A/N: Okay this is the last thing on this story...I wanted to do the interview but it's just way too much! If I do write an interview I'll probably do it as a story format of its own later. I hope that you guys like this and I hope you guys loved this story as much as I did. Wyatt took me to different levels of self-discovery and I hope he gave you a ride of your own.

I want to thank you all of you for the reviews and for staying with me and for liking my story. So tell me what you think.


She walked with her head held high, as this being her fourth week of office, and it had been exactly one day since a secret sector --'Nine-Kralic'-- had come to her and told her about magic. Magic, as if that was real! Her shoes clang slightly against the carpet floor as she walked with her body guards tailing behind.

Even though they had given her the evidence that magic existed she was yet to see it with her own eyes. Everything she had once believed had been a lie, but she could deal with that, it was the other thing she couldn't deal with. Nine-Kralic told her that a single person ruled them all, and that he was to meet with her in the office that very moment.

She had just been done with her campaign, gone to parties, talked to important people, over-seen regulations, taken a look at the book of her predecessor, but for the first time she had heard of this single handed force that seemed to manipulate how government worked made her the most discontent woman in the planet. She was not happy, not at all.

The door had flung open when she had been near enough and she entered the premises alone. The room was as bright as she expected, and nothing seemed to be added or removed. She cautiously walked around her large desk and sat on the president's desk. She looked around expecting for someone to come and introduce the said ruler but minutes passed and she still sat alone in the large office. What did he take her for? She was the president of United States, he couldn't just make an appointment and then not show, she had things to do, she was after all a very busy woman.

"It's good to see you again, Susan." A voice said from behind her near the large windows closest to the flag.

"Who are you!" she exclaimed shocked that she had not seen or heard him the entire time she had been sitting, and let alone feel him behind her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you, Madam President."

Susan narrowed her eyes at him but didn't say anything, as she continued studying the man in front of her. He was tall, had broad shoulders, wore clothes that seemed easy to move with but what made her freeze was the broad sword on his back.

"Don't worry about Excalibur," he said, his voice was smooth, and deep.

Her uneasiness ceased momentarily when he had turned to face her, his face resembled someone familiar, someone she had met long time ago but couldn't put her memories together to form a name and clear picture.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

He smiled crookedly that just made her feel as though she really knew him.

"And here I thought you would remember me forever, I'm Halliwell, Wyatt Halliwell. We went to High School together in San Francisco."

Susan's eyes widen remembering and she let out a large grin spread her face as she studied his handsome face, age had done him good. What startled her though was his eyes, even though they were the same shade of blue she remembered from back then it was the knowledge behind them that made her feel vulnerable. It was as though a bucket of cold water washed over her then a hot one followed by a hail of wind with smell of earth. She felt overwhelmed and taken over feeling as though she was transparent and he could see right through her. She looked away with a flush of blood to her cheeks as though she was a school girl.

"You are not the only one." Wyatt said.

"Pardon?" she asked.

"People can't stand to look into my eyes for too long." Wyatt explained.


"It's too much for them to take in," he chuckled humorlessly. "Congratulations Susan."

"For what?" she asked absently feeling embarrassed nonetheless.

"Becoming President, I always knew you would go far."


The silence was long as she looked at the side of his face not daring to keep her eyes into his. It scared her but attracted her, it was a weird sensation. She cleared her thoughts and brought matters at hand.

"Why and how did you get here?" she finally asked.

"I've been here for a while." He answered and she felt the truth behind the words, it annoyed her so she bit down her tongue.

"So who are you?" she asked instead.

"I'm Wyatt," he said, "you know that."

"No," she said firmly glancing fast to his eyes before drifting them away, "who are you really?"

"It's still me Susan." He said.

"Are you?" she asked a little bit resentful. "Did I ever know the real you?"

"You did," Wyatt answered and she felt the truth behind his words again and the only thing she could do was glare at the flag on his right.

"So what are you?" she asked. "I was told that the King of the world wanted to meet me today."

