulled into her grasp. The taichou was kicking Ichigo now and then, as if he were in the way.

"Cut it out, 'Shiro," the orange-haired male mumbled. "Not movin'."

"Bastard. I'll make you," was the retort."

The children giggled, trying not to wake them.

"Cut it out. I'm sleepin'," the woman scolded.

"It's not just Toushiro," Eijika whispered. "It's all three of them."

"He usually starts it, though," Akina told her. "Daddy told him once he had to start talking more when he was awake so he wouldn't be so chatty at night."

"...They aren't awake, are they?"

"Don't think so. Daddy told him that one morning before I ran in to wake them up."

"You're about to get a pillow down your throat, Kurosaki."

Ichigo just continued to snore. Very loudly.

Toushiro made good on his threat. He whipped around, pulling the pillow from under his own head, and shoved it over the taller male's face. Ichigo's struggling woke Rukia. "Aw, again guys? Can't I got one night's sleep- oh. Hi, kids."

They didn't respond, too dissolved their own laughter.

Toushiro stopped killing Ichigo. "Wow, that wasn't uncalled for or anything," the hazel-eyed male grumbled.

"You listen to yourself snore, and then we'll decide what's uncalled for," the taichou stated.

"Kids? What are you doing up?" their mother asked.

"Dada funny!" Noriaki laughed. "Ichee said Dada funny, an' we wanted to see!"

"Kurosaki," Toushiro questioned in a low tone.


"Tell me you did not tell the children I talk in my sleep."

"I don't really like lyin' to ya, but if you insist-" Toushiro didn't let him finish, coming at him with the pillow once more.

While they squabbled, Rukia brought the younger trio back to their room.

"Mom," Eijika said. "I hope you don't mind, but I told Nori about you guys."

"You mean our... situation?"

"Yeah. He didn't know why some kids were saying mean things about you."

"Do you kids... hear people talking often?"

"Sometimes. Don't worry, the only kind of bitchslap we hand out is the verbal kind."

Rukia chuckled despite the girl's cuss. "That's good to know. I am sorry you have to deal with that, though."

"We'd rather deal with that than unhappy parents."

Her mother smiled. "Is that so?" The other two confirmed what the orange-haired girl said. "Thank you; that is indeed good to know."

That night, Eijika had a dream. A dream of the woman in a swirled kimono, coal-black eyes, and vibrant red hair.

"Are you ready?" the girl asked immediately.

"You are an impatient little thing, aren't you?"

"Even Noriaki has manifested his weapon!"

"Is that why you want me so badly?" The woman's voice was stern, dismal... and she seemed insulted.

"Not... entirely. It just feels like... you think there's something wrong with me. Like I don't deserve to know you. I know I'm not the best partner, but-"

"It's not that," she was smiling kindly now. "Being able to rely on yourself is all well and good, but helping others and letting them help you is important as well. I wanted to be sure you knew that."

"Does that mean...?"

"Yes, milady. It is a pleasure to formally meet you," she said with a small bow. "My name is Zhigiang."

"The pleasure is all mine," Eijika smiled, reciprocating the gesture.

Now, she ran through the house to her parent's rooms. "Mom! Dad! Toushiro!" she yelled to the waking adults.

Rukia shot up first. "Eijika! How wonderful!" she said, seeing the sword in the girl's hand.

Ichigo pushed himself up. "Nice job, Eiji. Show us what you got."

"Where's Toushiro?" she asked.

"Musta gone into work early, sorry hon," the woman told her. "You can still show us; show him when he gets home."

"Oh... ok," she said, and as she unsheathed the weapon, called out "Shine, Zhigaing!" The blade shone to fill the room. The adults clapped for their daughter while trying to shield their eyes.

Giggling, she called the light back. "Zhigaing said it can cut through anything. I can't wait to try it out!" She ran back out.

"No sparring in the house!" Ichigo called after her. "Wow," he realized. "Running in the house really is the least of our problems."

"Looks who's late to the party," the woman chuckled.

"You little..." Ichigo growled, flipping over and holding her down.

"There are still children in the house," she reminded him, despite the fact he'd latched his mouth to her neck.

