My mother Renee drove me and my twin sister to the airport. Me and Melody are moving to Forks to be with our father again. We will be living just out of La Push, so we will be going to Forks High School.

Our mom left our dad 7 years ago when we were 10 and took us with her but now she has remarried so we get to go home to be with dad. Plus Forks is mainly forest lots of space for me and Mel. I forgot to say we are werewolves. We have Quileutes blood in us and another tribe's blood that gave us some powers that vampires have but normal wolves can't it's just us. But no one thought we would be wolves as only the males are supposed to go wolf. So I Isabella Swan and my sister Melody Swan are the first female wolves. We are also going because our cousin Leah Clearwater is going to become a wolf soon.

When we got to the airport we had are goodbyes then we were off to Port Angeles. After an I can't remember how many hour flight of doing nothing but listening to our i-pods we landed. Dad drove us home and we unpacked the last of our stuff.

"Dad, can we stay over Jakes tonight? We haven't seen him, Quil, and Embry in ages." I asked walking down stair with Mel behind me.

"If Billy doesn't mind sure" Charlie our dad said.

So we got our overnight bags and drove the car Phil our step-dad got us to La Push. When we pulled up we got out and went to the door. And Jacob answered before we could knock.

"Bells, Mel what are you doing here?" he asked

"Well we just got back and thought that we would run away to stay with you for the weekend. So here we are! Now. Let. Us. In." I said pushing passed him and headed to the living room where 8 werewolf guys were sitting and I knew 3 of them.

"Quil, Embry up off the coach and Seth come give your cousins a hug" I said dropping my bag. Seth, Mel and me had a group hug. But Quil and Embry didn't move.

"I will not tell you to again up off that coach or I'm going to make you get off it." I said looking at them.

"Make us" Quil said sounding smug. I nodded thinking stupid male wolfs. I grabbed Quil's hand and Mel grabbed Embry's hand and we flipped them. Then we sat down. The guys were staring at us wide-eyed. Mel looked up and met one of the boys eyes and guess what she imprinted.

"Hell. Been here whar 10 minutes? And in a room with 9 werewolves males and one imprints on my sister and she back to him. This is great now I wish I stayed home." I said folding my arms across chest.

"Hey you know it's a wolf thing." Mel said.

"Yeah I know but come on I never thought you would imprint on someone who has next to no control."

"It doesn't work that way"

"Go and phase I like it when your a golden retriever you can't talk" we looked at each other then and started laughing.

"Your werewolves?" asked the oldest looking one. We nodded. "But you're female..."

"Oh shut up Fido." I said cutting him off. And he did. "Good boy. Now listen here and listen well I maybe female but I can hurt you badly you got that? Good. Now let's start again. I'm Bella Alpha of my pack and this is my sister Melody. Now you imprint boy names."

"I'm Paul. The one you called Fido is Sam he is our Alpha. That is Jared, they are Collin and Brady." Paul said. "You know Jacob, Quil, Embry, and Seth." We nodded.

I could feel Leah was going to change tonight. "Seth where is Leah?" I asked

"Home ill. Why?" Seth said. I looked at Mel and knew she wanted to spent time with her imprint.

"Fine I will go to her. Things I do because I'm the Alpha." I said getting up.

"Thanks Bells. I love you." Mel said in sing song voice.

"Whatever. I will come back when she phases back."

"Sure you will."

I walked out the back door I could sense the other following me. I got undressed and phased in to a huge white wolf and took off towards Leah. I was almost there when I felt her phase.


Oh my God what is happened to me I'm a wolf!!!! I must be dreaming.

No Leah your not dreaming. Now come to me.


Yes Leah.

What am I?

Your a werewolf but we are more powerful then the males your in my pack not Sam's.

Good. I'm coming to you.

I stopped and waited. 3 minutes later Leah was standing in front of me as a grey wolf.

Leah think of something happy so you can phase back.


She started thinking of when we were younger. It worked. I pulled her on to my back and started towards Jacob's house. Before I broke through the trees I stopped and howled. Mel came running out the house with my clothes and some for Leah. Leah got off my back and took the clothes and got dressed. I phased and also got dressed. We then made our way into the house. To see 9 confused looking werewolf males.

"What is Leah doing here?" Jacob asked

"She's in my pack so she is staying with us." I said using my Alpha voice. Everyone flinched from the power behind the voice. Even Sam the great male pack Alpha flinched back from the power. Mel, Leah and me started laughing.

" Did you see that?" Mel gasped out.

"The great male pack Alpha flinched from my Alpha voice." I laughed out.

"That was so cool." Leah gasped holding on to me so not to fall.

The guys also started laugh at Sam. Sam just sat there acting like he didn't know what we were laughing about.