Okay, so just one more chapter left. I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 34- Until the Very End

October 29th 1980

-Lucie's POV-

I wasn't allowed to do much anymore. I was 8 months pregnant and the size of a bloody house. My feet were horribly swollen from the long shifts at St. Mungo's. Things were getting really bad all over, they needed the healers now more than ever and I was one of the best. I wouldn't leave everyone in their time of need. I shifted on my feet while I waited for the house to appear in front of me. It was a small, quaint, cottage looking house. So different from what they were used to.

I knocked on the door 3 times, before she answered.

"Oh Lucie! You look fantastic!" Alice threw her arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

I roll my eyes and squeeze her back. "How are you?"

She guides me into the house and right into a chair. "We're good. Just glad to be alive." She says honestly.

Little footsteps come running up the hall. 'Wu!" Neville yells loudly and throws himself at my legs.

I bend over and pick him up, placing him on my lap.

"I thought I heard voices." Frank says, wiping his hands on a dish rag before walking over and placing a kiss on my cheek. "How are you Lucie?"

"I'm okay, just tired alot. I've been working so many long hours."

"I bet Sirius isn't too happy about that." Franks says sitting down on my other, taking his squirming son from me and placing him on the ground.

"No, he's not, but I can't do anything related to the order and -"

"I felt the same way." Alice tells me. "It isn't fun to feel helpless, but remember you are helping people every day. You are saving our lives daily, you're hiding our secret."

I nod my head. "Alice, Frank, you know I wouldn't have it any other way."

I stand up then. "I should get going, I just wanted to stop by after work to see you. Sirius is expecting me. We might go visit Harry later."

They both nod and stand to hug me. I squeeze both of them tightly, like I do every time I leave. I'll feel like these days you just don't know when the last time.

"I love you both, yeah?"

"We love you to Lucie." Frank says while Alice nods and kisses my cheek. A tear slides down hers.

I try to hold mine in. Our visits have been few and far between since August when we hid them here. Mostly weeks separated them.

I grab little Neville and kiss him soundly on the cheek which makes him giggle.

"Bye-Bye!" He calls after me as I walk towards the door.

"Good-Bye." I say quickly and walk out, shutting the door quietly behind me.


-Sirius' POV-

I'm glaring at the door, waiting for Lucie to walk in. She said she would be here right after work.

The door opens and I start immediately, "Lucie how dare you-"

"Merlin, it's only me." Remus says shaking his head,

I sit back down on the couch.

"What's up?" He asks me.

"Lucie should have been home an hour ago. She told me she wouldn't be working late today!"

He nods and sits down on the couch. "Maybe something happened and she got held up, maybe-"

"Hi, I'm so sorry!" Lucie says bursting through the door. "I stopped for only a little while to see Alice and Frank it's been so long and -"

"Maybe she went to see Alice and Frank." Remus finishes with a laugh.

"Lucie, you should have told me!" I snap. "You know there is a spy in our midst, what if something had happened." And without meaning to my eyes look to Remus.

We hadn't seen Remus that much in the last two months. And it was shocking. I used to see him every day.

Remus eyes me curiously for a moment before standing up and kissing Lu on the cheek.

"Stop being such a stranger, Remus." She says slapping his arm. "You know I need to see you."

"I'm sorry, Albus has me pretty busy lately."

Lucie locks her eyes with mine. She knows my suspcions and she thinks I'm crazy.

"Of course he has darling." She says sweetly rubbing his arm. "Did you have plans tonight?"

Remus smiles, "Nope I'm all yours."

"Excellent, well Sirius you heard him! Get your coat, let's go see our Godson!"



Just like with Frank and Alice, our visits with Lily and James were rare. Peter saw them a lot more than we did only because he was the secret keeper, it was more likely for us to be followed then him. We had to plan our visits in a timely matter, normally during the day when it was busy and there were people to block our way from being followed.

James didn't have the invisibility cloak to give us, Albus had it, said he wanted to observe it, so this time we used disillusionment charms. We arrived at Godrics Hallow and Sirius handed us both a piece of paper with the address on it, which after reading I promptly set fire too with my wand.

"That never gets old." Remus teases, knowing my intense love of setting fire to things.

"Always destroy your evidence, you know that Rem."

Sirius barks out a laugh beside me. The house appears then and I all but run to it and slam open the door. Only to be picked up immediately into a hug.

"Heard you coming, Lu Lu." James says in my ear. He hugs me long and hard. "Merlin, I've missed you so much.

A tear slips out of my eye. "I miss you to Prongs."

I hear him laugh at his old nick name and pull back from me. He passes me to Lily while he hugs the boys.

"You look great, love." Lily says hugging me tightly.

"I look like a house."


I glare at Lily and she laughs, "But merlin is it worth it."

I smile at her words and she Harry running around with his toy broomstick. His black hair sticking up all over his head just like James'.