"It's been forever," he growled again, darker this time in her ear.

"Ooo, that's not just you is it?"

Seemingly regaining himself, Ichigo shook his head and sat back, still straddling her lap. "No...," he admitted, annoyed. "Sorry about that."

Rukia smiled. "It's fine. Meet me back here on our lunch break, ok? It won't sappy or romantic, but it'll get the job done."

"I love you."

She laughed. "Now get off me, I have to get dressed; and pee, now that I think about it."

"Yeah, yeah; fine."

Ichigo had never been so happy for the exitance of shunpo. As soon as lunch hour started, he darted from the school grounds to the house. Once he got there though, Noriaki was in his crib, taking a nap, so he knew the woman was as well, even if he couldn't sense her. And Rukia was indeed already there, laying on their futon, flipping through a magazine.

Completely naked.

"Oh, fuck, yes," he said, shedding clothing on his way over to her.

Toushiro entered the house, looking for Rukia. The woman had told him to pick up their son and bring him to his place of work at lunch, but his senses told him his wife was spending her lunch hour at home. Once in the living room, he heard a familiar sound coming from down the hall. A few familiar sounds.

Walking quietly, he headed to the bedroom he shared with his lovers.

Yup. There they were, on the futon, Rukia on all fours, and Ichigo behind her, pounding into her without mercy. But she certainly wasn't complaining; it was her moaning the taichou had heard down the hall.

"Ic-chi-gooo..." she cried.

"Rukia... I'm..." His thrust got sharper, fewer, until they stopped. "Tell me I gotcha that time."

"Definitely," she sighed contentedly, rolling unto her back while the other sat beside her.

"That time?" Toushiro asked. "How long have you two been here?"

"Since lunch started."

"A half hour."


"So for the past half hour, when I've nursing a headache, yelling at Matsumoto and signing off on more paperwork than I care to admit, you two have been here, doing... each other."

"It's not like it's been all day," Ichigo told him. "Quit whining."

"Easy for you to say."

"Ya damn right," he snickered, reaching over the side of the for his shihaikusho. He suddenly found himself frozen in place; he couldn't even speak.

Toushiro grinned. "You don't mind, do you, Rukia?"

"Go for it," she said. "I'm good for now."


"Though, side note," the woman told him. "There's another part of Ichigo feeling awfully frisky as well."

"Oh really? Don't we owe him a bit of a favor?"

"...No." Rukia hadn't replied, but the taller male, whose eyes were changing color. Shiro was taking over, probably with Ichigo's blessing for once, and he sat down as if the kido had never been cast. "I made a bet with Zangetsu," the scratchy tone told them. "If I lost, I had ta let you guys off. I did."

"What was the bet?" Toushiro asked.

"Whether or the king could understand my explanation of how his little girls are also ours and Shirayuki's."

"You're shittin' me. He did not understand that."

"I couldn't believe it myself."

"You two are idiots," Rukia remarked, crossing her arms. "Of course he understood that; if it came to family, he'd learn whatever he had to."

"Aw, the king's so touched, Queenie."

"As he should be. And just because you lost that bet, doesn't mean we can't still have some fun. Just not right now."


"We have to get back to work."

The hollow hung his head, and relinquished control to Ichigo. "Wow, he actually realized I have to get back too."

"Good of him. We have got to get a night off from the kids," she continued, getting dressed. "Hey Toushiro-"

"On my way," he said, getting up and leaving.

"Where?" Ichigo asked.

"To con Grandpa into babysitting," the woman answered, pulling her own clothes back on.

"Shouldn't I be doing that?"

"No. You have afternoon classes; and I will need someone's help getting the kids settled after school, and Toushiro doesn't leave Tenth Division until-"

"Ok, ok I get it. What about Noriaki?"

"Toushiro should have taken him to the office with him; I'm supposed to pick him up when we get out."


"Hurry up and get dressed- we gotta get back!"

"I'm moving, I'm moving."

"Dada angry?"

Toushiro glanced down at the baby in his arms before continuing on his way. "No, Noriaki. I'm annoyed, not angry."


"...You really do not want the answer to that."

"Cus Momma and Ichee were wit'out you?"

