*A/N* So it's been a while…I know. Recently I've received the emails that people are still liking and following my story even though it's been silent for a while. TBH I've pretty much forgot about this unfortunately, but I am going to try and update when I can.

Thanks for all of you who still follow this story with all of the crap update schedules I've been promising. Without further ado on with the story.


Rikara once again opened her eyes as what seemed like a hazy fog had been lifted from her perception, she felt the weight and sensation of the fog leave alas she still couldn't see, there was no light; sound, sensation, just nothingness. She willed herself to move, to struggle but found that she could not move at all, albeit she didn't feel any resistance from any outside source. She screamed with all the air she could muster in her lungs, but no voice left her stinging vocal cords. Tears of frustration left her eyes as she all but struggled motionless and silently. She tried and tried to break free from whatever being or thing that held her in this realm of nothingness.

Only one other thing had the werewolf's attention at the moment. It had seemed like memories that weren't hers' were on replay in her mind. Images of destruction, fire, blood and chaos. What seemed like thousands of living images that weren't her own reeled through her mind, and the worst part of it was that the main focus of every picture was her best friend.


Monsters and humans. Death was the heavy set theme for each image. In the middle of it all stood Tsukune. Bodies strewn about, faceless victims broken into the ground. Nameless bodies lain about in awkward positions, lifeless eyes stared up to the sky. Rikara made the mistake of following the lifeless glares into the night sky in one of the scenes, and was taken aback when, through the clouds she could see figures hovering in the clouds with arms raised as if they were invoking some bizarre ritual. If she focused and blocked out all the background noise she could hear a faint chanting permeating through the smoke and debris.

"Hic puer est prophetiae, accipere virtutem, et flectere ad voluntatem nostrum, uti nostrae potestatis cupiditatem implore voluntatem!" (This child of prophecy, take our power and bend to our will, use our power to fulfill our desire!)

The sound seemed to strike a chill down her spine straight to her core, she had no clue what the beings were saying but she knew that it had to be nothing good. She noticed that in every scene that flashed through her mind if she focused enough, she could make out the dark shapes of the beings in the sky through the smoke and ash, and faintly hear the same chant like a whisper flowing through the wind.

For what seemed like a millennia she sat afloat in the non-space of nothingness, until she felt a sudden pressure on her forehead right in between her eyes.

She jerked at the sudden touch and the rush of sensations; the sounds, the smells she had been void from for what seemed like ages had come into realization around her. Yuko, who was in the bed next to her began to stir at the sudden movement.


Dinner was casual. Well, casual for most so to speak, as most of the attendees were vampire or some sort of monster. For the humans in attendance, as comfortable as they had seemed with finding out what happened with their son at this new school, what his friends were and who their employer was; it was still a little freaky to be blatantly honest. The blood that most of the vampires had chosen for drink left an ambient metallic odor in the hall which was easy enough to ignore for the most part, especially when dinner was served, but it was always there as a reminder of exactly whose house the humans were in. The flash of fangs when any of the non-human attendee's spoke didn't help matters either.

All in all, those in attendance had a merry time that evening. The food was better than any five star restaurants and the drink was of the best available to any mortal that money could buy. Mitoria sat from his chair at the head of the table and viewed his guests with a casual grace.

"So, Reiyaru-san? What is it that you did before you came to work for my company?" Taking a long sip from his cup, Mitoria leveled a casual gaze on the human male in company.

Looking towards the elder vampire, Reiyaru set down his own cup, "Well, I was part of another small accounting firm that a connection from my community college sent me to. I was there for a good ten years and learned a few different things and was able to learn the ins and outs of the accounting business. Once a new and better opportunity, as in your company, presented itself, I hopped on it as soon as I could." He paused for a moment, taking a quick look around at those in audience. Seeing as everyone was glancing towards him, he resumed, "Seeing that everything has went well that brings us here today. Let me just state that your company has treated me and my family very well in the past fifteen years of my service." Finishing, he picked up his cup and with a large gulp finished the remains of his drink in one go. "If I may, what is this by the way? I mean, obviously its alcohol but it's nothing like anything I've ever had in my life. It's strong but not overwhelming. Usually with strong alcohol you end up with a very nasty aftertaste but not with this." He paused yet again and made a show of inspecting the cup, as to discern what kind of drink the lord of the house had prepared for him.

