A/N: Ok guys this will be my first Rosario Fanflic. I wanted to put my own twist on it so lets see how this ends up :D (I will be starting from the beginning (I know its old but oh well) since this has my PoV on the story)

He was riding on what looked like a simple school bus, but he wasn't headed to any normal academy, he was headed to Youkai Academy. There was an odd silence on the bus since it was just him and the bus driver, who, in turn didn't seem normal himself. He had a strange grin that sent shivers down Tsukunes spine once he stepped on the bus and his upper half of his face was in shadows due to his hat but anyone could notice the glow his eyes cast.

"Hey, Boy!" The bus driver said. "Are you sure you're ready to go to Youkai Academy? It can be a scary place."

"Eh…uhh… I think…what's so scary about a school?" muttered Tsukune. Giving a slight shrug, he brushed it from his mind. 'It's just a school, what's the worst that could happen?' He thought to himself, looking up he could see the reflection of the glow from the bus drivers' eyes in the rearview mirror.

Taking a puff from his cigar, he readjusted his hat and looked Tsukune in the eye, "Heh, I feel like this would be a fine school for you, you got a mysterious aura about you."Said the bus driver, lightly chuckling to himself as he returned his attention towards the road.

'He can't be talking about that can he?'Thought Tsukune. "Heh, thanks bus driver-san"

No sooner had they entered the upcoming tunnel had they exited to what seemed like a totally different world. There on some cliffs overlooking a sea that seemed to be made up of….blood? Tsukune shrugged that from his mind as he stepped off the bus. Tsukune turned and politely bowed to the bus driver who smirked in return and left him standing there.

'Man this place is spooky.'Tsukune thought. "Ah, I guess that would be the academy over there then? He said to himself.

He started off towards the academy which took him through the woods. They were basically made up of dead oak trees but there seemed to be something off about them. He continued through until he heard a shuffling noise. He froze and waited… He looked overhead and saw what looked to be a hamster with two wings on its side fly directly into a tree trunk. He could have sworn that he heard a faint "chuu" come from the tiny creature. He shrugged and continued along his way.

Right before he was about to exit the woods he heard a faint squeaking that seemed to get loader and loader as seconds passed. It got load enough for him to tell which way the noise was coming from.

No sooner than he had turned in the direction from which the noise was coming from a girl yelled "Coming through"

Not a second later he was crashed into by a bike and flew at least 15 feet. Despite the pain in his back where the bike had hit him, he got up and looked around for the girl. He found her not 2 feet from his person. "Are you alrig….?" He said then thought 'Cuuuuuuute!' He then noticed where his hand was, he thought the warm sensation was because he landed on it but it was resting on her upper thigh. As soon as he realized this he jumped back

"So...sorry, so sorry!" was all he managed to get out before the girl looked him in the face, giving him a full view of her features and her contrast to the rest of her body.

'Wow, I thought she was cute before but now…now she is absolutely beautiful.' He thought to himself. All the while a little trickle of blood ran from his nose onto his lip.

"Are you okay?" The pink haired girl asked. She scooted closer to him while inspecting his slowly appearing bruises.

"Heh, I'll be fine. These probably won't even fully appear" He replied.

"Wh…what's this? This scent…I really can't stop myself. I'm sorry but…It's because I'm a vampire." And with that she drew him close and bit down on his neck, drinking his blood like a human would drink a Pepsi.

Tsukune barely felt the tiniest pinch, and what came after was just pure pleasure. He's never felt anything like it save for sex, but he hasn't had that experience yet so he wouldn't know.

As soon as the pink haired girl realized what she was doing she quickly pulled away forgetting to seal the wound. Blood quickly trailed down his neck staining a little spot on his school uniform.

By this time, the girl was beet red in the face close to matching her pink hair knowing that she would have to go back to reseal what she had done.

"I'm sorry" she muttered.

She leaned over and ran her tongue over her fang marks quickly sealing them. Her tongue brought goose bumps and left a thin trail of saliva where her tongue sealed her mark.

"Uhh, eh, heh," that was all Tsukune got out. He seemed to remember something that had to do with vampires and…something else. At that thought he felt like his head was going to split and he passed out. Surprising Moka, she thought that maybe she had taken too much blood and caused him to pass out.

