Sango set a steaming cup of tea on the table in front of Miroku. The fire pit flickered, providing light for the small couple in the hut. Miroku's placed his cloth covered hand over the ridged cup to take a sip of the warm pink liquid. The soothing liquid caressed his throat pleasantly that he could not help, but to release a sigh of contentment. He could feel it settle in his stomach sending warmth coursing through his body. His tense muscles relaxed and his bones melted like jelly. He looked at the small cup of tea to examine it quizzically. "Sango, what is this wonderfully delicious tea you have given me?"

She laughed setting down the small gray kettle at her side. "Do you like it? I made it myself, my own recipe."

"How could you ask such an absurd question, it is quite a delicacy to me. Its aroma and taste are exquisite, I dare say Sango you make the most wonderful tasting drinks ever. Any chance you're going to tell me how you make."

Sango shook her head and pursed her lips together as they quirked into a smile.

"Oh come on Sango share me your secret with me, please?" He asked as he leaned in closer his face approaching hers. "You know I have ways of making you speak." His voice turned husky as he breathed next to her ear.

Sango's face brightened, his words caught her off guard as well as his closeness. She could feel the heat radiating from his body. She placed her hands between them weakly. "Yeah right Miroku, you're such a pervert." She said scooting her body from his. She made sure to put a bit of bravado in her voice so he could not hear her trembling voice.

"A pervert I may be, but it does tend to have its advantages at times, don't you agree my dear?" He chuckled. He wrapped a hand around her wrist and brought it to his face to kiss it. "While a pervert I maybe I am also known as a gentleman too."

In response to his reaction he received a slight push against his cheek. Miroku laughed and opened his eyes to look at Sango. His smile faltered when he noticed her face grimacing in unease. His mind reeled at what was making her grimace at such. Perhaps she was holding back striking him or maybe… He followed her gaze to her wrist where he noticed swelling had started beneath a bruise the circled her wrist like a bracelet. He set her wrist in his lap cradling it between his palms.

He raised guilty eyes to hers. "I apologize Sango I forgot that monster hurt you in the bar I was careless."

At a loss of her voice she shook her head. She breathed in and calmed herself. "It's alright no harm done. I'll go to the back and get some water to help the swelling." She trailed off into the storage room where she pulled out a small wooden pail for water. She took a bandage and ran it through the cold bucket of water.

She jumped when Miroku's hand took the bandage from her. "You're going to need some help getting that on." He tied the cool bandage gingerly around her swollen wrist.

"Thank you." She replied meekly.

He pulled Sango to her feet, careful of her injured wrist. "Shall go back to the main room there is much we should catch up on, don't you agree?"

He guided her gently and helped her sit along the floor. He took a seat across from her along the other side of the fire pit keeping himself warm. They both sat in awkward silence, neither knowing what to say after their small confrontation. The crackling fire was the only sound to resonate in the room between them. Sango chanced a glance in his direction watching as his violet eyes settled along the fire making the dancing flames reflect within them. His head rose slowly meeting with her eyes and he simply gave a friendly smile which she returned immediately.

"So," she began breaking the silence. "What has it been like since you left the Lands of the West?"

Miroku breathed in thankful for the break of the tension in the air. "It has not been all that bad, but not exactly smooth either." He let his eyes wander to the ceiling as he recollected his thoughts. "Well after I left here I started to wander a bit, like a journey so to speak. I felt as though I was missing something being here in the West, so I went out to do some self-searching." He paused and smiled as he thought of the journey he took across the lands. "Sometimes I would go so far that I did not even know for sure where I was, and yet it was still exciting to travel."

Sango rested her chin in her hand as she gave him a sideward glance. "I think you forgot to mention the parts where you womanized with every village you passed. Also how you conned your way through almost everything to get money."

Miroku guiltily rubbed the back of his head a smirk passing his features. "Well I suppose you could say that I did, and it did get me into a lot of trouble at times as well, but of course I could manage my way out." He laughed out loudly. "One day I was working my way through a village when a guard spotted me. Unfortunately I have had rumors spread about me and that village had caught word of me and so I was taken into the castle. That's where I met Koga at first I was to be imprisoned, but then he realized that I was a priest so I was saved."

Sango felt herself breathe a sigh of relief for him as she heard his story take a turn for the best. "You should count yourself lucky as your powers as priest saved you."

"Of course I considered myself lucky because that is when I became employed for the castle as the priest, and boy did it pay well." He chuckled to himself thinking of all the luxuries he had living in the castle.

"So my question is where does Kagome come into all of this?"

"Ah yes Kagome," his eyes softened at the thought of the young woman. "She came after around a few months or so after I arrived there, I remember the day she arrived."

