Silent Spy
by Kiamii
Chapter One "Time Spent"
Summary: The Antidote was created and the effects have become announced. Can changing a teenage spy's life actually be a good thing?
They would make sure Alex Rider wasn't alone anymore.
Time was something that flew by quickly. Only 9 months ago had they made that promise. Only 12 months ago had Alex been 14 getting turned into a 5 year old boy. Time had been the key to this all and the day had finally arrived.
He was a 6 year old child (Supposed to be 15), living under the guardianship of Matt, Eric, James, and Ben. Alex Rider-Daniels (Because of the adoption from Ben) had been cared for as any child that age, with exceptions. When they had decided to protect Alex, they had also decided they would make sure he was not completely overcome by the drug. With that decision, Wolf had given Alex exercises to do everyday, such as warm ups and jogging. Most of the time he had the boy practice his karate. This usually made Alex exhausted by the end of the day but, effectively up to par with his skills. To keep him up to date with his education, Fox tutored him in English, Maths, and Science. Snake made sure his health was going right with check ups at the end of every week, and even Eagle contributed in his own weird way. Alex now had faster reflexes that he ever did because of the man and his pranks. The pranks usually involved Alex somehow getting hit with something. Eventually he learned to strike out immediately with his instincts or duck and dodge. That took about a month to figure out how to avoid the man's tricks and Eagle had a fun time figuring out new ways to get Alex.
The day of the antidote was now and Alex Rider-Daniels was truly anxious about it. He awoke to the chirping of birds and the sun beaming down in his face. He crawled to the edge of bed and got up, using the step stool that his adopted father had indeed gotten him. There were some modifications around the house that they had used. Such as a stool in the bathroom to reach the shower. Now on Alex's dresser, instead of a few single picture frames of Ian, Jack, and Alex; there were photos of Alex with K-Unit, various ones. There was one where he was asleep and Eagle had taken the photo to prove to Alex that he had indeed sucked his thumb and cuddled a bear at night. There was another of Fox attempting to strangle Eagle who was holding a very expensive statue made out of glass. Fox had nearly killed the guy for almost dropping it. Alex smiled at the pictures and pulled out a pair of black shorts and a blue T-shirt before showering and quickly dressing. He ran a brush through his actually long hair that was ruffled and to his chin. Pulling the hair back with a tie, Alex went downstairs to see Fox cooking. The man had finally learned how to properly cook thanks to Alex. Though the attempts were deadly, caused fires, and took so many tries before he finally got it down. Wolf was drinking his black coffee as normal, Eagle was playing a video game on the Nintendo DS and Snake was reading a medical book. Normal routine. Wolf was a grump and moody until he had at least one cup of coffee. Eagle liked to challenge people in the morning with the extensive sets of video games they had now, or he just challenged people on the online DS. Snake liked reading something new every day.
"We leave in an hour for the bank." Fox stated, placing a plate of eggs and bacon down with a glass of orange juice. Alex climbed into his seat and obediently ate his breakfast. He had learned over the year that it was better to just let Fox make him breakfast. The man was a frantic guy in the mornings and at night, when they needed to get something done. When K-Unit had to go back to SAS training for another exercise set (They had finally got sent for a week every other week instead of 3 days) Ben usually was worse and even more parental. The room was silent yet familiar. The men were each feeling different about today. Wolf was unsure how to react. Cub. Their Cub, was going to be back to a teenager again instead of the small vulnerable little boy that he had been taking care of for the last year. Fox was apprehensive. He'd still be the boy's father even after that so he would still be taking care of Alex. Just... what would happen now? Most of Alex's emotions were that of a five to six-year-old child. The drug would be effectively wiped away should the antidote work and thus Alex's mind would be returned to the state he was in before it was given. He'd keep his memories, just his reactions to everything would be back. Snake was worried how this would effect Alex's health. Eagle was just irked that he would lose the teasing material. Oh wait, he had pictures of the little kid. Never mind... It still wasn't cool! He liked midget Cub.
Alex slowly finished the last of his eggs before he slid from his chair and went into the living room where the TV was playing Sponge bob. No doubt Eagle had been the last one in there, Alex mused. He settled for watching the silly show for the rest of the time before Fox told him time to go. Turning the television off, Alex jumped off the couch and followed his father outside. They were taking the van and Alex was taken by surprise to not see the car seat that he'd been latched in so much. Fox simply lifted him up and buckled him in in the backseat.