Quickly scooting over to him she placed his head on her lap and she placed a hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever. 'Wow…his temperature feels really high, I hope he's alright…' She thought to herself as she dug around in her bag for her handkerchief and a bottle of her diluted water, with that she doused the cloth in water and placed it on his forehead to try and cool him down, he really felt like he was burning up.

He awoke not five minutes later with his head on the girls lap with tears in her eyes. Noticing this he quickly got his composure back and took the cloth from his forehead and handed it back to her, wondering to himself what had just happened but first he had to make sure she was alright.

Tsukune got up and extended his hand out to the pink haired girl, who hesitantly took it.

"I'm Aono Tsukune, Nice to meet you" He said cheerfully.

"Aka…Akashiya Moka, yo…you don't hate vampires do you?" She asked with tears still in her eyes.

"Vampires? No I don't hate them, matter of fact aren't they very unique?"

At this Moka's tears were gone and she had fully gotten up to just plow him to the ground again.

"Really? Really? Then co…could you be my friend? With a look of glee and surprise she stared into his eyes, 'Really?! He won't hate me?' She thought to herself.

'Why is this super cute girl asking a guy like me to be her friend?'Tsukune thought.

"Uhh, sure I can Moka-san. I would be glad to be your friend." He said, he smiled and scratched the back of his head, Moka was still on top of him, but the look of pure joy gave him butterflies.

'What the hell has this girl went through just to be so happy to hear that I'd be her friend from a guy like me?' He wondered in the back of his mind, this thought left an uneasy worry in his head but he pushed it aside as best he could for now. Why not? He did have a beautiful girl by his side that wanted to be friends with him, he made sure to make a mental note to remind himself later that he needs to find out why.

Moka cheered, "That's great Tsukune! Why don't we make our way to the opening ceremony?" Moka asked as she lifted herself up off of Tsukune and helped him off of the ground at the same time.

"That'd be great Moka-san" Said Tsukune. He could have died here right now and still be happy cause of this girl.

As they were walking out of the woods, Tsukune noticed a rosary attached on Moka's neck. He seemed to remember something odd while looking at it. He ended up with a major headache from that one thought and the memory was gone.


They arrived at homeroom about ten minutes later. Their teacher, Mrs. Nekonome had introduced herself.

"Well class it's great to have you all for this year, but there's one thing I'd like to remind everybody. This is a school for monsters and any humans that are caught here will be like put to death…or something to that cause. Now class, please remember to stay in your human forms and also, do not tell other students your true forms, this is strictly against the school rules."

Monsters? Tsukune thought.

"Nekonome-sensei? Do the rules account for you to? Your tail is sticking out…" Said a boy in the middle of the class, who then appeared with scratch marks over his face not a second after he made his comment. A smug look crossed Miss Nekonomes' face and a little 'Hmph' escaped her mouth as she placed a clawed hand on her hip.

"Peh, those are boring rules sensei, why don't we just go kill the humans and in the case of beautiful girls, wouldn't it be better to molest them?" said an older looking teen in the seat one up and one to the right of his. At that thought a long tongue appeared from his mouth and began twisting over his lips.

'TEH, this guy is a psychopath!'Tsukune thought.

"Eheh, I'm afraid not, uhh lets see… Saizou-kun. Everybody here is a unique monster all in their own." Nekonome sensei stated.

'Well that's true about me, but there's something strange with me. I'm human yes, but at the same time someth…' Tsukune got a major migraine and had to force himself not to scream.

At the same time, Moka walked into the classroom and introduced herself and apologized for being late.

Once the class had taken a first glance her way they were literally blinded by her beauty. As soon as everyone caught a glimpse of Moka, the class burst out in whispers:

'Oh wow, man look at her! I wanna date her!'

'Oh. My. God.'

'Dude! Look at her! Absolutely stunning!'

And one girl in the back who wasn't looking Moka's way, thought to herself 'Akashiya Moka, I will definitely make you pay for this, for ruining my plan!' Forcing herself to keep her human guise she merely crossed her arms under her vast bosom and sat with a silent glare for the remaining time.

"That's okay….Akashiya Moka is it? Go ahead and take a seat next to Aono-Kun." Nekonome sensei stated.

"Huh? Tsukune's in this class?" Moka whispered to herself. She turned around to find Tsukune barely managing to look her way when he basically collapsed onto his desk from the pain of his migraine.

"Tsu…Tsukune, are you alright?" Moka asked as she made her way over to Tsukunes desk. She lifted his head and saw he was in a cold sweat.

