AN) This story is dedicated to YingYangWhiteTiger for helping me with my start on Fanfiction and encouraging me to keep writing. Thank you, without you this story might have never been written.

I loved darkwinx since I watched a video about them on youtube for the first time. I've always thought about writing a story about them, but I never found a good reason why the Winx should all turn evil. Recently, I found one, finally. And I even found a way to not make them plain evil.

Well, enjoy.

It was a rainy morning in Berlin, as a certain girl with tan skin, green eyes and short, brown hair was walking towards the streets, her hands full of groceries-bags. She was wearing a grey cap, blue jeans, black sneakers and a white T-shirt only despite of the rain. She appeared to be around seventeen, but not even she was aware about how very wrong such an assumption would be.

Her name was Andrea, a name she hasn't been born with, but that she gave herself once. Right now, she was heading back to her WG (1) where she lived with eight other people. She was coming from the grocery store, because it had been her duty to buy the food for the next week.

When she arrived at the house, she put down the bags and greeted the old woman from the neighborhood, who waved at her. Then she knocked at the door, three times short, two times long. The old lady laughed at that as always.

Andrea smiled about that. Everyone in the WG liked the old lady next door, despite the fact that most of the time they forgot her name. The lady was over 70 years, but still very energetic for her age, might be because of the big kitchen garden in her backyard. In her youth, she had been a very rebellious girl, which was the reason why she liked the people in Andreas WG, she thought that they were also in a rebellious phase. She often backed them cookies or invited them over for coffee and cake.

Andrea wondered if the old lady would still think the same way if she knew the whole truth about the people in the WG. They were rebellious indeed, but in a different way than the old lady had been. All of them were hackers, and very good ones. Until now, they were able to crack every system they've ever set hand on, especially since Andrea has joined to them a year ago. If they didn't upgraded their computers or invited new programs, they pulled highly illegal pranks like hacking into the networks of governmental agencies and letting self developed viruses lose, while betting who invented the virus that would take the authorities the most time to destroy, or replacing the data about missiles and tanks in the databases of the Bundeswehr (2) with porn-material.

This was the reason for the knocking sign about that the old lady used to laugh. If the police would ever inspect the house before they'd get the chance to push the button to delete everything, they all could be locked up for a lifetime and maybe more.

The door was opened from Paul, one of the five boys in the WG.

"Hi Andry," he welcomed her and took one of the groceries-bags "Good to have you back. The others are still in the cinema, so it's just us two beauties."

Andrea smiled while taking the other groceries-bag and closed the door behind her. Paul was really a sweet person. A bit dump sometimes, but sweet. The two of them headed for the kitchen.

Paul asked hopefully: "Say, did they have the cereal I asked you to buy?"

"Sorry Paul," Andrea replied "but the last package was sold shortly before I could set hands on it."

She fought not to grin about Paul's shocked expression.

"What!? How could these damn capitalist only have such a low number of my favorite cereal?! I am so going to hack into their network and…."

Andrea laughed and messed up his hair. "Just kidding, they had much of it, and I bought you three packages."

Then she started to put the groceries into the fridge, while Paul calmed down from his shock and repaired his haircut.

"Ha ha, that was not funny. These cereals are important for me and…."

He was interrupted because Andrea erupted into a burst of laughter, holding her stomach. She closed the fridge, turned around and gave Paul a peck on the check, still chuckling, then she said: "Don't take it to personal, you are just so easy to tease that it's more fun than with the others. But it's also a bit lovely."

With that, she walked over to the girls-room she shared with the three other girls, leaving a blushing Paul in the kitchen. There, she sat down on the desk and opened her laptop. Everyone in the house had a personal laptop. Then they had their BABY, a computer they built together out of different computers, every one of them sponsoring at least four parts of hardware.

While her laptop was charging up, Andrea thought about the people she shared her life with at the moment. She really enjoyed living with the others, sharing the same interest and so, the boys were niche and the other girls easy to live with. She would consider them friends, but not so close friends that she'd share to private things with. So far, they were nice and not more. Not trustworthy enough. She could not say that she was unhappy with her life, considering how it has been a couple of years before. It was not perfect, that for the people around her were not close enough to her, but it was good enough.