"You were told correctly." He answered.

"Will you stop with the cryptic nonsense and tell me what is going on?" she asked annoyed at his lack of cooperation.

"What did Sector Nine-Kralic tell you?" he asked instead.

"That there was someone out there that ruled the world." She answered feeling the helplessness at her lack of understanding to the world as her safe-magic-free world crashed down.

"Is that all?" he asked.

"Basically," she said, "and they showed me all this files relating to magic. Proofs, they called it."

"I am not an Over-Lord Susan." Wyatt said smoothly.

"Really?" she asked, "It sounded like that to me from where I am standing."

"I don't rule people the way you think I do." He said strongly, "I let people make their own choices. I am the background, I am in the shadows. I deal with everything magical-and-non-magical. I govern and lead. I set out boundaries and expect you, the leaders of each magical-and-non-magical clans to follow them, and I expect you to help your people to follow them. Humans don't know about me and magic, and they shouldn't know, it is far too dangerous as humans are the most unexpected creatures of creation and the most dangerous to themselves and to others.

I expect you heard of the battle raging between Good and Evil from Nine-Kralic. I am above that, I follow the teachings of the old magic. I am ruled by what has created life. I am the new and only keeper of balance to demons, humans, and creatures alike. I listen to the earth's magic and follow the well knitted quilt of the Grand Design.

I don't impose but I guide. Do you understand that? Your job is simple, rule your people by their rules just know that if a citizen of your oath nation goes too far I will be there to judge them. If you start to stray from my guidance I will be there to pull you back. I am a friend, I will help if you need me. I will come when you call. All nations' leaders know this. I have visited them, they know me. You are not alone on this, if you are having troubles coping with this you can always talk to them for support.

But head this for this is your one and only warning: do not conspire against me, for you are conspiring against nature and I will be there with all of my army to stop you and anyone who disobeys my direct word. I rule fair, and I will listen to you but once I give out an order I expect it to be followed. This is the verdict of your King."

Susan stared at him feeling shaken from head to toe. She swallowed.

"I am not here to intimidate you Susan." He said amiably, "I want the best outcome for the world and I wish you a good term. Oh and I have to tell you that I saw your children while you were running for office, they're beautiful."

"Thanks." She finally said and then a question popped into her head, "do you have any children?"

"No." he said.

"Married or anything?" she asked.


"What about Chris?" she asked, she remembered what she felt years ago before he broke up with her. His obsession, his dedication towards his brother and she remembered that there was always something wanting and strange on their last weeks together.

"He married and has two daughters," Wyatt said, "it is his oldest birthday party today that I am going after this."

"Do you still love him?" she asked the question that had itch every fiber of her being after their break up when she had moved to Harvard.

Wyatt looked surprised for a second or less but said the following that sounded bitter-sweet: "I never stopped."

Susan looked at the powerful man in front of her.

"Did you ever become the doctor you wished to be?" She felt for him, as disturbing his confession towards his brother was she could hear the actual love behind his words. It would be too unfair and cruel for him not to become the doctor he always dreamed of being.

"Yeah," her heart lifted, "I still am, but I stopped practicing for a while now. I opened my own clinic, but I didn't have time for it as other things took over." He said pointing to the sword.

"About that…" she began but he shook his head.

"Later Susan," he smiled, "I have to go or else my family will have me for dinner. I promised I would be there and not be late for once. We'll have time to catch up later and I want to hear stories about your children and husband."

"Yes, that would be nice." She said sincerely.

"Until later then." Wyatt smiled.

Susan watched in stun surprise as Wyatt stood there for one second and in the next he disappeared in bright swirls of blue and white orb like. She was glad she was still sitting, as she felt her eyes roll to the back of her head.

It was always one thing of knowing and another on experiencing first-handedly.


please review!

a/n: for the record I love Wyatt/Chris but I like torture love the most and this story gave me just that. I hope you guys enjoyed this journey and thank you.