Authors Note: Hi again! I'm trying to pick a story to stick with and I cant do that unless I know which one everyone likes the most. So if you like this story, please just write something for a review so I can keep going. Pleasee:]

The Cullen's are living in Alaska at this moment.

I don't think I'm putting Jacob in the story but if you want him in it, let me know.



"Momma? Dadda?" The little doe brown eyed 3 year old whispered in the darkness, walking around on her little wobbly feet in the pitch black forest, tears streaking down her face. She tripped over a tree root and fell on her bottom, wailing loudly before crawling near the tree the root came from, huddling against it, hoping sleep would come.


"Beat you again, Emmett!" Edward shouted at his brother, who was still 1 state behind him. "NO FAIR!" He heard faintly as his brother's yells got closer. "You're just jealous because you're

a fa-" He stopped, eyes going wide as he saw a small figure slumped against a tree, dirt, leaves and dried blood covering it. "Son of a-" "OH MY GOD! IT's A BUG!" Emmett screamed as he

approached Edward. Though he had never seen bugs this big before, Emmett was sure it was one. I mean, this was Forks right? "LET ME SQUISH IT!" He pleaded, lifting one heavy boot to

squish the giant bug. "NO EMMETT! THAT'S A BABY!" Edward screamed, pushing his brother out of the way and falling to his knees to see the child. The toddler stirred, waking up, opening

her large intuitive brown eyes. "Hello." Edward whispered, pushing her brown curls out of her eyes. "Momma." The girl whispered, tears falling down her dirt caked cheeks. She let out a sob,

putting her thumb in her mouth and rocking back and forth. Edward sat there dumbfounded while Emmett was stuttering incoherently in the corner. "Sweetie," Edward began, not sure how to do this, "Can you tell me your name honey? Where are your mommy and daddy?" The little girl began to cry harder, crawling into Edward's lap. Edward was again, stunned, staring

at the girl in horror and confusion for a split second before putting his arms around her. "Shhh." He cooed. The girl began to calm down, slumping in defeat in the man's arms. "Bewa." She

whispered, looking up at him with her big eyes. "Name Bewa." She said again. "Her name's Bewa? Damn, that sucks." Emmett chimed in, sitting down next to them, smiling at the child.

"Hey squirt." The baby wailed again, hiding her face in Edward's shoulder. Bewa…Bewa..Beywa? No…Bella? "Bella?" Edward guessed. The little girl lookup up, giving Edward a toothy grin. "Bewa." She repeated with a smile.


"Yes Carlisle we have her in the car." Emmett spoke to their father as Edward drove. Bella was seated comfortably in Emmett's lap, playing with his hands and the buttons on the car dashboard. "Did you find out anything about the parents?" Their father inquired. "No. The kid was alone, bloody and dirty. No evidence, pops." Edward hissed after Emmett's comment. He didn't appreciate Bella be talked of like that. "Maybe Alice will see something.." Bella randomly began to cry again. "Yeah, well Carlisle I gotta go, the kid's crying, talk to you later, bye." Emmett hung up, and began bouncing Bella on his knee. "Shhh kiddo shhh." He said, but she cried harder. She hit Emmett with her tiny fists, screaming in gibberish and whining. "Bella!" Edward chided. "That is not nice." He turned his head, giving the child a stern glare. Bella hushed immediately, giving Edward a apologetic look. "Sowy Edwa." She mumbled. Emmett laughed. "You got a way with kids." Emmett then kissed Bella on the head affectionately.


"LET ME SEE!" Alice squealed as they pulled up to the giant Cullen Mansion in Alaska. She ripped open the car door, grabbing the dirty child from Emmett's grasp. "Oooooh she's so cute!"

She squealed, hugging her close. She sniffed the air, then gagged. "Ew. Someone needs a bath." "ROSE COME TAKE THE BABY!" She screamed, and within 2 second, the blonde beauty

herself was racing towards them, her face aglow with happiness. She slowed down to a walk as she got closer, her arms open for Bella to curl into. Alice gently handed the baby over, and

Rosalie held her close, and if she could cry, she would be bawling with happiness. "Hi baby." She whispered, smiling down at the little girl who was looking up at her with curious brown orbs.

Emmett, watching his wife finally holding the baby of her dreams, laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist and smiling like an idiot. They looked like the perfect family. The small child

in Rosalie's arms curled perfectly into Rosalie's body and Emmett had a protective look over both of them. "Momma." Bella whispered, a content looking smile on her face. Rosalie smiled

again, and they stayed that way until Carlisle intervened. "It looks like we have some things to discuss." He said gravely, looking around the group of vampires.


"We can't keep her!" Jasper said angrily, slamming his fist down on the table, making the sleeping child in Rosalie's arms jump awake in surprise. "Shh go back to sleep baby." Rose whispered in her ear, and the child turned itself into her chest, snuggling back into a deep sleep. ".Jasper." Edward said, glaring at his brother. "We have the ability to keep her Carlisle." Alice said reasonably "She'll be safe and happy," She for some reason looked at Edward as she said that. "I've seen it." "Alright," Their father said wearily, "Let's vote."


"I've wanted a child forever, Carlisle. Of course we can keep her."


Everyone looked at Edward, skeptical of his reaction. The bronze haired boy looked at the infant and back at his family and his face broke out into a wide grin.

"Bella Cullen." He said, still smiling.

The votes kept going, and even Jasper had to admit that if Alice said they could, they could. They all looked down at Bella, who was now wide awake, sitting in Alice's lap, giving everyone a toothy grin. "Welcome to the family, Bella Cullen." Alice whispered, kissing her on the head.

Sorry the End KINDA SUCKSS.

Oh well. I take reviews even when they say I suck..which I do but whatever! X]


And a mention in next chapterrr:]
