Chapter 27 Picking up the Pieces

"Hay mom, hay Dad." said Victor as his parents got off the shuttle for the Peace Talks in Orb. It had only been three days sine the battle over earth but already so much had change.

"Victor." cried Hilde as she hugged her son.

"Hello Victor." said Bernardo as he stepped off the shuttle his head hung in shame.

"What is wrong old buddy?" asked Victor to his best friend.

"I believed every word that Dimitri, Wufei and Relena said." said Bernardo

"Ya, well so did I until I read Leilani computer." said Victor as suddenly a red and black motorcycle came rolling up to the tarmac. They looked up to see that the driver was Leilani Yuy.

"Sorry I am late there was an accident on the highway." said Leilani as she walked up to Victor's parents. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself right when we last meet. I am Leilani Yuy not Hawke."

"I understand why you would have to lie." said Hilde with a smile

"So where is old no smile?" asked Duo

"I really hate when you call me that." said Heero as he walked up with Luna at his side. Out of the shuttle came now President Khushrenada with her new preventer commander Zechs Merquise.

"Welcome to Orb President Khushrenada." said Heero

"It is an honor to be here." said Mariana as she looked around the base.

"We will be meeting at the Athha's estate for lunch before the start of the meeting." said Heero as limousines pulled up.

"I am also in the mood for free food." said Duo

"I figured since Victor does." said Heero with a grin

"Victor where have you been staying the past couple of days?" asked Hilde

"With the Yuys." said Victor

"I am amazed that Heero would let you be so close to his daughter at night." Said Duo

"Let's just say Dad Mr. Yuy has enother weapons to start a war." said Victor

"Ya, I would bet he sleeps with a gun under his pillow." said Duo with a laugh

"Ya." said Heero

"Only you would sleep with a gun under a pillow." said Duo

"No, I do too." Said Leilani

"Ok, lets move on shall we?" said Hilde

"Lets." said President Khushrenada "I believe we have an important place to be."

"Yes." said Luna "Now please let's get going before the food gets cold."

Slowly everyone minus Leilani, Heero and Luna who got onto their motorcycles while everyone else got into the Limo. It was a relevantly short ride to the gates of the Athha estate. They entered to find the back yard set up for a party already people in a mix of Orb, Zaft, EA, the newly formed Mars military and normal clothing were already eating.

"Come on Bernardo and Marena I have a few people I want you too meet." said Leilani as she dragged her friends over to where the other younger generation of gundam pilots sat eating their lunch.

"How nice it is to be young." Said Zechs as he stood beside Heero

"Young yes, but they have experienced things I wish they didn't have too." said Heero as he eyed Zechs "Zechs I know in most cases I am suppose to say sorry for a death a family member but I would of killed Relena if she hadn't done it herself."

"I understand, the Relena we know when we where their age wasn't the same one that pulled the trigger." said Zechs "Just like you are not the same person who fought me at Libra and I am not that person either."

"We all change in time, some for the better others for the worst." said Heero as he eyed his rival. "And sometimes the best person can turn into the worst monster."

"You changed for the better." Said Zechs "When I first meet you I knew you were destined to die on the battlefield your only home but now you have a wife, a daughter and a son. You have changed just as much as Relena did only you changed for the better."

"True." said Heero

"So this is Bernardo and Marena." said Rhyu as he leaned back in his chair so that he was balancing on the two back legs. All the while he was eating his lunch.

"Rhyu stop showing off." said Mayu to her boyfriend, while she was still nerves around him she was getting better. Her mother told her that she was the same way when she first started dating Shinn. Rhyu sat the chair back down still grinning at the two new preventer pilots.

"I can't believe you're a gundam pilot you seam to be such a fool." Said Bernardo as Rhyu grinned as he picked up a toothpick from the table and threw it at nearby apple tree. To the preventers surprise the toothpick went straight into one of the apples.

"And you seam to be an uptight person with no sense of humor." said Rhyu as they glared at each other suddenly both of them broke out laughing.

"Nice to see that those guys are getting off on a good foot." said Zechs as he and Heero stood there watching as the guess started talking to each other. Already President Khushrenada was talking with the other leaders trying to make a peace. "So do you think we will have a peace now?"

"There is a lot of hurt feelings on each side, many in the plants don't trust you because they heard from the coordinators who came over in the first war." said Heero "And that isn't even taking into effect the new Mars government hates you."