She remembered how she talked the others out of publishing private notes of the mayor that they got from his computer (to believe that jerk actually had a diary written on a word-file, how stupid was that?). She reasoned, as long as they pulled their cyberspace-pranks on a level were they were bugging the authorities but not exposing them, they would only been searched on a secret level, but if they'd exposed the dirty secrets of people like the mayor to the public, the authorities might take more radical steps to get them. Meanwhile, she had her own reasons to not gain to much official attention. Or why she didn't accompany the others to the movies. She really did not want to watch "Resident Evil".

Suddenly, her attention was caught by something on the desktop of her now functional laptop. A specific file was blinking, one that title read "Issues". With a quick double-click, she opened the file.

What came would look like an uncoordinated stream of letters and numbers whirling around the screen like rocks thrown up by an earthquake for most people. But Andrea was not most people, no matter that she tried to appear to be. She knew exactly in which places the important letters and numbers were (her photographic-mind also helped) and was able to read the information's the file had collected for her.

Sighing quietly, she put her head in her hands. So it happened again. Her "Sisters" lost it again. Okay, that was unfair, maybe it was her who gained too much attention through her hacking. But regardless of who was to blame, they had to do IT again. As soon as possible.

Regaining her former pose, she closed the file and started to tip commands on the keyboard. While she did so, and after she made sure that no one was looking, green energy came flowing out of her fingers, vanishing into the laptop. After a few minutes, she had sent all of her "Sisters" a message, except two of them, she would come to that more personally after she gathered more information.

As she finished, she closed her laptop and got her rucksack from under her bed. Fast she put her few belongings inside of it and moved to leave. But first she brought herself to look around a bit, looking at the room. Yes, it had not been a perfect live, but a good one. Nether the less, she had to break up, making a clean cut. She would be able to find something similar elsewhere. But there was something she would miss…..

After she did one last thing, she opened the window (on the third floor) and jumped out of it.


A few seconds later, Paul came into the room to ask Andrea if she'd liked to have breakfast. He found the room empty. Surprised, her called for her, but got no reply. After he searched the house, he returned to the room. Odd, her thought, he would have heard the door if she'd gone out. When he looked around the room, he noticed that Andrea's laptop was gone. Frowning, he realized that he did not know of any other things that belonged to Andrea, except her iPod and handy. He searched the room, but could not find any of the items. Her shuddered. If he didn't know better, he'd say that Andrea might have never been here at all, everything of her and herself gone. For the first time he realized that he knew nothing about her, except her being damn good with computers.

Then he noticed the open window. He looked out of it. The height was way to, well, high for anyone to jump out of it, still he got an odd feeling. He looked around. Andrea was nowhere to be seen, as was the car in front of the house on the other side of the street. Everything just became odder, because he knew that this car belonged to a businessman that no one in the WG liked, and he also knew that he had left the city for holidays and left his car behind. And he swore that the car had been there a few hours ago. Could Andrea….

No way, she had no skills in lock picking and did not own a drivers-license.

Thinking about how he should explain this all to the others, he noticed something else. Hadn't there been a package of cookies from the old lady next door been on the table before…….

Meanwhile, at the other end of the city, a girl was walking through a super-market, shoving a heavy-loaded shopping cart in front of her. The cart was full with highly expensive food, makeup and many garments.

Some people were giving her odd or curious looks, not because of the great amount of things she was buying but because of the way she looked. It was not like they've never seen people dressed like her, means with a short, black skirt, black and pink knee-socks, black high-heels, a black top with a silver pentagram on it, fingerless gloves with black and white stripes, black lipstick, black nails cut like claws, black eyeliner and a creepy pale, almost snow-white makeup. What made her different to other people who dressed that way was her long, blond hair, which was falling freely down to her hips like a cascade of fluid gold.

