Ok, I got this idea, well, if I tell you, it'll ruin everything. So I got this idea from a movie. I hope you guys enjoy it. It's AU, and it's a Kevin/Macy, with Joe/Stella and some Nick/Penny, well, maybe. We didn't see enough Penny, and since this is AU, I can try to make her likable.

So, just picture the boys not famous. They do, have their band JONAS, but it's just an amateur band.

Also, I am ONLY mentioning this once, right now. If you bother reading this, then have fun guessing at it: there is a plot twist. Have fun reading and guessing guys!

Seventeen year old Kevin stood with his two younger brothers, fifteen year old Joe and fourteen year old Nick, in their new school just as their parents dropped them off. The three looked up at Horace Mantis Academy. Nick looked at his brothers with a scared expression on his face. It was obvious he was the most scared because he was only in his freshman year and would be stuck there for the rest of his high school. Joe was in his sophomore year so it wasn't so bad. But Kevin was lucky, because he was in his senior year and would be gone soon.

"Do you think people will like us?" Nick asked softly. They moved there from Louisiana just a week ago and they barely knew their way around. Plus, they had to catch up in the curriculum there because it was the middle of November. Their dad got a job transfer to New Jersey so they had to move, unfortunately, practically three months after school started.

"I don't know. I hope so," Kevin answered as the three stood, staring at the academy for several moments. Finally, Joe, the ever positive and funny one, broke their silence.

"Well, let's go in, and endure the first day of many days here," he said. Kevin nodded as the three walked into the school. The uniforms they were wearing felt weird that was for sure. It didn't feel all that comfortable. They went to a public school for a long time, after all so uniforms were foreign to them.

The three found the office quickly where they handed their notes to the secretary who got their schedules and information out for them.

"Welcome to Horace Mantis Academy. Enjoy," the secretary, Mrs. Bloom, said to them. Joe nodded as he winked at the secretary. Nick rolled his eyes as he and Kevin pulled Joe out of the office. They all looked at each other's schedule.

"Well, let's see. Lunch is around noon so we can meet at our new lockers," Nick said.

"Where are our lockers anyways?" Joe wondered. Kevin sighed as he grabbed another piece of paper that said the locker number and the combination. Joe nodded. The three wrote the other's locker combinations down.

"Well, I'm going to find my locker. See you guys at lunch. We'll meet at my locker, alright?" Nick asked. Joe and Kevin nodded as Nick offered a small smile before departing. Joe looked at Kevin quickly.

"Ok, see ya," Joe said, leaving Kevin alone. Kevin stood alone for several seconds before sighing. He glanced down at his paper, looking at the number of his locker. He also checked what time class started (fifteen minutes from then).

He walked down the hall in search for his locker. A-2121, Kevin thought as he looked down at his paper and then at the lockers.

He was probably the one out of the Lucas Brothers least excited to come here. He had to leave his two year girlfriend, Dani, behind, plus he had so many friends, and he left the middle of his last year old high school to come to an entirely new one. It was very scary indeed, since Kevin had trouble making new friends. Joe could make as many friends as he wanted, and Nick would eventually find someone close, but for Kevin, it took him a month to find a couple of good friends in freshman year. He could talk to people, yes, but becoming friends with them? It was very hard to do.

Kevin kept looking at the numbers on the locker until he finally found his locker. Looking at the combination, he quickly spun the lock and opened his new locker. Sighing, Kevin put his lunch in his locker, as well as his jacket before shutting the locker. As he turned, he felt a body hit his and he stumbled back into the lockers. The person he knocked into, a girl probably around Joe's age was on the ground, groaning. She was certainly beautiful, Kevin thought as he gasped before helping her up, earning weird looks from the students around him; most likely because he was new, Kevin decided.

"Are you ok?" he asked the girl, who nodded, wide eyed.

"Y-Yeah," she stuttered, her voice strangely angelic in some way. It was so soft and beautiful. Kevin smiled at her.

"I'm sorry. Sometimes, I don't see where I'm going. I'm Kevin Lucas," he said to the girl, who seemed to relax a little bit.

"Hi, I'm Macy Misa," she greeted him. Kevin smiled as he shook the girl's hand. To him, it felt a little cold, but it was November after all.

"It's nice to meet you Macy," he said to her, who smiled.

"Um, same. Where are you headed?" Macy asked as the two walked down the hall, which was sort of empty, mostly because there was five minutes until class and most were in their classes anyways.

"I'm heading to… Chemistry. I'm a senior after all. How about you?" Kevin asked as he glanced at his schedule. Macy smiled.

"Math. I'm a sophomore," she said. Kevin nodded. So she was Joe's age.

"Well, that's nice. I hope to see you around," he said. Macy nodded as she turned to walk down another hallway.

"Yeah, I'll see you later Kevin," she said softly. Kevin nodded, smiling at her before heading down a hallway in search for his classroom. Maybe being at school wouldn't be so bad after all, Kevin thought as Macy crept onto his mind.

What did you think? Don't worry, it'll get better, I PROMISE!