Kado! I'm still using your (old) name, so HA!

Disclaimer: I own none of the greatness of Dynasty or Samurai Warriors, nor Warriors Orochi *pout* Nor Kingdom Hearts *cries* But I do own the new contenders… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! *guess this means I'm not dead….*

Outside, in the bright sun, Brandon was wearing an outfit he deemed strange. But according to Imagawa, it looked perfect on him. He licked his lips in anticipation, waiting for the Mari to be hit in his direction. His team consisted of an odd lot of people: Katsuie Shibata, Kanetsugu Naoe, Keiji Maeda, Sakon Shima and Inahime. His opponents: Hanbei Takenaka, Magoichi Saika, Muneshige Tachibana, Ginchiyo Tachibana, Toshiie Maeda and Yoshimoto Imagawa. The latter being the one bouncing the mari from foot to foot. "Come now, Keiji, surely you must want the mari?" His taunt worked as Keiji instantly charged the man. Yoshimoto easily sidestepped him and watched as Keiji tripped over his own feet. "Oh-hohohohoho! Lord Keiji, you are very amusing! Ohohoho!"

"Nephew, it can't have been that long since you played Kemari!" chuckled Toshiie.

"Shuddup Old Man!"

"Do not let them get to you Lord Keiji" stated Ina coolly.

Without warning, Yoshimoto charged the opposing team and prepared to take a shot… And was blocked by Katsuie.

"Hmph… Was that the best you had, Imagawa?"

"Oh pooh!"

Now in possession of the mari, Katsuie worked with his team to get it to the other side's goal. Lining up his shot, he knocked the mari toward Sakon just as Ginchiyo rushed him.

"Take the shot prettyboy!" the devil Shibata shouted.

"Shush. I'm goin'." With a swift, final kick, he launched the mari to the opposition's goal.

"Hmmmm… Maybe Okuni had a point" mused Chan as she walked out of the kitchen with Nōh.

"I feel kind of bad that we offended her…"

So deep in their conversation, the pair failed to notice the girl headed toward them.

"Have either of you seen Zhuge?"

"Oh, Lady Yue, how are you?" Chan responded.

"I would be better if I knew where my husband was."

"We'd be better off without our men" Nōh stated coolly.

"Agreed" murmured Chan.

Finally, Yue noticed how hurt the both of them looked. "What is the matter? Did Lu Bu hurt you? Or Nobunaga you, Nōh?"

"He hurt me, and I'm only beginning to hurt him back."

"Nobunaga has no idea what slumbering beast he has awoken, but I assure you he soon will…" Nōh replied ominously.

Yue began to back away nervously. "I-I-I see. Well if you find Zhuge, let him know I'm looking for him. OK?"

"Of course" the pair replied in unison. Murmuring her thank you, Yue Ying did an about-face and marched off. "Stupid woman" they muttered.

"Who's a stupid woman?!" yelled a voice behind them.

Both utterly shocked and on edge, Nōh and Chan turned abruptly with their weapons drawn. Behind them was none other than…

"Zhu Rong!?"

"Who're you calling a stupid woman?!" Rong repeated.

"Yue Ying. She is still blindly in love with that utter fool, Zhuge Liang." Nōh answered. "Oh!" she clapped her hands excitedly, "You'll never guess what I heard about him!!!" Chan and Rong looked at her, totally confused. "Zhuge Liang is gay for Sima Yi!"

"Unbelievable!" shouted Rong.

"Uh-huh! So I think that right now he's with Yi in some cooozy place. Hmhmhmhmhm…. I almost feel bad for not telling Yue about this."

"Almost being the operative word…" muttered Chan. The trio were oblivious to the four people watching them from the shadows…

"Didja hear that!?"

"Oh, the poor dear. I think we should tell her."

"Speech… is silver. Silence… is golden."

"Well put, shadow of Iga."

Needless to say, Wang was surprised by what he found in the music room: Lu Bu, struggling to get a large bass drum off his head. He couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the antics of the brute. Sensing the show would soon be ending, he retreated, choosing instead to venture for the gym and see who might be there instead. He didn't want to be on the receiving end of Bu's rage after all. What he found, however, was definitely more than he asked for.

"I can't believe you!!!" Hmmm… that's a familiar voice.

"Me?! Ce, you don't even look at me anymore!" Ce? SUN Ce?