The girl was aware of the looks and smiled about them, her brown eyes sparkling. She did not care about people thinking that blond hair did not fit into the black-scene, she'd never pretend to be something she was not (okay, not more than unhappy circumstances forced her to). While it could be said for sure that white was not the real color of her skin, or black those of her nails, if she'd paint her hair, it would be rather hard to declare that this was not her original color. And she definitely would not hide her true form in any way, because she liked herself.

Suddenly, music was playing. The "symphony fantastique" of Hector Berlioz to be exact.

The girl grabbed her handy. A big-screen handy that was able to make photos, videos, show movies, had internet access, could send emails, play games….. of course you could also make calls with it.

While the girl was now looking at the display of her handy, she wondered where its old desktop had gone. Instead of a painting from Victoria Frances there was a grey dagger on the display now. Suddenly a message written in crimson letters appeared. The message was: "Lilith, we've been found. Leave the city, coordinates will follow."

The girl, Lilith, smirked while putting her handy back into her pocket. So, her smart sister had found out that their hunters had found them. And most likely already searched a new target to strike.

Well, no complaints from her site, things were getting boring in this country anyway. Sure, there was a black scene, but not as big as she'd liked it to be. And no complaints about her financial situation, in spite of her other sisters, she had no problems with taking Andreas money. And the promoters of the rock and metal concerts/festivals where she helped with special effects that no one else could muster paid very well. Still, she had rarely opportunities to do the kind of stuff she REALLY enjoyed doing. And whatever Andrea had planned for them, it would give her the opportunity to do just that.

An idea entered her mind. Now that they were found out anyway, there was no reason to hide it any longer. Looking around, she decided that some glances people gave her could be defined as rude…….

A few moments later, every customer and employee fled the supermarket in sheer terror, storming the exits and screaming in fear. Their faces were masks of shock and disbelieve, making them appearing like they've just seen their darkest nightmares become alive. And in some way, they had.

Ten minutes later, as everyone had escaped, Lilith left the building with her still heavy loaded shopping cart, grinning like she had just told the best joke of the world.

In the meantime another girl around the age of Andrea and Lilith was sitting on a chair, in front of the desk in her office in a building in downtown, where she was tipping on a report for her boss. She wore a grey business suite, grey pants and shoes of brown leather. Her orange hair was bonded in a ponytail that reached to the end of her throat. She was also wearing glasses over her big, blue eyes. She didn't really need the glasses, in fact they had just plain glass in them. She was only wearing them to appear more professional and harmless. She had absolutely no intention in looking like anything but the ordinary secretary for a successful lawyer. Unfortunately for her she was not as ordinary as she'd like to be, but she did everything she could to be.

While working on her report, she tried to ignore the flowers on her desk. Her partner, Frank, a few offices away had been hitting on her since two weeks now. First it started with some simple flirts, then he had invited her for dinner all of a sudden. She had found an excuse for that time, though. Lately she had gotten a love letter. And today she'd found a pot of red roses on her desk.

While she appreciated the gesture, she disliked the present. She held no love for flowers in vases. At first sight, they might look beautiful, but in the end, you were always watching them dying. And she was sick of that. In the short time of her life that she knew, she had seen so much death that she tried to avoid it in any form. But while she could avoid less cruel forms of death like cut plants or pets grown old, still some bad prank of destiny always forced her to face death all over again and again.

Shoving such unpleasant thoughts aside, she thought about Frank. Maybe, she thought, maybe she should consider what he offered her. He was a handsome guy and she'd always liked brunette men. He also had a save income and seemed to be a decent guy. She had no real romantic feelings for him, but the concept of true love was something she stopped believing in a long time ago. She didn't want to wait for mister perfect to make his appearance while she was in the constant danger of losing her life. So maybe she should just give it a try. She only hoped that her "sisters" would not kill Frank if they found out what she was about to do….

Like on the cue, the letters of the report she was writing on vanished. Shocked she thought about what could be wrong with her computer as new letters appeared on her desktop, blue ones. They said: "Juliet, they found us again. Meet me at the cinema, I'll pick you up."