"We won't need it anymore after this so we removed it and put it away." Fox said quietly. Alex nodded as Fox and Snake sat in their usual seats beside him. Wolf got in the driver's seat while Eagle had sat up front next to him as usual. The backed out of the driveway and Alex was quiet as he stared in front of him. What would happen after this? He'd still be living with Ben but, would about K-Unit? Would he still have to go on a mission? Would he return to school?
They neared the bank and Alex bit his cheek. He undid the seatbelt as they parked and he allowed Ben to pick him up and carry him inside. This would probably be the last time he could, if it worked. Alex leaned against the man as they entered the elevator. Wolf pressed the 12 button and the slowly rose to the 12th floor. There was a total of 17 floors in MI6. It started with the basement which was the subterranean part, accessed only by the 5th floor lifts. There was a soundproof shooting range, a gym, interrogation room, and a garage for the military tanks to be crafted and tested. The next came an actually bank that was part of their cover. It was real and there were security cameras around that area to make sure civilians didn't go in the elevator. Then came the first through ninth floors. While the basement was located on the 5th floor elevator (which was in another section away from the main one) the nine floors were offices. Ben's was on the fifth with Kayla and their friend Jake Meares. The 10th and 11th floor was where the Research and Development floor was located. Then came the 12th floor where Alan Blunt and Tulip Jones held their offices. After that was the 13th floor where the Laboratory was located, and also Smither's office. Following this was the 15th and 16th floor which held the Agent Rest facilities. The 17th floor held one large database computer. Alex really didn't know what the 14th floor held and there was no button for it on this elevator.
They reached the 12th floor and Ben carried him down the hallway, ignoring the stares they received for bringing a 6-year-old boy with him to MI6. Stopping in front of the door that held the fate of the next few hours, Ben knocked.
"Come in," Tulip Jones' voice called softly. Ben set Alex on his feet and opened the door. James, Eric, and Matt were behind them and watched as Alex walked in. He chose to stand as the four men took a seat. There was a seat next to Mrs. Jones but, Alex didn't take it just yet. In all honesty, he was nervous about if the antidote would take place or not.
"The doctor that studied you when you first arrived like this, will be here shortly to take Alex to the 10th floor to administer the antidote and to study the reactions and results." Blunt said... well... rather bluntly. Alex walked over to Ben who lifted him up and placed him in the seat next to Mrs. Jones. Alex ignored the blush threatening to creep up on him because he had just been picked up in front of the two heads of MI6.
"How are you Alex?" Mrs. Jones asked kindly. She, for once, was not sucking on a peppermint. Alex looked at her before considering his answer. So much had happened this year. These past 2 years even. What was he feeling during these times? Hatred? Shame? Disbelief? Betrayal? He hated MI6 forcing him to become a teenage spy. He had been ashamed of the things he had done even without them. He was in disbelief so much could happen in so little time. Lastly, betrayal because his Uncle had lied to him his entire life. He couldn't tell her any of these reasons. One; He had slowly began to recover from the shock of it all. Two; He realized he would eventually have found out about Ash and his parents sooner or later. Finally three; he had been raised to do what he did. Spying was apparently in his blood and in his family. John. Ian. Hell, even Ash! He would have gotten caught up in it all anyways.
"I've been fine..." Alex answered her quietly. Fine was a safe answer. In a way, he was. Ben Daniels had been with him at night, during nightmares since his second kidnapping, and had helped him through them. Blunt began to talk and Alex tuned him about. He began to stare simply at the wall behind the man. Alex didn't know how he felt anymore? For the past 6 or so months, he had been nothing but... happy. Irritated occasionally, yes. But, he had had been happy with his life. Content even. He'd go on walks to the park with Addy and Wolf all the time. Ashley was a very quiet and very kind girl who was slightly bossy. She and him would play hide and go seek. This had been fun for Alex and he always found more places to hide with difficulty. Panther had been a regular visitor to their house. Their house. To Alex, it had never been just his house. With Jack, he had called it theirs. With Ian, he had called it that. Never had he wanted to just call it his own house. Sometime he'd say Jack's and mine. He had always called that place home though. No matter the occupants there, it was his home. The place where he grew up and was raised.
"Alex? He's here." Ben said quietly, snapping him out of his daze. Alex looked to see that same man that had teased him with those silly cards when he was testing Alex. Doctor Reath if he remembered. The man smiled.
"It's good to see you again Alex. If you will follow me," Doctor Reath stated, keeping the door open. Alex slid from his chair and walked to the man. Ben got up and followed. A few minutes down the walk, they were followed by the rest, including Alan Blunt and Mrs. Jones. They were led to the elevator and taken to the 10th floor. Alex held Ben's hand the whole time, knowing it would be the last time he'd be able to do that. They reached the nearly glass room which was soundproof and bulletproof as well as other precautions. Inside, Doctor Reath picked up Alex and sat him firmly on the table.