Despite himself, the taichou couldn't stop a smile at the boy. "And I get told I'm too smart for my own good. Yes, but I'll get over it."

"This weekend?" They were on their way back fromm Isshin's; he knew the adults would be alone for the duration.

"I'll be over it before then."


Toushiro smiled at his son again, now burying himself against his own self for a nap. The kid sure slept a lot- but then, his little body could very have not been ready for manifesting his zanpakuto. Then why do it? Was the other half of his soul in some sort of trouble? The taichou supposed it didn't matter much now; he'd ask the boy about it later.

Much later. Like when he could form full sentences.

That Friday night, Ichigo came back from dropping the kids off at his father's to find his significant others already hard at work, well, on each other. Both were topless on the couch, the woman straddling the male's lap, ferverently delving into one another's mouths. He watched, mouth practically watering, as Rukia leaned down to rub her surely-wetting entrance against his obviously-hardening member. "Fuck," Ichigo breathed, leaning on the wall.

Toushiro's glazed-over eyes turned their attention to the newcomer. "'Bout time you got back," he said.

"You know my old man."

"Oh, please," the woman said. "Don't talk about him."

"Can do, madam," the teen grinned. "Would you two care to join me in the bedroom?"

"Well, there is a bit more room in there," the female admitted.

"Not by much," the taichou reminded her.

"Come on," she said, climbing off him and pulling him up.

"I will so carry you," Ichigo informed him.

"I'm comin' already!"

Once relocated to their futon, Rukia pushed Toushiro to his back and climbed on top of him, picking up right where they left off. Ichigo zeroed-in behind the woman, putting his hands to use undressing her. Then him.

Then himself.

"It's just so important all clothes are gone, isn't it?" Toushiro jabbed.

"'Course," was the reply. "I wanna see as much of you two as possible."

The tensai didn't reply; Rukia had just pushed him inside her, much to their equal delight.

"Hmm, decisions, decisions," the taller male continued to mutter, sucking on a finger. "Oh, I know," he grinned, and pressed said digit against Toushiro's entrance; he moaned loudly when he felt it enter him.

"Kurosaki," he growled.

"You were the one bitching about getting neglected," was the drawled reply.

A white eyebrow arched. "Shiro?"

Grin. "The one and only."


"Yes, Sir," he replied, and promptly thrust himself inside the other male.

"Fuck!" the taichou hissed this time.

"Aw, come on," Rukia teased. "That's gotta feel pretty damn good."

"Never said- Oh!- it didn't."

No more words were needed, and none more were spoken until the two males finished. "Well, I'm glad you boys got one in," Rukia sighed. "What about me?"

"You know we wouldn't leave you hanging," the taller grinned.

"If you're sticking that in me, you're washing it off first."

Black-yellow eyes rolled, but complied.

She leaned back to Toushiro, kissing him again. The long, graceful fingers he'd more than once complained of eased inside her, easily slicking themselves on not only her juices, but his own. Delicately, he eased those fingers back. "Oh!" she cried out. "Oh, Toushiro..."

"Not cool," the taller said, returning. "Keepin' it going without me."

"Get over yourself, then get over here."

"Check. And... check," said, landing back on the futon with the other two. Rukia smiled, Toushiro still otherwise occupied, and pulled the other in for a kiss. "You can't imagine... everything he feels for you. For both of you," he said, then the soft yellow eyes transformed to a surprised hazel.

"Change his mind?" Toushiro asked.

"Um... sort of," Ichigo replied. "Later. More important things now."

Ichigo was actually hoping his lovers would completely forget, and although all three spent a good share of energy that night, the next morning the question was asked.

"So what was up Shiro's butt last night?" Rukia asked between bites of Toushiro's breakfast.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Midget," was the annoyed reply. "Ask Toushiro; he's probably got it all figured out."

"Does he?" she asked the tensai, taking a seat with them.

"He does," the tensai affirmed. "But he thinks Ichigo should explain."

"Look, you heard what he said; that should explain it."

"I already know you love us," she sighed. "As we do you. But why'd he leave? He's part of you, he counts."