"Yu… I'm sorry…" said the first voice softly. "I've been under a lot of pressure from father…." Yu… Yuuu… Guan Yu? UGH! GAG! Maybe Zhou Yu…? Cautiously, Wang peeked around the bleachers. Lo and behold, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were standing a few yards apart. Ce looked repentant, while Yu just looked broken-hearted. Could this have anything to do with what I witnessed? Better question: can it be used to my advantage?

"Ce… I no longer desire to hold you back." Yu said firmly. "It would be best that this, you and I, ended. It will only cause pain for both of us later…"

"Oh, so now you don't love me anymore?"

"I didn't say that…"

"And you don't deny it! Fine! If that's what you want, it's over! I wish I had never met you!" No. I will not let it end like that.

"Lord Sun Ce, how dare you?!" both turn to face the third voice. That definitely was NOT me. Who, though?

"Xun, you don't know anything about this, stay out of it!"

"On the contrary, Lord Ce, I know ALL about it. Ever since we arrived at this mansion, you've ignored Yu. As a result, he's gone through desperate measures to receive the love you've denied him." He fights to swallow for a second. "Including offering to sleep with me." Wang's jaw dropped. Did that young strategist just admit to the his crime?! Not wanting the scene to turn bad, Wang stepped from his hiding spot.

"Which you refused, correct Lord Lu Xun?" the mystic asked hastily. A bright red took over Yu's face while Xun averted his eyes. "And had he not, Yu would have been in perfect reason to liaise with the young man."

"Lord Taigong Wang, how long have you been here?" asked an embarrassed Ce.

"That is no business of yours. If you would move please, that I may depart now?"

Ce complied, shuffling to the left and Wang strode right past him. Both Yu and Xun stood there, embarrassed and nervous, while Ce himself watched the mystic all the way out. Heh. The poor boy couldn't take his eyes off me. Maybe I could have a little fun myself?, he thought to himself with his usual smirk.

"Who's there?!" Shouted Zhen.

"Guess the game's up…" muttered Jade with a grin.

"Hmm… You don't seem to bothered…" blue-eyes said coolly, making his weapon appear. It looked somewhat familiar to her, but Jade couldn't place it. Oh well, there's no time to wonder. Hastily, she pulled her dagger from her boot. Zhen, realizing the danger, snagged her flute from Gracia while the latter made to stand in a battle-ready position. Mōtōchika just sat there, watching both parties. Not wanting to be caught off-guard, Jade charged Zhen, her dagger raised high. The elegant Chinese woman parried the oncoming assault and retaliated with a sweep of her flute. Jade did a graceful back flip to dodge, and landed neatly beside the platinum haired male.

"You still haven't told me your name…" she panted.

With a sardonic grin, he replied "Can't you just be happy knowing I'm a friend?" With the two of them chatting, Gracia saw her chance to strike. Not as distracted as she seemed, Jade blocked the young girl's blow; in return, she kicked the girl's stomach, sending her sprawling on the ground. Not skipping a beat, Zhen caught Jade's hands behind her back and tightened her hold, sending jolts of pain searing through her arms and back.

"Aren't you going to help?" she hissed.

"Why? It's not like she's going to hurt you."

"Who are you?!" shouted Zhen.

"A traveler" This answer got her another tightening of her arms, but she didn't give the other woman the satisfaction she wanted.

"Who are you?!" she repeated.

"My name is Jade…"

"And what are you doing here?"

"Exploring. Travelling…"

"Do not be smart with me!"

"Please help me" Jade hissed to the silver haired man.

While he was watching the scene before him, Gracia snuck up behind the man. "Why? You're in no…" He collapsed forward. At that moment, Jade began to struggle. Seeing her 'hero' defeated so easily by a young girl shook her confidence. She felt Zhen loosen her grip for a moment and thought she was being let go, but a moment later, her world went dark. The last snippets she heard were:

"Well done."

"Thank you, Mōtōchika. Now what shall we do with them?"

"Maybe my father will have some ideas?"

"On second thought, leave them to me…"

So, this may be the last Chapter I post til next year. I may still put oneshots, though…. Anyway… I forgot to intro Tai Jai.

Tai Jai = dynastyandsamuraiwarrirorsfan

And as always, thank you, anyone, for your reviews!