Author's Note: This was the first bit of fanfiction I ever wrote, and compared to my writing now, it isn't very good. Hopefully, however, you guys will still be able to enjoy 16 Mario characters battle it out for a million coins.

Survivor: Mushroom Kingdom

The 16 people/dinosaurs/monkeys/mushrooms/ghosts/turtles/plants were on board a giant ship, taking them to Skull Island. They were all nervous, knowing that their lives were going to change. That's when they saw the island. Although it didn't really look like a skull, chances are it would if they were viewing from above.

That's when the boat began rocking heavily. Then they saw him: a young man with brown hair and a pair of dark sunglasses.

"Okay guys!" he yelled. "You have 3 minutes to pack as much survival material as you want and get into one of these two rafts! You have been divided into tribes depending on your alignment. Also, all competitors who couldn't previously speak have had a special translation microphone attached to their head. Now, pack!"

3 1/2 minutes later, the two tribes were in the rafts with the essentials: Food, pots, wood, water, things like that.

The yellow raft was carrying the tribe known as "Heronia". Four of the team members were paddling the raft, while the other four (three of whom were female) held onto the supplies. It took only 5 minutes to paddle to shore. When they got there, a man with a moustache and a red cap stood up. "We might as well-a get to know each other," he said. "My-a name is..."

"We all know who you are, Mario," said a woman in an orange dress, named Daisy (like, duh). Just so you know, the 8 members were, in Alphabetical order, Daisy, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Mario, Peach, Toad, Toadette and Yoshi.

"Well, we might as well set up camp," said Yoshi. Then his eyes became wide in amazement. "Wow!" he exclaimed, while fiddling around with the translation device. "This thing really works!"

The other raft, carrying the tribe called "Evillo", had also arrived at shore. The competitors, which included Birdo, Bowser, Bowser Jr., King Boo, Petey Piranha, Wario, Wart and Waluigi, didn't seem to like each other very much. They did agree it was better then staying with any of the other competitors.

"Wa-ha-ha!" laughed Wario. "Winning this game will be a piece of cake! I mean, look at these chumps! A pink dinosaur? A pair of turtles? A frog? My brother? This thing's going to be so easy!"

After one boring day of getting food, creating a fire and shelter and getting to know each other, Mario and Donkey Kong of Heronia tribe went to look for more things to do. While they were walking, a peculiar conversation started.

"Hey, DK. Remember that time 25 years ago you-a kidnapped my ex-girlfriend, Pauline?" Mario asked.
"Yeah. I remember," responded DK.
"Why did you do that? I had one heck of a time trying to get her back."
"Well, she was pretty. The moment I saw her face, my only thought was 'I must have her'".
"By the way, DK, that translation device looks-a really nice on you."
"You really think so?"

Before Mario could respond, the pair came across a box attached to a tree. Mario instantly knew that it was their tribe's mailbox. He opened it up and took out a letter.

"Greetings." It said. "I am the host of the show you saw on the boat. You can just call me Marc. At (exact location censored), your first challenge will be held. Let's just say that the winners get something very useful."

At the Evillo camp, Wart was reading the exact same message. "It better be," he mumbled as he folded the letter. "We're having a good deal of trouble by ourselves.

At (location censored), the 16 competitors arrived in, and stood on two mats: Yellow for Heronia, Red for Evillo. The brown haired teenager with sunglasses (who we now know was named Marc) was standing between them.

"Hello Survivors," he said. "Welcome to your first reward challenge. There will probably be few reward challenges in the future, however. It is very simple: you must run a relay race over to that tree in the distance." Marc pointed to a tree, about 1 km away. "When you arrive there, you must find a coin with your name written on it. Then you must run back here, and tag a teammate for them to do the same. First tribe to get all their coins and get back here wins this." He held up a piece of metal-like object. "Fire, in the form of flint. Survivors ready: GO!"

Evillo got off to a bad start (mostly because of Wart, Bowser and Wario's skimpy legs), but they weren't too far behind, considering how many Heronia members were speedsters. Heronia decided to let Toadette go last, considering she was the fastest.

Soon it was down to 2 members on each tribe: Yoshi and Toadette for Heronia and Waluigi and Petey Piranha for Evillo. Waluigi was probably the fastest member of Evillo, and was able to arrive at the site just when Yoshi found his coin.

Then it was between Toadette and Petey. Toadette could only gain a bit of a lead at first, because Petey was allowed to fly. She arrived at the site, grabbed the coin, and started back for the finish. Petey Piranha did the same thing, only half-a second later.

It seemed Toadette would win it for Heronia, but then, feet from the finish line, she fell flat on her face, allowing Petey to cross the finish line.

"Nice job, Evillo," Marc said. "You've won flint for your team." He handed the flint over to Petey, while everyone in Evillo (with the exception of King Boo, who had no feet) began to stomp and cheer.

"Sorry, Heronia. No flint for you," Marc said sadly to the other tribe. Heronia limped back to camp, with Toadette felling the worst of all of them.

Early the next morning, King Boo of the Evillo tribe decided to check the mail box.

"We had such a great time last night," he said for commentary for the camera. "We made a huge fire with the flint, and Waluigi was able to sneak some marshmallows from the ship."

King Boo opened the mailbox and took out a letter.

"Greetings," it said. "Today is the first immunity challenge. Gather your tribe and come to the same area as last night.
P.S: Don't hate me because these letters don't rhyme. I'm not so good with the rhyming, no, not really, no."

King Boo folded up the letter and floated back to his tribe to tell them the news.

