Last night I couldn't sleep so I thought I would write. And at around 3 in the morning a song come on that I hadn't hear in forever, it was Ne-Yo's "when your mad". It gave me this really good idea and I had just watch Princess Protection Program earlier so I thought why not a Carter and Rosie story. I think it turned out good, I just think the ending is a little off, but here you go. Enjoy.

Carter is so beautiful when she is mad. I have never thought that about anyone before. In fact I used to go out of my way just so I would not make people mad. But it is not that way with her, I have found myself these last few day just walking around her house going out of my way to make her mad.

I smile to myself as she enters the room with Major Mason, her smile instantly drops when she sees me. Making me grin at her she just rolls her eyes and turns away as Major Mason walks up to me putting his hand on my shoulder "What would you like for dinner tonight Rosie?" he asks.

"Pizza." Carter says we both look at her.

He smile and looks back at me "How's pizza sound?"

I shrug "Fine, but burgers would be better." I tell him.

"You know what I'm kinda in the mood for burgers too." He says then walks away.

As soon as he is gone Carter walks over to me, and I smile inward cause I know what's coming. She stops when she gets right in front of me "You just did that because I said I wanted Pizza." she says.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I says innocently. "I happen to like burgers."

"Oh please. You didn't even know what a burger was until yesterday." she say obviously very angry.

"Yes and now I loved them." I tell her with a smile.

When apparently she did not like cause she grabs me by the arm pulling me to our room. Feeling her fingers dig into my forearm as she drags me along makes me want to reach out and touch her, but before I can we are in her room. She push me in and slams the door behind her.

When she turns to me I almost die cause she is making her angry face. Where she scrunches up her nose, narrows her eyes, and bits her back teeth together, which makes her jaw muscle flex. She steps up to me so she is right in my face and starts yelling, but I do not hear a word she says because I am doing all that I can to not kiss her.

I find myself desperately trying not to stare at her lips, but it is so hard. Carter lips are perfect the perfect size the perfect color and I can not help but think about how they would feel against mine. What harm would come from me brushing them with my finger tips, licking one, or biting the bottom one. Whoa Rosalina calm down. Focus she saying something.

I pull my eyes away from her lips and lock on to her eyes. Oh god her eyes. Those gorgeous brown eye that are so full of rage at the moment. I swear I think I see flames. I can not stop myself from grinning like an idiot, and I am snapped out of my trance by Carter clapping her hands in front of my face.

Her hand then go immediately to her hips. Oh how I wish those were my hands. "What are you smile about?" She yells at me I search my brain for an reasonable excuse, but apparently I am taking too long so she yell at me again "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I open my mouth, but no words come out as I stare at the beauty before me waiting for me to say something. I should really say something, but nothing comes to mind. So I say screw it what is the worst that could happen, she get mad at me. I reach out grabbing her by the back of the head pulling her to me our teeth clink together as we connect.

I move my lips against her still one as I feel her tense in my arms, but then I feel her lips start to move roughly with mine, and her hands on my waist. She tugs me closer to her as I push my tongue against that perfect bottom lip and I hear her moan in my mouth as I lick the roof of her mouth.

She then pushes me back until the back of my knees hit my bed and make me fall onto it pulling her down with me. Our lips work together as our tongues have a war in each other mouths. Soon I move my hands from her hair to hips and under her shirt and drag my nails from just under her breast to the waist band of her jeans.

Making her groan and pull away from my lips I try to kiss her again, but she push me back down and give me a devilish smile before lean down to make contact with my neck. This time I am the one that groan feeling her lips on my neck, until I feel her bit down which catches me off guard so much I almost scream, but I just dig my nails into her back.

Carter hisses and pulls back to face me. We start at each other for a second I look into her eye. Her eyes look very different than what I had seen earlier, but I can not dwell on it long cause her lips are back on my after a few seconds.

This kiss is very different from the last one, but just as good. It is slower and more passionate like we have poured all our feeling, well all our good feeling toward one another into the kiss. Tongues that were battling are now gently rubbing against each other. And hand that were pushing, pulling, tugging, and scraping at the other person are now lovingly memorizing each others curves.

My hand is just about to get brave enough to go lower when we hear someone clear there throat making us jump apart to see Major Mason standing in the door way Carter looks at the floor as I set up in my bed and try to fix my shirt "It's nice to see you two getting alone." He says Carter looks at him in disbelief, I guess she was expecting him to yell at us. I kind of was too, but he just smile "Foods here. Take your time, just don't let it get cold." then he leaves us alone again.

We both stay where we are and try hard to think of something to say when she brakes the silent's "You kissed me." she says looking at me.

I get up "You kissed me back." I tell her.

"Why did you kiss me?" She asks very serous all of a sudden I can not tell if she is mad or scared.

"I want to. You were just so beautiful when you were yelling at me." I tell her.

"Really?" Carter asks me.

"Oh course. Your always beautiful." I says making her smile.

Then she walks up to me giving me a light kiss "We should always end fight like this."

"Absolutely ." I say with a smile.

I am not sure what is it that make her so irresistible when she is yelling at me or glaring angrily at me. But I do know that this is not normal to love it so much when someone hates you

The end

Good? Bad? Should I never write again?