Miroku had been reading through the scrolls that night when the doors of the castle opened. The guards, soldiers, and the Lord himself came through the large open wall. They hollered with joy, their voices slurred and their bodies teetered with the spell of the drunk. Miroku kept to his room trying to ignore the sounds and knew the day to come would be filled with hung over men, but one sound caught his ear. Racing out of his quarters he peered over the edge of the railing to see the frame of young woman being pulled in by the young Lord. At first glance he thought her to be another woman who followed the men to their beds, but he noticed her struggles against them as she jerked from Koga's advances. Her midnight blue hair tousled wildly and her sapphire eyes sparked with defiance as she pushed away from his lips. It was obvious that she did not wish to partake in the Lord's wishes. His mind made up Miroku stormed downstairs to stop the crime that would soon take place.

When he reached downstairs he made sure he calmed his rage before approaching the men. "Good evening gentlemen I hope you all had fun tonight." He greeted casually.

Koga turned to Miroku and sloppy grin crossing his face. "Hey there priest lookie here, I caught a pretty prize tonight." He said showing Kagome off. She looked at Miroku with fearful, pleading eyes, begging him to help her.

"Sir surely you did not kidnap this young woman, she seems unwilling."

Koga's smile never faltered. "Of course I didn't kidnap her, her father gave her to me cause I beat him in gambling of course, and now she's all mine." He stated proudly pulling the girl to his chest to try to place another kiss on her lips. "She's just shy that's all."

Miroku watched as her lip rose in disgust. She was the farthest thing from shy, more like frightened. So she was a prize in a gamble between two men. Miroku closed his eyes in disgust at the thought of the girl having to suffer for the mistake of her father. "Surely sir you must realize that you have enough concubines around you to take care of your needs."

Koga's eyes narrowed at the priest before turning his head away. "Remember who your employer is priest before you speak to me about what I do with the women I have. I'm the one who kept you from being thrown in jail this whole time all it takes is one words from me to put you in there."

Miroku bowed his silently then caught the eyes of the young woman as she looked at him. He gave an apologetic look before turning back to his stairs. He had to find a way to convince the lord otherwise not to take the girl otherwise he would bed her instantly. Looking around he found the red headed maid that had taken a liking to Koga. She stared over the railing longingly as she watched him. A thought crossed his mind quickly, perhaps all was not lost. He approached the red headed wolf demon hoping the plan would go over well. "You are quite smitten with the Lord are you not?"

The young demon jumped back in surprise. "Is it that obvious, please do not tell the young Lord he should not know." She begged.

"And why should he not know if you fancy him would it be all the more better for him to see you?"

She leaned her head to the side and thought for a moment. "It would be nice, I always did want him to take notice of me, but he never though to look twice, and perhaps you can help me. You may be a priest, but you are still a man, what can I do to make him see me?"

The bait was taken, he thought in his mind. He did feel a bit sad knowing that she had actual feelings for their vile lord, but he had prefer it be a woman who willingly wanted him rather than forcing one against her will. He asked the heavens to forgive him for his transgression for it was for a good cause. "You should start by not shying away from him; let him know you are interested in him. That is all you have to do, and perhaps release your hair so that he can see you as a mature woman rather than a child."

She clasped her hands in excitement and jumped for joy. "Is that all? Of course I can do that." Quickly she tugged at the ties holding her pigtails in place letting her hair cascade down onto the small of her back.

"Perfect now you go work your magic on him." He sent the young maid off to the young Lord's chambers. How he hoped his plan would help to save the other woman he saw. He just had to wait.

A few days had gone by when he saw the young maid hanging off the arm of Koga. He felt a sigh of relief flow through him, but his mind wondered was he too late to save the young woman. Did he take her that night after he left to his chambers? He prayed in his mind that this was not the case. The Gods had been kind to him thus far and he hoped he was not stretching his chances with them. He worked in his quarters vigorously preparing medication for the intoxicated who would pour themselves into his office soon. The door to his room creaked open. He turned ready to seat his first patient, but was shocked to see sapphire orbs staring at him in curiosity. It was her, the young girl he set out to save. She stood still at his door observing his office meekly before approaching him. He waited with baited breath wondering why she came to see him. She crossed her hands over her knees and gave a deep bow. He quirked an eyebrow up in question.

She rose back up to meet his eyes. "Thank you very much for saving me." She gave him a knowing smile.

He returned it figuring she knew of his part in the matchmaking between the lord and the young wolf maid. "You are very welcome." He returned to working on his preparations for the incoming soldiers.

"Is there anything I can do to help you in return?" She asked fidgeting with her hands. "I want to repay you for your kindness."

Miroku thought for a moment then turned back to his work. "You could help me by starting work in here. Whenever a patient comes in you greet them and seat them. I'll tell what to get them if I have it already made."