After reading the message four times with denial in her eyes, Juliet let out a desperate scream. Of course, now that she decided to settle down, her hacking "sister" (she know no one else who was able to manipulate computers without touching them like her) had to drag her out of the small, comfortable, NORMAL life she had created for herself! And now she'd be forced to do IT again to save her own life. Oh, her "sisters" were most likely enjoying this! Andrea, that geek, didn't even had to do the hard thing of IT most the time, she just had to do what she always did, manipulating Computers, manipulating HER DAMN LIFE!!! Lilith, that goth, was a nomad and enjoyed to make her big show while doing IT, every damn part of it. And the other three were complete maniacs. But she, she was not, she didn't want anything of that, hated IT, she….

With a furious roar she grabbed the flower-pot and tossed it against the next wall. It didn't matter what she thought about IT, she'd have to do it again, had to leave everything she'd created because one of her crazy "sisters" could not behave like a normal citizen.

In a rush, she stormed out of her office, leaving her job and everything in the city behind her. She was near to sobs, but prevented any sound from coming over her lips. Her eyes meanwhile were crying like a cascade. Sadly, there would always be enough water for her tears.

Kilometers away, deep in a forest a bizarre scene was happening. A little deer stood next to an old tree that had been felled by a storm, its head resting in the lap of a female, humanoid creature that sat on the tree. The creature looked like a human, but she denied being one vehemently. Her right hand was petting the fur of the deer while her left hand was feeding it with little fruits.

She also seemed to be around seventeen. Green tendrils and brown knots were wrapped around her pale skin and appeared to be a part of her body, like a part of them were sticking inside her skin. While protecting intimae body-parts from sight, they covered as much flesh as they showed. Most people would call her appearance offensive and profane, but the creature didn't care for human judgment.

Her long, full pink hair reached down to her heels and whipped softly in the wind. It was filled with leaves of all sorts.

Her turquoise eyes looked down an the deer who was still eating out of her hand and letting her pet it, appearing quite comfortable and peaceful. Her look held warmth. Animals had always been good friends for her. They seemed to know instinctively that she was no danger for them, carnivores, scavengers and phytophages alike. They offered her company and acceptance, she offered them shelter and protection from the poison known as mankind. To her deepest remorse, often the protection she had to offer was not enough. The humans were everywhere, destroying, poisoning and manipulating the nature, killing animals in million, often unnecessary or even for sports. She had already lost so many friends on the merciless hands of humans.

And it would be more. Sometimes, she felt the urge to tear down the cities which produced so many toxins or rip the streets which helped spreading humans across the globe and killed so much passing animals out of the face of mother earth. But she knew that this would do no good. Humans were still everywhere and if she'd start a war with them, the nature would have to suffer. Most likely she'd lose, and then mother earth would have one less defender.

She loved mother earth, which was the reason for her to accept one human custom, the custom of giving things names. She gave herself a name which had been a term of mother earth for a long time, from a time in that humans held more respect for nature than they did today: Gaia.

All of a sudden, the peaceful silence of the forest was disturbed by a loud, artificial chirp. Alarmed, the deer raised its head and ran away.

Gaia hissed and stood up, searching the area for the intruder who dared to destroy the harmony of the forest. She didn't see anything suspicious, but the chirping continued. The sound seemed to be close, very close.

It took Gaia some time to realize that SHE was the origin of the sound. In fact, it seemed to come from her left wrist. She raised her left arm and inspected her skin. A knot was running over her wrist, and the chirp seemed to come out of it.

Then she remembered. One of her sisters had given her some disgusting, artificial devise as they parted ways one year ago.

