Naruto stared at his teacher with a curious expression. He wasn't sure what was going on exactly. First, Kakashi kisses him when he'd been sick. Next, he says the kiss meant nothing. Now… his teacher switches again and says the kiss means something. What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? He felt completely confused and yet he felt warm as well. For years, no one had ever given him any real affection. He didn't know what it was really like to be loved and held in warm arms. Then again, he wasn't sure if Kakashi was saying what he hoped he was.

"What'd it mean?" Naruto asked softly.

"I can't leave you alone." Kakashi stated. Naruto gave him a look that told him that wasn't a very good answer. "More like… I don't want to leave you alone, Naruto. I love being with you."

Naruto could feel the blood within his body rushing to his face. His cheeks flared and he almost slapped his hands over them to hide it. However, Kakashi tugged his mask off and Naruto could see the red that covered his cheeks as well. The blonde couldn't stop himself and he started snickering. Seeing his former teacher so flustered was a sight to behold. He told himself to file the image away for later use. He just knew that seeing Kakashi like this would be extremely rare. Naruto took a few steps towards where his former teacher sat and crouched down a couple of feet away.

"Then you shouldn't have lied, because I would have accepted you." Naruto said with a bright grin.

"Accepted me?" Kakashi glanced up at the blonde.

"Yeah. I've needed someone to show me what it's like to be loved romantically. While you're not exactly… a prime choice for that… I'd rather it be you than anyone else, Kakashi." Naruto's grin broadened into a beautiful smile.

Kakashi allowed himself to smile in response and reached forward to grab the Chuunin. He pulled the smaller body close and placed a kiss on the tan lips. He could feel Naruto's body stiffen for a moment and he pulled back. The blonde's face couldn't get any redder without starting to turn shades of purple, but he was heavy lidded and smiling. Apparently, that was Naruto's first deep kiss. The Jounin grinned mischievously and pulled his former student closer, licking the smiling lips. Naruto shivered and planted a kiss of his own on Kakashi's lips.

Naruto grumbled loudly and glared darkly at the desk that was filled with paperwork. He folded his arms crossly with one of his hands carrying a mission report. He hated it when the Hokage ran off to avoid work. He hated it even more when he had to find the Hokage. However, he absolutely abhorred mission reports, so when he'd actually have written one out and had it ready on time… someone better be there to accept it. When no one's there to accept the report… there would be hell to pay. The blonde stomped out of the office and radiating fury. Everyone in the hall stumbled to get out of his way.

Kotetsu and Izumo both raised a hand to wave, but retracted it immediately and jumped out of the rampaging blonde Jounin's way. They watched as Naruto stormed down the rest of the hall and disappeared. The two gave each other a look then felt grateful that they weren't the one Naruto was searching for. Kakashi chuckled and leaned back in the bench he was sitting at. He was reading a book, a new book that Naruto had written. Sure, it wasn't like the Icha Icha series, but it was certainly just as entertaining. It was no wonder that it was so popular. Turning the page he felt a foreboding shadow lurk up behind him. Kakashi tilted his head to look behind him and saw Naruto's former academy teacher, Iruka.

"Ah… Iruka-sensei." Kakashi gave the Chuunin a pleasant eye smile.

"Naruto's on the prowl." Iruka said.

"Oh, really?" Kakashi stood from the bench and stretched languidly. "Who is he looking for?"

"Hokage-sama." Iruka answered and looked around.

"Oh." Kakashi chuckled and gave Iruka a wave before disappearing.

Naruto stopped as he saw the exact person that he rage was fueling towards. The Jounin jumped up onto the fence behind the Hokage and waiting to until he was noticed. Sure enough, it didn't take long before he was waved down. Naruto smoothly jumped to stand in front of the Hokage and seethed.

"Tsunade-baa-chan…" Naruto growled.

"Naruto!" Tsunade giggled.

"You're drunk already!? It's only ten in the morning!" Naruto shouted.

"No… not already… still. I'm still drunk!" Tsunade smiled big and waved a bottle of sake in front of the blonde.

"I… could… kill… you!" Naruto growled again and lunged at the busty woman.

"That wouldn't be very smart." Naruto felt arms wrap around him and pull him away from strangling the Godaime.

"Kakashi! Put me down! This is the last time she disappears when I'm bringing a report!" Naruto flailed about in Kakashi's grip.

"Indeed… you know she'll never change." Kakashi chuckled and carried the blonde away.

"NO! TAKE ME BACK! I WANT TO KILL HER!" Naruto cried out.

"… Wait… Naruto had a report for me?" Tsunade blinked then giggled again and took another sip from her sake cup.

"Tsunade-sama… maybe we should go back before another Jounin or Chuunin come looking for you. Naruto-kun was the seventeenth one." Shizune said nervously.

"Pfft.. we'll be fine!" Tsunade smiled. "More sake!"

Kakashi finally set the blonde down once they reached the silver haired man's apartment. Only a month before, Naruto had moved in after many long and tedious days of Kakashi begging. After all, Yamato and Sakura were living together now and he wasn't about to be outdone by the wood user. Luckily, when he pitched the idea like that, Naruto begrudgingly agreed. Within one hour, Kakashi had the blonde's things all at his apartment and unpacked. Naruto thought it was rather amusing how eager the silver haired man had been.

"Kakashi…" Naruto growled out. "The hell?"

"Well, if you kill her… I'll end up Hokage because you're still too young in the council's eyes." Kakashi grinned. "And we both know how much I'd hate to become Hokage. Too much work and I'll never get those missions with you again."

"Right. Fine, fine… you win. Tsunade should be glad she has such great protection." Naruto pouted.

"I doubt she remembers these little episodes." Kakashi tugged his mask off and kissed the blonde. "So, now that you're back and your Genin team's resting… can we try that position I showed you last week?"

"Eh? Is that all you think about!?" Naruto shouted before Kakashi kissed him again.


D'awwwwwwwwwwwww…. Yes, I don't write Lemons… sorry, I just don't. So, you'll have to make up the rest in your own minds. XD