Watching the human make a show of inspection of his very own creation, Mitoria lightly chuckled to himself. "Tell me Reiyaru-san, have you heard of the term 'Alchemy'?" Finishing the last of his drink with a hearty gulp and let his arm fall, mug in hand onto the table with an audible 'thud' while using his other hand to wipe his face with his handkerchief, he continued, "Most humans do not know of or have not heard of alchemy, nor its' many forms that the practice can take." He grinned.

A collective thought of 'Ugh' went through those remaining in company who weren't included in the conversation, maybe a few eye rolls as well.

Reiyaru sat for a minute pondering as to what his boss was talking about, "Alchemy is the supposed transmutation of a type of element or matter from other, different materials. An example I was given years ago was simply making gold from other less valuable but far more common metals." He finished as he glanced down towards his mug, just now wondering what it was exactly he was consuming let alone if it was safe to consume…

Mitoria nodded in agreement, "As you said to put it simply yes, you've hit the nail on the proverbial head so to speak." He motioned for one of his servants to bring him a refill. "Depending on what different elements that you mix with your base alchemy, you would wind up with different results every time. Alchemy is just a base and while that base by itself could net you unique and powerful items, imagine what you could create when you incorporate say modern day science or chemistry. Maybe even…" He let the sentence hang for a moment while slightly raising his left hand, "…magic."

A faint shift in the air was felt by the two humans in attendance while the beings with supernatural powers felt and saw the displacement of the elder vampires' energy along with the faint ripple of distortion behind his raised hand. A brief albeit blinding flash of light appeared and as it dissipated the haft of a sword slowly appeared as it materialized out of thin air.

A pure golden pommel with two curved spikes rested at the end of the black, almost velvet looking material that made up the grip that was adorned with small sapphire gemstones. The cross-guard seemed to be made of the same gold material as the pommel with each end curving towards the end of the blade itself. The blade was a dark steel color with a darker red almost maroon tint to it. Running through the Fuller, or center of the blade were glowing, sapphire colored runes that ran the length of the blade almost reaching the point. Tsukune and his parents were in awe of this weapon even if his mother and father had never picked up a sword in their life, the sheer presence was enough to entrance them. The other family members were taken in just as much even though they had more experience being around this monstrous sword.

Giving it a light but experienced swirl in his hands the blade hummed through the air and even to the end of the dining table people could feel the air shift around as the weapon made its way through the air. Bringing the sword down to rest in front of him, he gave a slight flick of his wrist and the sword started to slowly vanish again just as it had materialized not two minutes before.

Mitoria knew that the Aonos were mere humans. He himself never had much reason to fraternize with the race, except for the more…voluptuous and enduring female side of the species although when he had heard that his daughter had defended an Aono of all people, he did a little more research. He had had more than a few of his advisors of his company mentions one such Aono in his employ and the changes that said person had made multiplied his annual revenue almost tenfold yearly after his promotion two years ago. Needless to say he was impressed with this man's insight and prowess for a mere human.

Looking around the dining hall he saw everyone thoroughly enjoying their meal. On the inside he thought, 'Peace, such a fickle and superfluous idea. So many strive for it yet so many fall to war to try and achieve it. So, Moka…the child of prophecy is the one whom you've decided to entwine your fate with' He mused to himself, glancing towards his second youngest. 'If what the prophecy says is true then you Moka…may be one of the deciding factors in the fate of all beings. Be strong, my daughter. I will be there to help as much as I can.' He silently swore glancing towards Tsukune, 'And you young Aono, you will either become the harbinger of destruction…or the savior of all beings on this planet.' Breaking his mind from his self-consciousness he made a quick glance around the dining table to see that most of the people in attendance were focused on him as he had been somewhat silent for a short while, what with only the small grunts and nods to himself he made unconsciously during his rant to himself.

Casting a quick smirk to everyone watching he raised his hands, "So everyone! Let's enjoy tonight's feast shall we?"