"Nekonome sensei! We need to take Tsukune to the infirmary!" Moka said with a raised voice.

'Huh, how does that guy know Akashiya-san? One kid in the back of the class murmured.'

'I will be with Akashiya-san and I will kill anybody in my way. Another spoke from two rows away and he had a look of malice in his eyes.'


Ten minutes later, Tsukune woke up in a hospital bed with a wet towel over his forehead and Moka to his right with a worried look on her face. Once she saw him open his eyes she blurted out,

"Tsukune! Thank god you're alright!"

At that the doctor came in with a clipboard in hand. "Looks like you'll be okay Tsukune. It was just a temporary migraine." I can't tell him exactly what is wrong just yet otherwise it might kill him.The Doctor thought. She had never seen a memory seal that complex before, she had no way to remove or block the symptoms, it was entirely up to the person who had it.


Moka was sitting in the hospital room with Tsukune passed out. The Doctor and Nekonome sensei were talking about what was wrong in his office.

"He seems to have a permanent memory block on him." The Doctor stated. "Also, when I tried to determine what kind of monster he was, I also had a major pain in my head. Someone or something put a spell on this boy and seemed to lock away all of his powers. You don't know by any chance what kind of youkai this boy is do you Mrs. Nekonome?" The Doctor asked.

"No Doctor sorry I don't, his transfer papers came with him being an unknown youkai, but his scent is almost that of ahumans'but there's something else there with it and I just can't figure it out." Mrs. Nekonome stated.

"Hmm, well we will just have to wait and find out then. Come on lets go." The Doctor said.


"Tsukune, here are some pills in case you get these migraines again and remember to only take one at a time or the effect will be too strong for you and you will get knocked out and in the worst case you can die." The Doctor casually stated.

"Heh, thanks Doctor." Tsukune managed to say. "I think I'm going to go for a walk, I need to get some fresh air."

Moka simply nodded while the Doctor and Nekonome sensei both said. "Take it easy."

"Alright, thanks guys and thanks Doctor for the medicine. Oh you told me to take four pills at the same time right?" Tsukune said and gave the Doctor a curious look.

"N…No, I said to take ONE at a time. If you take four that will certainly kill you." The Doctor hastily spat out.

"I know, I know. I'm just trying to lighten the mood here." Tsukune said and chuckled to himself on his way out. As soon as the door closed, everybody's sweat dropped off their foreheads as if it were waiting for pigs to fly. He needed a little comic-relief after what had happened, his head was still pounding.


Tsukune rounded a corner and left the hall he was in and leaned up against a brick wall right in front of the dorms. Other students were casually talking to themselves as they passed. Barely anybody spared him a glance and most just simply walked on by. Then out of the shade of some nearby trees came a voice.

"Aono Tsukune…Am I correct?" Called an arrogant voice from the shade.

"Maybe…Who wants to know?" Tsukune spat back with the same amount of disrespect and arrogance the other voice had.

"HEY, YOU WILL ANSWER ME WITH RESPECT YOU FUCKIN' PUNK"At that, a figure came rushing out of the shadows and Tsukune immediately recognized him as the guy from earlier, Saizou Komiya. Only he was different this time, his right arm was at least three times its normal size and had a claw for a hand. He rushed at Tsukune who instinctually put up his arms to protect his head, and he waited for the hit. But it never came and instead he heard a load crack and a rumble not one foot away from his face. Saizou had slammed his transformed arm into the brick wall right next to his head creating a crater in it about two feet in diameter.

"Now you little punk, unless you want your face to be this brick wall next time you will stop seeing that Akashiya girl. Got it?" Saizou sneered at Tsukune who had slid down to the ground from the impact. A crowd had started to gather because of Saizou shattering the wall behind Tsukune. His head was still pounding and he had started sweating, he didn't know how to deal with this, but before Saizou could do anything else he dropped low.

"Peh, I'll deal with you another time Aono. There are too many people here now. Remember, if I see you with that Akashiya girl again I will kill you." Saizou whispered into Tsukunes' ear so no one else could hear. Tsukune merely gulped as Saizou took off and the crowd dissipated and Tsukune could pick up on some of the whispers that people were saying as they left.



'He shouldn't even be able to be looking at Akashiya-san'

'Heh, I'll just kill him myself and get Moka all to myself'

Tired and beat, Tsukune got up and left for his dorm. He laid down and not two minutes later he was sound asleep. The headaches had taken too much out of him and that run in with Saizou pushed him over his limit.

