A lone dark figure drifted through the quiet empty streets of Tokyo. His silver hair danced wildly around his face as the wind picked up. Like a shadow, he drifted along until he silently slipped into a small jewelry store on the street. "Ah, welcome back Demon." said the old women by the counter.
"Hello Kedea." He replied, "How many times must I ask you to call me Sessh o maru?"
She scoffed, leaving the counter to hobble over to him. "Ye are in my store, so I will call ye what I like!" she snapped.
H e rolled his eyes with a defeated sigh. "Very well, are they ready?"
She nodded and beckoned him to follow her into the back room. He had been frequenting the store for the last few weeks, waiting for the two items he had special ordered from the old women. He didn't like being back in Tokyo, and especially didn't like leaving Rin by herself in Kyoto, where they now lived. But he felt it was worth it now that they where finished.
She handed him two small white boxes, both tied closed with a silver bow. H e opened one and peered inside, his heart soaring. "Thank you." He said, handing her the money as he slipped the boxes into his coat pocket,
She seemed slightly surprised to be thanked by him. "Do what ye will." She mumbled as he walked out the store.
Rin waited impatiently at a small café in Kyoto. Sessh o maru was running late, something that never happened. She bit her lip nervously, looking down at her watch.
A handsome man sauntered over to where she was sitting and flashed her a brilliant smile. "You look like you could use some company. My name's Miroku." he said in a smooth voice.
"Uh, no I actually-" she tried to say.
"Don't worry babe, I promise to show you a good time." he said, scooting closer.
Rin stood to leave, not really knowing what else to do. As she turned though, she collided into a man's hard, lean body. Catching the familiar scent of her mate though, she relaxed. Sessh o maru growled threatingly, his eyes flashing dangerously. "I suggest you get lost." he said in a low cold voice.
The man tripped over himself in his rushed effort to escape the demon and Rin had to bite back a smile. "I can't leave you alone for a single minuet can I?" Sessh o maru mumbled under his breath as he kissed her cheek.
"You're the late one." she pointed out as they both sat down at the table.
"Sorry love, my…errand ran longer then I thought." he said, the amused note in his voice making her instantly suspiouss.
"So what was this 'errand' anyway?" she asked, sipping on her iced tea. He'd been taking frequent trips away to someplace. She trusted her mate with her life, but she still wondered what he was up to.
He smiled wide and reached into his pocket to pull out a small white box. He put it on the table and slid it over to her. "It can't be official," he explained as she lifted the lid, "But I figured the representation would be nice."
Rin's eyes filled with tears as she read the note inside. 'To Rin: My mate and my life.' because inside was a silver wedding ring.
"Oh, Sessh o maru…" she breathed, starting to slip it on her hand.
"Wait." he said, snatching it back from her, "I want to do this right."
He moved to kneel in front of her and took her waiting hand. "Rin, will you be with me for the rest of forever?" he asked.
"Of course." she whispered voice thick with emotion as he slipped the band onto her left hand. Then, pulling out the other box, he put on his own.
"I love you!" she said, pulling him down for a sweet kiss.
He looked her up and down, then pulled her to her feet. "And now I believe it's time for the honeymoon." he whispered suggestively in her ear.
She smirked as they both walked hand in hand to his car. Slipping into the front passenger seat, she stared down at her ring and laughed quietly. "What is it?" he asked as he started the car.
"Just thinking back on how we ended up here. It's almost hard to believe." she replied.
Lacing their fingers together, he kissed her softly.
"I guess all it took was a chance encounter."
A/N: ::cries to self:: That was just sooooooo cute!!! Cheesy, but adorable. I hope you all enjoyed reading 'A Chance Encounter' just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Even though a lot of the time, I was unhappy with how it turned out, in the end I think it was okay. Anyway, please feel free to enjoy my other fanfics. As always, comments are well loved with me!!!!
Until next time!
~Witch Baby