Ichigo chuckled despite himself. "He... felt out of place. Like he was in the way. He was feeling everything I felt for you guys, and... I guess it was too much for him."

"Huh. That's dumb." Toushiro had a laugh of his own at her words, while the other male rolled his eyes.

"Dumb how? It's gotta be weird feeling someone else's emotions like your own."

"They shouldn't be someone else's," she tried to clarify. "You two are the same, right?"

"But still completely different. It's different with him somehow. It's not like with a zanpakuto; sharing emotions and experiences."

"That's bull; he's proven he wants to protect you too."

"Keeping me alive is about the only thing we have in common. He likes it when I let him screw you guys, but he doesn't love you."

"And how do you know he even can, if that's the case?" Toushiro this time.

"You haven't seen him around Hikaru. The guy can love, believe me." He started chuckling again. "Man, if you guys could hear the racket in my head right now. I'm totally gonna be paying for telling you that."

"Pay for it? How?"

"My money's on kinky inner-world sex."

"That's another thing you have in common; one-track mind."

"He's thrilled to hear it."

"I'll bet."

A rather unpleasant surprise awaited the family when they returned home from picking up the kids.

"Shit, look at this mess," Ichigo cussed, surveying the superior mess the house had become.

Toushiro's eyes narrowed, then stormed out of the house.

"Where's he going?"

"Ichigo...," Rukia asked. "Do you sense those remnants?"

"No... but Toushiro's probably already put a person to it."

"Jahmes," Noriaki spoke.

"Take them back to my dad's, I'll take care of him."

"I can-"

"Rukia," he said pleadingly, glancing at the kids.

"...I'll find you after," she promised.


"Momma! We can help too!" Eijika insisted.

"No," the woman said sternly. "We're going back to Grandpa's for now."


"Eijika, I know you want to help. We're your parents; protecting you is what we do, so someday, when you have kids of your own, you can protect them."

The girl's lips pursed. "Yes, Momma."

Toushiro knew Ichigo would be close behind him once he figured out what was going on. He felt Rukia and the kids leave Seireitei; at least the idiot had managed that much before storming off.

"They went back to your father's?" he asked, continuing to run, but feeling the other male catch up.

"Rukia said she's gonna come back."

"That woman... at the least kids are smart."

"Not really; heard Eiji givin' her some lip on my way out."


"So where we going?"

"That kid's reiatsu is in Rukongai; I'm guessing the eighth district. For a population of poorer end people, it's... well-kept."

"They're snobs."


"Explains this James' crusade. Just what are you planning to do about it?"

"You're scaring the hell out of him."

Ichigo grinned. "I await your orders, Taichou."

Now close to the house, Ichigo could sense the boy who'd left the remnants in their home. The area was almost as nice as the captain's houses, and all the people he saw on the way to their destination where some of the most clean-cut he'd ever seen in his existence. "You know, maybe it's not the kid's fault," he muttered to the taichou as they flash-stepped.

"Whether it's his 'fault' or not, he needs to be shown the error of his ways," was the diplomatic reply.

"I suppose..."

Toushiro sighed, and stopped. "What's wrong?"

"Eh, this whole thing just sucks. After that weekend, everything felt back in place... it was like before the kids were born. And now..."

The other chuckled. "And now it's ten times more complicated."


"No one likes change because of how hard it can be to adjust to. It's been almost seven years since the girls were born, one since Nori, and we're still figuring it out. Pull your mopey head out of your ass and focus on the parts we have."

"When you put it like that... I'm thinking we should leave the kid alone."

"So not happening. He broke into our house. But... perhaps I can be a bit more civil. We won't scare him, but we can still approach him. If he took anything, we'll be able to tell the moment we're close to it, since it will sense like one of us, not him- at least, not this soon."

"Now that plan sounds like it came from you. The other sounded like it came from me," the taller chuckled as the took off again. "I'm rubbing off on you."

"...Don't let it go to your head."

"Of course, Taichou."


When they found their quarry, he was outside, seemingly walking to or from someplace. He tried to hide it, but when he saw Toushiro and Ichigo approaching, he was visibly... well, terrified.

"Hey there!" the taller greeted him, all smiles.