With dinner coming to a close Lord Akashiya called out to his second youngest, "Moka, won't you join me in my study here shortly after tonight's festivities have died down? I would like to speak to you in private my daughter."

Recognizing immediately what her father was hinting at she merely nodded and blushed, "Of course, Lord Akashiya." She glanced towards Tsukune with a kind smile, "Tsukune, how about you head to our room once you are done here, I am sure I will not be long with my father." Glancing towards said father figure, he gave her a slight nod.

She then turned her gaze to the two resident humans, "Besides, I am sure we are all pretty much done, today must have been weary for everyone." Looking to Tsukune's mother and father, both having a dazed look across their smiling faces, with Reiyaru being on the farther end of the spectrum compared to Yuko. "How much has he had to drink tonight?" Her sweat dropped, her father's brew wasn't for the weak of heart to say the least.

Kahlua, who was sitting across from the human in question perked up, "Four mugs little sister!" Raising one of her gloved hands and smiling wide in a childish demeanor. To those who knew just how strong this particular whiskey was, were impressed to say the least, maybe just a little worried for his safety, maybe.

Akuha decided to voice her thoughts on the matter, "Impressive. For a mere human at least, I've seen a quarter of what he has consumed put down all but the strongest of monsters." She mused mostly to herself, causing Tsukune to really start to fear for his father's safety, if not at least for his liver, should humans even be drinking this stuff?

Said person turned from where he was talking to his less than hammered but slightly drunk wife, "Wuzzat?" He slurred. "Ah, don worry 'bout meh, tey did'n call meh teh drinkin king in college fer nuthin…" He paused, a giant albeit cocky smirk etched its way onto his completely inebriated face, "fer five yearsh shtraigh…hic" He finished mock flexing both of his arms as he grinned wide.


"Okay dear, enough of that now. I am sure nobody here is interested in how you passed your college years completely drunk off your ass." She chided as she more than lightly swatted him on the back of the head, though she had a small smile on her face as well, "Although they were good years…" She seemed to gaze off in to a time far past.

"Heh heh heh…duh youh 'member dat time in '83, 'member weh were at dat party where weh had gotten shome of dat absinthe. That nigh…"


He had to stop mid-sentence as Yuka not so lightly slammed her closed fist into the back of his head. "PRIVATE!" She all but shrieked. "I will not have you scarring our poor Tsukune with what we did when we were young and stupid!" She finished with one of her hands in front of her mouth while blushing furiously. Needless to say everyone else at the table had the decency not to comment.

Blinking the slight concussion that his wife just gave him away, he looked around the room in a dazed and confused manner, "Huh? Where am I?" His gaze found his wife, "Oh Yuka!" He yelped before continuing, "Hurry! We have to go to the ninth floor now!" He grabbed one of her hands and started to turn to get up, "The absinthe will be all go…"



The poor wife looked to the lord of the house fearfully, "Excuse me Lord Akashiya, but may we be excused? I fear my poor husband might get himself killed if this continues." Said person was now face down on the table, chuckling to himself in an unstable manner as a small pool of blood and drool formed off to the side of his face. Tsukune merely closed his eyes and rested his head in his hands on the table. He had never seen his parents act like this, why did it have to be here of all places?

Moka was covering her mouth with one of her hands with her eyes closed, clearly stifling what was sure to be laughter.

Chucking heartily to himself, he looked to the poor human male, "He…heh heh. He reminds me of myself! Moka's mother would beat me senseless from time to time when I myself would act a fool while hammered! Ha..haaa hah, ah forgive me but I believe that we will have a wonderful time while you all are here. For your question, yes you all may go about your business for the rest of the night." He looked now to his eldest daughter, "Akuha, if you would be so kind it seems that Mr. Aono here is unable to return to his room by himself and I doubt that his wife will be able to carry him. Would you please lend a helping hand?"

Akuha matched her father's gaze as a slightly annoyed look crossed her face for a split second, the only ones missing the look were the two drunk humans. "But of course, Lord Akashiya." She stated before she started to get up when Kahlua shot her hand into the air, "Akashiya-sama, can Kahlua help? Kahlua really wants to help!" She beamed brightly. Mitoria merely looked to his second eldest for a few seconds, "Well if you really want to I see no harm in it, if you would please, my daughter." He nodded once towards Akuha.