She nodded her head vigorously ready to help. "My name is Kagome." She said gripping his and giving it a firm squeeze and flashing him a captivating smile.

"I am Miroku." He replied squeezing her hand back.

"For days we worked like that together day in and day out. She would help me treat patients and come visit me on off days afterwards too for the company. It was nice to have her around me she just brightened up my day. She was never allowed outside of the castle so I was the only one she could talk to. All the others were afraid of her or were jealous of her." He paused in the midst as he thought back. "Then one day Koga caught word of us spending time together and became enraged. He locked her away from everyone only to bring her out in social junctions such as parties. Hardly did we see each other after that, but I could hear at times during the night her fighting with him and then started the abuse." He closed his eyes turning his head away in shame.

Sango covered her mouth in shock. The lord if the east was an animal. She stood to settle a hand to rest on his shoulder for comfort the distressed priest. "It's not your fault Miroku you did your best to help her."

"I could have done more Sango, but my own selfishness got in the way." He reached up to encase her hand in his. "It's funny you've known me for years and even after I've been gone for a while you still know how to read me."

Sango smiled boldly. "Of course, we were friends growing up how could I not know you by now?"

He felt happy that he could trust in Sango to reveal his feelings to her; he always could. He still felt saddened by the fact that she settled back. He missed the way they used to battle together fighting off demons and humans alike. The way she stood off alone by herself better than any man could imagine. She was glorious, fierce even, and now she was just a common woman preparing to be a house wife. For reasons of her own she changed, but did not wish to speak of them. He hoped one day she would confide in him as to why she changed so much. "It's late Sango you should turn in." He stood and dusted his robes and approached the door.

"Why not stay here for the night, you traveled for a while at least get some rest. And wipe the look from your face you're not imposing we're friends Miroku, just keep your wandering hands to yourself I get enough of that at work." She joked.

He placed a hand over his heart feigning hurt. "My dear Sango how could you accuse me of such a thing, I would never." He played along coming to rest against the wall. "I will take your offer and stay since you swayed me with your womanly charms."

She sputtered with a flushed face pulling out a large blanket for him. "Yeah yeah, good night to you too pervert."

Kagome felt herself shaken awake gently; her name being called lightly. She opened her eyes suddenly as she moved quickly to sit up. When she sat up she noticed the familiar smell of hay tickling her senses. It smelled like home she thought in her mind. She stared at brown wooden walls before her. How had she arrived in a stable? She glanced around quickly her eyes searching for anything familiar, but she found nothing, and she began to panic. She was startled when she felt something move beneath her and the sound of a horse reached her ear.

A hand gripped her wrist and she tensed instantly. Her mind, still hazy with sleep, had thought it to be Koga. Pulling away quickly she pushed at her captor. "No stay way from me."

Again her wrists were captured. "Hey Kagome calm down it's me InuYasha."

She did not realize she closed her eyes until she opened them to look at face of man calling her name. She turned to see two dog ears twitching on top of shining silver locks of hair. Her face turned red as she looked down to see amber colored eyes glowing in the dark of the night. She would have covered her face out of embarrassment had her hands not been trapped in his. "I'm sorry Sir InuYasha."

InuYasha kept her hands locked in his keeping her from falling from the horse. "That must have been one heck of a nightmare for you to act like that."

Her face flushed a deeper red. She didn't want tell him that she thought he was Koga at first that would have been embarrassing. "Yeah it was."

"You gonna be okay?" He asked slowly releasing his grip on her.

When she nodded he raised a hand out to help her off the horse. She gripped his hand pulling one leg from around the horse to meet the other one. She blushed at how unlady-like it seemed to sit this way. She prepared to jump off of the horse when she felt InuYasha strong hands clamp on the sides of her waist. Her hands reached out quickly gripping onto his shoulder to catch herself from stumbling. He set her down on the prickly hay and continued to hold on to her waist. She stared at his eyes looking as they shimmered. When she was at the pub she did not study him, but now that she was alone with him and no longer afraid of him. He had a really handsome face now that she really had a chance to look at him.

The wind rustled violently into the stable alerting them that they were still standing outside. InuYasha looked outside of the stable as the wind rustled along showing signs of a storm. InuYasha approached Kagome pulling the sheet closer around her body. "We should get in the castle its pretty cold out here, unless you'd rather stay here with the horse." He attempted at a joke to make her laugh again. He wanted to make her feel welcome and as comfortable as possible around him. He smiled when he got the response he wanted from her. "Come on." He walked from the stables.

Approaching the castle door he waved to the gate keep signifying him to open it up. "What's the password Young Master?" The gate keep smirked from above.