Her sisters. They were a complicated issue for her. Actually, she didn't really know why she even called them sisters. The facts were, they belonged to the few humans whose company she was able to stand. Because she didn't really saw them as general humans, but something more. They had abilities similar to her. But they had chosen the way of the humans and were a part of the filthy system mankind had created on this world. That might be reason enough for Gaia to avoid them, but somehow, in a way she didn't really understood by herself, she cared for them. Not much, but she did. Then there was the fact that they were all hunted by the same people which made her and her sisters allies in combat. The greater number advanced their hopes on survival, and made it possible for them to fight back. This helped Gaia to take the damage that their hunters aimed at her away from her beloved nature.

And that was the reason why she agreed to let one of her sisters, Andrea, if she remembered correctly, give her an offspring of mankind's destructive industrial machinery, a little metallic knob that made it possible for Andrea to alert Gaia if something was wrong and to locate her.

She concentrated and the knot on her wrist opened, revealing a little piece of metal in the wood. It blinked in a green light. Gaia took the piece out of her arm and pressed a little button on it. The chirp stopped, and the knob glowed red. This meant that Andrea was able to locate her now.

Gaia's expression hardened. Not because she was disappointed about leaving the forest for good. There was not much she could do here because the destruction of nature in this part of the country was on a tolerable level for an industrialized country. Okay, not really tolerable for Gaia, but she knew that it would do no good to destroy every village and town near to the forest. She'd first come into action if to many trees were felled.

What bothered her was that she'd have to go near to a street, a place full of exhaust fumes and the memory of ran over animals, in order to get in contact with Andrea.

But it was also filling her with glee that Andrea would most likely come with a plan to strike a target that belonged to their hunters. And that would give her the opportunity to fight back to the humans.

With an eager growl, she left the place.

Miles away stood a large Manor in the woods, 30km away from the city borders. It had five floors and was surrounded by a stone wall. Between the wall and the house was a large garden.

Next to the house stood a garage. Inside of it, a girl was screwing on a motorcycle. The bike was about four meters long and a meter broad. It had two seats and was colored in black, with flames painted on the sides. Its big wheels were protected by thick, silver mudguards. On its backside it had two large upswept exhaust on each side. Next to the seats, there were some gadgets to place items.

The girl, who was working on the motor of the bike, wore a short khaki shirt, brown trousers that ended over her knees and black army-boots. Her hair stood up from her head like the spines of a hedgehog and was colored in red, orange and yellow, giving the illusion that her head was on fire. While she was working on the bike, muscles like steel played under her dark skin. Sweat was running down her face, though she was already working on the bike since five hours. Her name was Kendra.

Suddenly, she felt a weight around her throat. Someone had placed something there. Alarmed, she tensed up, but after a second she recognized that she knew only one person that could sneak up to her like that. And that person was very welcomed.

The look of her dark blue eyes wandered down to her chest, where she saw what caused the new weight. A silver necklace with a little, blue pedant was now bonded around her throat. Her full lips formed a smile as she turned around and faced the newcomer.

Her eyes meet the violet eyes of another girl, who was wearing a light brown jacket over her white T-shirt, black gym-shoes, white knee-socks and a short skirt as blue as her hair, which reached down to the height of her chin. The skirt gave her the appearance of a Japanese schoolgirl, her Asiatic features were also helping.

The new girl, known under the name Yukie, opened her mouth to speak, but before anything could escape her lips, Kendra had pulled her into a embrace and gave her a long, hungry kiss. After the first moment of surprise, the Yukie returned the kiss with as much passion.

After about thirty seconds they broke the kiss. The blue-haired girl took a step back and arched an eyebrow, smirking.

"Wow, if this reaction is usual for you, I might consider to go on long missions and return with a little gift more often."

Kendra punched her playfully on the arm.

"Don't you dare. The house has been way to empty in the past week. You know how much I hate it to be away from you for to long."

"Actually" Yukie replied "I was away for six, not seven days. And someone has to pay the bills for the manor." She referred to the fact that most of their income came from her missions. Kendra worked as a mechanic from time to time and sometimes she won money in illegal street fights, but that wasn't nearly enough for her lessons in kickboxing, the gears for her bike, the manor and all the expensive stuff that Yukie needed for her job. Fortunately for them, being a assassin was a very profitable "work". The ordinary citizen would be surprised how easy it was to get jobs in that trade if you knew the right people. Yukie had already been a part of this trade for a longtime, so whenthey came to Germany a year ago, their account in Switzerland had been full enough to pay for the manor and Kendra financed her own hobbies, her bike and kickboxing, through working as a part-time mechanic. And the street-fights.

