Harry looked over at the window, watching as the street passed by, sighing as he looked everywhere but at his partner, cursing his Gryffindor courage for having made him confess while they were in the car. The dark haired man could hear the blonde in the seat next to him, could practically feel the tears welling up in the smaller man's beautiful grey eyes, could feel his own heart constrict and his throat close in the effort to stop the coming sobs. His emerald eyes looked over at the blonde beauty, his heart breaking at the sight.

The blonde just sat quietly in the seat, his eyes glued to the windshield, staring at nothing, large silvery tears rolling down his baby soft cheeks, small sobs wreaking his body, the effort for him to hold them back causing Harry all the more pain."Dray..." Harry whispered, reaching a hand out to the blonde, placing it on the petite man's arm.

Draco Malfoy recoiled from the taller, darker man, curling himself into the fetal postition in the car seat, laying his head onto his knees trying to stop his trembling. "Dray..baby please..hear me out." pleaded Harry, guilt washing over him as he looked at his lover.

"What is there to hear?!" asked Draco, his voice deadly calm, though his shoulders shook from the remnants of his sobs."Do you have anything else to tell me? Like where you did it? Are you going to tell me how sorry you are? What Harry, what is it!?!"

Harry cringed, his eyes glued to the road."Baby, please...just listen to me." said Harry.

"Pull over." Draco said, placing his feet on the floor of the car, quickly wiping his eyes, his mask slipping into place, as the car came to a halt. "On my wedding day, a man stood before me, and promised me his fidelity, his love. I don't know where that man went, or when he stopped loving me, but..." Draco paused, shutting his eyes, breathing deeply, before he opened the car door, "That man...I'll miss him. I thought we were stronger than that."

Harry felt the tears he had been holding in flood his eyes, as he watched the blonde disapparate. His heart broke.


Ron sat next to him, his long lanky arm thrown over his shoulder, gently rubbing the dark haired man's back, allowing the savior of the Wizarding World weep in his arms. Hermione sighed, placing the tray of tea on the coffee table, gently settling herself next to the red head and the raven haired man."Come now Harry, what did you expect? Him to say it was okay that you cheated on him with Ginny? That he understood?" asked Hermione, shaking her head, preparing the tea for the two men in front of her.

Harry looked up from his place on Ron's chest, wipping his dark eyes with the backs of his hand, sniffling."I don't know."

Hermione just shook her head, sighing."Why would you even think about an affair?" asked Hermione, anger leaking into her voice.

Harry looked down, breathing deeply."I...I..don't know...Ginny came to the apartment all weepy and such, and I...I..one thing lead to another and we ended up sleeping together."

"I know..but why did you continue it?" asked Hermione, taking a sip of the tea.

"She said that no one would know about it,..she promised that..I don't know why I did it, okay. I look back on it and my heart breaks because I knew what I was doing was cheating, I knew that it would hurt Draco.. I don't know why I did it but I did. And now..Draco won't even look at me, he won't let me touch him, he won't even return my calls...Hermione, I've..I...Oh Merlin." Harry tried to explain, stopping short a thought dawning on him.


Two months later

Draco sat silently, his silver grey eyes, darkened in pain,as he stared out the large bay window, watching as the sea lapped at the

shore. Severus sat next to him, a book open on his lap, as he sighed, running his hand through the blonde's light hair. "Potter's an idiot." the potions master stated.

Blaise chuckled slightly, seating himself behind the blonde, pulling the slightly smaller of the two against his chest, pressing a kiss to the pale temple."He's an arse, that doesn't understand what love is, and who doesn't understand the meaning of marriage." said the tan boy, gently running his tanned fingers through the pale blonde hair.

Draco choked out a laugh, tears welling in his eyes as he plastered a smile onto his face, mask shifting erratically."That doesn't make it hurt any less." said the blonde, settling his hands onto his slightly rounded stomach.

Theo looked up from the floor, pulling one of Draco's small hands into his own, pressing a kiss the palm of his hand."Heartbreak is never easy, no matter who you are. It's despicable, especially to us Slytherins, we allowed him to be near you. We allowed him to marry you." said Theo.

Draco chuckled, his free hand rubbing his swollen stomach, a sad smile crossing his lips. "It was mostly my fault. I thought that he really loved me...I thought that we would be stronger than that." said Draco, sighing.


Severus looked up from his book, sighing slightly at being bothered on such a nice day. Standing, the dark haired man, looked at the three younger men, raising an eyebrow as he left them, answering the knock that the Malfoy's Beach Home. Reaching the entry way, he adopted his professional persona, straightening his shoulders and pulling on a set of black robes, leaving them open to reveal a white button up shirt.

Opening the door, surprise alighting his eyes for a second, before vanishing into the black depths. Standing there was Ron Weasley, his red hair flapping in the wing that stirred up the sand. "Oh..good afternoon Professor Snape..I was looking for..."

"Draco." said Severus, raising a dark brow.

Ron blushed, looking down at his feet, nodding his red head."I needed to talk to him..about Harry."

"What makes you think that I'll allow it?"

"Professor, two people, that we love very much are hurting. Harry screwed up and he knows it, he wants to see Draco, he wants to apologize."

"So why isn't Potter here then?" asked Severus, leaning against the door frame, a smirk curving his lips.

"He's sitting at the aparation point. He and Hermione are having a row." explained the red head.

"Really now? So they sent you?"

"Not really. I understand that Harry was being stupid, I really do. So, I want to help make this right...I want to help." Ron admitted, earnestly.

"The pain that your precious savior caused may never really heal....He made the mistake of his life." The potionmasters voice dipping into an almost inaudiable octave,that only the red head heard.