"It's open the gate and I won't resign you from your position." InuYasha pointed to him from below.

The gate keeper laughed out loud pulling on the lever to open castle door. "Thank you sir, and welcome to the castle and you too young lady." He shouted down to the couple below him before pulling open the gate.

Kagome looked questioningly at the guard as he waved them through with ease. It seemed so strange to have a castle so happy and open to have people connected to one another. The environment was filled with warmth that she could almost see it in the air, no wonder Sir InuYasha had talked so fondly of his home. No matter how comforting the air around her she still kept herself on guard. She did just runaway from another Lord into ally territory. Suddenly a thought registered in her mind she was going into the castle of ally territory, surely someone would recognize her in the castle. She slowed to a halt and clenched her chest her heartbeat started to increase steadily.

InuYasha's ears twitched at the sound of Kagome's heartbeat speeding. He turned his head quickly to see what caused her such fright. She clenched her chest in fear; her breathing shallow and quick. InuYasha ran to her wiping the sweat over her brow. "Kagome what's going on?"

She brought her eyes up to look at him fearfully. She stated shakily backing away. "If I stay here he'll surely find me here. "

InuYasha gripped her shoulders and shook her lightly. "Kagome you have to calm down." He pulled her closer to stroke her hair to soothe her fears away. He couldn't understand exactly why he did what he did exactly but it helped her calm down to where her sobs became soft small intakes of breath. When felt enough time had passed he pulled away from the shaken girl and wiped the tears from her eyes. When he looked into them he saw fear and sadness. He growled at Koga for making her quake with fear. "I promise Kagome as long as you're under my care Koga will never step near you."

"But what about when you have royal events, surely he'd come to those Sir InuYasha or council meetings?" She started to panic again and shiver with fear. "I don't want to go back I-"

InuYasha placed his hands over mouth to silence her. The wetness of her tears cascaded over her cheeks to his palm. The smell of the salt stung his nose and he scrunched his face to clear the smell from his mind. "Koga and I don't get along; let's put it at that okay. I stay far away from him and he stay's far away from me so he won't be coming to bother you at all. Trust me Kagome please I'll keep you safe just have faith in me."

When Kagome stared into his eyes she saw his sincerity and hoped that she could trust him. "Are you sure it's gonna be okay?"

He simply nodded his head. "Come on lets go inside it's going to start raining soon."

They approached the large doors and InuYasha pushed them open with ease. The main hall was dark and empty. The sounds of their feet echoed as they walked across the marble floor. Kagome tried to see but there was so little moon light gleaming through the window that she could barley make out anything around her. They approached the dark hall and Kagome paused wondering if she really should have trusted the man she was with. She knew from experience that words and looks alone did not make person honest and true, but then Miroku would not have left her in the safety of him if he was not a decent person.

She felt a fingers brush up against the back of her hand. She stumbled back falling to the cool floor. She shielded her body waiting for his hand to come again and reach out to her.

"Kagome calm down, I was just trying to guide you."

She pulled her arms down and stared in the direction she heard his voice come from. "What?"

InuYasha sighed. He had thought that she started to trust him at least a little, but it seemed not. "It's dark in here, so I know it's hard for you to see anything around here. My sight is heightened for things like this. I was trying to guide you so you wouldn't hurt yourself."

Kagome chastised herself for her lack of trust in him. "Can you see me?" She asked reaching out her hand to the darkness.

She flinched when his hand wrapped around her wrist, but his grip was gentle as he pulled her to her feet. "Yeah I can see you not like perfectly clear in day time, but enough to maneuver around."

As she stood up they continued down the hallway with Kagome letting him guide her. She nearly bumped into him when he stopped. The creaking sounds of a door opened and he walked with her inside the door. "Stay here." He commanded as he released her.

Kagome stood in her spot still as stone. She heard the sound of striking stones and could see sparks lighting until the orange flames of a candle dance before her eyes. She saw InuYasha reflected in the glow of the dancing light. He picked up the candle and approached him. The illuminating light against him made him seem intimidating as he held out the light to her. She placed her fingers into the holding loop. She whispered a small thank and waited for him to respond.

"This will be your room for a while." He paused running out of words to say. "Well if you need anything I'll be down the hall with the red door." With that said he turned on his heel to leave her to rest.

"Good night." She whispered softly to him as went to the door.

"Good night." He returned.

As he closed the door behind him, Kagome shed the sheet from around her body. She was too tired to look around and would continue in the morning. She looked for the bed and found in near the corner next to the large window. Memorizing the steps she blew out the candle and set on the table. Once she laid in the bed she sighed with contentment. It was soft, luxurious and warm. Before drifting off to sleep she reached out to touch her wrist and realized the spot InuYasha touched was still warm.