"Kurosaki-sensei, Hitsugaya-taichou," James muttered nervously. "Something I can do for you?"

"You're a terrible actor," Ichigo scolded; Toushiro just went for the folds of James' clothes for what he already knew was there.

"The girl's birth certificates," he said, looking the papers he'd uncovered over. "Original. Was this worth trashing our home for?"

"Yes. Tomorrow, all of Soul Society will know what you've been hiding."

"And only a handful of people will care. I think we're going to arrest you now anyway."

Rukia, meanwhile, had gotten held up in the living world courtosy one hyperactive jackass that needed to know exactly what was going on before he'd let the woman leave. By the time she'd been able to leave, the males were on their way back to the house. "How'd it go?" she asked, finally meeting up with them in the street.

Toushiro handed her the certificates. "He won't name who, but he apparently has someone making copies of these and posting them all over Seireitei. They way I see it, we've three options: Spend the night scowering the city for this person, go home and get some sleep before the inevitable shit hits the fan, or go back to Isshin's and talk to the girls to and see if they want to go to class to tomorrow, then get some sleep before the inevitable shit hits the fan."

"I like the third."

"As do we."

"Eijika told me already that they hear people talking. Apparently, they've grown quite gifted with verbal bitch slaps."

"Heh, those are our kids, all right," Ichigo snickered.

"Oh! And I can't believe I totally forgot to tell you!" she continued to the taichou whilst they walked. "I was carrying Nori to class, and I heard some students talking, was super-ignoring them, but then a freak wind current burst down the hall, knocking them over. It was so strange," she grinned.

"That's our boy, assuredly," Toushiro grinned.

"Figures he would get your temper."

"Better than yours, Midget."

"What? I am perfectly calm!"

Both males burst out laughing. "Maybe in public," Ichigo continued. "But the second we get you alone you're the psychotic, flying-off-the-handle bitch we know and love."

"...You're gonna pay for that."

He grinned. "I look forward to it."

The girls were keen to go to class the next day; they wanted to support their parents- all three of them. Even Noriaki would not be left behind. It hadn't been the original plan, but he insisted on going to the school with his mother the next as well- he was supposed to spend the day with the taichou, who was very proud of his son for wanting to protect his mother the best he could. Reminded him of someone, actually...

And the next day, sure as the prisoner had said, copies of the twin's birth certificates were posted all over nearly every available surface in the city. So Toushiro wasn't very surprised when a very-nervous-looking messenger showed up in his office from the chotaichou.

"That didn't take long," he said, taking the parchment from the newcomer. "How pissed is he?"

The man blinked at the wording, then answered, "Hard to say. Sir."

Toushiro opened the scroll. "As soon as you receive this message..." Snerk. "Behavior unbecoming an officer.' I was wondering how he'd word it."

"Taichou!" Rangiku exclaimed, bursting into the office in a panic.

"Matsumoto, good of you to join us. Tell the chotaichou I am on my way," he continued to the messenger, who gratefully took his leave. "It looks as though you may finally be free of me," he told the woman as he stood.

"I don't want to be!" she said, tears in her eyes. "I want my Taichou!"

"Calm down, Matsumoto; we don't know it'll come to that just yet. This isn't anything resembling job loss; the chotaichou and I are just having a talk."

"I hope you're right, Taichou."

"I'm always right, Matsumoto- haven't you learned that yet?"

In all honesty, he supposed he should be nervous, but he wasn't. No emotion came to him easily, and this was no exception, it seemed. Even if he was... demoted ( the word was sandpaper to his thoughts) he'd still have Rukia, Ichigo, three healthy, wonderful children... he really couldn't bring himself to complain about that.

The chotaichou had asked Toushiro to meet him in his office, not in the usually room he met with the captains. He himself supposed it made sense, meeting just one instead of thirteen.

He raised his hand to knock and found it shaking. Cursing softly at himself, he shook the appendage a few times before tapping his knuckles on the wooden door.

Yamamoto had yet to arrive; his fukutaichou let him in and said the man would be in shorty. Toushiro nodded his thanks, and heaved a heavy breath after the other had left.

The room was sparsely decorated; it reminded him very much of his own house- before people had started moving in, he realized with a soft grin.