He awoke the next day with an hour to spare before he had to go to morning classes. He laid in bed for a few minutes thinking about what he should do about his situation. Then he got it, he was going to leave the school. He got up and packed, got all his things in order and drew up an order of withdrawal that he was going to leave behind. He headed off towards the woods and he didn't expect to find a certain pink haired girl waiting for him outside of his dorm building.

"Mornin' Tsukune" She said with her usual cheerful self, then she noticed the letter he was holding along with all the bags he had. "Wait, why do you have so many bags?" A dark look crossed Tsukunes face but he didn't answer. "No…Tsukune, no you can't be thinking of leaving the school!" Again he just continued to look at her, not saying anything but he felt the pain wash over his face seeing her break down like this, just because of him. "No, Tsukune please I don't want you to go!" By this time Moka was in tears. "Please Tsukune you were my first real friend, please don't leave me."

"I'm sorry Moka, but this school…this school is too tough for me. I don't think I will be able to make it if I stay here. I think I'm gonna go try out a human high school." Tsukune said and he was out of breath.

"Hu…human? Tsukune you're a monster aren't you? Why would you go to a human school?" Moka said as her tears were piling up in her eyes, dulling her otherwise vibrant emerald green color. "Tsukune please don't leave, I hate those humans…" Moka said but it was barely a whisper.

"Hate…Humans?" Tsukune whispered in shock. "Moka…what...what if I was one of those humans that you hate so much?" Tsukune whispered and that too was barely audible.

"Huh?" Moka gasped as a look of shock and hurt filled her and then a look of confusion. "No..There's no way that you can be a human. Humans can't get into this academy otherwise they will be killed on the spot." She said as tears yet again began to now pour from her eyes.

"Moka, that look just now…I'm sorry but…goodbye." With that Tsukune turned and took off as fast as he could towards the bus stop. Moka didn't even have a chance to call after him before he disappeared into the woods.

'No…my first and only friend. Now he's gone and it's entirely fault.' Moka thought as she was on the verge of tear yet again. She didn't hesitate this time; she took off into the woods in hopes of catching up to him.

Unbeknownst to them, in the nearby trees stood Saizou, he had seen the whole ordeal and thought to himself, 'Hehe looks like the little punk took my advice and left…Now Akashiya Moka, I'm going to enjoy you all to myself.' He began to lick his lips as he too took off into the woods to surprise Moka.

Moka had gotten just about five hundred feet into the woods as a voice came to her from beside a tree.

"Well, well, well. What is a beautiful girl like you doing out here all alone in the woods, Hnn?" Saizou said trying to sound seductive. Moka wasn't buying it.

"Saizou-kun, I'm sorry but I'm busy right now. I don't need to be stalled by the likes of you." Moka hissed back.

"Ohoho, feisty now aren't we?" Saizou spat back as he felt his body tremble. He was going to transform into his true self, he couldn't stay in his human form any longer. "Hehehe, when I get like this, there's no stopping. I can't control myself anymore." Saizou laughed.

Saizou grinned menacingly, his long tongue snaking its way to the ground and grabbed Moka by her leg, throwing her into the nearest tree.


Somewhere not far away Tsukune heard the scream and thought to himself, "No…not that Saizou guy again. I have to go back and help Moka-san. But what could a weak human like me do?" He didn't hesitate, he turned back and headed off to where the scream originated.


Moka lay on the ground with tears strolling down her face. The impact from the tree had knocked the wind out of her and blood began to leak from her mouth. She looked at Saizou dead on. He was an orc monster. Just as he got to Moka and struck at her again intending to knock her out, Tsukune jumped in the way and blocked the attack and actually started to push Saizou back.

'Wh…what is this punk? To be in human form and fully block one of my attacks and then start to PUSH me back?' Saizou thought. Struggling to keep his balance as Tsukune continued to push.

Just at that moment where Tsukune was about to get him away from Moka, another terrible migraine made Tsukune recoil so badly that he almost fell to the ground. It felt like his head was literally splitting in two.

"Hmph, weakling." Saizou grinned and slammed Tsukune in the stomach sending him into the same tree that Moka had hit. He landed next to her and his hand weighed down her rosary. To her amazement, the rosary came off.