"We need you to remove your clothes so you don't get suffocated by them as you grow." The man said gently. Alex raised an eyebrow before he pulled off his shirt. He looked at the others who turned away for his benefit. Stripping of the clothing articles, Alex stayed sitting on the table. Doctor Reath pulled out a syringe and Alex held out his right arm. The man took it and hesitated before Alex felt the cold metal touch his skin, poking him. The sting came and he felt the sting until he saw the man pull the shot away. Then... pain.
Everything around him blurred. Oh god, it was like a fire had started in his chest. His legs were as if stabbed. He couldn't think straight. It hurt! Dear lord, it was like he was being cut in half and thrown in lava. No! No more! His body was as if he was melting. So much of him hurt! He felt an intense throbbing from his head, his heart was pulsing wildly. He was hot. What was going on? He felt like he was in an oven! Please! Make it stop! Please, Please, Please!!!!!
Then... as suddenly as it had started, it all stopped. His vision was gifted back to him, he still was thinking dully. Alex finally chose this moment to look down.
Ignoring the embarrassing part, he saw to his astonishment, his legs were outlined with muscle. He was thin, yes, but, he also was attaining a six pack. Still... Alex was a teenager again!!!
"Here," a voice interrupted his thoughts. Alex looked up to see Doctor Reath handing him a T-shirt, underpants, shoes, socks, and jeans. Alex thanked him (his voice was hoarse) quietly and quickly changed into them. He had slid off the table and had to lean on the counter as he changed. When he pulled the T-shirt on, he looked at K-Unit.
They were looking at him with unknown feelings. Numb? Alex gave them a weak smile.
"How are you feeling?" Doctor Reath questioned with a note of professionalism in his voice.
"Peachy," Alex said sarcastically, his throat dry and itchy. The sensation of turning back had been horrible. He had seriously thought he was dying. That had been worse than the bullet shot, your whole body being stretched. Alex did notice he was different than he was before even when he was 14. Now... he was 15 though. It was weird seeing everything once again within a reasonable height. He could almost see Fox directly eye to eye.
At once, he was hit with a whirlwind of emotions. Jack's death viewed in his head again. The missions. The deaths. Everything came back and so did Alex's former feelings of his life. Yet, there was a hint of a difference.
"I take it you are just now experiencing your memories merging with each other. You were, after all, subjected to a year of youthful innocence because of the drug. Had you not had that in your mental thinking, you would have been unable to comprehend anything like a child that age." Doctor Reath noted. Alex breathed slightly hard, the dull aches to his heart coming. Before he had a chance to react, someone had wrapped their arms around his shoulders and pulled his head to lie gently under their chin. Alex breathed in the scent and felt the warmth of the arms. So gentle and caring.
"Ben," Alex whispered, unable to think straight. He managed to move his head to look up and he saw Ben's eyes. They were full of love for him. Alex was his son and would remain so because of the adoption. While MI6 had named him guardian, two months after that Ben had taken Alex to an adoption center and had made it official for their part.
"You're not alone in this Al. Don't forget that," Ben murmured. He then released Alex to give a sheepish smile to the other people in the room.
"Yes well, it seems the antidote was correct. Alex, walk from here to the other end of the room please." Doctor Reath stated. Alex looked ahead and concentrated on this task. He wobbled slightly, not used to supporting so much weight but, he managed it. The did a couple more tests on him before Alex was walking with K-Unit out of the bank and towards the van with a grin. Blunt and Jones had informed them that they would talk to Alex later on but, for now he was free to relax and adjust again. He wouldn't start school for awhile though so that left him with time.
Alex sat in the middle as always and they made it home shortly.
Home. It looked so much different now that he thought about it. The tacky lawn ornament from Eagle had finally been ridden. There was a row planted bushes aligning the house. Alex smiled at his home. He followed the men inside and he continued to look around.
"I'll make lunch," Ben said absently. He went to the kitchen while Eagle slung an arm around Alex's shoulders.
"So Cub, how does it feel to be from 14 to 5 to 6 and now 15 years old all with in a year?" Eagle chirped gleefully. Alex's lips twitched as he was pulled into the living room. Wolf and Snake were lounging about already and Alex took a seat in the recliner. He relaxed in it, relishing in the moment to have his feet touching the floor again.
"It's odd..." Alex said after a pause.
"Odd as in...?" Wolf asked. His eyes scanned Alex's own brown orbs. They stared at each other for a moment.