"Most in your situation would not be smiling, Hitsugaya-taichou."

Teal eyes darted to where Yamamoto had entered. "Forgive me, my mind wandered," he said with a respectful bow.

"May I ask to where?" he inquired, and a seat and gesturing for the other to do the same.

"Your office," he admitted. "Reminded me of my house before Rukia and Ichigo moved in. And then the kids... It's not nearly as organized as it once was, be it fortunate or not."

The older man chuckled. "Do you remember my wife, Hitsugaya-taichou?"

"No, Sir, I'm afraid I never knew her."

"She was a beauty; inside and out. I could not imagine loving any one like her."

"I feel there's a question in there."

"You always were too smart for your own good. Two people, Hitsugaya-taichou? I can't imagine."

All right, so far this wasn't too bad... "I admit, I surprised myself. Definitely not a situation I would have thought I would have found myself in before it happened."

"Your marriage to Kuchiki-san makes little sense in this light as well."

"...How well do you know her brother?"

Realization seemed to settle over the chotaichou. "...So she was already pregnant."

"Yes, she-" stopped, feeling someone familiar approaching. But she...

"Lemme see Dad!" a small girl's voice demanded on the other side of the door.

"Oh, no..." the taichou groaned. "Yamamoto-chotaichou, wo-"

"Go ahead," the man replied, a humored twinkle in his eye. "We can continued this conversation when you-"

"LET ME SEE MY DAD!" the screamed again, and Toushiro was done with formalities; he raced out in the hall.

"Akina Fuyutsuki," he growled after swinging open the door, even less impressed to see her hand on the hilt of her weapon.

As soon as she saw him, her fierce demeanor snapped to terrified before going right back to defiant; her hand, at least, lowered from the sword. "But Dad, I heard that the chotaichou-"

"That does not excuse this behavior. You're supposed to be in Ichigo's class right now; does he know where you are?"


"So he's climbing the walls wondering where you are, along with your sister."


Toushiro suddenly became aware of the large crowd that had accumulated to stop the girl now watching them. "Show's over!" he snapped at them, and they immediately broke up to continued their duties. He looked back at the girl, hanging her head. "I know you wanted to help," he told her, this time far more calmly. "But you need to think before you act."

"I- I didn' think Daddy would let me come."

"He wouldn't have. And he would have been right. If you wanted to talk to Yamamoto-chotaichou, I am certain the a could have been arranged. Bursting in on an existing meeting, no matter whom it is with, is not acceptable."

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"There's someone else you have to apologize to," he told her, knowing the chotaichou was still just in the doorway.

"I'm sorry, Yamamoto-chotaichou," the girl said with a low bow.

"It's quite all right," the man chuckled. "Hitsugaya-taichou, come right back after returning her to the academy, and we'll finish?"

"Of course, Sir," he said, and swung the girl over his shoulder.

"DAAAAD! NOO! I don' like it!"

"I don't like you interrupting our meeting; We're even."

When he returned to the chotaichou's office, he found the man at his desk with some paperwork. "I apologize for that," the tensai said, bowing again before re-taking his seat.

"It was not a problem; it is endearing to see young people so full of fight."

"Odd... I do not recall you saying that when her father first appeared," the other dared mention.

"That was another matter entirely. Kurosaki-san was relieved to see her?"

"Yes, however, I did not stop to explain. He can either ask Akina or find me after classes."

The man chuckled. "Now, where were we?"

Toushiro wasn't really appreciating his personal life being questioned, but the chotaichou really was doing it in the calmest way possible, and was likely just making sure his tenth division taichou was the same honorable person he'd always made himself to be. "Rukia's first pregnancy," he retrieved from his memory.

"Of course. Marriage was Byakuya's plan?"

"And not a very well thought-out one, either."


"I may be biased here, however, as you know, Ichigo Kurosaki ninety percent emotion."

"I see one of his daughters inherited that trait."