Kendra rolled her eyes about Yukies remark.

"Don't get smart with me, girl. I also know that you hate being apart just as much as I do. Anyway, thanks for the necklace. The pendant realy has a beatufull color, just like your hair."

Yukie smiled. "Well, on my way home it smiled to me towards the pane of a jewelery. I thought it would fit your throat much better than that of some old, rotten capitalist, so I bought it for you via five-finger-discount. Easy thing."

"That's my girl." Kendra said happily. "Might you have any idea how I could repay you the gift?"

She gave Yukie a wicked smile, which she returned. "Well, when I saw you screwing on your baby" she shoot a glance to the motorcycle and its big seats "I thought about screwing something completely different on your baby."

Grinning, Kendra allowed Yukie to push her on the seats. Her hands moved……


Instantly, the entire mood was gone, because both girls were aware about the meaning of the ringing telephone. Because A) Yukie tended to rip the cable out when she came back to avoid disruptions and B) until today their ringtone had definitely NOT been the soviet anthem.

With fast steps Yukie crossed the distance to the phone and picked up.

"DO NOT!" she demanded coldly "DO NOT tell me that we have to move again!!"

"Sorry" Andrea replied from the other end of the line while eating a cookie "but I checked it three times, and it's urgent. We'll have to make our move immediately."

Yukie had turned the speaker on, so Kendra heard what was said. She shouted: "DAMN! You owe us six orgasms! I would have gotten that much out of her at least."

Yukie smirked: "Only six?"

Andrea interrupted: "Seriously, sorry to disturb such a private moment, but we really have no time. They know that we are in Germany and their last trace of us was near Berlin. I doubt they'll have many problems with finding two women who live in the same house or a blue haired one."

Both girls sighed."Alright, we make us ready." Kendra said. "But first I want to know who is responsible for this, so I can beat the hell out of her!"

Andrea groaned. "Come on, does that have to be? In the next twelve hours we'll all fight together and have to rely on each other. It was no one of you, so could you please leave the issue alone until we are done with IT? I am sure your vengeance for having your lucky time with Yukie interrupted can wait a bit, especially if it helps us all to survive the night."

Before Kendra could answer, Yukie said: "Alright, where do we meet?"

"The place we parted a year ago. I already have Juliet with me, Lilith is on the way, and we'll pck Gaia up later."

Instead of a response, Yukie just hung up.

"Well" Kendra began "so much to our reunion celebration. We don't have time for anything, have we?"

Yukie shook her head no. "Remember last time in Norway? Our house was stormed ten minutes after Andreas cal."

Kendra growled. "And I was just starting to get comfortable here. I swear, whoever is responsible for this, I am so goanna rip her a new one!"

Yukie arched an eyebrow. "Even if it was Gaia?"

"Hell, right now I don't care about how powerful she is, I only care about me being royally pissed. But, damn it, we'll clear this out later. Do you still have your weapons close?"

"In a bag next to the door, along with a outfit that is better suited for a fight."

Kendra nodded. "Good, I'd dislike someone else seeing you with that skirt. My main weapons are in the bike, and we can buy the rest on the way. Alright then, let's give this country a goodbye that it wont forget to soon.

After Yukie got her bag, they sat down on the motorcycle, Kendra turned on the motor and they drove off.

I think by now you will all have some ideas about who/what these six "sisters" are, actually I am thinking that I gave to much hints.

Next time: The sisters do IT and wreak havoc while doing so.

Please review.

(1) Direct translation: Living community. Better translation: Shared household. In the most cases used by students around 18-20, a WG is a house/apartment were a bunch of people who are not related live together and share the costs for everything. Usually 3-7 people.

(2) The army of Germany.