"I don't really know exactly," Alex admitted, "I feel as if I should be a little kid again yet, I know I'm 15. It's like my mind is trying to..."
"Recollect itself?" Fox supplied from the kitchen, easily able to hear everything.
"Yeah," Alex said quietly. He excused himself after awhile and went up to his room. The bear, he had named Jack, was lying innocently on his bed. The toys he had gained over the year was stacked on his bookshelf where his school books still were for when Ben tutored him. Things like toy guns, water guns, a soccer ball, a football, plastic army men, his game boy, a psp, and others. Alex noticed his vibrating phone on the nightstand and picked it up. Seems he forgot about it today.
"Hello?" Alex answered.
"Hey Al! Can I swing by to get you to go to the park?" Tom asked. Ever since their first time at the movies together with a Minni Alex, Tom had taken to picking him up and taking him places. Alex grinned.
"I'll meet you at the park instead."
"Sure but, which one of those guys will be with you?" Alex thought for a moment.
"Seriously?" Tom's incredulous voice came. Alex almost laughed. Almost. K-Unit and Ben were pretty protective of him.
"Yep. You'll see." Alex said before he hung up to Tom's yell of 'wait!' Alex chuckled and ran downstairs, getting used to his body already.
"Hey Ben, can I go to the park to meet up with Tom?" Alex asked, remembering that he had yet to ask his guardian. Fox looked at him for a second.
"Fine by me. Just be back before dark please. You just got back to being a teenager. Doctor Reath said it'll take more time than a few hours to get full control of your body so please... no overexerting yourself." Ben sighed. Alex grinned and quickly grabbed the spare set of house keys, his phone, and changed into a black hoodie with his trainers, blue faded jeans, and a skull green T-shirt. He said a quick goodbye and ran out of the house to Wolf's shouts of "stop running already!" He did not see Snake watching him from the window or hear Eagle's jokes.
Sprinting to the park, he made it there panting heavily. He sat down on the bench and waited for Tom. He idly watched all the kids running around the park, remembering how only yesterday how he had been here doing what they were doing. He spread his arms on the back of the bench and lounged until he spotted a familiar looking guy.
"Tom!" Alex shouted. Tom Harris whirled around and his eyes widened.
"A-Alex!?" Tom's voice stammered. Alex laughed, his eyes dancing in mischief, and he slapped Tom on the back.
"The one and only," Alex said with a smirk.
"How!??" Tom managed to ask. He had taken a seat on the bench and was looking at Alex in disbelief.
"The antidote had been made today. I'd say I was still 6, 3 hours ago." Alex answered. He grinned at his best friend and leaned back in his spot.
"I guess that means, no more using you to pick up chicks," Tom said after a long time of silence. Alex laughed loudly at that. Only Tom could manage to say something like that.
"Only you Tom. Only you." Alex chuckled, shaking his head.
"No seriously. I had about 10 more dates in the past year than I ever had in my life combined! All because they thought you were adorable and thought I was a great babysitter. I asked Amanda out two days ago at school." Tom said.
"What did she say?" Alex asked in amusement.
"Yes!" Tom stated proudly, puffing out his chest. Alex raised an eyebrow before poking Tom in the rib. The teen deflated. Alex stood up and looked over at Tom who did the same. They began walking around the park, if only to do something while they talked.
"Ben is staying my adopted father," Alex said after awhile. Tom looked at him.
"What about those other guys?" Tom asked. Alex shrugged.
"I don't really know. I have a month before I can start school again, according to them." Alex said. They both knew who them was. MI6.
"Ah..." Tom could only say. Alex turned around to look at him when he bumped into something. No. Someone.
"Oof!" Alex could only manage to sound out before he looked down to see who had fallen down because of him. Looking up at him was the person he least expected to say.
Author's Note: Am I evil? I spent awhile writing this. I wanted to start it off good for Everlasting Changes' sequel! So, what do you all think? I had to think really hard how I was going to answer questions while also making it easier for this to work. If you're still confused think of it like this; Alex was drugged with a very specific poison. It not only shrunk the size of his body but, also had in a way... de-aged him. With the drug in effect, it effected his thinking which made to him acting like a 5-6 year old child. Possibly younger because he never really was a child. He grew up with Ian Rider. Like it? Hate it? Bet you can't guess who Alex just ran into? I'll update when I get a chance! I still haven't read 3 of the books. I don't intend to stop writing this though. If you want to see a possible seen of Alex's year with them, send a request in your review and I'll type one up and put it in a series or something for you. If you're wondering why I keep updating so much... School is out and It is summer for me. That's the best explanation I have. I hope you liked this chapter!!