Author's Note:

*runs around screaming* I finally did it! LOSGAP got the courage to post the first chapter of the new FMA fic- YAY! *dances*




I look up when I hear the tea kettle shrieking for attention and blink, realizing I forgot about it completely.

I trot over and remove it from the stove, setting about the task of making myself my evening tea. As I sit down in front of the fireplace and take a sip of the hot tea I look out the window at the rain beating on the glass and raise my head when I think I hear voices.

Well of course you hear voices- you're right on the outskirts of town- it'd be strange if you didn't hear voices. I think, though I can't shake the feeling something was wrong.

I shake my head, switching my gaze to the little fire I have going, crackling away quietly, as though it too is subdued by the rain.

I keep glancing towards the window though, a sixth sense tugging at me, telling me to go see what's going on. Finally, with a resigned sigh I set down my mug and make my way to the window, peering through the rain to see if I can see what's going on.

Damn. It's them. I think in annoyance when I see the black cloaks, the silver skull barely visible on their backs. Those idiots are always looking for some poor soul to rob. Hope no one gets hurt tonight. I thought worriedly as I watch them vanish into the night, laughing among themselves. My brow furrows at their laughter- when the Black Ops laugh, it's never a good sign for anyone in the vicinity.

Figuring it'd be safer to lock up for the night and just go to bed, I bolt the door and lock the window tightly, grabbing my blanket and curling up on the couch, listening to the rain and watching the fire die down.

My eyes drift shut, lulled by the drum of the rain's fingers on the tin roof of my small home, whispering promises of re-growth and of fresh starts when the storm clears.

I'm almost asleep when I hear the flurry of knocking at the door and groan quietly. I really hate patients coming this late at night. If it's just another splinter I'm not going to be gentle. I roll my eyes, throwing the blanket around my shoulders as I make my way to the door.

"What is it?" I mutter sleepily, rubbing one eye as I open the door. The rain slaps at my face eagerly, an overexcited large dog as the wind pulls and pushes me around while I try to keep my feet firmly on the ground as I peer irritably into the rain.

Then I realize it isn't the wind tugging at me- it's hands, yanking me out of the house and pushing me into the mud.

"Come on, she's gotta have something in there." Someone whispers and I look up at the flash of silver and black. I open my mouth to spit curses at them but a boot lands on the back of my head, smashing my face into the mud.

"Just keep quiet and we won't have to hurt you." One deep voice laughs and my hand flashes out, snatching his ankle and twisting it, pulling it back and throwing him forward, tossing him into the wall.

"Why you little…" I barely manage to clamber to my feet when a blow lands on my cheek and I turn my head with it, softening the punch a bit as I steady myself in the mud, my hands into fists as I stare up at the hooded figures.

"Get out of here." I warn them. "I don't want to have to hurt you." They laugh and someone shoves me from behind, and I'm back in the mud. "Like we're scared of you." One snickers and I growl, trying to get up to my feet again.

"Hey!" We all look up in surprise when someone shouts from the road. I can barely see in the rain, but it looks like a little boy.

"Leave her alone." He growls, coming closer and I realize for the first time he has a tall companion with him, in a suit of armor.

Well, if that isn't the strangest thing I've ever seen. I thought. But he doesn't look like a little boy now that I can see his face- just a short man. A very short man.

"Stay out of this." The man with a boot on my back says. "Or what?" The blonde boy taunts. The boot lifts and he takes off towards the boy, pulling a knife from his belt.

There's a flash of light as the boy claps his hands together, ripping off his red cloak to reveal an auto mail arm turned into a sword.

He's the Full Metal Alchemist! I realize in shock. And that must be his brother, Alphonse. I shake my head, rising from the mud as I run into my house to make sure those idiots haven't touched anything dangerous, knowing the Elric brothers will keep those thugs from coming inside.

I stare around my ruined living room, my medical equipment scattered everywhere, and I realize every medicine bottle and bag is gone.

Druggies, huh? I think, kneeling to pick up an empty bottle. I turn my head towards the outdoors when I remember the fight and I peek out cautiously and stare out into the rain, realizing the Black Ops are gone.

"Wow." I say in surprise. "That was fast." I trot out into the storm towards the Elric brothers. "Thank you." I say, bowing once. "That was amazing- if you guys hadn't shown up I don't know what would have happened." I say and Edward looks up. For the first time I realize his auto mail hand is gripping his left arm, just above the wrist. "No problem." He says between gritted teeth. "Broken wrist?" I guess, motioning for them to come inside.

"I think." Edward says, following just behind. He lets out a low whistle when he sees the destruction inside. "I'll have this cleaned up in no time." I wave a hand. "Now come here and let me have a look at that." I say, sitting down on the couch and patting the seat beside me.

"And Alphonse, you may want to dry yourself off with this." I say, tossing him a towel. "Otherwise you'll rust." I say and he blinks at me in surprise. "Thank you." He says, sitting down on a chair in the corner.

"Those idiots are pretty good fighters, so I'm not surprised you hurt yourself." I say, examining his wrist carefully. "Yeah." Edward laughs. "By the way, how'd you know his name is Alphonse?" He looks at me curiously and I look up, impressed he isn't howling with pain or thrashing around like most of the sissies in this town.

"You two are kind of easy to recognize, Edward Elric." I wink. "Just call me Ed." Ed says and his eyebrows raise a bit when I pull a piece of chalk from my pocket. "What are you going to do with that?" Ed asks, a bit nervous as I lay his left arm out on the table. "You'll see." I carefully outline a transmutation circle, gently placing his wrist in the center.

"You're an alchemist?" Ed asks, obviously surprised as I place my hands on the edge of the circle. "I may not be a fancy State Alchemist like you, but I know my trade pretty well." I reply as the circle begins to glow.

