Sorry for the very short chapter.

But I need to leave you guys somewhere where I can leave you hanging for about a month without really wondering too much. The Cullens reactions will dictate the next chapter.

Thanks for the support and love guys!



Last Chapter:

"Both a little scared. Neither one prepared. Beauty-" "And the Beast." Bella finished, gently pressing her lips against his.


Their lips lingered over each other's for a moment before Edward suddenly pushed Bella away. Bella eyes went wide and she gave him a confused look. He glared at her, muttering an excuse under his breath as he stomped away. Bella's heart was racing, her lips tingled, her eyes filled up with tears, her body shook. Was…was she a bad kisser or something? She gently pressed her fingers

against her lips, hoping to savor the warmth of Edward's honey lips against hers. "Bella??" Alice's soft voice murmured, trying to pull Bella out of her state of mind. Bella just shook her head and

shut her eyes. The pixie dragged her by her hand out of the crowded room and the upbeat music to the outside grass, where she then collapsed into her aunt's arms, sobbing. "We-we kissed…and

he pushed me…away...glared…walked…away…" She managed to cough out as Alice held her, taking out her phone with her other hand. "Jasper?" She said in a soft voice. "Can…can you come get

Bella? Yeah, my Jazz, yes….this isn't how I saw it in my vision…(OH YEAH BIG THING I FORGOT TO MENTION: OF COURSE BELLA KNOW's THEY ARE VAMPIRES!! SHE'S BEEN

LIVING WITH THEM ALL HER LIFE. TEHE.) Just…bring around the car…love you too.." Bella was silent the car ride home, the soft jazz playing in the car just droning in her ears. "Edward's

home." Jasper said casually as he opened the car door for Bella. She sucked in a breath, and threw open the front door, the loud slam echoing through the house. "Bella I-" Edward got up from the

couch, reaching a hand towards Bella. She breezed by him, running up the stairs, throwing off her hair pins as she went before running to her room and slamming the door so hard the frames in

the hall shook. Alice gave Edward a hard glare as she passed him, stalking up to her room, fuming. Jasper just looked at him sadly and sulked off to the kitchen, the emotions in the house too

much. You screwed up, dear brother. Big time, dumb ass. Alice screamed at him through her thoughts. Edward quietly walked up the stairs, and rapt his knuckles against Bella's door. "FUCK OFF!" A

sweet voice screamed from inside. "Bella, please, open the door love." "I HATE YOU!" "Bella." Edward chided, wiggling the knob. "Just leave me alone, Edward, okay!?" He heard a slam of a pillow

hitting the door. "God damnit, Isablla. Just open the damn door." "AS IF!" Edward shook with frustration, before just lashing out and slamming on the door with his fist, the wood splintering around

it, causing the door to break. "YOU BROKE MY DOOR!" Bella screeched, retreating to the furthest corner of her room, anger in her eyes. Edward's expression softened. "Bella, listen." "YOU BROKE MY

DOOR!" "Yes, yes I did." Edward said calmly. "Anyways-" Bela screeched again, throwing a book at Edward's head. In an instant Edward was across the room, pinning her arms above her head and

getting in her face. "Wanna do that again?" He asked, his sweet breath spraying her face. She didn't have the chance to respond, for her captor feverishly pressed his lips on hers, picking her up and

spinning her around. "Mine." He panted as they broke apart, leaning his head against her forehead. "Be mine." Bella smiled softly, her heart soaring, "Yours." She murmured. "Always yours."

I think I did a good job on this(:

Okay so I told you all I'd use your ideas to make a chapter

I am.

But they are going to make several chapters

Is that okay?
Hope so!
See you guys soon!