Peach was checking the mailbox for the Heronia tribe a while later.

"It wasn't that great last night. Without the flint, we had a heck of a time trying to create a fire. Thank God that our shelter held up. We really need to win this challenge."

The sixteen survivors met at (location censored) and stood at their respective mats. Marc was already there.

"Hi again," he said. "This is the first immunity challenge. Each tribe will choose one member to fight. It cannot be the strongest or weakest member who fights. The first to give up or get knocked out loses. The winner gets the immunity idol, which prevents them from going to tribal council. Who's going to fight?"

Heronia considered it over, and decided to send Luigi.

Evillo had a harder time deciding, and it eventually came down to a rock-paper-scissors match between King Boo and Bowser Jr., which the former won.

"The match is between Luigi and King Boo," said Marc. "Survivors ready? GO!"

"You're not going to get the better of me again!" King Boo told Luigi, mockingly.

"That's what you think!" Luigi replied. "Look what I brought as my Luxury Item." Luigi pulled out the Poltergust 3000 and sucked up King Boo.

"Gee, that was over quick," Marc said as Luigi let King Boo out of the Poltergust. "Here's immunity." He handed the idol over to Luigi, while the rest of Heronia tribe cheered.

"Evillo, I'll see you at tribal council tonight," said Marc. The Evillo tribe sulked back to camp, with Wart and Bowser cursing at King Boo under their breath.

That night at the Evillo camp, no one could really take their minds off of tribal council. Someone was going home that night.

Bowser was just staring out at the sea. He seemed to be thinking very hard (which is amazing, considering his intelligence).

Bowser Jr. saw Bowser just sitting on the beach. He ran over to him and asked, "Hey Pop! Wha'cha thinking about?"

Bowser turned to his son and replied, "Nothing, Son."

"Who do you think you're gonna vote for tonight?" Jr. inquired.

"I definitely know I'm not voting for you, son," he said. Bowser Jr. smiled while his father continued: "I'm probably going to vote for King Boo. I should be the only Monarch in this tribe. Besides, King Boo lost us the immunity."

"I'm going to vote with you, dad!" Bowser Jr. replied. Bowser grinned.

At the same time, Petey Piranha and King Boo were off discussing the same subject in the jungle.

"Do you think we should vote for Wart or Bowser?" King boo asked.

"Well, Bowser used to be my boss, and I don't want to get rid of him yet," responded Petey. "He might be useful in challenges. Let's go with Wart."

"Yeah. He's an overgrown frog. He even refuses to eat most of the food because it's mostly vegetables." King Boo said.

That night, the eight Evillo members walked to tribal council. It was easy to spot, as it was the only place they could see that had fire. The eight took a seat at the benches.

"Greetings," said Marc. "Welcome to tribal council. Behind each of you is a torch. You must take one and stick it into the fire pit. The fire represents your life. When it's gone, so are you."

Each of the competitors grabbed a torch and stuck it into the fire. Then they placed the torches behind them and sat down again.

"Birdo, how have you been interacting with the rest of your tribe?" asked Marc.

"Well," replied Birdo. "I'm not interacting with them so much. The only time I've ever even done something was at the reward challenge. My lack of usefulness might make me a big target."

"I see," replied Marc. "Waluigi, what do you think might be big factors in the relationship of the tribe?"

"Probably the fact that there are multiple kings in the tribe," Waluigi responded. "We have Bowser, the king of Koopas, Wart, the former king of Subcon and King Boo, the king of ghosts. All of these kings don't seem to like each other. Chances are, one of them will go first."

"Okay" said Marc. "Well, enough chit-chat. It is time to vote. Birdo, you're up.

Each of the eight competitors cast their votes. Here are some of the votes:

Voter: Votee: "Reason"

Wario: King Boo: "You really creep me out. I hate ghosts."
Petey Piranha: Wart: "I don't really have any ties with you."
Wart: Bowser: "King of Koopas? More like king of ugliness!"

When everyone had cast their votes, Marc said "I'll go tally the votes."

He came back 1 minute later with the voting urn. He told the group "Once the votes are read, the decision is final. I'll ask the one with the most to leave the area immediately."

"First vote: Waluigi." Waluigi snarled.

"Bowser." The king of Koopas and his son started breathing heavily.

"Wart. One vote Waluigi, Bowser and Wart."

"Wart. That's two votes Wart." Wart started to rub his face.

"King Boo." The ghost king started looking around.

"King Boo. Two votes Wart and King Boo, one vote Bowser and Waluigi."

"King Boo. Three votes King Boo." King Boo was more worried than he was when he saw the Poltergust 3000 for the first time. If this next vote was for anyone but Wart, he would lose.

"I'll read the last vote:

1st person voted out of Survivor: Mushroom Kingdom is...

King Boo. Come hand me your torch." Wart blew a sigh of relief, as King Boo sunk his head down and brought his torch to Marc."

"King Boo, the tribe has spoken," said Marc as he snuffed out King Boo's torch. "It's time to go. Normally, we would execute you on the spot, but you're already dead."

King Boo looked at his tribe for a final time, and floated out of the area, never to return.

"Well, the first member is gone," Marc told the remaining Survivors. "But he isn't the last, either. Everyone head back to camp."

The seven remaining members of Evillo grabbed their torches and walked back to their camp.

King Boo's final words: "So, I'm the first voted off. It's quite obvious I was voted off because the others thought I sucked in that challenge. They're gonna regret it, trust me."

Author's closing notes: And that's the end of episode 1. King Boo is gone, and there isn't really much else to say. Just stay tuned to what will happen!