Closing her eyes as she stood up, Akuha turned to leave as she noted the dismissal. Nearing the door she whispered under her breath, 'Filthy humans, reduced to mere servant chores…' She stopped short as a quick flash of intent washed over her, strong as she may be she is nowhere near her father in terms of power.

"Care to speak a little louder, my beloved daughter?" He growled, clearly not impressed with his daughters choice of words for his guests.

Blushing madly after realizing her mistake too late she hastily responded, "No father! Forgive me, I was careless." She waited for a brief nod from the lord before she quickly made her way out of the dining hall with all the leftover grace she could muster, needless to say it wasn't much.

Kahlua stood, and leaned over the still knocked out cold human male, "Silly sister." She giggled before hefting the adult male over her shoulder as if he were a sack of potatoes. Yuka started in disbelief, "My, my Kahlua-chan, you are sure the strong one aren't you?" She sweat dropped as she too rose and started to follow the beautiful blond out of the room with husband in tow. As she rounded on the door that would take her to her quarters she turned, "Good night Tsukune! Moka-chan. See you all in the morning." She then turned to the lord of the castle, "And thank you again Akashiya-sama, please forgive my husband for being so loose lipped, I'm afraid we haven't been able to let loose like this in a good while." She bowed.

Mitoria nodded in understanding, "No harm no foul. Please forgive my eldest for her less than eloquent behavior tonight."

Yuka blushed and smile back in response before she quickly left though the door where Kahlua had disappeared with her husband.

Mitoria turned to those remaining at the dining table, "Well I bid you all adieu and good night." He spoke as he raised from his seat, steadying himself on the back of his chair as he had no less than 8 mugs of drink…or was it 11? "Moka, if you would please make your way to my study within thirty minutes, I do not want to keep you too late as it is already passed one a.m." As if on cue the massive grandfather clock in the corner chimed once loud ring as it struck one passed midnight. With that he swiftly turned and left through another door that led almost directly to his study.

Moka then turned to Tsukune as Kokoa swiftly got up and hurriedly left to her own room, not wanting to be stuck in the room with the 'lovebirds', "Come, Tsukune. I will walk back with you to our room so you do not get lost, this place is bigger than it looks." She rose out of her seat and straightened out her dress as she did so.

Needless to say, as Tsukune turned to the side she was on to get out of his own seat he caught a full look at his proclaimed mate. The low hanging chandelier giving off a very low light and the silvery moonlight that filtered in from the high rise windows on the side of the room cast a somewhat otherworldly glow on his porcelain beauty as she slowly threaded one hand through her hair to catch the few stray hairs that managed to slip out of the bun. Before he knew it he had paused in a semi midrise from his seat as he was now staring at Moka. Noticing his pause in movement she opened her eyes and turned slightly towards him as she started to blush slightly as she found him staring at her, "Tsukune?" She meekly questioned.

As if on cue, he snapped out of his daydream like state at the mention of his name, "Ah it's nothing Moka, I was just caught off guard how the candle and moonlight almost make you glow in the low light. You look beautiful tonight." He admitted, already scratching the back of his head and grinning like an idiot making Moka blush even deeper. "Not that you don't always look beautiful, either of you for that matter," He could've swore that the rosary around her neck jerked slightly at his statement, "tonight though you are absolutely stunning Moka." He finished as rose the rest of the way out of his chair.

Moka, who was not used to such complements simply blushed an even deeper shade of scarlet as her eyes started to water before sniffling.

Tsukune cocked his head to the side, clearly confused, "Moka? What's wro…" He tried to choke out before Moka lunged at him and embraced him in a rib breaking hug before pulling her head back and bringing her lips to his as she kissed him deeply and passionately.

