As with all Fanfiction I do not own anything to do with Harry Potter.

The Panty Snatcher

The recent string of robberies has finally ended at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Thanks to the detective work of two of its students, Ms. Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's good friend, and Ms. Ginerva Weasley, sister of Harry Potter's other close friend, Ronald Weasley and daughter of Ministry employee Mr. Arthur Weasley.

Apparently the girls first noticed something was amiss when their underclothes were not returned with the rest of their laundry from the school house elves. Although they did not immediately suspect anything sinister, they began to suspect they were not the only ones when the following day many of the schools female students got similar packages with the mail.

"It just seemed strange that four girls at my table all got package that looked almost identical." Commented Ms. Granger when questioned. "So I started asking around."

Ms. Granger and Ms. Weasley soon discovered that at least eight girls from their house were missing their underclothes, as well as many others from the other houses in the school.

"We decided to set a trap to find out where they were going." Says Ms. Weasley. "Hermione cast a tracking charm on a pair of her new panties and we simply followed them." Surly the Department of Magical Law Enforcement wishes that all crimes were this easy to solve. Apparently the underclothes led them to the mysterious Room of Requirement where the girls waited patiently for the culprit to emerge.

Imagine if you will, their surprise when their friend, Neville Longbottom, son of Frank and Alice Lonbottm, the arrors tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange during the uprising, emerges from the room looking blissfully happy.

Mr. Longbottom seems to have formed quite a collection of women's under things. Some witnesses report that you couldn't see the floor for panties. Unfortunatly Mr. Longbottom was unavailable for comment, but he could be heard yelling as the officials took him away.

"Bikini, briefs, boy shorts, thongs, g-strings, granny panties, I'll take them all." This leads to questions about his relationship with his Granny, or if there may have been some prank pulled on the young man, which compelled him to collect women's under things.

Mr. Longbottom, having never shown any signs of mental instability, or abuse previously, has been sent to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries for evaluation before being presented to the Wizengamot later this month.