"Eijika did too; she just knows how to control herself," the younger sighed. "The day Rukia and I were married, he was supposed to meet up with us after; and never showed. We found him drunk, barely coherent and an emotional train wreck. Ichigo hates alcohol as much as Matsumoto loves it, but he was that depressed that he didn't care. I'd wager Byakya was trying to alienate whomever didn't marry Rukia to the point they'd leave her; leave us." It seemed best to leave the hollow bit out. Shiro was a hundred precent emotion.

"Perhaps," the other agreed. "But if that was his intention, it would appear he was unsuccessful."

"Yeah, just gave me the longest night of my life; after Ichigo was done throwing up, Rukia's morning sickness kicked in. He's spent every night since then trying to make up for it, though."

"May I ask?"

"Any time any the children needed something, he was the first to wake up and take care of it; unless his infernal snoring already had Rukia or I awake."

The chotaichou chuckled. "Hitsugaya-taichou, I know it is not your personality to share so much of your life, especially with someone you do not know well, but I appreciate you doing so today."

"I can make allowances where necessary."

"Yes, well, you are free to leave."

"Thank you, Sir."

Toushiro returned to his own office to find his fukutaichou still very much freaking out. "Taichou!" she squeaked when she saw him.

"Correct," he drawled.

"Thank goodness!" she said gleefully, entangling him into a very unwilling hug.

"As if he could discharge me for such a thing," was the grumpy reply.

At the academy's lunch hour, as expected, there was another at his office. Just not the one he was expecting. The taichou had thought for certain Ichigo would be banging down his door; he was pleasantly surprised to hear Rukia's soft knock breaking his concentration instead. Instead of calling her in, however, he walked over and let her in, pinning her against the wall in a longing kiss.

"Somebody missed me," she giggled when their lips parted.

"And had a very stressful morning to boot."

"Akina told Ichigo. Ichigo told me, and I stuck him with Noriaki so I could come see you. You two left alone and annoyed just wouldn't end well."

"What annoyed- Oh. Akina's disappearance."

"Yes, she told us about that too; none-too-willingly. You'd already talked to her, so Ichigo managed not to go overboard. How did the meeting go?"

"How did so many people find out about it so quickly?"

"Akina heard people talking, and apparently was able to trace your reiatsu there, and shot off to you."

"Huh. She's progressing well."

"Mm. Now tell me how it went."

"Well. The chotaichou was just curious about our relationship; what kind it was, to be more specific."

"Oh, he didn't think we just liked screwing each other, did he?"

"I believe that was what he was checking on, yes," the other chuckled, going back to his desk.

"And you told him otherwise?" she asked, following him.

"In the nicest way possible."

"For your sake, I hope so."

"I actually got away with just talking about you and Ichigo; I didn't say a word about myself and the chotaichou didn't even notice," he grinned.

"Given that you were talking about the two people you allegedly love, it was probably what he was looking for anyway."

"...I suppose. I didn't think of that."

"Did I just outsmart you?"

"Watch it, Woman."

She had a giggle at his expense anyhow. "What are you working on?"

"Same pile of crap with different dates, I swear."

She smiled, sitting on the desk. Kicking a leg out, she pushed his chair back out. "Perhaps we should do something a bit more productive," she grinned shyly.

Toushiro shot up, re-pinning her; this time to the writing surface.

"Oh my, Taichou."

His head jolted up; Rangiku had just come through the door.

"Forget to bind the door, Taichou?" she teased.


Laughing, she did so, and this time, Toushiro didn't forget the door.

Later, at the end of his day, when the sun was disappearing over the horizon, Toushiro caught himself smiling. Maybe it was how well the morning had gone (despite the stress it caused, it could have been much worse), or perhaps that Rukia had stopped by, but he found himself feeling pretty damn good, packing up the leftover work and leaving the what was done bound on his desk to retrieved the next morning.

Chaos was sure to be breaking out; the girls would just be finishing their homework and want to be entertained, Ichigo forcing a bath on Noriaki, and Rukia burning whatever she was trying to cook for dinner. Continuing to grin, he blew out the single light in the office, and headed home.

A/N: And that's all! I hope you enjoyed the ride, despite the large breaks in updates.I admit it's ended rather abruptly, but it seems a good place to sit. I'd like to promise more in the future, this story is so much fun to write, but I really don't see that coming.

Thank you again.