'What? How? The rosary came off?' Moka thought. She felt her current self slipping into darkness and felt raw power surge through her body at the same time. As soon as the rosary came off the surrounding area was engulfed in her aura. It felt like an anvil was on your chest, like it was chocking you.

Her hair had changed from pink to a vibrant silver, her eyes from emerald green to a dark scarlet. Her hips had grown a little so have her breasts. Giving an overall look of a beautiful young lady save for her aura.

'This could only be one thing…This immense aura, silver hair, scarlet eyes… This is a S-class monster, a Super Vampire.'Saizou thought as he started to sweat. He had trouble breathing; he was tremblingfrom just looking at her.

She cast a glance towards Tsukune, who winced when he noticed her looking at him. She smirked revealing a razor tipped fang.

'Vampires really are real, so are all monsters…' At this thought he immediately got the migraine again and cried out in pain.

Meanwhile Saizou had gotten his composure back. "Who cares if you're a super vampire?! Do you think a rogue monster like me wouldn't challenge you?" Saizou yelled.

"What do you got, tough boy? You think you can lay a hand on me then I'll let you have me, bring it, Loser!" Placing a hand on her hip, she turned to face him directly while wiping away some stray silver strands of hair out from in front of her scarlet eyes.

Hearing this only enraged Saizou, with a loud cry he took off running towards Moka, for his size he was remarkable fast, but not fast enough. Moka had already gauged his power by his aura he emitted, guessing him to be a high 'C' class maybe a lower 'B' class monster, nothing of which could even touch her.

"Hmph, all that size yet you have no strength to back it up…KNOW YOUR PLACE!" Moka yelled and as soon as Saizou got close enough she flipped into a handstand grabbing Saizou by the neck in between her legs twisting one hundred and eighty degrees sending him crashing back into the overlooking cliffs. Judging from the destruction, Moka guessed he was out cold.

She looked over to Tsukune and noticed he was still doubled over in pain. She reached in his uniforms pocket and got his pills out and immediately popped one into his mouth making him swallow it. Looking up at her his eyes glazed over and he was out cold for the next twenty minutes.




When he finally stirred he heard Moka whisper his name, but it wasn't the Moka he knew. This was her released form.

"Hello Tsukune." Moka merely stated.

"M…Moka-san?" Tsukune asked

"Yes, I'm still me, this is the real me. The Moka that you have known is what you would call my outer shell. This is what happens when you take off my rosary; it acts like a limiter for my powers although no one has ever been able to remove it save for my parents. I wonder how you were able to." Moka said.

"So you're still Moka-san then?" Tsukune asked

"Yes it's still me." Moka repeated. She sat there thinking…What kind of monster is this boy? I'm getting mixed scents but the strongest seems to be…Human?She felt a pain jab in her head at the thought and didn't think again on that subject.

"Now that I know that you are alright I want you to take care of the other me. Do not let anything happen to her, if trouble comes we all know that you can remove my rosary so do not hesitate." Moka said with a tone that left no room for argument. She smiled and guided Tsukunes hand with the rosary and reattached it. By this time they were both standing and Moka seemed to tip over. Tsukune caught her just in time. Moka looked up at him and began to cry into his chest.

"Please Tsukune, please don't go. I don't want you to leave." She said as she cried.

"It's alright Moka-san, I won't go, and I won't leave you alone again." With that he pulled her into a tight squeeze and hugged her with all his might. To his surprise she hugged back resting her head between his shoulder and neck.

"Tsukune…" Moka whispered.


With no warning she bit his neck and drank her fill of his blood. It didn't hurt but it still surprised him.

"Ahhhhhhh." Tsukune whimpered.

"Ah, sorry Tsukune it's just that since yesterday I've been craving your blood. I couldn't stop myself." She looked at him with her emerald green puppy dog eyes. He couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"It's alright Moka-san, I don't mind you taking my blood, like I said I won't leave you alone again." Tsukune whispered.

Moka's eyes welled up with tears again but they weren't tears of sadness but of joy. She had her first real friend and managed to save him while he put his life on the line for her. They got up and made their way back to the academy.

A/N: Sooooo guyz just about 4k words not bad for my first flic right? Well R+R for me plz

Btw - Whats up with all those migraines? Who would put a spell on a human and why?

Keep reading to find out folks this should be good :D

I will try to update regularly but RL might get in the way sometimes. So wish me luck and cheers to you all!