"I specialize in medical alchemy." I reply, watching him flex his now fully healed wrist, his eyebrows raised with surprise. "You certainly work wonders." He laughs. "Thanks- and aren't you a bit young to be a doctor?" He asks.

"Aren't you a bit short to be a state alchemist?" I challenge and his eye twitches. I laugh as Al restrains a suddenly very angry Edward from coming after me. "Calm down shortie- I still need to give you a shot, just let me find my spare bottles…" I pull the key out of my pocket and open up the box I have sitting on my mantle, pulling out a bottle and needle, filling up the syringe quickly.

"STOP! I DON'T NEED A SHOT!" Edward shrieks as I approach, Al nearly having to sit on him to keep him in place. "Let me go Al! How could you betray your own brother?!" Ed cries, squirming in his brother's hold. "I'll turn you all into fish!" I sigh quietly, my previous admirations of his maturity and bravery flying out the window.

"Don't make me sit on you." I warn him, pinning his arm down to the table. I put my face close to his, batting my eyes. "Now, be a brave man and take your shot." I say, slipping the needle in his arm while he stares up at me, transfixed.

"All done." I say, breaking the spell I've put him in as I pull the needle back out, tossing the used needle into the trash.

"You're good." Al says, impressed and I laugh. "Just a trick I picked up for squirming kids." I say, reaching into the box and pulling out a sucker. "This works pretty well too." I wink.

I sit down next to Ed eating his candy and can't help but think that for all the things he's accomplished, he's still just a kid.

A lot of people could say that about me though. I think. I'm only sixteen, and yet I'm a fairly accomplished medical alchemist.

"So," I say, leaning back in my chair and playing with a strand of light brown hair. "I heard you guys are looking for the Philosopher's Stone."

Ed looks up, his half-finished sucker hanging out of his mouth. "Yeah. We are." He replies, focusing his attention on his candy.

"I can see why." I reply, nodding to his arm and his leg. He glances down at his leg and back to me, a questioning look in his eyes. "I'm a doctor Ed- I should be able to tell the difference between human flesh and metal." I say dryly. "Just like I know Al's not a guy in a suit of armor- you attached his soul to it." I say. "Wonderful job by the way- I've never heard of a successful one before, let alone seen one." I look at Al, trying to disguise the awe in my voice.

"We both just want to get back to our old selves." Ed says quietly, not acknowledging my praise. "I understand." I reply softly.

More then you can imagine.

"So, what brings you to these parts?" I ask curiously, changing the subject quickly, leaning back on the couch. "I'm guessing you're not sight seeing." I add. "We were actually sent here with orders to bring someone back with us- would you happen to know a…" He rummages through his pocket and pulls out a very soggy piece of paper. "…Memarie Wilkins?"

I drop the chalk, staring at him in terror. "M-Memarie?" My voice shakes and I clear it, shaking my head. "She died. A long time ago." I say, staring into the glowing embers of the fireplace.

"You sure?" Ed asks me and I nod. "Yeah, tragic accident. Eaten by a bear." I say, turning to look at him but finding myself face to face with a picture of myself.

"Really? Because you look very well for a dead woman, Miss Memarie Wilkins." Ed smirks and I stand up, glowering at him.

"Why the hell do they want me?" I demand, knowing exactly why but holding my breath that maybe they want me for another reason.

"Didn't tell us- something about your alchemy." Ed shrugs and I blink, a glimmer of hope sparking deep within that maybe they won't come after me for that night.

I've already been punished enough.

"It'd probably be best if you just came with us." Ed says and I shake my head, clearing the shadows from my mind. "Otherwise they'll just drag you in by force." He stretches and yawns and I raise an eyebrow. "For a military dog you don't have much stamina- there's a bedroom upstairs to the left, it's got a bunk-bed in there." I say, nodding to the stairs.

"Thank you." Alphonse stands up and nods to me and I smile faintly, bowing once. "What's with the bowing thing anyway?" Ed asks, putting one hand on his hip as he leans his weight onto his metal leg. "Just something my family has always done- it's polite for us." I shrug. "…ok. Sure. Um, good night." Ed lifts a hand in a wave as he makes his way upstairs, Al just behind him.

"Night." I say into the darkness.

Such strange boys. I think, shaking my head in amusement as I sit back down on the couch. My brow furrows when I remember that the State has summoned me- what on Earth could they want from me?

Stop lying to yourself- you know exactly what they want. I remind myself. And I have the bad feeling they're going to take it from me, whether I like it or not.

I sigh as I flop down onto the couch, throwing an arm over my eyes and closing them, trying to blot out the flashes of memory from so long ago.

I like those Elric boys though- for military dogs, they're not half bad. That Edward… he's got ghosts in his eyes. I get the feeling we've seen the same things.

I hope neither of us has to see those things again Ed.


Author's Note:

Gah *eats chapter* I hate writing first chapters for animes I haven't covered before- makes me nervous and they usually come out awkward and kind of choppy- not to mention the characters are usually a bit OOC.

So I won't be offended if you think it was a bit unlike me- for those of you reading Starting Over, I apologize for my lack of humor in this chapter- I promise there will be more along the way! And I usually hit my stride with stories pretty early, so expect it to get a lot better within the next 2-3 chapters.

I may be leaving some important things out of the story from the anime by the way- I'm only about 16 episodes in, so I'm not completely comfortable with their personalities yet but I still love them all to death (: (Especially Ed *squee* And Mustang. He is my snuggliepoo.)

Erm…. *cough**cough*


I apologize for the senseless rambling, any OOCness and weird writing moments you may have experienced. Please do not hurt me.

Please review! They make me happier then COOKIES! (And that's saying something o.O)