"Where is Peter, wasn't he supposed to be here today?" I ask Lily as we all move in to the sitting room.

"He wrote saying he couldn't make it, Order business apparently." James says from my right.

I instantly place my hand on Sirius' knee as he sits on my left. He curls his fingers around mine. I couldn't help but stare at the diamond on my left hand, it was beautiful of course and quite large. It shine brightly in the light. Sirius caught my eye and winked.

And from there on there wasn't a dry eye in the place. We talked for hours and laughed about so many things we had done as teenagers, for them it was the wine making them silly, but for me I was just happy to be with my best friends, my family. I loved each and every one of them more than anything in the world. I didn't ever want to be parted from then.

When it was time to leave, I cried. I was trying to hold it together, but it didn't help that James was crying too. Which made Lily cry and then Remus and lastly Sirius as he held onto his best friend and gave him a hug.

"We'll see you soon." I tell him, kissing Harry good bye.

"See you soon." Lily says smiling through her tears.

And the door is shut between us.

I stifle a sob. Sirius places his arm around me and Remus grabs my hand.

Then the house disappears.


Two days later, I awoke to a scream from Sirius.

"Lucie get up! You need to get up right now!"

I jump up quickly and look at the clock, "What is it?"

"We need to go quickly. Come on!" He grabs my arms and pulls me up right.

I stumble slightly, but he holds on and places my jacket over my arms.

He hands me something then. A helmet.

"I am not-"

"Lucie, you need to. I know you hate it, but please-"

I nod my head and follow him the roof where his motorbike sat. He hopped on the front and I got on behind him sitting close to him as I could and placed my arms on him. He started the engine and then we were off flying into the night. I shivered despite having my jacket on being so high up in the air.

"Were are we going?!" I shouted.

He didn't answer, but his hold body felt tight and tensed up. He was terrified.

As we started to descend I recognize instantly where we were.

Godric's Hallow.

I screamed then as we landed on the grass. I screamed bloody murder. Lily and James' house was in pieces, the door hanging off, the windows falling down.

"Lily, James!" Sirius screamed and we both ran inside.

I dropped to my knees, then. James was laying on the stairs, his glasses askew on his face. His big hazel eyes open and staring blankly. Tears instantly poured down my face.

"No, No, No James!" Sirius screams, grabbing on to his arms and shaking him. "James, no!"

Another cry sounded then. The sound of a baby's cry.

"Sirius- it's Harry!"

I jumped up quickly and ran up the stairs.

-Sirius' POV-

I looked down at my best friend and was just lost. He was gone. I would never see him again, never hear his voice never-

Lucie screamed then. And I heard a loud bang like she fell to her knees.

"Lily, oh Merlin, Lily!"

I closed James' eyes and ran up the stairs after her.

Lucie was on the floor, completely covering Lily's body with her own, which was right in front of Harry's crib.

Lucie was shaking madly, "Lily, please!"

She looked up having heard me in the doorway.

"They're gone." Tears were pouring down her cheeks, her skin pale white. "They're gone, Sirius! They're gone! I-AH" She scream and grabbed at her long hair that in her despair turned mousy brown. I knew what that meant, She felt lost without her bestfriends. Just like me.

"Wu Wu!" Harry cried. Lucie jumped up immediately and grabbed the baby, holding him tight.

"I've got you mate, you'll be fine." She closed her eyes and tears dripped down. "We'll all be fine, okay?"

I leaned down and placed my hand on Lily's cheek. A tear drop fell off my chin and landed on her face. I swiped at and place my fingertips on her eyelids. I couldn't stand to look at those brilliant green eyes. She was my best mate's wife, my finances best friend and someone who was like my sister.

"Oh Lily." I found myself say aloud.

"Sirius, someone's here." Lucie says then.

I look up and I notice her wand is out. I stand up and take the baby from her arms.

"Paddy!" He whispers, and kisses my cheek.

I slip my wand out as well, and we descend the stairs.

I see a large figure, standing the yard.

"Sirius, it's okay, it's just Hagrid!"

We race out into the yard just to see him burst into tears.

"Are they-"

I see Lucie nod.

Hagrid gets out his large handkerchief and blows his nose loudly. "I'm here for the baby."

"What?" Lucie exclaims moving closer to Harry and I.

"Dumbledore's orders. He asked me to bring him to him.

"Why what does Dumbledore want with him?" Lucie asks, still standing close,her eyes are narrowed.

"Lucie, it's okay. It's Hagrid."

She sighs and takes Harry from my arms. "This is only goodbye for a little while." She tells him, fresh tears pouring from her eyes. Harry stares at her, he also began to cry. "I'll see you soon mate okay. You'll come live with me and Sirius, it'll be wonderful okay?"