Ron took a step back, nodding grimly at the older man, turning back in the direction he hand come. Severus sighed shutting the door and leaning against it, shutting his dark eyes."I need a drink." said the potionsmaster.


Ron stepped into view, his head downcast, as he walked toward the two arguing adults. Rolling his eyes at the two, he wiggled his way in between them, his body acting a barrier between the two friends."Snape had a message he wanted me to give you."

Harry looked at his friend, his eyes bloodshot, his cheeks puffy and littered with tear tracks. "What?" he choked out, running his hand through his hair.

Ron sighed, grabbing Harry by the nape of his neck and bringing him forward, until their foreheads met, Ron's baby blue eyes staring into Harry's emerald green. "You made a mistake, a big one, and now you might never see your own baby, Harry."

Harry's eyes widened, as he tried to get away from the red head, tried to pull back from his strong grip on his neck."Ron, Ron, let go...I have to go see Draco, I have to go see Draco." Harry murmured, trying to struggle out of the red head's hands.

Ron shook his head, pulling Harry closer to his body."Let him be, mate, let him be."


"The more you stress him, the worse off the baby will be."

Harry stopped struggling, tears escaping once again from his eyes as he nodded his head.

Hermione sighed, sitting on down on the ground, feeling her eyes roll on their own accord. "Just feel lucky that he hasn't taken any action to divorce you, or that Malfoy senior or Professor Snape have tried to kill you." said the witch.

Harry nodded, taking a breath in, wiping his eyes as he looked at his friends, trying to force a smile onto his face. Though his eyes told an entirely different story.


Draco sighed, standing from the large plush bed as he stretched, the swell of his stomach protruding all the more as walked around his rooms, his pale hands running over the soft skin protecting his child. Smiling as the child kicked, the pale blonde walked around his loft apartment, watching the storm brew outside his window, the rain just beginning to pour on to the roof. He pulled a large robe over his body, covering the over-sized t-shirt and pants that he had come to prefer after Harry had left. The pregnant blonde walked into the kitchen, getting a glass from the shelf, filling it with cold water, settling himself on the large table, watching the storm.

"I remember when we used to watch the storms together." came a deep voice from further in the apartment.

Draco sighed, lazily drinking from the the glass, his eyes clouding over, obscuring his emotions. Harry walked toward the blonde, seating himself on the table, the solid wooden surface creaking under his weight. The dark haired man sighed, his hair dripping into his eyes, the water that came off the drops creating tracks on his skin, mimicking tears.

"I remember when we used to make love on the table. It would be raining like this, and we would have the candles on....but it's just a memory." said the blonde, clearing his throat slightly, a smile curving his lips.

Harry sighed, edging closer to the pregnant man, not touching, but wanting to touch, he kept his hands in his lap, away from temptation. The blonde looked out the window.

"It doesn't have to be, Draco. We can fix this, we can make it better."

"This isn't a hurt that can have a band-aid, to make it all better, Harry! This is, or was, our marriage! This was a sacred institution that you violated with your little fling with that Weasely whore! This is about broken hearts, not a scrapped knee." said Draco, emotion slipping into his voice, causing it to crack, tears collecting at the corners of his eyes.

Harry reaching forward, pulling the pregnant blonde into his arms, his own tears mingling with that of the weeping blonde beneath him. He kissed him, his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his chin, his lips, he couldn't stop himself, his emotions and body trying to make a connection between Draco and himself. The blonde yielded, allowing the taller of the two hold him, to love him.

"I can't promise that I won't hurt you again." said the Gryffindor, holding the smaller body close, melding their bodies as close as possible with the blonde's pregnant belly."But, I promise you...I promise you, that I will never do this to you again. I will never cheat on you, I will never hurt you intentionally. I love you so much," the boy-who-lived sobbed out, his hands in the fine blonde hair, his tears shaking him to the very core."so much. I can't live without you, Draco."

Draco nodded, gently pushing the taller of the two away, his lips met with gently resistence, the pressure chaste, and elegantly painful. The blonde looked up at his husband, wipping his tears away from his eyes, those emeralds shining with more than love.

"I love you, Harry." said the blonde, another kiss placed on his face."I need you, just as much as you need me. I love you..more than you can fathom apparently. I would have moved heaven and earth for you. You hurt me so deeply," he sobbed, his tears gently falling from his eyes."but..forgiveness...that is what I can give you, now. I will always love you, even if you do the dumbest things."

Harry fell to his knees, his body falling heavily to the ground, his arms entwining around the blonde's expanded waist, burying his face into the soft refuge he offered. Draco gently shushed the sobbing hero, combing his wild hair from his head as he cried, comforting him as much as he could.


Harry gently traced patterns into the beautiful swell of his lover's stomach, reveling in the feel of his baby moving under his hand as the blonde slept. He shifted pulling his lover's smaller, naked body closer to his, placing a kiss on the new baby. Draco chuckled sleepily, his grey eyes silvery in the new light of the morning, as he watched Harry, stretching out on their kitchen table.

"The baby thinks it's funny to wake me up, when someone is playing with him." said Draco, yawning, pulling the discarded robe and pulling it over his shoulders. "I think he is being cruel, like his father."

Harry smiled, kissing his way up the pale, nude body and up to Draco's mouth, capturing those petal soft lips into a kiss. Draco moaned, threading his fingers into the dark hair of his husband's hair, reveling in the feel of the wild hair in his hands.

"I love you." said Harry, rubbing a hand over the pale stomach.

"I love you too." whispered Draco, allowing the larger man to ravage him.