Hey there! I was listening to the song Father Figure by George Michael, from his 1987 album "Faith". I think it's a great song to listen to, as well as get inspiration from.

Anyway, I was listening to the song, and instantly I cooked up this story in my head where Yami is a vampire, as is Seto Kaiba, and they prefer to drink the blood of people like serial killers, muggers, rapists, child rapists and murderers rather than imbibe the crimson life force of people that are innocent, hard-working and kind to others.

Hope you like this. :)

Disclaimer: Genius Kazuki Takahashi owns Yu-Gi-Oh. The lyrics to Father Figure by George Michael belong to their respective owners. I own the fanfics I cook up from time to time.

Father Figure

A lone vampire stalked through the streets of Domino City, his tri-colored hair – red, yellow and black – shaped like lightning bolts – and his crimson eyes flashing in the night.

His real name was Atem, but he preferred to be called Yami. At the moment, he was looking for a new victim.

Yami usually preferred to feed on rapists, muggers, pedophiles, and other kinds of criminals, as well as men and women who were abusive to their lovers, partners, ex-partners or children; he believed that they weren't allowed to live. The people he thought were nice – men, women and children who were innocent – deserved to have long, healthy lives.

Soon, he heard shouts and screams coming from inside a house. He closed his eyes and focused on the sounds, completely shutting out the music of the night. It was a trick he had mastered centuries ago – about 10, 000 years ago, to be exact.

The screams came from a woman, while a man was shouting angry, abusive things.

"You want to see what hurts?!"

Then there was a crash, followed by the sound of breaking glass.

"That's what hurts! That's what hurts!"

He opened his eyes and narrowed them. This madness known as domestic violence has to stop – now!

With that, Yami began walking toward the house with quick, powerful strides.

He stopped in front of the door and reached his hand to it. Instantly, it creaked open. An 8-year-old girl, wearing a blue nightgown, with hair like yellow springs and eyes the color of leaves on a tree, was standing there. Her green orbs held nothing except...anticipation.

Yami smiled and bent to her level. "My little one," he said, "come to me."

His crimson eyes glowed hypnotically. That was all it took. Whenever he used hypnosis while making eye contact with a victim, they were instantly not distracted from what he was going to say or do.

That's all I wanted, something special,
Something sacred in your eyes,
For just one moment, to be bold and naked
At your side

Sometimes I think that you'll never understand me
Maybe this time is forever, say it can be

That's all you wanted, something special,
Someone sacred in your life
Just for one moment, to be warm and naked
At my side

The little girl ran to him, and he instantly scooped her up into his arms. Then he walked off into the shadows of the night, taking the young girl to a secret place he knew very well – one where she would be safe.

Sometimes I think that you'll never understand me
But something tells me together, we'd be happy

I will be your father figure (Oh baby)
Put your tiny hand in mine (I'd love to)
I will be your preacher teacher (Be your daddy)
Anything you have in mind (It would make me)
I will be your father figure (Very happy)
I have had enough of crime (Please let me)
I will be the one who loves you
till the end of time

Then Yami stopped and looked at the little girl with a father's love in his crimson eyes. "What's your name, little one?" he asked.

The girl sensed that, unlike her father, this man was gentle and very nice. She didn't know how she knew. It was like she was clairvoyant; she knew things, but couldn't think of a good explanation for how or why.

"Sarah," she replied. "Sarah Jackson."

"Sarah," said Yami, letting the name roll off his tongue. "I love that name. It means ‛princess'." Yami smiled.

Sarah smiled shyly. "Thank you, uh..."

"Please, call me Yami," he grinned.

They lucked out; a thunderstorm struck as soon as they were inside Yami's mansion.

"You should stay with me. You'll be a lot safer," Yami whispered as he walked inside and into his bedroom. He felt a very strong urge to protect this young girl. After all, she didn't deserve to be in a family situation where her parents would get up in the morning and fight, and go to bed and fight.

If she was my little sister, he thought, I would never hurt her in any way.

He laid Sarah down on the bed. It had white sheets, a white pillow, and white silk curtains pulled back to make a canopy. As soon as her head hit the pillow, he covered her with the sheets, and then headed to the doorway. He lingered there just long enough to blow her a swift kiss. Then, he turned and vanished.

That's all I wanted
But sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime
That's all I wanted

just to see my baby's blue eyes shine

This time I think that my lover understands me
If we have faith in each other
Then we can be strong

I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
I will be the one who loves you
till the end of time

If you are the desert, I'll be the sea
If you ever hunger, hunger for me
Whatever you ask for, that's what I'll be

So when you remember the ones who have lied
Who said that they cared
But then laughed as you cried
Beautiful darling, don't think of me

Because all I ever wanted

It's in your eyes baby, baby
And love can't lie, no...
(Greet me with the eyes of a child)
My love is always telling me so
(Heaven is a kiss and a smile)
Just hold on, hold on
I won't let you go, my baby

I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
So I am gonna love you
till the end of time

I will be your father
I will be your preacher
I'll be your daddy
I will be the one who loves you
till the end of time

The next night, after leaving Sarah at his mansion – with his friend Seto Kaiba watching over her, blood tears flowing from his cobalt eyes down his cheeks as Sarah probably reminded Kaiba of what he used to be as a kid – Yami walked out into the night. He knew Kaiba, being a born Vampire like himself, would take a liking to the girl, and he was right. After all, like Yami, Kaiba disliked domestic violence.

"I can't believe anybody would hit a woman, or a man for that matter," he had said once.

Kaiba preferred to treat the ladies with respect, and often let them make their own decisions. Besides domestic violence, he also disliked seeing a man hitting a woman or beating her almost to the point of death. He even hated seeing a woman punching a man as well.

"It just doesn't seem right. I often see men have to struggle with their anger demons every day and night. They grapple with their anger selves that look so much like them, but are not them at all. Plus, even women who are supposed to be gentle and kind try to take control of their relationships and will often use violence, physical or verbal," Kaiba had mused once.

Soon Yami heard screaming. He let a secret smile grace his handsome visage as he headed in the direction it was coming from – the very same house he had rescued Sarah from.

The screaming was getting louder.

"When I found you, you were a drunk, wasted away in a bar!" a woman snapped.

"And when I found you, you were dancing around a pole in a bar. And look, even now you still are!" a man's voice replied.

"Well, I'm making money, which is more than you can say!" the woman yelled back.

"What did you say?" the man screamed.

"You heard what I said, psychopath!"

That was all Yami needed to hear. Quietly he walked into the house and then into the room...

Well, I hope you like this story so far. Nice feedback is appreciated, of course. :)