"We know that our world will never be the same." said Zechs

"I will push for your gundam pilots to join Angel squadron just like Victor is." said Heero

"So I would be under your command?" asked Zechs

"In a way, just like Kira and Athrun are under my command." said Heero "They run their own military group but I am the final word."

"Hay Heero." said Duo as he walked up with a plate full of finger food.

"What is it Duo?" asked Heero as he crossed his arms.

"You know what crossed my mind."

"Duo I never want to know what is on your mind." said Heero

"Well I just realized that some day our kids could get married and that we would be related." said Duo as Heero's eyes narrowed.

"It is way too early to for that." said Heero before he looked at were his daughter was sitting next to Victor laughing at something. "But maybe some day."

Flash forward

The sun was hitting the 21 year old Leilani Yuy right in the face forcing her awake. "I hate mornings." said Leilani soft she like her mother wasn't a morning person like her father and brother.

"I know you do." said a voice in her ear that made her smile. "I hate it too."

"I know Victor." said Leilani as she rolled in her fiancée arms. Well fiancée for only a couple more hours, considering their wedding was just over 24 hours away.

"So what is on the agenda for today?" asked Victor

"Finial preparation and then we just spend time together before I spend the night at my parents before the wedding." said Leilani

"Ya, it is bad luck for me to see you before the wedding." Said Victor

"Ya." said Leilani wishing she didn't have to follow all those small religious rules that came from Victor's faith but she was willing to jump though those hoops to get Victor just like he had to deal with the fact he was now an Orb officer instead of a preventer one.


"Alright Heads orb, Tails Preventers agreed?" asked Victor as Leilani nodded. "Here we go." With that Victor flipped the coin in the air only for it to land on heads.

"Looks like you're going Orb." said Leilani with a grin.

"Ya, fate was with you today." said Victor as he looked at his braid. "Guess I will have to say goodbye to this?"

"Sorry." Said Leilani "But those are the regulation your hair is just too long."

End flashback (That is how I decided what nation they would go to)

"Truth be told he looks a lot better with the hair he has now." Thought Leilani

"I never did ask how did your bachelor party go last weekend?" asked Leilani

"No comment, lets just say I never want to see Rhyu and Bernardo drunk at the same time ever again." said Victor "It's just weird."

"It is nothing compared to Mayu." said Leilani "I swear after one or two drinks she goes crazy."

"Lei if I tell you something will you promise not to tell anyone?" asked Victor

"Sure." said Leilani

"Well Rhyu asked if it was ok, if he asked Mayu to marry him at our wedding reception." said Victor "I hope that is ok?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" asked Leilani as she snuggled into his chest. "This is my last full day as Leilani Yuy by tomorrow night I will be Leilani Maxwell."

"We better get going." said Victor as he started to sit up only to get pulled back down by Leilani.

"Five more minutes." said Leilani as Victor gave in and the two just lied there for a bit longer.

"We are old." said Duo as he sat at the table with a beer in his hand.

"Yes." said Heero as he looked out toward the dance floor were the younger generation were out dancing. He could see his son, Tyus dancing with his girlfriend a Zaft mobile suit pilot named Alyssa. Nearby was his sister Leilani Maxwell. It had only been two hours since he had walked down that ally and gave her to Victor.

"I did tell you this would happen." said Duo as Heero smiled.

"Yes, you did and as long as she is happy I don't care who she is with." said Heero

"Same here." said Duo with a laugh "Just promise me you will not kill Victor is something goes wrong."

"Sure." said Heero with a grin "Besides I can always send him on a suicide mission."

"Just think Heero we were only two years older then them when we had Leilani." said Luna as she joined the conversation.

"Ya, are you two ready to become grandpas?" asked Hilde as a grin covered both wives faces as Heero's and Duo's eyes widened as they just held their beers in midair. The two gundam pilots were left speechless at the thought.

"I love you Leilani." said Victor as he danced with his wife of only a few hours.

"And I love you Victor." said Leilani Maxwell as she kissed her new husband for only the second time.

Well it is over I hope you liked this chapter. I would like to thank everyone who reviewed. I hope you liked both my gundam and I thank you all for reading my story. I have posted on my profile 4 clips from four stories that I may write. You may read them and then go vote in a poll. Thank you for everything it has been a lot of fun writing these two stories. Thanks Wilkins75.