Learning to care
Part 1 Baby sitting
"Azula it will only be a few hours," Ursa watched as her daughter pouted in hopes to not have to baby sit her little brother. Ursa was going to visit a friend who lived a few miles away and she couldn't bring Azure with her. He was just learning to walk and plus the summer heat on Ember island would be too much for his little body. She had asked Azula to watch him for her, but she was whining about it.
"But what will I do with him?" Azula had no idea what she would do with the child for the five hours or more her mother would be gone. She had started to like him over the past ten months, but spending hours with Azure alone was going to be a real challenge to her. She barely knew how to take care of him besides feeding and changing him.
"Play with him and take care of him for me,"
Ursa started to walk to Azure's room to see if he was up. When she walked inside he was standing up in his crib and was smiling at the same mobile Azula had put up for him months ago. Ursa looked at how much he had grown over the last couple of months. He went form a small infant to a almost toddler. He could walk while holding on to some thing and could say certain words. The top of his head was now covered in brown fuzz and his skin was like a lite chocolate color. His eyes shined a bright blue color, that told her he was from the Water tribes and it was a good chance he would be a water bender.
"Mommy," Ursa watched him as he took notice she was in the room. His eyes went brighter then normal to see her. Ursa walked over to him and picked him up. He tried to wrap his small arms around her, but they would not fit.
"Hello little one," Ursa walked with Azure out the room to where Azula was now eating breakfast.
Azula looked up at her little brother and scowled at him, but that only made him laugh and clap like she was giving him a show. Azula watched as Ursa sat him on to the table and looked at her. "Azula watch him and be good."
Before Azula could give her another reason not to leave her with the boy Ursa had left the kitchen and was walking out the door. Azula should have known her mother would pull something like this. The woman was constantly tricking Azula to do things for her and Azure. When she looked at her brother he was smiling at her again. Azula always wondered what made him smile at her so much. She was not the best big sister and often wanted nothing to do with him. But he constantly wanted to be held by her and to play with her.
"So what I'm I going to with you?" Azula said.
Azure laughed more and clapped, happy to hear Azula talk. "Play,"
Azula looked at him and let the corner of her mouth go up in a small smile. She had to admit it the child was smart and cute to no end. She pushed her chair away form the table and picked Azure up. "It's nice out how about a little trip to the beach or we could paint pictures?"
Azure laughed, "Paint,"
Azula laughed a little at her little brother and walked to his play room. When she opened the door she remembered how Ursa spared no expense in making sure Azure had every toy and plaything she could think of. He had toys form almost every nation and plenty of stuffed animals. Azula walked over to his paint set and sat him down in front of it.
"Well lets see what colors we have," Azula looked over the maybe fifty different colors Azure had in his paint set. Her mother really went over broad some times, Azure didn't need this many colors. The young boy only liked the colors blue, red, orange, and for some reason he liked green. Azula never knew why he liked green.
"Paint," Azure was waiting for Azula to bring the paint to him.
Azula looked back at the small boy and smiled. She grabbed the colors he liked, opened them and let him mark up the large white paper in front of him. The fire bender watched as he let his hands take over ans splash on the paper, different color paint getting on his clothes and hers. She knew a bath would be next and that she would have to do it. She walked over to his dresser and got out more clothes for to wear once she gave him a bath. She pulled out a pair or red shorts and a new diaper. It was hot enough for him to go with put the shirt. When she turned back around Azure was done painting and was looking at his own art. He had tried to paint something and it turned out to look like a rainbow of blue, red, green, and orange.
"Zula Look," Azure clapped his hands paint still on them.
Azula smiled down at him and couched down next to him, "Beautiful,"
Her words seemed to make the boy happier and he clapped more. Azula let him sat and look at his own work while she closed his paints and got his clothes. She then picked him up careful not to get paint on his clean clothes. "Time for bath,"