Locked in her embrace he returned the kiss back just as fiercely. Although around the nine second mark he was starting to run a little low on oxygen if the burning in his lungs was any indicator as he was caught off guard by the sudden (but welcome) attack. Thankfully Moka had decided to break off the kiss there so she could too regain some much need air. "Baka." She chided lightly with a warm smile on her face. "You did everything right Tsukune. I couldn't ask for anything more than I have now and I never will since we only have forward to move…together." Her warm smile suddenly turned a little more hungry causing him to sweat on the spot. "Although I will have to warn you ahead of time Tsukune." She paused, "I get jealous very easily, and omote is me as much as I her. You're going to have a lot of making up to do to her after all this is said and done, my love." Said personality agreed with that statement if the slight thrashing of the rosary was any hint.

Looking down at the rosary as it stopped its little tirade he visibly gulped.

Giggling to herself at his visible duress she let go of him and instead entwined one of her arms through his and rested her head on his shoulder as they started to walk towards the same door that Kokoa had left through to go back to her chambers. She looked up at him with a devilish grin she mused, "Don't worry Tsukune, you have a vampire's stamina now, you shouldn't have anything to worry about."

As soon as that statement left her lips her rosary shot forward and bent upwards so the cross was upside down as it shook violently with the red gem in the middle aflame a healthy shade of crimson…before it fell limp back down to her breasts. Looking back to Tsukune she noted he was slightly drooling out of the corner of his mouth as an unhealthy amount of blood was streaming from his nose.

Really laughing to herself, she commented between snickers, "You..both are just…too easy!" Trying to stifle the last of her laughing as they had started the trek down the long corridor to their room as she rested her head back onto his shoulder as they simply walked enjoying each other's company.

After a few moments and the slight anemic episode passed for Tsukune, he looked down to his girlfriend and asked, "Did she…?" He left the question hanging.

Guessing what he was asking she looked down to the rosary and nodded to herself, "She's quiet now, I am pretty sure she passed out." She tapped on the gemstone for simple effect.

"You can pass out being locked in your consciousness like that?"

"Sure. I mean what did you think I did while I was locked away while omote was out and about in the human world?"

"Hmm, I guess I never thought of it like that…I'm sorry that was kind of insensitive of me." He looked down in guilt.

"Don't." She turned slightly to bring her free hand under his chin and raise it, "Keep your head high Tsukune, there is nothing wrong with simple questions."

He smiled gently at her as he kept his head up. She then did something that he would have never thought this personality would do, less so in her father's domain. Releasing his arm she swiftly maneuvered so that she grabbed the same arm with the opposite have and brought it around her waist and moved in close and turned into him so her breast was up against him. "We could always give her something to wake up with, what happens to one of us the other will be aware of as well…and my room is right here..." She left her sentence hanging as she pulled at the hem of her dress and bit her bottom lip.

In the span of about zero point nine seconds a very youthful amount of thoughts passed through Tsukune's mind as a scarlet blush spread across his features and another, very unhealthy amount of crimson liquid spewed from his nose. Quickly shaking off the next anemic wave he just gave himself he countered, "Moka, as much as I um…would like to, I have just met your father and I really do not want to give him even the tiniest reason to end my existence." He deadpanned.

"Ah I guess," She mused as she let her dress fall back to its original position, "father probably wouldn't approve."

"See? That's what I was thin…" He was cut off.

"Or would he?" She grinned.

"MOKA!" Yelped Tsukune.

"See? Too easy."


A/N: So I am back guys. For those of you who have kept with me so far, I welcome you back to the story with this chapter, for those of you who read because this will bump my fic to the beginning of the R&V page, welcome newbies. I could say what has happened between this update and my last but I am not trying to kid anyone here, I will continue to update and I will try to keep it on a regular schedule but again, real life does happen. For the time that this has been down and untouched I would like to give a personal shoutout to those who have liked/followed/faved this fic as you guys are the real MVPS here. I myself have read many a fic here that were great (not saying mine is but hey im trying) and just to have it stop mid plot because it is forgotten about. I will not be one of those. This story I had originally was going to be one story, but as things have developed it will be two distinct stories. Neither will be horrendously long but neither will be very short either (this one is not even 1/3 of the way through the plot I am aiming for here) so for those of you who plan to stay with me and my crappy updating, I thank you.

~~Till next time
