Title: Remembrance

Author: Darth Sakura

Disclaimer: I do not own Nabari no Ou, so... there... I said it.

Warning: Spoilers from chapters 50 and on.

Notes: OMG I am actually writing a fanfic here! I haven't written one in years! Excuse my grammar mistakes and all cause I don't have a beta-reader or anything. English is also not my first language, so please don't be so harsh on me. Constructive criticism is always welcome though!

Summary: On this particular train, on this particular scenery, is where Miharu would feel his heart tighten.

It would always be the same.

On this particular train, on this particular scenery, is where Miharu would feel his heart tighten.


"Hey Miharu-kun! Good morning!"

"Good morning Kouichi, Raimei."

"So Miharu! Are you ready for the festival?"


"This is so exciting! I haven't worn a kimono in years."

"This year seems to be bigger than last. There seems to be more food stands, and there are more... heh?"

"What is it Kouichi?"

"Miharu, I didn't know you owned a dark coat before."

"Now that you mentioned, yeah. It looks new."

"I saw it one day on a store..."

"Oh, don't worry Miharu-kun! I think it looks good on you."

"I agree!"


It is like a dream...

Those words, for some reason, would echo on his head over and over. His sight would blur, and he would feel the need to swallow air to get it to his lungs.


"Miharu, sometime this afternoon could you buy some katsoubushi? It seems we ran out."

"Okay grandma."

"Be careful out there okay? And don't stay out too late."

"I will. I'll be leaving now. See you soon."

"Take care! Mmm... I don't know what's happening to that boy. Well, he seems to be entering his teens with all those dark clothes he has now..."


He always sits in the same place. Never too close to the window, but enough to still observe the landscape as the train passes by.

Miharu would then feel a shadow on his shoulder. So clear he could almost touch it, but, now matter how he reaches it, his hand always feels air.

He hangs his head, and bits his lip.


"Rokujou, are you cold? You seem to always be blowing heat to your hands."

"How could that be Thobari-sensei? Spring is starting already."

"My hands feel cold for some reason."

"Well, you know. For some people their hands always feel cold no matter the temperature around them Raimei-san."

"Really? I didn't know that."

"I'm thinking of getting some gloves."

"That would be a good idea Miharu-kun."


Thank you, Miharu.

He knows that he went through this train with that person. He feels it in his blood and in his skin. He keeps trying to reach for that memory, but he could just not remember.

Frustration drips from his eyes, and he gives a silent scream.


"Rokujou-kun. Hats are not allowed in the classroom. You know that."

"I'm sorry Mamoru-sensei."

"I will let it go for now, but please don't let it happen okay?"

"Yes, Mamoru-sensei."

"Did you see the that Miharu-kun was wearing?"

"Kind of a funny looking hat, and the color..."

"And so big! I wonder if his brother-"

"Silence! We will start the class..."


"... id... kid... Hey kid!"

He blinks very slowly. "Yes?"

"We have reached Banten. It's time to go."


"Man, this is why I hate brats..."

He puts his hands in his coat's pocket, hugging, or protecting, himself from the weather.

Miharu then leaves the sit very slowly, and starts walking towards the exit.