Harry continues crying. "I love you." She says and then kisses him and hands him back to me. She walks away and stares at the house as if she can;t bare to parted with him.

"Bye, mate. we'll see you soon." Harry's tears begin to dry up.

"Buh-bye Paddy." And he squeezes me tight.

I hand him to Hargid, "Take my bike. I won't need it anymore after tonight. Just take it."

Hagrid nods and sits on it, Harry in his arms, wrapped in a blanket that he had just conjured.

"Good bye Sirius."

I nod my head and they take off.

"Sirius!" Lucie screams then.

I look towards her and her hair is fiery red and her eyes are coal black.

"Peter." She says.

I stop dead understanding completely what she is saying.

Peter was the secret keeper. Peter was the spy.

"Peter." I say aloud, and then we are both running. Towards what I don't know, but he couldn't be far, he just couldn't be.

That little rat was around here somewhere.


September 1st 1994

-Sirius' POV-

It took awhile but I swear by chance or fate we found him. It was light out, Halloween night was over and it was November 1st and the worst day of my life. Easily. He was standing in the middle of a crowded muggle street.

And he smiled, he actually smiled.

"Peter!" Lucie screamed loudly, while her hair was purple again, her eyes were still black.

And without a care in the world, Lucie pulled out her wand and pointed it at him. The muggles began to scream. It startled her I think, because the next thing I knew, Peter has his wand out and the whole street in the path of his wand was blown up.

I screamed loudly as Lucie was thrown up and over landing with a smack on the pavement. Blood poured out her head, too much blood.

This couldn't be happening to me. This is- she can't be-"

"Peter!" I scream running towards him. I shot a jet of light at him, he dodged it way to easily then I would have liked.

He looked at me then and gave a snarky little smile, before I could move he cut off his fingers and transformed into a rat. I blinked once and he was gone.

He was just gone.

I dropped to my knees besides my fiance, my pregnant fiance and yet the tears didn't come.

I looked in her eyes, which turned back to her beautiful pale gold and I- I laughed.

I don't know how long I sat there, but I laughed madly the whole time. Even as the aurors showed up and placed my arms in chains, I did not stop laughing.

My fiancé was dead, my baby was dead, my best friends were dead. Lucie was the only one who knew I wasn't the secret keeper besides Peter. And Lily and James, every one who knew was dead, or in Peter's case would one day be. I had no one. Not a soul.

That wasn't entirely true. I thought to myself.

I had Remus, well I would have. He came to Azkaban not long after I was found guilty and all he did was stare at me through the cell. He never said a word. He just stared and I found myself unable to speak.

Even if I didn't kill James and Lily myself, I was still guilty. I still let Peter be the secret keeper, I might as well as signed their death certificates. They were gone because of me. I knew Lucie would feel that same, where ever she was. Hopefully she was with them somewhere and happy. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't miss her. It wasn't a constant ache, a large hole in my chest that never lessen over time, the edges were rough and sharp, stabbing my rib cages everytime I breathed.

Lily I missed whole heartedly, she was the pain in my heart. But every time I thought about her I smiled. Lily was all that was sweet in world. She was of pure heart and mind. I would never meet another person like Lily.

And James, James took a huge part of me when he died. He took one the best parts of myself, that I would never get back. He was my brother, my absolute best friend and nothing would ever replace that. James for a while was the only person in the world that I loved. Of course that changed over time, but James was my first friend and the first person to show me what trust, loyalty and happiness looked like. He was the first person to show me love.

A tear dropped down my face, even after 12 years nothing would make that pain go away. It was fresh and never healed.

The sound of whistling made me look up, and instead of even noticing who the man was my eyes zeroed in the front of the newpaper he had in his hands.

Right there on the front page of the Daily Prophet, was a rat.


"Excuse me, do you mind?" I asked gesturing to the paper in his hand.

"Uh, no not at all." The paper was tossed at me.

I picked it up, a smiled briefly at the Weasley Family, who were all grown up. I felt an ache then, while looking at Molly thinking of Gideon and Fabian. And where was Helen, with Molly's nephew Henry?

I shook my head of my thoughts and looked at the picture again, right there on the youngest Weasley boys shoulder was a rat, too anyone but me, who had seen him transform millions of time, to any one but me where I dreamed of him cutting of his finger and transform every single night, to any one else this was just a common garden rat. To me, it was Peter.

A thought hit me then.

"He's at Hogwarts." I said aloud.

"Excuse me?" The man asked.

I smiled brightly and grabbed the bars.

"He's at Hogwarts, he's at Hogwarts!" I laughed madly then.

I briefly heard the man yell something and run away, but I didn't care.

I shook the bars hard and laughed even more.

"He's at Hogwarts!"

That bloody bastard is at Hogwarts.

Don't worry Harry, I'm coming. I'm going to find Peter. Everything will be okay.

And when I find him, I'm going to kill him.